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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Thanks guys! Glad you been liking the drabbles, I'm working to improve my writing =D
    The Breeding Ground of Ships.


      Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
      Coming to you live from my new Toshiba netbook! God, I love this thing!!!

      Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
      Oh heck, they could've still used it: Elizabeth survives but when John finds out how close she was to dying, they could've had an actual convo between Sparky where she explains that he is her "next of kin" and if something were to happen ... and she gets a slight sad look ... and he takes her hand ... and hello, plot bunny number 17.
      That would have been awesome! There were so many brilliant ways they could have gone with either the First Strike injury, or the later replicator storyline. :::sigh::::

      So today's the day for a new chapter of SGA Rising, yes? I'm home sick today, and waiting impatiently.


        Originally posted by JT-2 View Post

        That would have been awesome! There were so many brilliant ways they could have gone with either the First Strike injury, or the later replicator storyline. :::sigh::::

        So today's the day for a new chapter of SGA Rising, yes? I'm home sick today, and waiting impatiently.
        No need to wait any longer. Go look!

        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
          No need to wait any longer. Go look!
          *bouncy bouncy bouncy*

          It was awesome!!!! I love Nancy but I fear Teyla's going to take her out.

          And much love to Kanaan being awesome! Could have used that more on the show.

          TWO THUMBS UP!


            Wow. I think we've seen more dialogue from Kanaan in this chapter than we did during the whole run of SGA!

            Great job, everybody!!!

            SGA Rising FTW!!!


              *puts on hat that says "SK's assistant"*

              By the way, Happy Fluff Thursday, everybody!


                Soooooooooo ... I added a 51st Sparky moment.

                I guess the thread's gonna keep going till we run out of steam!

                Which is never ...


                  i think you guys have mentioned more of Elizabeth in these couple of chapters then in the last two seasons of SGA.


                    Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                    i think you guys have mentioned more of Elizabeth in these couple of chapters then in the last two seasons of SGA.


                      Hooray!! Wonderful job on the new chapter, Eri!

                      You were right a while back when you said that unexpected characters came together in scenes. For some reason I really liked the Ronon and Zelenka scene. I guess they can get along after all, as long as they're not stuck camping somewhere.

                      And I just love seeing Mayel and the new characters!

                      I also come with questions that need answering as I ponder over First Year. Eri, SR, SK... whoever can answer these.


                      1) I'm wondering exactly what stage Mayel and John are in their relationship as of First Year. I know it's still fairly early, but I'm wondering if it's going well enough that John might be wanting to get her some kind of present. I was thinking of how I might drop a mention of her in this ep, and I thought about a brief scene where Rodney or Ronon catches John eying some Athosian jewelry or some other trinket, which he brushes off when it's mentioned. However he gets a knowing look/smirk from Ronon if it's him, and a momentarily puzzled then shrugging it off look from McKay if it's him. (This is going under a previously mentioned idea that Ronon and Teyla know about John and Mayel before anyone else - also assuming that they haven't gone public with their relationship yet.)


                      2) Clarification on some Athosian details:
                      Here's the picture I have so far, please correct me if I'm wrong.

                      The Athosians are living on a new planet that the Coalition has relocated them to - probably similar in appearance to the previous New Athos. They are living in their traditional tented camps as before - the guerrilla style hiding in caves having taken place on the old planet before Atlantis came back. Jinto is the leader. Halling and others who were taken captive are back and resuming their "normal" lives. There is still uneasiness between the Athosians and Atlantis/Teyla, but they have reached a point by now where they can be friendly.

                      So, questions are: how long has it been since the captured Athosians were rescued? (enough time for a mental recovery?) and, is the hiding/Athosians split between new Coalition world and old New Athos still continuing?

                      3) Since Kanaan has joined the Ronon and John buddy group, does Kanaan refer to John by his first name or still call him Colonel Sheppard?

                      4) Also, once they found the Athosians again, would Atlantis have given them a new weapons cache to defend themselves? Would the Athosians have even taken it if it was offered? I mean, they know how much more powerful and useful the Earth weapons are, but I'm kind of feeling that they would have placed a strict no-Earth/Atlantis policy. Am I right in thinking that?

                      Sorry to bother with the questions, I'm just having a little trouble with following something I haven't read.

                      Edit: another question
                      Last edited by Erin87; 02 June 2011, 10:42 AM.
                      Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


                        Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
                        Hooray!! Wonderful job on the new chapter, Eri!

                        You were right a while back when you said that unexpected characters came together in scenes. For some reason I really liked the Ronon and Zelenka scene. I guess they can get along after all, as long as they're not stuck camping somewhere.

                        And I just love seeing Mayel and the new characters!

                        I also come with questions that need answering as I ponder over First Year. Eri, SR, SK... whoever can answer these.


                        1) I'm wondering exactly what stage Mayel and John are in their relationship as of First Year. I know it's still fairly early, but I'm wondering if it's going well enough that John might be wanting to get her some kind of present. I was thinking of how I might drop a mention of her in this ep, and I thought about a brief scene where Rodney or Ronon catches John eying some Athosian jewelry or some other trinket, which he brushes off when it's mentioned. However he gets a knowing look/smirk from Ronon if it's him, and a momentarily puzzled then shrugging it off look from McKay if it's him. (This is going under a previously mentioned idea that Ronon and Teyla know about John and Mayel before anyone else - also assuming that they haven't gone public with their relationship yet.)


                        2) Clarification on some Athosian details:
                        Here's the picture I have so far, please correct me if I'm wrong.

                        The Athosians are living on a new planet that the Coalition has relocated them to - probably similar in appearance to the previous New Athos. They are living in their traditional tented camps as before - the guerrilla style hiding in caves having taken place on the old planet before Atlantis came back. Jinto is the leader. Halling and others who were taken captive are back and resuming their "normal" lives. There is still uneasiness between the Athosians and Atlantis/Teyla, but they have reached a point by now where they can be friendly.

                        So, questions are: how long has it been since the captured Athosians were rescued? (enough time for a mental recovery?) and, is the hiding/Athosians split between new Coalition world and old New Athos still continuing?

                        3) Since Kanaan has joined the Ronon and John buddy group, does Kanaan refer to John by his first name or still call him Colonel Sheppard?

                        4) Also, once they found the Athosians again, would Atlantis have given them a new weapons cache to defend themselves? Would the Athosians have even taken it if it was offered? I mean, they know how much more powerful and useful the Earth weapons are, but I'm kind of feeling that they would have placed a strict no-Earth/Atlantis policy. Am I right in thinking that?

                        Sorry to bother with the questions, I'm just having a little trouble with following something I haven't read.

                        Edit: another question
                        Since I'm here, I'll reply, but I can't help much since I've only read RTP pt 1. LOL I think the other girls have all the details.

                        Glad everyone is liking Chapter 2. We have had tons of people on the site. Looks like we're a hit. And the comments invariably compliment us on sticking to canon. \o/

                        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                          At the moment, there are 98 guests on the SGA Rising site!!!



                            Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                            At the moment, there are 98 guests on the SGA Rising site!!!

                            Humm I wonder if my Tumblr ad helped. A few people rebloged it.

                            Btw got Doctor Who Seasons 1-4 for my bday its awesome
                            The Breeding Ground of Ships.


                              Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                              At the moment, there are 98 guests on the SGA Rising site!!!

                              Make that 101 and rising. Pun intended. Makes all that hard work worth it.

                              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                                I am FORCING myself to take a real life break. Work sucks. =\

                                Thanks for all the nice compliments. Wait until Act III. It's a long, long, long doozy.

                                Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
                                Hooray!! Wonderful job on the new chapter, Eri!

                                You were right a while back when you said that unexpected characters came together in scenes. For some reason I really liked the Ronon and Zelenka scene. I guess they can get along after all, as long as they're not stuck camping somewhere.

                                And I just love seeing Mayel and the new characters!

                                I also come with questions that need answering as I ponder over First Year. Eri, SR, SK... whoever can answer these.


                                1) I'm wondering exactly what stage Mayel and John are in their relationship as of First Year. I know it's still fairly early, but I'm wondering if it's going well enough that John might be wanting to get her some kind of present. I was thinking of how I might drop a mention of her in this ep, and I thought about a brief scene where Rodney or Ronon catches John eying some Athosian jewelry or some other trinket, which he brushes off when it's mentioned. However he gets a knowing look/smirk from Ronon if it's him, and a momentarily puzzled then shrugging it off look from McKay if it's him. (This is going under a previously mentioned idea that Ronon and Teyla know about John and Mayel before anyone else - also assuming that they haven't gone public with their relationship yet.)


                                2) Clarification on some Athosian details:
                                Here's the picture I have so far, please correct me if I'm wrong.

                                The Athosians are living on a new planet that the Coalition has relocated them to - probably similar in appearance to the previous New Athos. They are living in their traditional tented camps as before - the guerrilla style hiding in caves having taken place on the old planet before Atlantis came back. Jinto is the leader. Halling and others who were taken captive are back and resuming their "normal" lives. There is still uneasiness between the Athosians and Atlantis/Teyla, but they have reached a point by now where they can be friendly.

                                So, questions are: how long has it been since the captured Athosians were rescued? (enough time for a mental recovery?) and, is the hiding/Athosians split between new Coalition world and old New Athos still continuing?

                                3) Since Kanaan has joined the Ronon and John buddy group, does Kanaan refer to John by his first name or still call him Colonel Sheppard?

                                4) Also, once they found the Athosians again, would Atlantis have given them a new weapons cache to defend themselves? Would the Athosians have even taken it if it was offered? I mean, they know how much more powerful and useful the Earth weapons are, but I'm kind of feeling that they would have placed a strict no-Earth/Atlantis policy. Am I right in thinking that?

                                Sorry to bother with the questions, I'm just having a little trouble with following something I haven't read.

                                Edit: another question
                                On the comment/questions:

                                Yeah, Ronon and Zelenka was one of those that just 'intruded'. Suddenly they were there and they wanted to be put together. *LOL* Honestly, though, that scene was one of the most canon in my mind--I saw it from start to finish and how they'd film it, from Radek and his messy hair studying that purple disk, his expression serious, and Ronon standing, that half interested, half bored expression on his face, his muscles bulging as he leaned up on the lab table and his finger reaching out to poke the rubber. It came together so easily, as did the dialogue.



                                1) Well, how far they get will be up to SR, actually *pokes SR*. In RTP, they won't have gotten very far--they're in the 'getting to know you' stage.

                                In Trust, I'm not going to have them go so far as even hinting at a relationship yet. There will be a few scenes where they're close, and other people are sniffing around to the idea that they like each other (Teyla actually sort of uses that to her advantage in one scene). But in my mind this is 'slow and steady'. I might give them a balcony scene, and yet I'm torn, too, between trying to thrust Mayel too much into the spotlight and take time away from our true Atlantis crew. Right now she's still on the fringes of the activity, having scenes where they're appropriate.

                                2) I'm waiting on Kitty's description of the Athosian Camp/hideout before I go further into details about it and what I do about the leadership in Trust. As far as right now is concerned, the only thing I have Jinto doing is leading the few Athosians who remain. And there is a scene in a tent, but I haven't really described out of tent yet--it could be a shelter next to caves.

                                When I finish all of RTP II, I'll have better answers as to what I'm going to give the Athosians who are recovered at the end of Trust, who will be leader and how Kanaan will fit into that picture.

                                3) As far as I'm concerned, Kanaan will always refer to Ronon as "Ronon" and will never refer to John as "John". Considering it took Teyla forever to call John by his first name on a regular basis, I don't see Kanaan, who isn't as close to him and seems even more respectful than she, doing it anytime soon. To me, Kanaan will always called John "Colonel Sheppard". Plus, we never saw them interact in a super friendly way, and even John's friends don't really call him John--most call him Sheppard if they're being informal. I think Elizabeth actually did it the most. So I think Kanaan sticks to Colonel Sheppard most of the time, perhaps Sheppard in times of trouble.

                                4) Personally I think the Athosians would be extremely wary of the Lanteans. I don't think they trust them, and after all the stuff that's rained down on their heads, I don't think they want anything from them--especially considering they've now sort of cut Teyla off from them in defiance of the whole Atlantis connection. In Trust, I have a scene where Jinto essentially says that he understands why they were targeted and he doesn't blame Atlantis completely, but his people won't give them a free pass, either. Not a lot of 'trust' basically, between them.

                                I think perhaps they get involved in the Coalition and want their own voice, separate from the Lanteans, too, so they refuse help unless it's absolutely needed.
                                Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!

