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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    Well I'm back and just in time I think. You people truly disturb me.

    Anyway, turns out my friend was most eager to hear about my con experience. She has another friend who goes to cons all the time. In costume. LOL We had a lovely long lunch and I am STUFFED.
    I humbly apologize for being an enabler of crack. Dang, you really just can't make that sound good can you! *cackles* I bring a gift to redeem myself, it may be silly- but it's tasty *powderedsugar*. And it's pure SPARKY!

    Thanks to Copter for my signature art!


      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
      Oooh, a cosplayer! I've thought about dabbling in cosplay, but have never taken the plunge.
      Once you take the plunge there's no way back - I know. It's fun though!
      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


        *pops in*

        RL has overrun me again.

        However, I have Netflix and am now hooked on "Doctor Who". Ugh! What is it with me and tragic ending relationships???

        Be back later when I have more time!

        *zips out*


          Originally posted by Zandra's Ashes View Post
          I humbly apologize for being an enabler of crack. Dang, you really just can't make that sound good can you! *cackles* I bring a gift to redeem myself, it may be silly- but it's tasty *powderedsugar*. And it's pure SPARKY!

          Yeehaw! Ohhh yeah, McKay is so busted. And they're all gonna be so grounded after Mom and Dad (aka Elizabeth and John) get back from their pseudo-honeymoon. Of course, knowing the Athosians, maybe it'll end up being a real honeymoon...

          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
          Once you take the plunge there's no way back - I know. It's fun though!
          It sure looks like fun! A lot of work, but a lot of fun!

          Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
          *pops in*

          RL has overrun me again.

          However, I have Netflix and am now hooked on "Doctor Who". Ugh! What is it with me and tragic ending relationships???

          Be back later when I have more time!

          *zips out*
          I'm staying away from Doctor Who for precisely that reason. Don't want to break my heart again.
          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


            *Steps in, lowers harpoon, and offers carrot to whumpers*

            The ending scene of the Tower
            ATLANTIS. GATEROOM EXTERNAL BALCONY. Elizabeth is standing gazing out over the ocean. John comes out to join her.

            SHEPPARD: We got the drones, we got a few Jumpers; I even got the girl.

            WEIR: You got the girl?!

            SHEPPARD: Well, I mean I could have got the girl. I turned her down.

            (Elizabeth smiles.)

            WEIR: What did you offer them in return for the drones and the Jumpers?

            SHEPPARD: A supply of medicines and an I.D.C. if they need to reach us. We also offered to help 'em come up with a new way of running things when the time comes.

            WEIR: They didn't offer you King?!

            (John looks at her.)

            SHEPPARD: I turned that down too!

            (Elizabeth smiles at him for a moment, then they both look out over the ocean.)

            I've just considered within that smile, the spokes of sweet revenge were already turning. Is it odd to anyone else that in the next epp- TLG- Elizabeth (whether truly her will or not) encourages John to grant Phoebus' favor and then tries to inflict major bodily harm? *rubschin*
            Thanks to Copter for my signature art!


              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
              I'm staying away from Doctor Who for precisely that reason. Don't want to break my heart again.
              It's not tragic... they get their happy end, sort of anyway.

              Besides Who PTB seem to know what they're doing.
              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                Originally posted by Zandra's Ashes View Post
                *Steps in, lowers harpoon, and offers carrot to whumpers*

                The ending scene of the Tower
                ATLANTIS. GATEROOM EXTERNAL BALCONY. Elizabeth is standing gazing out over the ocean. John comes out to join her.

                SHEPPARD: We got the drones, we got a few Jumpers; I even got the girl.

                WEIR: You got the girl?!

                SHEPPARD: Well, I mean I could have got the girl. I turned her down.

                (Elizabeth smiles.)

                WEIR: What did you offer them in return for the drones and the Jumpers?

                SHEPPARD: A supply of medicines and an I.D.C. if they need to reach us. We also offered to help 'em come up with a new way of running things when the time comes.

                WEIR: They didn't offer you King?!

                (John looks at her.)

                SHEPPARD: I turned that down too!

                (Elizabeth smiles at him for a moment, then they both look out over the ocean.)

                I've just considered within that smile, the spokes of sweet revenge were already turning. Is it odd to anyone else that in the next epp- TLG- Elizabeth (whether truly her will or not) encourages John to grant Phoebus' favor and then tries to inflict major bodily harm? *rubschin*
                Ahahahah! That's certainly one way of looking at it!

                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                It's not tragic... they get their happy end, sort of anyway.

                Besides Who PTB seem to know what they're doing.
                There is that.
                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  Mornin' Sparklettes. Did we all survive V-Day? It's like Spring here. I'm almost afraid to enjoy it too much. LOL

                  Considering what we all spend a good deal of time doing, you will love this bit of RL info. I'm having lunch today with a friend that I used to teach with back in the 20th century. She lives at the beach now and does not own a TV. ROTFLMAO! Whatever will we talk about? She also probably hasn't been to a movie this century, listens only to classical and reads the classics for fun. OMG. Why are we friends again?

                  But she does indeed love hearing about my antics adventures and we usually talk for hours. I'll be gone for most of the day so try to miss me.
                  Wow, no tv at all? Not even for the news? I'm not sure I'd want that - sure, I turn it off frequently, but at least it's easy to keep up with current events. Still, reading a book is probably better for the synapses than watching the blob box.

                  Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                  Ooo, that's a good one too!

                  I think I'm going to have to go with Kolya/John on this one. They had such dynamic chemistry and they were so obviously meant for each other. John never showed angst with anyone like he showed it with Acastus. I mean, let's look at the evidence:

                  1) John always calls Kolya "Kolya" he never calls him Commander. Obviously they are on intimate terms.
                  2) John killed 60+ men in his attempt to get them alone together.
                  3) John only shot Kolya in the shoulder when he took that stupid Weir woman hostage. Though he had to maintain the pretense of being loyal to Atlantis, he didn't really want to kill him.
                  4) Kolya looks so spiffy when they meet next. Obviously he wanted to look good.
                  5) Kolya puts all his faith in John's ability to solve the puzzle.
                  6) When confronted with the opportunity to kill Kolya again, John doesn't. Again.
                  7) John just wasn't himself in Season 2. Like, he tried to shoot Kavanaugh and he lost his mind in the Ford situation and that's not John. I attribute that to lack of Kolya.
                  8) Obviously the reason why Kolya kidnaps John in S3 is because he needs them alone together. That whole Wraith thing was just a ploy to fake out everyone else.
                  9) John didn't want to kill Kolya in Irresponsible but he could not STAND the idea of sharing Acastus with Lucius. So...
                  10) However, that action really changed John. I mean, look at how dark and angsty he is in S4/S5. That was all due to the loss of Kolya.
                  11) He even fantasizes about him. I mean, how much more proof do you need?

                  *runs and hides*

                  Always miss ya!

                  I survived Valentine's Day, thanks to the lovely people picspams on LJ. And some gorgeous men love on Hawaii Five-0.
                  Best. Answer. Ever

                  Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                  EXACTLY! I mean, how much more proof do you need?

                  Kolya gives John the opportunity to get rid of ugly Weir:


                  Look at the expression of his eyes, how TORN he is...


                  He's so hurting he had to do that:


                  Brotherhood ----> looking spiffy:

                  Common Ground:

                  Kolya's Happy they're reunited:


                  John's all like "I know why you're really doing this"


                  When he calls Elizabeth by her first name Acastus is disturbed. Maybe he was away too long:



                  Now lookit how sad John is after the death...we've found the source of the angst!


                  I'm so messed up...
                  You came up with those too easily *backs away quietly*

                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  ROTFLMAO! That was priceless. I do love the anti-reality twist to things. And to add to that, you could tell when John was about to shoot Kolya in The Eye that he was so very torn. On the one hand, it would be a chance to get rid of his annoying boss once and for all and OTOH, they would just insist he try to rescue her. For a moment he was tempted to just shoot her instead of Kolya. We'll never know if his shot went a bit too far to the right or if he changed his mind at the last moment. Then when she went all girly and said no she wasn't all right, all he could think to do was grab her hand and drag her to safety. To save his own butt, of course and make her shut up whining.
                  And when he broke quarantine in TRW.....nope, I can't think of a way to snark that rationalise, perhaps, but not snark


                    Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                    Wow, no tv at all? Not even for the news? I'm not sure I'd want that - sure, I turn it off frequently, but at least it's easy to keep up with current events. Still, reading a book is probably better for the synapses than watching the blob box.
                    She never was a big TV watcher. I don't watch the news so I can relate there. She has a computer and told me she watches old movies on Netflix. This woman is also a Quaker. They live very simple lives. She makes most of her own clothes or buys them in a resale store, volunteers at a prison helping them get a high school diploma and sings in the community chorus. (Imagine a geriatric sort of Glee.) And because of the way Quakers embrace the world she's the most truly openminded person I know. Thus her eagerness to hear about my SciFi experiences. And she thinks Joe is hot. I emailed her my pic with him. LOL

                    And when he broke quarantine in TRW.....nope, I can't think of a way to snark that rationalise, perhaps, but not snark
                    *thinks* *thinks some more* I got nothin'. Maybe he was possessed by another alien? No. Still nothin'.

                    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                      Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                      Wow, no tv at all? Not even for the news? I'm not sure I'd want that - sure, I turn it off frequently, but at least it's easy to keep up with current events. Still, reading a book is probably better for the synapses than watching the blob box.

                      Best. Answer. Ever

                      You came up with those too easily *backs away quietly*

                      And when he broke quarantine in TRW.....nope, I can't think of a way to snark that rationalise, perhaps, but not snark
                      I did, didn't I? I sort of scared myself there.

                      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                      She never was a big TV watcher. I don't watch the news so I can relate there. She has a computer and told me she watches old movies on Netflix. This woman is also a Quaker. They live very simple lives. She makes most of her own clothes or buys them in a resale store, volunteers at a prison helping them get a high school diploma and sings in the community chorus. (Imagine a geriatric sort of Glee.) And because of the way Quakers embrace the world she's the most truly openminded person I know. Thus her eagerness to hear about my SciFi experiences. And she thinks Joe is hot. I emailed her my pic with him. LOL

                      *thinks* *thinks some more* I got nothin'. Maybe he was possessed by another alien? No. Still nothin'.
                      Oh, come on, this is easy. It's obvious that he wanted the Replicator nanites to be saved because he wanted to learn how to replicate Niam's hair. I think he had total Niam hair envy.

                      If he let that woman die, then the replicators would have died with her and he'd never get his chance to re-replicate Niam's hair. Spaced Niam would have frozen hair which John knew would just never do for a working model. He needed those replicators.


                      His first thought is "that guy has AMAZING hair"

                      He's a little jealous when Liz tells Teyla about the hair...

                      Now he's irritated because Elizabeth might actually get to touch the hair:

                      He's like "YES! She convinced him to go. Hair is MINE!"

                      And then...stupid guy goes and attacks his boss AGAIN and John has to save face AGAIN and he has to let the hair go.

                      Da*% I lost the hair

                      Liz sympathizes because she liked the hair, too, so they're both mourning.

                      John's happy because he realizes his rescue efforts were not in vain, since Liz remembers Niam. That means the hair is intact.

                      Hair is back!

                      What do you mean you had to ARG the hair?

                      John just has total hair envy:

                      Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                        Happy (screw the) Angst day!

                        This pic cracks me up. Shep looks like he is way over the eye sex and is moving on to *err* more ample pasture

                        Thanks to Copter for my signature art!


                          Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                          I did, didn't I? I sort of scared myself there.

                          Oh, come on, this is easy. It's obvious that he wanted the Replicator nanites to be saved because he wanted to learn how to replicate Niam's hair. I think he had total Niam hair envy.

                          If he let that woman die, then the replicators would have died with her and he'd never get his chance to re-replicate Niam's hair. Spaced Niam would have frozen hair which John knew would just never do for a working model. He needed those replicators.


                          His first thought is "that guy has AMAZING hair"

                          He's a little jealous when Liz tells Teyla about the hair...

                          Now he's irritated because Elizabeth might actually get to touch the hair:

                          He's like "YES! She convinced him to go. Hair is MINE!"

                          And then...stupid guy goes and attacks his boss AGAIN and John has to save face AGAIN and he has to let the hair go.

                          Da*% I lost the hair

                          Liz sympathizes because she liked the hair, too, so they're both mourning.

                          John's happy because he realizes his rescue efforts were not in vain, since Liz remembers Niam. That means the hair is intact.

                          Hair is back!

                          What do you mean you had to ARG the hair?

                          John just has total hair envy:


                          Note to self- no more coffee drinking when checking GW thread in the am. My laptop is protesting the coffee snorting- and my sides are splitting. These are the best Eri! Holy s**t! Where's the tylenol? It's National Lampoon time baby.
                          Thanks to Copter for my signature art!


                            Eri, you are really starting to scare me now. I think it's time for a 12 step program.

                            Start by trying to explain why he had to pick her up and carry her to the infirmary in Echoes when it would have been so much easier to call for a med team. For all he knew she could have had a spinal injury that would be exacerbated by carrying her. Plus, you know, she's thin but tall which means she must have been a bit unwieldy for a man of his size so, well, you know...why take such a risk? Plus it would have been a perfect opportunity to get rid of her. Just let her lie there or kick her under a console. Come on, John. You know you want to.

                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Screw the Angst Wednesday and Happy Birthday to our awesome and fearless leader, Southern Red!

                              Now, to find some cake...

                              Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                              I did, didn't I? I sort of scared myself there.

                              Oh, come on, this is easy. It's obvious that he wanted the Replicator nanites to be saved because he wanted to learn how to replicate Niam's hair. I think he had total Niam hair envy.

                              If he let that woman die, then the replicators would have died with her and he'd never get his chance to re-replicate Niam's hair. Spaced Niam would have frozen hair which John knew would just never do for a working model. He needed those replicators.


                              His first thought is "that guy has AMAZING hair"



                              He's a little jealous when Liz tells Teyla about the hair...


                              Now he's irritated because Elizabeth might actually get to touch the hair:


                              He's like "YES! She convinced him to go. Hair is MINE!"



                              And then...stupid guy goes and attacks his boss AGAIN and John has to save face AGAIN and he has to let the hair go.


                              Da*% I lost the hair

                              Liz sympathizes because she liked the hair, too, so they're both mourning.


                              John's happy because he realizes his rescue efforts were not in vain, since Liz remembers Niam. That means the hair is intact.


                              Hair is back!


                              What do you mean you had to ARG the hair?


                              John just has total hair envy:

                              Poor John. All he ever wanted was some normal hair. LMAO!

                              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                              Eri, you are really starting to scare me now. I think it's time for a 12 step program.
                              12 step program? Heck, this is starting to make me think of a comedy meme. Top 10 ways to get rid of your boss on Atlantis, or something like that. We could even throw in Carter (Trio is a natural) or Woolsey just to make it fair.

                              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                              Start by trying to explain why he had to pick her up and carry her to the infirmary in Echoes when it would have been so much easier to call for a med team. For all he knew she could have had a spinal injury that would be exacerbated by carrying her. Plus, you know, she's thin but tall which means she must have been a bit unwieldy for a man of his size so, well, you know...why take such a risk? Plus it would have been a perfect opportunity to get rid of her. Just let her lie there or kick her under a console. Come on, John. You know you want to.
                              Instead of trying to catch her, let her hit her head on the way down... Yeah. LOL!
                              (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                              Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                                Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Screw the Angst Wednesday and Happy Birthday to our awesome and fearless leader, Southern Red!

                                Now, to find some cake...

                                Poor John. All he ever wanted was some normal hair. LMAO!

                                12 step program? Heck, this is starting to make me think of a comedy meme. Top 10 ways to get rid of your boss on Atlantis, or something like that. We could even throw in Carter (Trio is a natural) or Woolsey just to make it fair.

                                Instead of trying to catch her, let her hit her head on the way down... Yeah. LOL!
                                You did not just call me the fearless leader. An honorary title due to longevity I assume. LOL

                                And, yeah, ignoring the birthday. Or trying to. So far, thank God, all my cakes are virtual ones. But I did have apple pie and ice cream yesterday.

                                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.

