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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
    We just got back from our last con day and: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Stuff happened that I barely believe happened... it was so insanely awesome and cool and just: WAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok, to start from the beginning:
    Today started with the panel of Dominic Keating (ENT), but I had to leave half way to get into Katee Sackoff's (BSG) line for an autograph. Which was a shame, because the man was hilarious. After getting my autograph I joined my friends who were in Torri's line.
    Torri was completely awesome as the day before I had asked her if I could put a couple of Atlantis Rising cards on her table and she agreed and today they were still there. She had put them back again, so people could take them *hugs her*
    We talked a bit about her online presence, and she said she'd like to get an official website, but didn't really know how to get started with it. So I saw my chance and said that I'm a webmaster and could do her website. She agreed and asked me for my email so she could contact me *flails* I'm getting to do Torri's WEBSITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *flails some more*
    Anyway, after getting my photo-op signed, I went back to the room where the panels were taking place and I watched the end of Catherine Hicks' panel and scored some awesome seats for the BSG panels and after that the Torri panel.
    Torri was funny and hilarious and entertaining as always.

    One of the questions was: What were the best qualities of your fellow actors on SGA?
    Her answer: Rachel has a good heart. David has intellect. Joe has his wife. Just kidding. He has a wry sense of humor. Jason... well... all women and some men know what his qualities are. Paul is everyone's best friend. It's sorta like they characters.

    Someone asked what her fav bad guy in Stargate was.
    Her answer: Ba'al. He was so deliciously evil. But she also loved the Wraith and she's certain they started the vampire myth. She also loved Evil Weir, but never got tptb to use that idea.

    Some things she said:
    - She didn't want to come back for S5 because she didn't like the vagueness around her character and she wanted closure for Elizabeth.
    - They were also frustrated that they didn't get to show any emotion over Caron's dead in the episodes following 'Sunday'.
    - Happiest moment from SG is meeting the fans and still being appreciated after all these years. And she rather does fan-run cons than official ones because they are all about the money and not about the fans.

    After her panel I ran to the bar to see the second half of the soccer game. The bar was filled, but there was a tv outside and for a moment I was standing there alone as the others had gone out for a smoke. Just minutes later I was joined by Torri who stood next to me and together we cheered for Spain (as did the others actors that were in the bar) A while later the others returned from their smoke. And you know, it's amazing how many geeks suddenly want to watch soccer when the actors are interested in it.
    After Spain won and we all did a silly little happy dance, Torri had to go to her autograph session and we followed.
    But can you believe that? We watched the frakking WC final with Torri!!!!!
    Anyway, when we got to her, I asked her if she would like to have a drink with us after the con. And she agreed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *diez*
    So a while later, we met up in the bar and the six of us talked for almost two hours straight about everything, anything and nothing. It was awesome. I also got to tell her about John's woobie face every time Elizabeth's name was mentioned in s4 and s5 and the next time she sees Joe, she's going to hug him for doing that
    A lot was said and a lot was discussed and yes, it was one of the best nights I ever had.
    I know I'm forgetting a lot, but I'm still in a ruse
    Pics and maybe more details will follow later


    I'll be glad to deliver that hug to Joe.

    And Flowerbud, thanks for those links. Those were two of the scenes when my friend and I were yelling SPARKY MOMENT!!!!!!!

    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
    AAAAHHHHHH!!!! OMG, KRIS! That is totally amazing! Damn, Torri is just so frakkin' COOL!

    And once again, I am very much bummed out that I couldn't go this year.

    Hmm, if Torri goes to Shore Leave next year, is anyone up for a reunion? 'Cause damnit, I wanna go too! (And it sounds like that'll be my only chance at seeing her at a con, since she doesn't do the official ones... there goes my dreams for a Joe & Torri photo op! )
    If she goes next year, I'll meet you there.

    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
      I doubt it... American football and Canadian maybe for Rodney... but not soccer. They probably consider it a sport for woozies - while we can all see it's a battlefield with little protection to heads or bodies.
      Forget any sort of football for Rodney. If he follows any sport it's probably Hockey.

      Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
      Torri said that they had never talked about it, but that they still had to get to know each other when the show started and that they didn't have a lot in common (he's a republican, I'm a democrat), but they did have a lot of respect for each other and she thinks some of that respect came over on the screen.
      Appropriate since given what we hear of her background (treaty negotiations, weapons reduction advocate) Elizabeth is most likely a Democrat while John's probably Republican.

      As for Torri, she's Canadian but lives in LA. From this it sounds like she's a US Citizen?


        Originally posted by ddc View Post
        Appropriate since given what we hear of her background (treaty negotiations, weapons reduction advocate) Elizabeth is most likely a Democrat while John's probably Republican.
        I can kind of see this for John, I sometimes think of his family as kind of like the Kennedys, so in one scenario he could have become a Republican just to pi** his father off.


          Originally posted by Lythisrose View Post
          I can kind of see this for John, I sometimes think of his family as kind of like the Kennedys, so in one scenario he could have become a Republican just to pi** his father off.
          Totally! I'd love to read a story where John and Elizabeth discuss their opposing political views. With newspaper smack included
          I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            I'm seriously peeved about the ref. I wish De Bleeckere had been ref.

            Spain played well, and The Netherlands got a few chances but too many mistakes happened on both teams. I guess the better team won. Though one more person saying Holland played dirty, I'll point them to every mistake and drop-to-the-ground-for-nothing the Spaniards did.

            And Paul was right indeed. Funky little animal!
            Maybe I'm too brave or stupid but Holland played dirty and it's not the first time. They have this reputation and the coach at the end of the game said "It's a strategy. We tried to give frustration to the other team and push them to commit fault." And if it was the only time, I would not say something but it's not. The most violent game in all the world cup was Portugal and.....Holland. The most violent final was Spain and ....Holland.
            Now if you want to beat me. You have to come on msn. I'm used to it now.

            Nice report, Kris. Glad you had fun.
            Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


              OMG I agree Torri is AWESOME!!! OMG


                Originally posted by Probie View Post
                Maybe I'm too brave or stupid but Holland played dirty and it's not the first time. They have this reputation and the coach at the end of the game said "It's a strategy. We tried to give frustration to the other team and push them to commit fault." And if it was the only time, I would not say something but it's not. The most violent game in all the world cup was Portugal and.....Holland. The most violent final was Spain and ....Holland.
                Now if you want to beat me. You have to come on msn. I'm used to it now.

                Nice report, Kris. Glad you had fun.
                Very true. Both teams played very rough games and the ref was handing out cards like candy.
                I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                  Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                  Very true. Both teams played very rough games and the ref was handing out cards like candy.
                  The wife of the referee waid he has problem of authority with his own children so with 22
                  This World Cup was not very good. Many mistakes, not many beautiful goals....
                  Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                    Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                    Very true. Both teams played very rough games and the ref was handing out cards like candy.
                    But he wasn't very strict. If the referee from the Germany-Serbia game had been there he would have given one every 2 minutes. There wouldn't have been any players left.

                    Originally posted by Probie View Post
                    This World Cup was not very good. Many mistakes, not many beautiful goals....
                    Not to forget the Bloemfontein not-goal. That was just wrong.

                    Sparky Shipper. Genetically predisposed to being stubborn... really pesky.


                      I won't discuss the World Cup anymore... so if you want to slack on The Netherlands go for it. I don't give a .... something something. It's in the past. I might ignore the lot of you for a while though.

                      Anyway.... Stargate Atlantis...
                      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                        Hi, this is the Sparky thread in case anyone was wondering. And a little reminder:


                        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                          I won't discuss the World Cup anymore... so if you want to slack on The Netherlands go for it. I don't give a .... something something. It's in the past. I might ignore the lot of you for a while though.

                          Anyway.... Stargate Atlantis...
                          In my arms, Falcon. I don't want to see you angry against me. i already have my enemies.

                          Yes back to Sparky....but after the thunderstorms. I don't want to burn my computer.
                          Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                            Originally posted by Probie View Post
                            In my arms, Falcon. I don't want to see you angry against me. i already have my enemies.
                            I'm not angry at you. I'm just not very happy in general, about a lot of things, this very moment (some GW, some soccer, some real life, some fandoms). Don't worry, I won't be biting any ankles. I promise.
                            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                              *bakes FH a big, orange cake*

                              Probie, are you there or is the thunderstorm forcing you to stay offline?

                              Sparky Shipper. Genetically predisposed to being stubborn... really pesky.


                                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                                I'm not angry at you. I'm just not very happy in general, about a lot of things, this very moment (some GW, some soccer, some real life, some fandoms). Don't worry, I won't be biting any ankles. I promise.

                                Originally posted by Fionnait View Post
                                *bakes FH a big, orange cake*

                                Probie, are you there or is the thunderstorm forcing you to stay offline?
                                I'm here with thunderstorms. If you smell smoke; it's me and my computer. We are
                                Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!

