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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    *clears throat* Okay... here it is. The first trailer for the Sparky Season 6 project...

    *crosses fingers nervously* Hope you guys like it.
    Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


      Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
      *clears throat* Okay... here it is. The first trailer for the Sparky Season 6 project...

      *crosses fingers nervously* Hope you guys like it.
      It's excellent, Erin! The music and clips work very well together.

      What music did you eventually settle on? ( I might have to go shopping. )


        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
        Oh, you betcha! And that reminds me, I have a request for the set/prop department. Can we please see some decent furniture in Atlantis? No more of the lame contemporary white leather box crap that were castoffs from Blade: Trinity (along with the steel framework set, which, of course, we're keeping). With all the angular stained glass and warm copper trim decorating the Gateroom and other areas of the city, I was always reminded of the designs by Frank Lloyd Wright and Charles Rennie Mackintosh. I want to see Craftsman-style furniture!
        I kinda like the white leather box Blade:Trinity cast offs... but I guess a little variation might be in order. I'll have my team of experts look into it.

        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
        Rule #1: Elizabeth Weir is always right.
        Rule #2: Even when she's wrong, she's right.

        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
        They're too obsessed with pulling quick stunts to shock the audience to realize that they're shooting themselves in the foot. *snorts*

        The trailer:

        Where's the music from in the first part? - It sounds awefully familiar. But since Doctor Who has been on my playlist the past few weeks I can't remember where I should know it from.

        Then... it looks good, but sometimes the music is too slow for the images, or the images are too fastpaced for the music, like for example in the scene from Lifeline in that Asuran hallway.

        Transition of the music needs a little work - although I applaud anyone who can get it right, and bow to kiss their feet.

        And the text needs some more ... umphf... you know, it has to jump from the screen. It has to grab you.

        Liked the music in the last part... which had that umphf... though the imagery could do with a faster pace.

        And well now.... you used the unfinished version of EATG...

        BUT after all that hopefully useful critique - great start to what will be the best season yet! There shall be pimpage!
        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


          Originally posted by Reiko View Post
          It's excellent, Erin! The music and clips work very well together.

          What music did you eventually settle on? ( I might have to go shopping. )
          Thank you! The music for the second half was 'Rising Empire' by Immediate Music.

          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
          I kinda like the white leather box Blade:Trinity cast offs... but I guess a little variation might be in order. I'll have my team of experts look into it.

          Rule #2: Even when she's wrong, she's right.

          The trailer:

          Where's the music from in the first part? - It sounds awefully familiar. But since Doctor Who has been on my playlist the past few weeks I can't remember where I should know it from.

          Then... it looks good, but sometimes the music is too slow for the images, or the images are too fastpaced for the music, like for example in the scene from Lifeline in that Asuran hallway.

          Transition of the music needs a little work - although I applaud anyone who can get it right, and bow to kiss their feet.

          And the text needs some more ... umphf... you know, it has to jump from the screen. It has to grab you.

          Liked the music in the last part... which had that umphf... though the imagery could do with a faster pace.

          And well now.... you used the unfinished version of EATG...

          BUT after all that hopefully useful critique - great start to what will be the best season yet! There shall be pimpage!
          The music in the first part is from the actual SGA soundtrack.
          And yeah, you're right in pretty much all your critiques. This was my first attempt at doing something with more than one source of music, so I'm sure there's some tricks of the program that I haven't figured out yet. Unfinished version of EATG?

          And thank you.
          Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


            Originally posted by Reiko View Post
            Atlantis does need a bit of a makeover ("contemporary white leather box crap" - LOL. Perfect description). The furniture the expedition brought over seems a little out of tune.
            ... and I was going to say something especially poignant, but forgot. Maybe later.
            Heh, well I wasn't talking about the make-do stuff that the expedition brought; it's like the funky juxtaposition of seeing the cool crystal computers built by the Ancients next to the Earth-style laptop computers. But the white box furniture that was supposedly left behind by the Ancients looks so out of place next to the rest of Atlantis's interior design. It never sat well with me.

            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            I kinda like the white leather box Blade:Trinity cast offs... but I guess a little variation might be in order. I'll have my team of experts look into it.
            I did find a few things when I Googled "Craftsman furniture"...


            A bed (big enough for two!)

            A free-standing cabinet

            An end table

            A really cool round chair

            A round table

            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            Rule #2: Even when she's wrong, she's right.

            Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
            *clears throat* Okay... here it is. The first trailer for the Sparky Season 6 project...


            *crosses fingers nervously* Hope you guys like it.
            Excellent! I do have to agree with FH; the video and music don't seem to be syncing quite right. The cuts between some of the scenes seem too abrupt, and might benefit from using some sort of fade in/fade out effect; the same is true of the different music cues, which really need to blend into each other more. For the text, can you animate it, try to make it look as though it's moving forward towards the camera's POV just a bit? That might achieve that "jumping out at you" idea FH was talking about.

            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            The trailer:

            Where's the music from in the first part? - It sounds awefully familiar. But since Doctor Who has been on my playlist the past few weeks I can't remember where I should know it from.
            The very first music clip is from the SGA soundtrack CD; it's "Weir Speaks," when they're dialing the gate to Atlantis for the first time in Rising.

            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            BUT after all that hopefully useful critique - great start to what will be the best season yet! There shall be pimpage!
            Bring on the pimpage!
            (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
            Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


              To be honest SK I actually thought Atlantis expedition brought all the furniture.

              The first song is from the SGA soundtrack? No wonder it sounded so familiar, yet I couldn't quite place a finger on it. I'm not wild about the Stargate's musical score (works in the show, but often too bombastic for casual listening), but I quite like that Weir tune. And I still love Rachel Luttrell's singing/montage in Critical Mass -- it's a scene that really stands out for me video/audio-wise.

              Speaking of which, it would be great if we could find an appropriate place for a character-sung song in the virtual s6 continuation (not a songfic, and not a soundtrack song). Don't know if you can do it well on paper without it looking hokey, though.


                Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
                *clears throat* Okay... here it is. The first trailer for the Sparky Season 6 project...


                *crosses fingers nervously* Hope you guys like it.
                Great job. I agree with the others. Can you use an audio fade? Your vid program should have one. And the first part is a tad slow. It needs more oomph Easy to say I know. But it needs to grab you a bit sooner. And where's Lorne? Picky me. The last part was great when the music picked up a bit.

                Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                To be honest SK I actually thought Atlantis expedition brought all the furniture.

                The first song is from the SGA soundtrack? No wonder it sounded so familiar, yet I couldn't quite place a finger on it. I'm not wild about the Stargate's musical score (works in the show, but often too bombastic for casual listening), but I quite like that Weir tune. And I still love Rachel Luttrell's singing/montage in Critical Mass -- it's a scene that really stands out for me video/audio-wise.

                Speaking of which, it would be great if we could find an appropriate place for a character-sung song in the virtual s6 continuation (not a songfic, and not a soundtrack song). Don't know if you can do it well on paper without it looking hokey, though.
                Were you around for the Robert Picardo wants to sing discussion? LOL We had him singing opera in the shower.

                I have to think a bit about the craftsman furniture. It works for the homemade look but may be a bit clunky for the Ancients. I thought they brought all the furniture too in boxes from Ikea. Some assembly required.

                If we want to stay with the sleek modern look and get away from Ikea, here are some lines to consider. The last one has a number of design collections.




                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                  Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                  Should have been. Of course, after you get hit you end up driving like an 80-year-old, about 25 in a 50, because you're paranoid. I'm not looking forward to the drive home. It's an hour for me, in traffic, in the rain, with the accident still running through my head.
                  Oh, a car accident, that doesn't sound too good. Whiplash is a real pain. Make sure you get some physio (((hugs)))

                  *sigh* The writers never make sense to me. Here's Gero saying she's essentially playing a 'foil' for the military, so why would you then try and argue she no longer had a purpose? It's just an endless cycle.

                  But yeah, tonight is Home, I think, which means the War & Peace scene. My side is really stiff and sore now, so I think after my hell ride home I'll curl up with cocoa and watch it.
                  The way he described her at the time was ultimately not as a foil, more as a tempering force. Its funny to listen to, as it sounds like he's making an arguement in favour of the character, yet (I presume - I wasn't in the room) he was as involved in her demise as the other writers/producers

                  Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                  Kate, Teyla, Elizabeth - snowfight - sauna - ... *thud*
                  Poor wee lemming


                    Thanks y'all. I'm glad Mr. Holly and I could brighten the day! I thought about playing with the "Peggy Sue" lyrics to fit Lizzie. But that's a bit creepy. I always thought "Oh Boy" (undubbed of course) would make a great fun sparky vid. *HINT, HINT, WINK, WINK to all the vid makers*

                    Eri glad your ok. I'll pass on the huggles from SK.

                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    Ice is worse than snow I will admit. At least we can shovel. And shovel. And shovel. Somebody needs to write us John shoveling smut. *puppy eyes*
                    I'm with you on that. Ah nothing like getting that running start up the hill and spinning down it.

                    Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                    Pfft. I am the king of maiming, grease is nothing. It used to be a running joke that every day I would bleed at work. But steer clear of the face - its the money earner
                    Eh, the grease didn't really bother me. The three foot fall to the concrete rang my bell pretty good though.

                    Not my kind of smut. Now if you could have Liz, Teyla & Kate shovelling snow, then getting into a snowfight, having to go into the sauna to warm up.......................What was I saying? I've lost my train of thought
                    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                    Kate, Teyla, Elizabeth - snowfight - sauna - ... *thud*
                    *RUNS TO TAKE COLD SHOWER*
                    "I only understand about 1% of what she says half of the time."


                      I'm so frustrated. Our cable company went all digital last Sunday and since then I've had nothing but trouble. TV finally works, but I've spent the last two evenings trying to get the VCR going to no avail. Grrrr. Wasted time that I could have spent here!

                      Erin, great start on the trailer. It made me all nostalgic for what could have been...

                      SR, our weather guy was trying to cheer us up today by telling us we're only getting 4 inches of snow this weekend as compared to your 24. We'll send Shep to dig you out.
                      sig by SueKay

                      My Team:


                        *hugs Irish Eyes* Blasted cable company!

                        Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                        To be honest SK I actually thought Atlantis expedition brought all the furniture.
                        Nah, just some of it. I mean, can anyone really see them lugging all those big heavy white leather upholstered chairs and ottomans and sofas that we always see randomly cluttering the hallways through the Stargate in Rising?

                        Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                        The first song is from the SGA soundtrack? No wonder it sounded so familiar, yet I couldn't quite place a finger on it. I'm not wild about the Stargate's musical score (works in the show, but often too bombastic for casual listening), but I quite like that Weir tune. And I still love Rachel Luttrell's singing/montage in Critical Mass -- it's a scene that really stands out for me video/audio-wise.

                        Speaking of which, it would be great if we could find an appropriate place for a character-sung song in the virtual s6 continuation (not a songfic, and not a soundtrack song). Don't know if you can do it well on paper without it looking hokey, though.
                        My vote's on either Picardo in the shower *grins at SR* or we give Rachel an encore... maybe as part of Torren's first year ceremony in Episode 4?

                        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                        I have to think a bit about the craftsman furniture. It works for the homemade look but may be a bit clunky for the Ancients. I thought they brought all the furniture too in boxes from Ikea. Some assembly required.

                        If we want to stay with the sleek modern look and get away from Ikea, here are some lines to consider. The last one has a number of design collections.



                        *dies laughing at the IKEA comment* So. True. Heh, to be honest, I think the contemporary stuff looks too dated to match with the more classic design motifs favored in the rest of Atlantis's visual design for me to see it as anything that the Ancients themselves used... but stuff brought from Earth, sure.

                        Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                        The way he described her at the time was ultimately not as a foil, more as a tempering force. Its funny to listen to, as it sounds like he's making an arguement in favour of the character, yet (I presume - I wasn't in the room) he was as involved in her demise as the other writers/producers
                        I'm beginning to wonder if Gero has multiple personalities; one that likes Weir, and one that doesn't like her.
                        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                          Oh, and something else I just thought of on the furniture idea... if we go with a more Craftsman-like aesthetic, we can always make them out of different materials to give them a different look from their inspirational counterparts... metal frames instead of wood, for example, and seat covers made of microfiber instead of leather. Note that we'll have to make sure everything has been treated with stain repellent, just in case Jason and David Hewlett start any food fights.
                          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                            Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                            Speaking of which, it would be great if we could find an appropriate place for a character-sung song in the virtual s6 continuation (not a songfic, and not a soundtrack song). Don't know if you can do it well on paper without it looking hokey, though.
                            You could always have a couple of scientists singing in the lab. We always do... Very interesting version of Bohemian Rhapsody only last week!

                            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                            I'm beginning to wonder if Gero has multiple personalities; one that likes Weir, and one that doesn't like her.
                            I want to get tid of Weir! Gollum, Gollum! Oh, but come on, she is a really nice character that balances out the team... Gollum, Gollum! No, she is useless!!

                            Sparky Shipper. Genetically predisposed to being stubborn... really pesky.


                              Originally posted by Fionnait View Post
                              You could always have a couple of scientists singing in the lab. We always do... Very interesting version of Bohemian Rhapsody only last week!
                              Ahahahaha! Now that would be cool!

                              Originally posted by Fionnait View Post
                              I want to get tid of Weir! Gollum, Gollum! Oh, but come on, she is a really nice character that balances out the team... Gollum, Gollum! No, she is useless!!
                              Ohhhh, that is so bad, it's good!
                              (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                              Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                                any chance of an actual Halloween-Theme or Christmas-Theme Episode or will that be next season?

