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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Bama
    I'd think a 'near miss' kiss or 'interrupted intense moment' would be just fine between them as long as it's not done ad nauseum and it's slowly built on.
    Wow..this morn we were on topic Sparky!Babies and now on Sparky! gotta love how this thread is moving

    babies....nope not yet maybe in fanfics
    1st kiss....will be a mutual thing although I think we`ll get some serious hugging before JE reach that point..and as Bama says...perhaps few "near misses will get thrown in!

    What I like about this `ship is the pace and its subtlety...methinks that SGA writers doing a fine job in this regard....and I bet we`ll see some majorly RST between R/T very soon..perhaps S3 BTW I like S2 Teyla ... very

    SallyL...ur eval for that "ZPS" link

    “I know how Sheppard can be,” “He’s an incredibly strong man,” “and Elizabeth is his weakness. He doesn’t know how to handle that.”
    - Rodney to AU Elizabeth : quote from PeanutButterer`s The Other Side


      Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
      Well put. I\Another comment you made about perhaps showing an Athosian birth in Atlantis, was also very interesting. I think it is important to have such a happy thing to happen in Atlantis. It would also be a lot of fun to see how the individual characters would react to such a thing. Great chance for character development.
      I think that's what appeals to me so much in Atlantis. There's such a sense of community in the series that's totally absent in SG-1. You know that the major characters like each other, but you don't see them interact with the minor characters much, let alone get a sense of them taking care of everyone else. And I suppose that part of it is because the major characters aren't responsible for everyone else's well-being. In Atlantis, on the other hand, we have Elizabeth and John having to take care of their people, and that creates an incredible bond between them and everyone else.

      The only other shows I've ever seen that gave the same sense of family found, with two people at the helm of that family, are Battlestar Galactica, and – leaving the genre for a moment – The West Wing. On BSG it's Roslin and Adama holding the human race together between them. On The West Wing, it's mostly the President, but also to an extent the First Lady, bringing together a group of people who have lost their family members in some capacity. Bartlet even once said of Josh that "he was my son."

      Stories of restoration, especially restoration of family, resonate with us. Most people have lost someone very close to them, so we understand what the character has been through. And we understand the desire not to replace, but to restore. These stories show us that life continues after loss, and that's why we find them powerful. And that's what I'm finding powerful about Atlantis right now, especially with John and Elizabeth. They've both given up a lot, but they've gotten so much back in return.
      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
      Last update: 14 April 2006
      Melyanna's Multimedia
      Last update: 15 February 2006


        Originally posted by Melyanna
        I think that's what appeals to me so much in Atlantis. There's such a sense of community in the series that's totally absent in SG-1. You know that the major characters like each other, but you don't see them interact with the minor characters much, let alone get a sense of them taking care of everyone else. And I suppose that part of it is because the major characters aren't responsible for everyone else's well-being. In Atlantis, on the other hand, we have Elizabeth and John having to take care of their people, and that creates an incredible bond between them and everyone else.

        The only other shows I've ever seen that gave the same sense of family found, with two people at the helm of that family, are Battlestar Galactica, and – leaving the genre for a moment – The West Wing. On BSG it's Roslin and Adama holding the human race together between them. On The West Wing, it's mostly the President, but also to an extent the First Lady, bringing together a group of people who have lost their family members in some capacity. Bartlet even once said of Josh that "he was my son."

        Stories of restoration, especially restoration of family, resonate with us. Most people have lost someone very close to them, so we understand what the character has been through. And we understand the desire not to replace, but to restore. These stories show us that life continues after loss, and that's why we find them powerful. And that's what I'm finding powerful about Atlantis right now, especially with John and Elizabeth. They've both given up a lot, but they've gotten so much back in return.
        WOW, I really REALLY liked that last line. It is so true. I think that John and Elizabeth totally deserve a little happiness together to make up for what they have lost.

        SHWEIR EPISODES: 38 Minutes, The Storm, The Eye, Hot Zone, Seige Part 1,2 and 3, The Intruder, Conversion, The Lost Boys, The Hive, The Long Goodbye, Coup D'Etat, No Man's Land,The Misbegotten, Irresistable, Progeny, The Real World, Common Ground, The Return Part 1, Echoes, Tao of Rodney and many more to come!!!

        Oh yeah, Shweir rules!:


          Originally posted by Melyanna
          ......And that's what I'm finding powerful about Atlantis right now, especially with John and Elizabeth. They've both given up a lot, but they've gotten so much back in return.
          Well written analogy Mel.... and its true that although they`ve made great personal sacrifices , the wonder of it all is that in return the greatest of gifts is being bestowed on them ....LOVE!
          Last edited by seetheship; 22 September 2005, 01:16 PM.

          “I know how Sheppard can be,” “He’s an incredibly strong man,” “and Elizabeth is his weakness. He doesn’t know how to handle that.”
          - Rodney to AU Elizabeth : quote from PeanutButterer`s The Other Side


            Originally posted by Melyanna
            And that's what I'm finding powerful about Atlantis right now, especially with John and Elizabeth. They've both given up a lot, but they've gotten so much back in return.


            It would be just that much more dramatic if there were no Deadelus (sp?) traveling back & forth between galaxies. It takes the isolation and community out of Atlantis for me. If someone were to get pregnant (oh, no not this again!) she'd just be transferred out and back to Earth. All the expedition members can just request a transfer home at anytime. I love Caldwell, but this whole regularly scheduled travel/communicatiuon w/Earth bites. IMO

            Yes, our Heros will stay to try and prevent the Wraith from trying to get to Earth, and eat us all, but they now can. And I really hate that development.


              Originally posted by Bama
              Not only is J afraid to kiss her, he's also afraid to let himself look at her as a female-and I think a big part of that is those intense feelings he gets when she's around.

              I don't mind Elizabeth being the one to instigate a kiss it as long as the audience *first* gets to see that John has 'thought' about it. A little more lip lickage when their faces are extremely close would probably do the trick. I'd think a 'near miss' kiss or 'interrupted intense moment' would be just fine between them as long as it's not done ad nauseum and it's slowly built on.
              Uhmmm, no interrupted kisses for me thank you very much :has flashback to a certain bee sting:. It's kind of been overdone, and it's cruel teasing.
              I have my requirements for their first kiss, A. It's to happen on the fourth or fifth season, from experience i think sooner than that would be too soon, since the relationship hasn't been properly developed yet. And later would dragging the UST too much. B. There is to be touching of some kind, him touching her face, hair, arms, you choose, and her touching his hair, because Sheps' hair looks very touchable. C. It's to be real, no under the influence of any kind, no paralel universe lookalikes, no clones, no Eddie Van Blunths. D. They are to enjoy it inmensely and remember it later, so that would be condition E. No memory lost. F. The first kiss is to remain a first kiss, it can be a hot "melt the paint of the walls kiss", but i want their first kiss to be set apart from their first time.
              On the subject of endearments, for the life of mine i can't imagine either of them calling eachother honey, or anything like that. And i really dislike the Lizzie one, just because i can't see Weir ever allowing anyone to use that one on her, and makes me think of Lizzie Borden:

              Lizzie Borden took an axe
              And gave her mother forty whacks.
              And when she saw what she had done,
              She gave her father forty-one.
              Last edited by Luz; 22 September 2005, 02:17 PM.


                Haha, I can see "Lizzie" going spork on anyone who calls her that.


                  Originally posted by Luz
                  Uhmmm, no interrupted kisses for me thank you very much :has flashback to a certain bee sting:. It's kind of been overdone, and it's cruel teasing.
                  I have my requirements for their first kiss, A. It's to happen on the fourth or fifth season, from experience i think sooner than that would be too soon, since the relationship hasn't been properly developed yet. And later would dragging the UST too much. B. There is to be touching of some kind, him touching her face, hair, arms, you choose, and her touching his hair, because Sheps' hair looks very touchable. C. It's to be real, no under the influence of any kind, no paralel universe lookalikes, no clones, no Eddie Van Blunths. D. They are to enjoy it inmensely and remember it later, so that would be condition E. No memory lost. F. The first kiss is to remain a first kiss, it can be a hot "melt the paint of the walls kiss", but i want their first kiss to be set apart from their first time.
                  On the subject of endearments, for the life of mine i can't imagine either of them calling eachother honey, or anything like that. And i really dislike the Lizzie one, just because i can't see Weir ever allowing anyone to use that one on her, and makes me think of Lizzie Borden:

                  Lizzie Borden took an axe
                  And gave her mother forty whacks.
                  And when she saw what she had done,
                  She gave her father forty-one.
                  Yes. The bee sting. I swear I almost screamed in the theater when that happened.
                  I disagree about a "melt the paint of the walls" first kiss. I think that should only happen if the UST goes on too much. (like nine years...) I think it should be tender, sweet, and passionate. Not "lets jump into bed" passionate though.

                  Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                    Originally posted by Lexa Jayde
                    ooohhh oooohhh guys look what i just found... it was what Torri had to say about her first convention

                    "I did my first convention this weekend and found this adorable group of girls - I think they call themselves 'shippers' - who have this thing about Weir and Sheppard and them having sex in closets...It's very weird!

                    i screamed when i saw that... it is from IMDb and it is sooooooo cool. i cant wait top meet her and tell her that i am one of them too
                    I'm sorry. I know this a couple of days old, but I've been offline for the majority of the last week, and it takes a while to catch up with this thread!!!! Anyway, I read this quote and went . . . squeee!!!!

                    Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                    I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                    Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                      Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
                      Yes. The bee sting. I swear I almost screamed in the theater when that happened.
                      I disagree about a "melt the paint of the walls" first kiss. I think that should only happen if the UST goes on too much. (like nine years...) I think it should be tender, sweet, and passionate. Not "lets jump into bed" passionate though.
                      Oh, but don't you see, the "melt the paint of the walls" kiss is optional, i can go for heated or tender, as long as it's well done. But i agree with you, i don't want them to kiss and inmediately go to bed (if that's what you meant).
                      How do you think that first kiss would go?, tptb have a tendency to have the characters kissing for the first time under stressful, emotionally whumping circumstances, after physical whumping, or both.


                        These stories show us that life continues after loss, and that's why we find them powerful. And that's what I'm finding powerful about Atlantis right now, especially with John and Elizabeth. They've both given up a lot, but they've gotten so much back in return.
                        Great point. I think there is a great sense of community in Atlantis. I find it i nteresting that Elizabeth compares her role to that of a colonial governor (Thirty-Eight Minutes). Such analogies make it seem that she, and everyone else, plans to stay.

                        "Home" really did a good job of showing us what was on earth for these people and what awaited them in Atlantis, as did "Intruder". It is also pretty clear that few are more committed than John and Elizabeth.

                        As for a potential kiss, I'd like to see the two kiss after sharing a romantic dance at some Athosian festival. Ok, so maybe that would be better for fic, but I think it would be great.


                        Signature By Amber Moon


                          Originally posted by Luz
                          Oh, but don't you see, the "melt the paint of the walls" kiss is optional, i can go for heated or tender, as long as it's well done. But i agree with you, i don't want them to kiss and inmediately go to bed (if that's what you meant).
                          How do you think that first kiss would go?, tptb have a tendency to have the characters kissing for the first time under stressful, emotionally whumping circumstances, after physical whumping, or both.
                          That is what I meant. And I agree with it being well done.

                          I don't want it to happen the way TPTB usually have first kisses happen. Yes, the hug happened after a stressful situation. And that was fine. But to me, having the kiss happen after any of these circumstances is just using the situation. Like the M/S New Year's kiss. When the kiss happens, I want it to be because they want to, not because of Adrenoline. Does that make since?

                          Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                            Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
                            That is what I meant. And I agree with it being well done.

                            I don't want it to happen the way TPTB usually have first kisses happen. Yes, the hug happened after a stressful situation. And that was fine. But to me, having the kiss happen after any of these circumstances is just using the situation. Like the M/S New Year's kiss. When the kiss happens, I want it to be because they want to, not because of Adrenoline. Does that make since?
                            Yup, I see what you mean. I don't mind Adrenaline kisses *too* much but I perfer unforced ones more. And I loved the M/S first kiss! It didn't have to be there but it was and it was sweet and totally comfortable. I'm not saying that I want it *exactly* the same as that, no. I want a kiss that's both sweet and comfortable but I want the kiss to be believeable; to be in character so that there would be no doubt that they wanted it.

                            Bama's fic was close IMO.


                              Originally posted by Luz
                              Uhmmm, no interrupted kisses for me thank you very much :has flashback to a certain bee sting:. It's kind of been overdone, and it's cruel teasing.
                              I have my requirements for their first kiss, A. It's to happen on the fourth or fifth season, from experience i think sooner than that would be too soon, since the relationship hasn't been properly developed yet. And later would dragging the UST too much. B. There is to be touching of some kind, him touching her face, hair, arms, you choose, and her touching his hair, because Sheps' hair looks very touchable. C. It's to be real, no under the influence of any kind, no paralel universe lookalikes, no clones, no Eddie Van Blunths. D. They are to enjoy it inmensely and remember it later, so that would be condition E. No memory lost. F. The first kiss is to remain a first kiss, it can be a hot "melt the paint of the walls kiss", but i want their first kiss to be set apart from their first time.
                              LOL! Luz, this has to be the LOL post of the day! You sure can tell a lot of us are 'seasoned' shippers can't you? ; ) TPTB don't stand a chance of messin with us on this one! heh. I DO NOT want any kind of interrupted kiss-by any person, animal or certainly no damn INSECT. Nope. Mean. Sucks. Cruel. Sicko. Been There. Done that. That said...let me clarify a bit more the 'direction' I was going with my thinking....

                              What I wouldn't mind though is a 'self-interrupted moment'. John leaning in...Elizabeth realizing what he's thinking about and then, fear/reality seizes him at the last moment and he coughs and pulls back. A bit of discomfort leaving both of them KNOWING what they were thinking about doing but didn't *quite*. Now, THAT I could live with before a first kiss. You guys?


                                Originally posted by Rubicon

                                It would be just that much more dramatic if there were no Deadelus (sp?) traveling back & forth between galaxies. It takes the isolation and community out of Atlantis for me. If someone were to get pregnant (oh, no not this again!) she'd just be transferred out and back to Earth. All the expedition members can just request a transfer home at anytime. I love Caldwell, but this whole regularly scheduled travel/communicatiuon w/Earth bites. IMO

                                Yes, our Heros will stay to try and prevent the Wraith from trying to get to Earth, and eat us all, but they now can. And I really hate that development.
                                You know Rub...I'm not so certain that I'm not right there with ya on this one. I adore the feeling of isolation and how it even more emphasizes our hero and heroine's dependency on each other. I guess in a way though, being *able* to get back to earth if desired gives them a 'choice' in the matter and proves that each wants to be there on their own desire. There is something to be said for that too but like you say, I don't want there to be *any* real convienence with getting to earth. I like our boy and girl in their own galaxy far, far away making up their own rules. I don't like people from Earth bossing something they know nothing about. That bites.

