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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Bama
    Very understandable and if I'd been a real heavy jack/sam shipper, I might be a bit more wary. You long-timers correct me if I'm wrong but the same writers that are writing for SGA are not all the same guys writing for sg-1 are they? I think Gero and Binder write a very consistent and wonderful Elizabeth and John and scenes that showcase their relationship as it grows.

    I hope the original 'team' has some new blood that is willing to incorp relationships from the start and let them evolve in natural step with the experiences and chemistry of the characters.

    I was actually very indifferent to the whole s/j ship, but the last couple seasons were hard to ignore what they were doing with these characters. And I didn't think it was a good thing.


      Originally posted by SGLAB
      I was actually very indifferent to the whole s/j ship, but the last couple seasons were hard to ignore what they were doing with these characters. And I didn't think it was a good thing.
      I'm *still* not sure what they're doing with their relationship and after nine years, it is high time that they went with something and stuck to it imo. I love Shep and Weir so much together but I don't want to see them drag their collective feet that bad.


        Divcon-That fic is really good. It is just as good as all the other ones I have read.

        The kiss conversation: I would like to see the first kiss on the balcony too. At night. Neither under alien/alternate reality/time loop influence. They're talking, he makes her smile/laugh they look at each other he leans in and kiss. 'sigh' Perfect. (sorry, the writer in me took over)

        Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


          Originally posted by Bama
          I'm *still* not sure what they're doing with their relationship and after nine years, it is high time that they went with something and stuck to it imo. I love Shep and Weir so much together but I don't want to see them drag their collective feet that bad.

          I'm not sure tptb know what they're doing with s/j. They do seem to have a clue with Shep/Weir. At least a couple of them do.


            Originally posted by Bama
            I'm *still* not sure what they're doing with their relationship and after nine years, it is high time that they went with something and stuck to it imo. I love Shep and Weir so much together but I don't want to see them drag their collective feet that bad.
            I think they've been trying to wink and nod at the shippers this season, but after all the screwing around that TPTB did with it, I don't blame the ones who don't believe it. For one thing, Sam's still technically under Jack's command, though not directly.

            Of course, the truth of the matter is that "don't ask, don't tell" would apply to them. But as that policy isn't supposed to be officially acknowledged, the AF wouldn't want it in a show they endorse. The same thing happened to Jack's black ops history. These are things that aren't officially supposed to happen, so they get dropped from the show.

            Personally, I would rather have seen Jack and Sam break regulations and have to deal with the consequences of it than get the years and years of UST that we got. After all, if you play with tension for too long, it stops being tense at all. So on Atlantis, I'd rather see John and Elizabeth get together and have to deal with the ramifications of their relationship than have it dragged on ad infinitum.
            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
            Last update: 14 April 2006
            Melyanna's Multimedia
            Last update: 15 February 2006


              Originally posted by Vixen
              This season we've been shown Elizabeth's reaction to John more than John's reaction to Elizabeth, so yeah, it could seem to others that it's just one-sided (and we know it isn't). But maybe the second half of this season will focus on John's view more or maybe S2 will continue to be focused on Elizabeth's side of their relationship and then S3 on John's...... If I'm making sense. Or..... who knows what they have planned for these two.
              The last few ep's have been John!centric with John in the thick of the action and Liz showing her reactions to that. I think we will get the reverse of that in the second half of S2 in the ep's The Tower and TLG. Coup D'etat and Critical Mass also look to have some good Weir moments so maybe we'll get something out of them aswell.


                Originally posted by SGLAB
                I was actually very indifferent to the whole s/j ship, but the last couple seasons were hard to ignore what they were doing with these characters. And I didn't think it was a good thing.
                No S/J shipper thought it was a good thing, either. Particularly considering there was no payoff. Thanks go out to TIIC!


                  [QUOTE=Melyanna]I think they've been trying to wink and nod at the shippers this season, but after all the screwing around that TPTB did with it, I don't blame the ones who don't believe it. For one thing, Sam's still technically under Jack's command, though not directly.[/QOUTE]

                  And I thought that whole
                  Not exactly
                  moment from Carter reeked of girl caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Another bad mark on Sam. Jack's not there so he's not suffering the same thing.

                  [QUOTE=Melyanna]Of course, the truth of the matter is that "don't ask, don't tell" would apply to them. But as that policy isn't supposed to be officially acknowledged, the AF wouldn't want it in a show they endorse. The same thing happened to Jack's black ops history. These are things that aren't officially supposed to happen, so they get dropped from the show.[/QOUTE]

                  And we get these hot and cold moments. Or AU, alien influenced moments. Thankfully the Shep/Weir relationship has stayed pretty consistent. I don't really need these big obvious shippy moments thrown in to keep me satisfied. Consistency in the characters and relationships is what I like.

                  Originally posted by Melyanna
                  Personally, I would rather have seen Jack and Sam break regulations and have to deal with the consequences of it than get the years and years of UST that we got. After all, if you play with tension for too long, it stops being tense at all. So on Atlantis, I'd rather see John and Elizabeth get together and have to deal with the ramifications of their relationship than have it dragged on ad infinitum.
                  I would have liked it if s/j had been left alone after Divide and Conquer the way they did until season 7. But that could have been interesting though it might have taken away from the show's focus or what it's supposed to be focusing on. "The Jack & Daniel Show" er sorry.

                  Though I don't think I'd mind that with Shep/Weir. And with S/J it was more like ad nauseam. imo.


                    Originally posted by divcon
                    Hey guys, I've just written my first Shep/Weir ship fic. Don't think it will be as good as some that I've read but I just couldn't leave it locked in forever so I wrote it down. It takes place after 'The Storm' & 'The Eye'.

                    It's on fanfiction at and it's called After Effects.

                    OOO! Fan-fic! I left me notes on, but it was a very nice lil' piece! ^.^

                    on the baby thing. No. Simply. (<<---was an XF M/S fan as well.)

                    okie, HOW did some people already see Aurora? ;.; DL? I'm hanging by a nail for tomorrow. (And I'm in a fix because it means I have to chose between SGA and Animation club which normally would be no fight: SGA would win... but I met a few other people there who watch SGA and one of them records all the eps and we gather to watch.... but I think SGA is still winning at this pointin time.)

                    BUT that leads me into my actual on-topicness. In this particular group (there are four others) there are three who have yet to see The Seige III and so we started watching it last night before we went to the movies...

                    So, let me start off by saying that there is only one other female (who's name is Casandra, which is freaky because my name -Cassie- comes from it ...but is not.) and three guys. Casandra herself is a very action-oriented humor-loving person who has not particular real intrest in ships. However, when we came to the infamous 'scene' in that ep I hear this:
                    "AWWWWW!" Which, of corse, made me grin.

                    Slight indication of general audience witnessing, anyone?

                    Oh, and, I do actually have a S/W fan-fic. So, I will link. But it's nothing overly special. I was trying to scare away writer's block when I wrote it. Some aspects might be slightly cliche. Forgive!

                    Title: Of Tresspassing and Welcome Intrusions
                    "Scientists say juggling is good for the brain....Or...was that...Jelllll-o?


                      Originally posted by Vixen
                      This season we've been shown Elizabeth's reaction to John more than John's reaction to Elizabeth, so yeah, it could seem to others that it's just one-sided (and we know it isn't). But maybe the second half of this season will focus on John's view more or maybe S2 will continue to be focused on Elizabeth's side of their relationship and then S3 on John's...... If I'm making sense. Or..... who knows what they have planned for these two.
                      This makes perfect sense to me. The audience has to see, w/o the shippy glasses on, Johns reactions to Elizabeths plight (whateveer it may be, physical or emotional) to take the next baby step in the relationship. How will he react? (I think we all know how!)

                      I need a "John Concerned for Elizabeth" episode right now!


                        It would be tremendously symbolic for someone – especially Elizabeth – to have a child in Atlantis. Not only would it bring the city back to its purpose, which is to house and shelter a civilization for generations, it would be a symbol of both defiance against the Wraith and of trust in those in the city.

                        Well put. I\Another comment you made about perhaps showing an Athosian birth in Atlantis, was also very interesting. I think it is important to have such a happy thing to happen in Atlantis. It would also be a lot of fun to see how the individual characters would react to such a thing. Great chance for character development.


                        Signature By Amber Moon


                          Originally posted by Bama
                          Or maybe Elizabeth should lean over and do it. I'm leaning more toward John but I really wouldn't be opposed to her initiating it either. Actually, it might be quite in character for her to do so. We have seen her initiate emotional contact with him once now already and it was slurpolicious!

                          What do you guys think?

                          John or Elizabeth?
                          I want E. to go for it first. I'd like J. to be to "afraid" (for lack of a better word!) to kiss her.


                            Originally posted by Rubicon
                            I want E. to go for it first. I'd like J. to be to "afraid" (for lack of a better word!) to kiss her.
                            Not only is J afraid to kiss her, he's also afraid to let himself look at her as a female-and I think a big part of that is those intense feelings he gets when she's around.

                            I don't mind Elizabeth being the one to instigate a kiss it as long as the audience *first* gets to see that John has 'thought' about it. A little more lip lickage when their faces are extremely close would probably do the trick. I'd think a 'near miss' kiss or 'interrupted intense moment' would be just fine between them as long as it's not done ad nauseum and it's slowly built on.


                              Originally posted by SGLAB
                              I'm not sure tptb know what they're doing with s/j. They do seem to have a clue with Shep/Weir. At least a couple of them do.
                              What I love about SGA is that it is so much more character oriented and driven imo than SG-1 ever was. It was more of a story/plot driven series. I think the character driven nature of SGA bodes much better for the Elizabeth and John as a potential couple.


                                Hm, as a romantic girl, I would love to see John kissing Elizabeth first... I mean he could see in the last time, that Elizabeth really cares about him, so it would be good when the next "move" would come from him!

