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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Melyanna
    There's a slim possibility of a scene when he gets off the planet, but I think it's probably more likely that Rodney mentions Elizabeth working her butt off to save him (Linguist!Lizzie, yay!), and John having a strong reaction to that. All speculation, though. Who knows, maybe we would get a hug.
    Geez, John is gettin to smooch a lot this year-just with all the wrong damn women!

    Ok...just want to say that I love the idea of Elizabeth gettin off her duff and taking action to save him-again.
    To me, that's a huge improvement over last season where they let her stay behind all the freakin time and just worry over him. To me, inaction doesn't define Elizabeth Weir at all. I think she's a risk-taker obviously from what we know of her decision to leave earth and do this job. I think, perhaps, she is just finding out herself how much of a risk-taker she is if the goal is important enough to her and obviously, John in peril is hugely important to her. I like to see her refusing to leave his fate in anyone else's hands. I like to see her expanding her own skills and talents to do more to help the mission.

    I think this is the right 'key' to the obvious problem of what to 'do' with Elizabeth in some eps as some of the writers have struggled with. Binder certainly showed them the way in Condemned. Give her her own personal boyteam and let her help out more. She needs to get those pretty hands dirtier. She certainly isn't a military fighter or a scientist so to put her out there exploring when the team does isn't feasible but she *is* a diplomat and she *is* a linguist and she *is* the top dog decision maker when dealing with other worlds. There is a ton of potentials there to use her alone off-world and even in conjunction with the team in various ways if the writers can be more creative than 'see bad guy-shoot bad guy' type plots.


      Originally posted by Bama
      Geez, John is gettin to smooch a lot this year-just with all the wrong damn women!

      Ok...just want to say that I love the idea of Elizabeth gettin off her duff and taking action to save him-again.
      To me, that's a huge improvement over last season where they let her stay behind all the freakin time and just worry over him. To me, inaction doesn't define Elizabeth Weir at all. I think she's a risk-taker obviously from what we know of her decision to leave earth and do this job. I think, perhaps, she is just finding out herself how much of a risk-taker she is if the goal is important enough to her and obviously, John in peril is hugely important to her. I like to see her refusing to leave his fate in anyone else's hands. I like to see her expanding her own skills and talents to do more to help the mission.

      I think this is the right 'key' to the obvious problem of what to 'do' with Elizabeth in some eps as some of the writers have struggled with. Binder certainly showed them the way in Condemned. Give her her own personal boyteam and let her help out more. She needs to get those pretty hands dirtier. She certainly isn't a military fighter or a scientist so to put her out there exploring when the team does isn't feasible but she *is* a diplomat and she *is* a linguist and she *is* the top dog decision maker when dealing with other worlds. There is a ton of potentials there to use her alone off-world and even in conjunction with the team in various ways if the writers can be more creative than 'see bad guy-shoot bad guy' type plots.

      Unfortunately, if you send both Weir and Sheppard off world at the same time, you run into the same problem we had in the original Star Trek. All the top officers are at risk, and there's no one back to mind the store. But then again, Caldwell will get what he wants, to command Atlantis Base.


        Great spoilers Melyanna! I try to stay spoiler free, but now we have enough to speculate on for months!

        Anyway, all this discussion of John's
        ancient gene and how it attracts women with ancient genes is interesting. Chaya was an ancient inetrested in John (and vice-versa) and this new woman in "The Tower" certainly seems to be interested inJohn's genes. The odd thing is that it was Elizabeth in "Before I Sleep" who communicated with the ancients and convinced one of them that she needed to rescue her fellow humans. They commented how Elizabeth and her species was an evolution of their kind.

        Is it possible that a John/Liz pairing would be a sort of complement of the ancient and the evolution? Just curious to see where they're heading with all this "ancient gene" stuff. I'm sure pro Shep/Teyla folks could see a similar situation with Teyla/Shep because of the wraith gene connection. Is it possible that Liz is attracted to John in part because of that gene and her fascination with the Ancients? In the first ep she was most impressed by his ability to control ancient technology. Ofcourse I believe that Liz is interested in John for many more, and deeper resons, but it seems TPTB have placed a lot of importance on that gene

        Any thoughts?


        Signature By Amber Moon


          Originally posted by atlantis2184

          I don't really understand what you mean. I think you are probably talking about the Wraith girl in the virtual reality (Aurora). She wants a child to become more powerful than his brother. (that's what I read somewhere). But I haven't seen yet Aurora. Where I live, it will air on Friday.

          Ok thank for the informations. I'll wait "Aurora"


            I made a new Wallpaper... not as good as my last one... but I hope you'll like it anyway


              Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch

              Is it possible that a John/Liz pairing would be a sort of complement of the ancient and the evolution? Just curious to see where they're heading with all this "ancient gene" stuff. I'm sure pro Shep/Teyla folks could see a similar situation with Teyla/Shep because of the wraith gene connection. Is it possible that Liz is attracted to John in part because of that gene and her fascination with the Ancients? In the first ep she was most impressed by his ability to control ancient technology. Ofcourse I believe that Liz is interested in John for many more, and deeper resons, but it seems TPTB have placed a lot of importance on that gene[/spoiler]

              Any thoughts?

              It's weird. John and Simon don't have much in common, but Elizabeth did wear that necklace all last season. I noticed in the last couple of episodes that she's not wearing it anymore.

              I think Elizabeth was about as attracted to John as any woman would be in the beginning. I think there was some attraction from John to Elizabeth. Remember that tiny grin in "The Rising' when she walked up the ramp? He also waved to her before stepping through the gate to Athos. He also said to Eckert that EW had earned the respect of everyone on the base including him, leading me to believe that few earn JS's respect.

              Now take the Teyla/Sheppard connection. I think it would be marvelous to have offspring with both the ancient gene and the wraith gene (assuming they are not both on the same chromosome.). I also wonder if any of the Athosians had the gene therapy take. Or is that just something that works for the humans from Earth. There's never been a mention of Teyla nor Ronan getting the gene therapy. I think they'd love to be able to use the Life Sense Detectors. Of course, there are ways for Teyla and Sheppard to produce offspring without being intimate. In fact, I think it would make a much stronger pull for Shep fathered her child the same way Mulder & Scully had a child. They're the best friends, but never intimate.


                Originally posted by Vixen

                This one just looks like a bad manip, doesn't it
                Love the cap Vix...perhaps in hiatus we can all picspam our fave moments *headdesk* just realised that its going to be a looooonnngg wait till Jan

                “I know how Sheppard can be,” “He’s an incredibly strong man,” “and Elizabeth is his weakness. He doesn’t know how to handle that.”
                - Rodney to AU Elizabeth : quote from PeanutButterer`s The Other Side


                  Originally posted by mgbland
                  Now take the Teyla/Sheppard connection. I think it would be marvelous to have offspring with both the ancient gene and the wraith gene (assuming they are not both on the same chromosome.). I also wonder if any of the Athosians had the gene therapy take. Or is that just something that works for the humans from Earth. There's never been a mention of Teyla nor Ronan getting the gene therapy. I think they'd love to be able to use the Life Sense Detectors. Of course, there are ways for Teyla and Sheppard to produce offspring without being intimate. In fact, I think it would make a much stronger pull for Shep fathered her child the same way Mulder & Scully had a child. They're the best friends, but never intimate.
                  Please take the Teyla/Sheppard "miracle child" discussion elsewhere.


                  *sorry for the interruption*

                  When all else fails, change channels.


                    Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                    Great spoilers Melyanna! I try to stay spoiler free, but now we have enough to speculate on for months!

                    Anyway, all this discussion of John's
                    ancient gene and how it attracts women with ancient genes is interesting. Chaya was an ancient inetrested in John (and vice-versa) and this new woman in "The Tower" certainly seems to be interested inJohn's genes. The odd thing is that it was Elizabeth in "Before I Sleep" who communicated with the ancients and convinced one of them that she needed to rescue her fellow humans. They commented how Elizabeth and her species was an evolution of their kind.

                    Is it possible that a John/Liz pairing would be a sort of complement of the ancient and the evolution? Just curious to see where they're heading with all this "ancient gene" stuff. I'm sure pro Shep/Teyla folks could see a similar situation with Teyla/Shep because of the wraith gene connection. Is it possible that Liz is attracted to John in part because of that gene and her fascination with the Ancients? In the first ep she was most impressed by his ability to control ancient technology. Ofcourse I believe that Liz is interested in John for many more, and deeper resons, but it seems TPTB have placed a lot of importance on that gene

                    Any thoughts?

                    Geesh. Another possible 'pregnant' storyline? I do hope they don't Xfile it and go that route to be honest. Although my heart bled for what was done to Scully, I couldn't make sense of that aspect of the XF myself and I don't know if TPTB of atlantis would be able to make it any clearer with this ancient angle. There are earthlings with the ancient gene and there are others who have gene therapy correct? And this allows them power to control ancient technologies. Elizabeth said she doesn't have the gene but you're right, she is certainly fascinated with the ancients as Caldwell accused her of.

                    I just don't know if we've been told enough about any of the characters connections to it yet to be making any big 'leaps' here. I'm sure there will be more pieces to the puzzle revealed though and yeah, it is interesting.


                      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                      Please take the Teyla/Sheppard "miracle child" discussion elsewhere.


                      *sorry for the interruption*
                      Yes, I've had quite enough of that with the Xfiles. And you're right...GAG.


                        Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                        Please take the Teyla/Sheppard "miracle child" discussion elsewhere.


                        *sorry for the interruption*
                        Such talk makes Jor angry.

                        Great. Now we need screen caps to calm him, or he'll go on a rampage and "innocent" Shelyas will get hurt.

                        a time to mourn


                          Originally posted by Dorka
                          I made a new Wallpaper... not as good as my last one... but I hope you'll like it anyway

                          I love your wallpaper !!!

                          Question : Are John and Elizabeth take a long time to have a relationship ? 8 years like Jack/Sam or 4-5 years ???

                          I think that in the first season, we have to many moments "shipper". The season 2 is carry on with great Elizabeth/John moments... i'll bet on 4 - 5 years.


                            Originally posted by mgbland
                            In fact, I think it would make a much stronger pull for Shep fathered her child the same way Mulder & Scully had a child. They're the best friends, but never intimate.
                            Just couldn't let this one pass mg.

                            Never intimate? Now, I know I was a M/S shipper, but did we watch the same show? Scully had a child because Mulder put it there. He calls it 'our child', she calls it 'our child' numerous times and I don't think they were intimately kissing in the last few seasons and shaking hands at the end of the day.

                            Back on topic to stay now for me. Promise. Promise. I hope like heck they aren't taking any kind of 'miracle' child route in sga. It's been 'done'. There's too much 'baggage' and confusion with it. I don't want every space skank in five galaxies throwin themselves at him constantly for the duration of this series either. That will get old in a hurry. I'm more interested in what all john can actually 'do' because he has the gene being explored.


                              Originally posted by Hatcheter
                              Such talk makes Jor angry.
                              I wouldn't dream of going to the Shep/Teyla thread writing a full paragraph about how wonderful Weir/Shep babies would be. That is just tacky.

                              She knew that would stir trouble.

                              When all else fails, change channels.


                                Originally posted by Hatcheter
                                Such talk makes Jor angry.

                                Great. Now we need screen caps to calm him, or he'll go on a rampage and "innocent" Shelyas will get hurt.

                                Great pics!
                                Now does John have that look on his face because of what happened. Or because she is hugging him?

                                Yes Mulder and Scully most certainly were intimate! I'm not just saying that because I was a M/S shipper. There was a scene in an episode whre this guy who had been spying on Scully mentions the night when she 'invited Mulder in her bed'!

                                I mentioned last night my new fic. Then I realized people prefer direct links so here it is
                                I am really nervous about it so please tell me if it is any good!

                                Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX

