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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    The Tower. Elizabeth going off-world again? Niceee!
    Last edited by Vixen; 20 September 2005, 02:27 PM.


      Originally posted by Bama
      Just PLEASE tell me this newest space slut turns out to be evil! and the reason Elizabeth is at knifepoint or something. I don't want him finding some alien babe sporking brothel to return to at a later date.
      The chick is actually the accomplice to the main bad guy. I think her job is to distract John while Otho (the main bad guy) grabs Elizabeth and Beckett both.
      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
      Last update: 14 April 2006
      Melyanna's Multimedia
      Last update: 15 February 2006


        Originally posted by Melyanna
        The chick is actually the accomplice to the main bad guy. I think her job is to distract John while Otho (the main bad guy) grabs Elizabeth and Beckett both.

        Well hot DOG!
        Not only is she a 'gone byebye' space slut, it also should bring us some yummy john guilt for sporking while the woman that loves him is in trouble.
        Remember that John. Sporking for you means trouble for your woman. Accept it and forget it until you come to a point where you can have her.

        Wonderful Mel!
        Can you tell me why Eliz. is at knifepoint/why this otho wants her?

        I SO owe you a coke.


          Originally posted by Melyanna
          The Tower
          Well, if it makes you feel better, John is rather honorable about it. When she makes it clear that she wants him to get her pregnant, he sends her packing. When her life is in danger, he goes out of his way and risks his safety to offer to bring her to Atlantis to keep her safe. But then they show up with Elizabeth and he kind of forgets about the chick.
          She wants him to get her PREGNANT!? GAK! I think I just threw up in my mouth. Of course, any woman with half a hormone left would want that one's, genes but gag, this woman he just MET?! I hope he doesn't even 'almost'? Where is Elizabeth while her man is thinking of sporking with this hot alien chick? I do hope his attempts at sporking are what lead to Elizabeth's problems. Teach him to keep his eyes and his jeans on the woman they should always be on!



            Originally posted by Bama
            Well hot DOG!
            Not only is she a 'gone byebye' space slut, it also should bring us some yummy john guilt for sporking while the woman that loves him is in trouble.
            Remember that John. Sporking for you means trouble for your woman. Accept it and forget it until you come to a point where you can have her.

            Wonderful Mel!
            Can you tell me why Eliz. is at knifepoint/why this otho wants her?

            I SO owe you a coke.

            *sigh* Making me go back and look all this stuff up...

            The Lord Protector is descended from Ancients. He has the gene, and for generations, the Lord Protector has been someone who can operate the chair in the tower and thus protect them against the Wraith. (Hence the name of the episode.) The deal is that the current Lord Protector is old and sick, and neither of his children have the Ancient gene. He tells Mara (his daughter) that if she marries Sheppard and revives the gene in the family line, she'll get the throne. Of course, the older brother is actually next in line, but Mara is a threat to him, especially if she ends up having genetically-advanced children.

            John ends up having Elizabeth and Carson come because the Lord Protector needs medical attention. Then he dies under somewhat mysterious circumstances, and... well, I'm not entirely certain what happens from there. After John tells Mara that he'll help her escape, Otho comes in and tells him that the brother and his wife have been arrested for the murder of the Lord Protector, and then brings Elizabeth and Carson in at knifepoint. Alas, I have no idea what happens after that.
            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
            Last update: 14 April 2006
            Melyanna's Multimedia
            Last update: 15 February 2006


              Originally posted by Bama
              She wants him to get her PREGNANT!? GAK! I think I just threw up in my mouth. Of course, any woman with half a hormone left would want that one's, genes but gag, this woman he just MET?! I hope he doesn't even 'almost'? Where is Elizabeth while her man is thinking of sporking with this hot alien chick? I do hope his attempts at sporking are what lead to Elizabeth's problems. Teach him to keep his eyes and his jeans on the woman they should always be on!

              And a bit more...
              He kisses her for a bit, but the minute she starts talking about marriage and babies, he sends her back to her room. It's abundantly clear in the sides that he doesn't sleep with her. He just plays along for a bit. He's certainly not the initiator.
              Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
              Last update: 14 April 2006
              Melyanna's Multimedia
              Last update: 15 February 2006


                Originally posted by Melyanna
                And a bit more...
                He kisses her for a bit, but the minute she starts talking about marriage and babies, he sends her back to her room. It's abundantly clear in the sides that he doesn't sleep with her. He just plays along for a bit. He's certainly not the initiator.
                Well, that's a relief anyway. I really didn't expect him to but with male writers, one can never know. I mean jack and daniel both got around a bit it in sg-1 didn't they?
                I guess him being a male and all if a good looking woman comes up and starts kissing and rubbing all over him, he wouldn't be right in the head or elsewhere if he didn't have some reaction. I can forgive him that. But he better open up one more can o' whoopass on whoever has his woman! ; ) And enough of this kirk routine throwing women at john stuff. heck, even women tossin themselves at carson. Let's have some men trying to spork with Teyla and Elizabeth and see how the men like it. ; )

                Equal ops and all...

                thanks for the fill-in mel and the trouble looking it up. Don't want to torture you too much.


                  Originally posted by Bama
                  Let's have some men trying to spork with Teyla and Elizabeth and see how the men like it. ; )
                  Heh yeah.
                  Do you think they'll give Elizabeth an alien-type love interest?


                    Originally posted by Vixen
                    Heh yeah.
                    Do you think they'll give Elizabeth an alien-type love interest?
                    I'm not sure I'd want to see that, really. Not because I don't think Elizabeth deserves the screen time, but people tend to be less lenient when a woman has a one-episode relationship than when a man does. I don't know how many times I've heard Sam Carter called a space hussy, and that's just not something I want to happen to Elizabeth. It's not fair, of course, but such it is these days.
                    Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                    Last update: 14 April 2006
                    Melyanna's Multimedia
                    Last update: 15 February 2006


                      Originally posted by Melyanna
                      The chick is actually the accomplice to the main bad guy. I think her job is to distract John while Otho (the main bad guy) grabs Elizabeth and Beckett both.
                      Ha! No chick can be smart, all powerful, AND pretty at the same time!!!!

                      Well, excluding Teyla, Elizabeth, and Sam that is.


                        Originally posted by Melyanna
                        I'm not sure I'd want to see that, really. Not because I don't think Elizabeth deserves the screen time, but people tend to be less lenient when a woman has a one-episode relationship than when a man does. I don't know how many times I've heard Sam Carter called a space hussy, and that's just not something I want to happen to Elizabeth. It's not fair, of course, but such it is these days.
                        I was tongue in cheek with my comment gals but that doesn't make the kirkin any less repungent to me.

                        I wouldn't have her in one of those slut of the week eps either. I prefer her to save herself for john. ; ) But I'd love to see the same in return. And you're right mel, the male viewers wouldn't 'stand' for either Teyla or Elizabeth to spork around without calling them every slutty name in the book but let one of the guys do it and it's cool that it's a pretty space babe. Pah.



                          Originally posted by xkawaiix
                          Ha! No chick can be smart, all powerful, AND pretty at the same time!!!!

                          Well, excluding Teyla, Elizabeth, and Sam that is.
                          Exactly. Obviously this chik in 'Tower'
                          isn't too bright if she wants a complete stranger, no matter how desperate she is and how good looking he is to bed her and make her pregs. blech. stupid space slut. I do hope she falls madly for john though and she gets to SEE for herself where his real heart/emotion lies as he protects his smart, powerful and pretty E!woman. ; )


                            Originally posted by Bama
                            the male viewers wouldn't 'stand' for either Teyla or Elizabeth to spork around without calling them every slutty name in the book but let one of the guys do it and it's cool that it's a pretty space babe. Pah.

                            Yeah, it's really unfair.

                            I kinda liked seeing John in an Ancient uniform. Elizabeth looked mighty pretty in her dress in BIS. Yes, yes both were different realities but I liked how they looked.


                              Originally posted by EnfantTV
                              Hi everybody ! I'm french and my english is bad but i'll try to speak a "good" english lol...I'm a shipper John/Elizabeth. I love them. In France, we don't have the new season and it's difficult to wait lol... so i read spoilers and Gateworld and this topic are great.
                              Aurora was broadcast this week ? Are you watch this episode ? Or there are spoilers ? Sorry for my english

                              Je suis française aussi. Je vis aux US depuis 1ans. Aurora arrive vendredi aux US ainsi que The lost boys. Aurora a déja ete diffusé au Canada. Ya pas mal de spoiler et opinions qui circulent deja sur ce forum. Les screencaps et les transcripts arriveront surment ce weekend (sur abydos gate et scifigate c'est assez rapido). Le temps d'attendre la diffusion française...


                                Regarding "The Tower,"
                                I can see her wanting John to father her child, but there are ways for her to get pregnant and not be intimate with John. So, I suspect their medical science has dropped pretty far. The girl could get pregnant by artificial insemination.
                                Also, what about the gene therapy? Or is that a closely kept secret?
                                I keep wondering if those that have had the ancient gene therapy will produce non ancient kids. If the Lord Protector has the gene, but his children do not,
                                It sounds to me like the gene's recessive, and it's quite possible that John's offspring may not have the gene. But maybe two ancient genes make the power more potent. It may be that John got the gene from both his parents, while Beckett may have gotten it from one parent. If that's the case, then any child John fathers would have the ancient gene.

                                still haven't found the spoiler about holding Elizabeth at knife point. Boy is John going to freak out!

                                In "Conversion," it's a good thing John didn't
                                fess up to kissing Teyla where Weir could hear, or she would have tanned his britches but good.
                                Last edited by mgbland; 20 September 2005, 04:04 PM.

