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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by SGLAB
    I just found this little story. It's a missing scenes story for Conversion.

    OOO! Thanks a LOT for sharing. Go check it out peoples, it's pretty good! ^.^

    Oh, and,'s something I did a long time ago... and it has some Liz/John impilication in it, so I'm assuming it's alright to link. And because ,well, I really want someone to see it x.o it's a "What Were They Thinking" during the errr...infamous near ending scene of "Duet"

    SPOILER WARNING for the said ep.
    "Scientists say juggling is good for the brain....Or...was that...Jelllll-o?


      Originally posted by SoulSpinder
      OOO! Thanks a LOT for sharing. Go check it out peoples, it's pretty good! ^.^

      Oh, and,'s something I did a long time ago... and it has some Liz/John impilication in it, so I'm assuming it's alright to link. And because ,well, I really want someone to see it x.o it's a "What Were They Thinking" during the errr...infamous near ending scene of "Duet"

      SPOILER WARNING for the said ep.


      Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

      LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

      Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


        Can we talk?

        ; ) Florence, VERY good post above. Enjoyed reading it a lot. And you said something that got me to thinkin...

        What do you guys think Shep was alluding to when he told Elizabeth.
        It's better for both of us...(if she kills him now)
        That line has me a bit stymied. It has a shippy connotation but I'm not sure how he meant it.

        I'd like your thoughts on that and maybe I can wrap my own brain around it better.


        -B ; )


          Originally posted by Bama
          Can we talk?

          ; ) Florence, VERY good post above. Enjoyed reading it a lot. And you said something that got me to thinkin...

          What do you guys think Shep was alluding to when he told Elizabeth.
          It's better for both of us...(if she kills him now)
          That line has me a bit stymied. It has a shippy connotation but I'm not sure how he meant it.

          I'd like your thoughts on that and maybe I can wrap my own brain around it better.


          -B ; )
          And in the meantime...write this smutty fic godammit!...*looks around innocently*...did I say that out loud?!?!


          -Moo...(who's not obsessed..really!!)

          Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

          LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

          Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


            Originally posted by Major_Moomin
            And in the meantime...write this smutty fic godammit!...*looks around innocently*...did I say that out loud?!?!


            -Moo...(who's not obsessed..really!!)
            You talking to me Moo?

            I can't do smutty fic too well. I get all carried away in emotions and find it hard to leave them behind when writing a fic. I'm having a 'thought' for a 'missing apology scene' between shep and weir but it's more of an emotional packed sort of thing rather than smutty. I want Shep to be himself if he ever puts my girl against the wall for some reason and i don't want him angry either if you catch my drift.

            Last edited by Bama; 12 September 2005, 10:54 AM.


              Originally posted by Bama
              You talking to me Moo?

              I can't do smutty fic too well. I get all carried away in emotions and find it hard to leave them behind when writing a fic. I'm having a 'thought' for a 'missing apology scene' between shep and weir but it's more of an emotional packed sort of thing rather than smutty. I Shep to be himself if he ever puts my girl against the wall for some reason and i don't want him angry either if you catch my drift.

              Aww poo...but your fic 'Transformation' was so good *sigh*

              Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

              LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

              Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                Originally posted by Bama
                What do you guys think Shep was alluding to when he told Elizabeth.
                It's better for both of us...(if she kills him now)
                That line has me a bit stymied. It has a shippy connotation but I'm not sure how he meant it.

                I'd like your thoughts on that and maybe I can wrap my own brain around it better.


                -B ; )
                Throughout the episode there was this mixing of the human and wraith personality in him (again great job there Joe!) and one moment you have a more collected John and then you have a more edgy, violent at times John. Like when he violently grabbed Teyla's lips (I've stopped calling it a kiss for some reason heh) you had the wraith, more primitive personality taking over and then afterwards when he looks at her with concern and asking her if she's ok you see the human side come back.
                Similar thing when he pushes Elizabeth against the wall. You know the wraith side is stronger when he tightens his grip on her throat and then the human side comes back yet again when he releases her (when yes, he could've easily killed her). So when he tells her how killing him would be better for the both of them, I'd like to think that his human side (what was left of it anyway) was stronger there and he saw the toll this was taking not only on him but on Elizabeth as well and maybe saw this (killing him) as ending that torture.
                Or he was just loosing his mind by then eh.


                  Originally posted by Vixen
                  Throughout the episode there was this mixing of the human and wraith personality in him (again great job there Joe!) and one moment you have a more collected John and then you have a more edgy, violent at times John. Like when he violently grabbed Teyla's lips (I've stopped calling it a kiss for some reason heh) you had the wraith, more primitive personality taking over and then afterwards when he looks at her with concern and asking her if she's ok you see the human side come back.
                  Similar thing when he pushes Elizabeth against the wall. You know the wraith side is stronger when he tightens his grip on her throat and then the human side comes back yet again when he releases her (when yes, he could've easily killed her). So when he tells her how killing him would be better for the both of them, I'd like to think that his human side (what was left of it anyway) was stronger there and he saw the toll this was taking not only on him but on Elizabeth as well and maybe saw this (killing him) as ending that torture.
                  Or he was just loosing his mind by then eh.
                  Whoo. Vix, I like that take and it makes perfectly logical sense. She was grasping guys. Desperate. Maybe what small part of him that was still human could sense that. I LOVED her answer.
                  "I can't." She couldn't kill him. There was no way. Now would that have been what a good 'leader' would have done? Yes. Would Caldwell pulled the trigger? Oh yeah. It was the 'answer' that made the most sense and protected the city. BUT, she knew she couldn't be the one to order it. I wanted to cry a little there for her. The pain in her eyes even as he held her to her own possible death was so real. I think she would have traded her own life to save the 'real john' at that point. Ya think?

                  Great posts! I so love this thread!

                  -B ; )


                    I don't think the pushing Weir against the wall had any shipper in it. It reminded me more of the time Ford did the same to Carson. John's eyes looked glazed, even though you could still see a little conflict when his eyebrow twiched a little.
                    I wonder how much Joe had to practice in front of a mirror to get the facial expressions right.

                    In the chase scene on base, he took out all the guards, but ignored Teyla until she called after him. He turned around, but didn't attack. Still having that weird glazed expression.

                    Later I wondered why Carson would allow,
                    John to have that one last hour of lucidity. Talk about torture, knowing you're losing the battle!


                      Originally posted by Vixen
                      Throughout the episode there was this mixing of the human and wraith personality in him (again great job there Joe!) and one moment you have a more collected John and then you have a more edgy, violent at times John. Like when he violently grabbed Teyla's lips (I've stopped calling it a kiss for some reason heh) you had the wraith, more primitive personality taking over and then afterwards when he looks at her with concern and asking her if she's ok you see the human side come back.
                      Similar thing when he pushes Elizabeth against the wall. You know the wraith side is stronger when he tightens his grip on her throat and then the human side comes back yet again when he releases her (when yes, he could've easily killed her). So when he tells her how killing him would be better for the both of them, I'd like to think that his human side (what was left of it anyway) was stronger there and he saw the toll this was taking not only on him but on Elizabeth as well and maybe saw this (killing him) as ending that torture.
                      Or he was just loosing his mind by then eh.
                      I couldn't have said it better !
                      I don't think that when he says
                      that it would be better for both of them
                      , it's not in a shippy way. I mean, not in a romantic shippy way. But in a 'we have a relationship made of trust, respect and friendship' shippy way. Because for me, they're not there yet (but if I keep on reading Zero.Point.Snark recaps, I might begin to think they're doing it every chance they have ! )
                      He knows it would be best for him
                      if he was killed because he wants to end this awful and frightening mutation
                      and it would be best for her
                      because he knows how hard it must be for her to see him like that

                      So IMO with these few words, he shows he wants to protect her as much as he want to protect Atlantis.
                      Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                        WIZENGAMOT, thanx! Loved your vid That should tide me over nicely till it airs in the UK

                        Originally posted by Vixen
                        Heh and they would be also perfect as the Smiths .
                        They certainly would - I fancy the pants off all four of them

                        Originally posted by Bama
                        If it goes like the one in London did, the shippers will meet them at the door! I read that they had badges for them to wear that said, "So Doing It" on them!!! Love it!
                        Torri wore hers on stage They also had badges with a picture of a PJ saing ''not the only ship on Atlantis''

                        Southern Red, have a terrific and safe time in Hawaii

                        WELCOME LEXA JAYDE, A.L., MGBLAND

                        Originally posted by Alyssa
                        On the question of how long they've all signed on for, I think it's six years. I remember reading a quote from Torri where she said it was a weird feeling signing on for six years when you didn't know if everyone would get along, etc., but they all work together well....
                        I think i remember reading that they sign on for 6 years but that doesn't mean that there will definately be 6 seasons - THAT depends on the ratings.

                        Originally posted by Mgbland
                        I wonder if Sheppard would have been as tempted to kiss Teyla if she'd been wearing sweats. Teyla's sparring partner, more a student, wasn't wearing the wonder girl garb.
                        Bare in mind i haven't seen COnversion but i'm thinking
                        the kiss came about from Shep turning primal. We know he had some control over himself but fighting is a very emotional driven exercise in which you go on instinct and don't have time to think and rationalise. We've already said that he fancies Teyla (based on her looks), and that it was HER he was sparing with. When you put that with the fact he had gone primal, i don't think at that point it would have mattered what she was wearing...or for that matter who he was long as he had the thought in his head that they were hot.

                        I haven't read any spoilers for Allies but i had a thought yesterday - what if on some level it has to do with
                        the trust issues between John, Liz and Caldwell?
                        Hmm..must check out spoilers.


                          Originally posted by Bama
                          Whoo. Vix, I like that take and it makes perfectly logical sense. She was grasping guys. Desperate. Maybe what small part of him that was still human could sense that. I LOVED her answer.
                          "I can't." She couldn't kill him. There was no way. Now would that have been what a good 'leader' would have done? Yes. Would Caldwell pulled the trigger? Oh yeah. It was the 'answer' that made the most sense and protected the city. BUT, she knew she couldn't be the one to order it. I wanted to cry a little there for her. The pain in her eyes even as he held her to her own possible death was so real. I think she would have traded her own life to save the 'real john' at that point. Ya think?

                          Great posts! I so love this thread!

                          -B ; )
                          I'd much rather have someone like Sheppard as my CO than Caldwell. Caldwell's show no loyalty to the people he commands.
                          It's not Sheppard anymore. How did he know that; did he bother to talk with Sheppard?


                            Originally posted by Bama
                            Great posts! I so love this thread!

                            -B ; )
                            Me too! Lots of lovely 'meaty' stuff for me to chew over during the day!

                            Thanks gang!


                              Originally posted by Vixen
                              Like when he violently grabbed Teyla's lips (I've stopped calling it a kiss for some reason heh)
                              yeah, to me, a kiss involves tongues...from both parties...not being pushed against a wall and having your lips smushed


                                Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                                WIZENGAMOT, thanx! Loved your vid That should tide me over nicely till it airs in the UK

                                They certainly would - I fancy the pants off all four of them

                                Torri wore hers on stage They also had badges with a picture of a PJ saing ''not the only ship on Atlantis''

                                Southern Red, have a terrific and safe time in Hawaii

                                WELCOME LEXA JAYDE, A.L., MGBLAND

                                I think i remember reading that they sign on for 6 years but that doesn't mean that there will definately be 6 seasons - THAT depends on the ratings.

                                Bare in mind i haven't seen COnversion but i'm thinking
                                the kiss came about from Shep turning primal. We know he had some control over himself but fighting is a very emotional driven exercise in which you go on instinct and don't have time to think and rationalise. We've already said that he fancies Teyla (based on her looks), and that it was HER he was sparing with. When you put that with the fact he had gone primal, i don't think at that point it would have mattered what she was wearing...or for that matter who he was long as he had the thought in his head that they were hot.

                                I haven't read any spoilers for Allies but i had a thought yesterday - what if on some level it has to do with
                                the trust issues between John, Liz and Caldwell?
                                Hmm..must check out spoilers.

                                I remember Joe stating in an interview that he definitely wanted to make it into syndication (minimum 4 years/100 episodes). But when they mentioned 5 years, he said he had to look at his contract again. I hope Atlantis has a good long run. When you get to season 4 of a series, the episodes start really getting good because they spend the time to establish and build the characters in the first three seasons, so they can really start fleshing them out starting with season 4. That's assuming they know there will be a season 5 and 6, and they don't have to wind the series to a close.

                                Edited to add: I don't know how well they all get along. I thought I heard somewhere that they worked well together, but that may have been SG-1. However, X-Files had eight successful years even though Gillian and David didn't get along too well. Yep, X-Files lasted 9 years, but David wasn't around much that last year.

