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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by prion
    I don't think he's xenophobic (it's with an 'x'); I think he's just creeped out by running into a naked little gray alien.I mean face it, if Hermoid walked into the room right now while you were reading this, you wouldn't exactly think it was normal

    I didn't really see any 'shippiness' in this episode per se.... I saw a deep friendhip between Elizabeth and Sheppard, but nothing, as fans define it, shippy. As for Teyla, the kiss is possibly his inhibitions being loosened by the retrovirus, but the kiss was hardly romantic. I think Teyla cares for Sheppard, but if it's romantic, I'm not honestly sure.
    Ahhhh...deep friendship. ; ) You're tellin me you can't *taste* the potential between shep and weir for the whole kit and caboodle at some point far, far, down the road? I have to get my knife out to cut thru it, it's so thick and juicy at times.

    Agree with you on the little 'grey' alien thing.



      Originally posted by mgbland
      Well Tayla is young, strong, sexy, especially in her exercise outfit. She probably doesn't realize the effect that has on men. Sheppard is a normal guy, he's attracted. Elizabeth is more his intellectual equal. She also is from the same planet and culture, the same country. Also a strike against Tayla/Sheppard is the fact he's a little zenophobic, remember his reaction to Hermiad.
      It is "Teyla", not "Tayla", btw.

      When all else fails, change channels.



        Sometimes I really get flashbacks to the 'files' with this one...some of the same arguments...same points too...but a different relationship that is so very exciting.

        Random Bama thought #8,997....

        Red and I have been talkin about that 'married' vibe we are already gettin from Shep and Weir and trust me, it's there. We weren't born yesterday! LOL. My shippy sensor went off on the entire scene in her office where John crashed his hand thru the window in frustration. His line about "You always use protocol as an excuse" was entirely 'married' sounding. He thought because it was *him* asking that she would roll and it made him mad as hell when she didn't. Strong, strong emotion.

        Guys, the
        'bedroom' scenes are incredibly 'married' feeling as well. The writers put them in this cozy, closed door type setting that while nothing overt is going on, the undercurrent is there. Elizabeth going to his quarters. Approching him alone. Being the only one that felt intimate enough with him to do so. John turned away from her on the bed as she struggled to find the right words to reach him.
        Get it? Such a 'married' feel to it.

        In the
        hug scene, that entire thing screamed 'married!!!' LOL! "(honey) I'm home..." Elizabeth beaming walks over and hugs the piss out of him. "Yes you are. (dear)."

        And there are other vivid instances of this besides those two eps. They're evolving into an old married couple already. All cozy and reliant and trusting and intimate but without the sex.

        Now, if we can just get them to sit down and watch some steamy movie together or something, we'll be all set.

        And I'm only half kidding.



          Originally posted by Rubicon
          One persons "sexy" is another persons "irritating".

          Her battle!skirts are stupid. And she should get some shirts that actually fit. Her Wonder bras seems to fit perfectly. Costuming is not one of the Stargate series strong points. It can actually be quite horrific.
          I wonder if Sheppard would have been as tempted to kiss Teyla if she'd been wearing sweats. Teyla's sparring partner, more a student, wasn't wearing the wonder girl garb.


            Originally posted by mgbland
            I wonder if Sheppard would have been as tempted to kiss Teyla if she'd been wearing sweats. Teyla's sparring partner, more a student, wasn't wearing the wonder girl garb.
            I think more people would enjoy Teyla and take her a bit more seriously if she wasn't dressed like a teeny-bopper all the time.

            When all else fails, change channels.


              And once again Bama hits the nail on the head. I just watched the end of Conversion again
              looking for the mouth twitch. Tough job, but someone has to. heh I had to rewind twice to even catch it. I don't know if this is what Joe calls a "character choice" or just unconscious but he does it a lot when he's nervous, unsure what to do. scared, getting ready to do something he doesn't want to do, or well ah, looking at Elizabeth's mouth. Heh again. That last part may be a stretch. It was barely visible after T walked away, but I did see him breathe a sigh. I'm thinking of relief that the whole thing was over, and they could go on like before. He licked his lips and smushed them together a lot during and after the hug, but he also did it when trying to get E on the radio in Intruder, countless times last year, (remember those great wet lip pics from Underground? )and right after what's her name bit him. Hmm, maybe she's his true love. All this talk about lips is making the room uncomfortably warm.
              Everyone should listen to Joe's commentary for The Rising, very revealing on how he plays Sheppard, and the interaction with Martin Wood reveals interesting info about just how much leeway Joe gets. A lot.

              Now, I'll be leaving soon and what I want to see when I get back is a picture of our couple involving straddling, crotch touching, and lip licking. And the gold goes to John Sheppard. 10.0 baby doll 10.0

              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                Originally posted by mgbland
                I have to learn to highlight the spoilers. Well Tayla is young, strong, sexy, especially in her exercise outfit. She probably doesn't realize the effect that has on men. Sheppard is a normal guy, he's attracted. Elizabeth is more his intellectual equal. She also is from the same planet and culture, the same country. Also a strike against Tayla/Sheppard is the fact he's a little zenophobic, remember his reaction to Hermiad. Also, his reaction to the ascended on Proculus. His eyes really lit up when he was around her, but he also freaked out a little about being involved with a woman from another planet then later another species.
                Thanks for clearing that up. I agree. I had forgotten (on purpose ) his reaction to Chia pet, er Chyla. He may just have enough of that alienism heh in him to apply it to Teyla. We must remember that the original intent for the Sheppard character was the "fish out of water" scenario, so they are intentionally playing him as the "normal" one a little leery of the alien side of the mission. Lots about this in the commentary for Rising.

                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                  Originally posted by Southern Red
                  what I want to see when I get back is a picture of our couple involving straddling, crotch touching, and lip licking.
                  uh... I'll get right on that. :: porny!smilie ::

                  See below for some lip licking to tide you over.


                    Hey Guys

                    FINALLY managed to catch up on all the posts since friday, and boy, it took me bloody ages!!!

                    Great spoilers on Conversion, had to admit I was a little nervous about it (even though I won't see it for ages) but it's good to know that all the angsty shep/liz moments totally outweighed the
                    ...bleh!! *spits to the floor*

                    Welcome to any newbies!!!

                    You know, there has totally gotta be a smutty fic for
                    wraithJohn pushing Liz up against that wall! I mean come on!'s got smut written all over it!!!

                    tripple dare ya?!?!


                    Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                    LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                    Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                      OMG! LOL! Would somebody *please* take her up on this one! I almost spewed reading it! Shep has shown *many* instances of attraction for Teyla?! LOL! Oh yeah. Sure....



                        Originally posted by Bama
                        OMG! LOL! Would somebody *please* take her up on this one! I almost spewed reading it! Shep has shown *many* instances of attraction for Teyla?! LOL! Oh yeah. Sure....

                        Link seems brokenish. But also I cannot abide that whole forum. Way too much text messege talk. U no wht I meen? And stupid posts. Aak! I think I lost a couple of IQ points just clicking on your link.

                        Also, too much talk about the ships, firepower, CGI and paradoxs-in-time-travel! ick.

                        I my world, sci-fi has always been about the characters.

                        Uh topic... J/E 4eva!


                          But in "Intruder" Sheppard told Weir he didn't want to leave any parts behind. Somehow, I don't think he was talking about two arms and two legs. Something awfully strange to say to one of the guys.


                            I just want to add my opinion about Conversion (great posts in this thread btw )
                            I hadn't read any spoiler about this ep before having the opportunity to watch it and make my own opinion about it. Well, I had seen a little about
                            Shep's mutation and Shep/Teyla kiss
                            because it was really difficult to avoid these kind of spoilers these last few days...
                            Anyway, I didn't know anything else before watching the episode. I have to say I really loved it (I think it's probably my 2nd favorite episode this season just behind The Siege III)
                            I wasn't expecting to see
                            so many Shep/Weir scenes
                            and I was really surprised, and surprised in a good way !

                            About Shep/Teyla kiss : well, for me it wasn't a kiss. I mean, it was forced, Shep wasn't himself at that moment and Teyla didn't really look like she was enjoying it, to say the least... And Teyla's sigh of relief in the last scene says everything IMO : she doesn't see Sheppard that way. Bye bye Shep/Teyla ship ! (which I had never seen anyway...)
                            I think I've read somewhere that some people were comparing Shep/Teyla kiss in Conversion to Sam/Jack kiss in Broca Divide. Yeah, it's very similar... except the end. In Broca Divide, when Sam wants to apologize in the end, Jack acts like he doesn't remember, then he makes a joke about it and leaves a puzzled then amused Sam.
                            In Conversion, when Shep comes to apologize, Teyla acts like it was really nothing then leaves him, with a sigh of relief.
                            Different reactions, different feelings as well...

                            Now, the Shep/Weir scenes... Wow !
                            Elizabeth's concern then her fear about Shep's condition...
                            her never being afraid to go into his room, even when the soldiers were telling her not to...
                            the fact that she was the only one not afraid to do so...
                            when Shep asks her to kill him if they don't find a solution because it would be the best thing to do for both of them... Not 'for everyone' or 'for Atlantis' safety' or even 'for me'... no, 'for both of us'. That sounds pretty clear to me !
                            And come on, everyone knows it on Atlantis ! Even Caldwell, the newbie !

                            The only thing missing in this episode was an infirmary scene in the end with Sheppard and Weir. Or some scene like the one they did with Sheppard and Teyla. Cause I'm sure he went to apologize to Elizabeth as well, they can't have let things like that between them. I've already read one or two fics about that scene, but I'm sure there will be plenty in the next days !

                            I really loved this episode, not only because of the Shep/Weir scenes, but also because of a lot of other things : every character had its own place and role (and everyone was well portrayed), there was angst and action, the great JF acting of course, and did I mention angst ?

                            Wow ! I think I've never written so many things in this thread !

                            PS : I don't remember who wanted to know how to do the spoiler tags...
                            It's very easy. Just type [spoiler ] what you want to be unseen [/ spoiler] without the blank spaces.
                            I wouldn't like to sound too strict (especially since I don't post very often in this thread, even if I read every post) but it would be nice if everyone was remembering to put spoiler tags in their posts when we're talking about S2 episodes. Also, when posting caps, put a spoiler warning or even better, put those caps in between url tags instead of img tags. Thanks for those of us who try to stay spoiler free !
                            Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                              Originally posted by Major_Moomin

                              You know, there has totally gotta be a smutty fic for
                              wraithJohn pushing Liz up against that wall! I mean come on!'s got smut written all over it!!!

                              tripple dare ya?!?!


                              I'll tell ya, if I could write smut to any degree of wellness, I would SO take you up on that. It's completely a challange I'd love to take. Unfortunatly I completely suck at such stories. Maybe I can nab a friend to do it/ have her and I collab/her push me to do it. But I give NO promises!

                              All this talk is making me want to see that ep again >.> Which stinks. T3 connection makes everything go super duper fast my bum! *points to an 8% completion for a good 10 hours*

                              All this talk of lip-licking is making ME do it. I found myself doing such a thing the other day.

                              And, wowsers guys, I leave to go to a couple classes, and this thread takes root and shoots! Very nice posts to come back on and read by the by.
                              "Scientists say juggling is good for the brain....Or...was that...Jelllll-o?


                                I just found this little story. It's a missing scenes story for Conversion.


