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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    i'm not talking about Their actual birthdays im talking about The Characters Bday like O'Neill is Oct. 23rd or something when Rick's is like January 23rd

    Comment for sheppard and for weir


        Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
        i'm not talking about Their actual birthdays im talking about The Characters Bday like O'Neill is Oct. 23rd or something when Rick's is like January 23rd
        We know that. We were discussing the close proximity of the actors' birthdays and the characters' supposed birthdays.

        Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
        Okay, Sheppard's page does not list an official source for his birthdate; Weir's page lists the DVD Magazine that was available in the UK as a source (I'm guessing they got Sheppard's date from one of them, they just didn't put it on his page). As I recall, others here at GW have reported a number of inaccuracies in the supplemental features on these discs, so I'm not sure we can safely trust this as a reliable source of information. If someone really needs to have a date for a fanfic, it should be good enough for that, but it's probably not canon. Sorry 'bout that.
        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


          In digging up some info on the actors' and characters' birthday discussion, I discovered this amusing coincidence:

          Torri's birthday is December 6. The original Canadian airdate for Before I Sleep (which as we all know, takes place on Weir's birthday) was apparently December 6, 2004. How funny is that?
          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
            In digging up some info on the actors' and characters' birthday discussion, I discovered this amusing coincidence:

            Torri's birthday is December 6. The original Canadian airdate for Before I Sleep (which as we all know, takes place on Weir's birthday) was apparently December 6, 2004. How funny is that?
            LOL, I love that. Could we call it Sparky canon? Weir's B Day should be Dec. 6. Oh by the way, are we discussing (again) is Weir older than Sheppard? If they were, say, teens, that would make a huge difference but since they're both grown ups I don't see why it should be a problem.
            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


              Originally posted by Anuna View Post
              LOL, I love that. Could we call it Sparky canon? Weir's B Day should be Dec. 6. Oh by the way, are we discussing (again) is Weir older than Sheppard? If they were, say, teens, that would make a huge difference but since they're both grown ups I don't see why it should be a problem.
              LOL! Heh, I suppose we could call it fanon, yes. Since TPTW are probably never going to resolve the Weir storyline and give us any 'official' answers, we might as well come up with our own... *thwaps TPTW with a frozen fish*

              As I recall, didn't the casting sides for Rising list both Sheppard and Weir as being in their mid-to-late 30s? So they're about the same age. Works for me.
              (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
              Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                LOL! Heh, I suppose we could call it fanon, yes. Since TPTW are probably never going to resolve the Weir storyline and give us any 'official' answers, we might as well come up with our own... *thwaps TPTW with a frozen fish*

                As I recall, didn't the casting sides for Rising list both Sheppard and Weir as being in their mid-to-late 30s? So they're about the same age. Works for me.
                Yes, that age thing between them was definitely blown way out of proportion. It's not like there's ten or twenty year gap between them.

                Fish slapping? Like this? (you gotta love the Monty Phyton)
                I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                  *snerk* Did you get the chance to see the "Relationships" section in here?
                  I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                    Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                    Yes, that age thing between them was definitely blown way out of proportion. It's not like there's ten or twenty year gap between them.
                    Like the gap there is with other characters? You betcha.

                    Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                    Fish slapping? Like this? (you gotta love the Monty Phyton)
                    *cackles* Oh yeah! Now that's what I'm talking about!
                    (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                    Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                      *snerk* Did you get the chance to see the "Relationships" section in here?
                      And Elizabeth's got a matching one. Excellent. *joins in the snerkage*
                      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                        And Elizabeth's got a matching one. Excellent. *joins in the snerkage*
                        Yeah, I get a total kick out of that! So it's not only us, but the other people see it as well. And they put it on StargateWiki, which is too cool
                        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                          Gah!! I've been so busy!!

                          I'm quickly posting the next part. Lemme know your thoughts on it and please, don't kill me!! Thanks!!

                          Two weeks later
                          John woke with a start as the alarm clock blared next to him. He growled and banged it into blissful silence. Wiping a hand over his stubbled face he turned to the cold and empty spot next to him. He let out a sigh and heaved himself out of bed. Motivating himself to keep going seemed to become harder on a daily level. He had zero job satisfaction and she wasn’t around to keep him going either.
                          His morning routine still seemed off, even after two weeks. He showered alone and he still got dressed before using the bathroom. It was a habit and for some reason he didn’t want to lose it. He brought in two newspapers and baked one omelet. There was no one to talk too, so he already started reading one of the papers. There was no one to kiss goodbye, so he left for work with slumped shoulders and sad eyes.

                          Elizabeth beamed down straight into the gateroom in between Cam and Caldwell. Cam had taken over the military in Atlantis since about six months when Sam had gone back to Earth to marry Jack. The only reason he’d been on Earth during the attack was because he’d been on leave.
                          “Elizabeth!” Carson’s accented voice sounded and he quickly came closer to her. “Oh my…” He eyed her bulging belly and grinned. “I think congratulations are in order.”
                          She smiled and hugged her old friend. “Thank you Carson.”
                          Soon she was surrounded by her friends… her family and her smile only grew as she hugged them all yet the feeling that something was off didn’t leave her.
                          “Where’s Sheppard?” Rodney suddenly asked as he looked around. “Is he still on the Deadalus?”
                          Right, that’s what felt off… Elizabeth sighed and shook her head. “He wasn’t allowed to join me.”
                          For a moment silence fell over the people in the gateroom and controlroom. Then protests started rising up, Rodney among the loudest.
                          “How is it possible?”
                          “It’s scandalous.”
                          “I can’t believe it.”
                          “Why would they do such a thing?”
                          Elizabeth raised her hands as the volume and protests seemed to keep rising. “People please!”
                          The noise died instantly and Cam looked around in surprise. One sign, two words and they listened to her without a doubt. Now it became really obvious to him why they were all so desperate to get her back in command of the expedition.
                          “Trust me; if anyone wanted him here with me, it’s me. But it was a direct order from the SGC that he couldn’t return with me.”
                          “Van Der Bild.” Ronon hissed between his teeth, anger written all over his face.
                          The sudden angry reaction in the room surprised Elizabeth. She had seen the man only once during her briefing and even though he had come off as arrogant, she hadn’t expected he would have influenced the people all the way to the Pegasus Galaxy so hard they all seemed to either hate or loath him.
                          She raised her hands again and the room once more quieted down. “I don’t know what happened between you and the General.” Rodney opened his mouth, but one look from her and he closed it again. The amused smile on Cam’s face didn’t get lost on her and she was sure Woolsey used to have his hands full with Rodney. “I will get myself updated on that in due time. But first I want to get an update on the current situation. Like who were the ones who attacked us and why communications with Earth failed. I expect a briefing in 30 minutes. Any questions?”
                          Most shook their heads and some mumbled no.
                          “Alright, then decide who will brief me and I’ll see you in 30 minutes in the meeting room next to the control room.” With that she turned and walked towards the door, Cam right behind her with her heavy pack on his back. He had promised John to look after her and he wasn’t about to let her carry her own pack.

                          It was a slow day today and John was keeping busy by meticulously cleaning the inside of his helicopter.
                          “John Sheppard?”
                          He turned around to face an unknown man in a clean-cut costume and checked his watch. “I wasn’t informed for a flight right now. If you want to fly, you’ll have to go to the office.”
                          “I don’t want to fly sir. Peter Sheppard is your brother?”
                          “Peter? Yes, but he died years ago in Afghanistan.” It had been almost exactly a year before John had left for Atlantis. It was one of the reasons he had left in the first place. After Peter had died, there was nothing left for him.
                          “And you know Gina Fuentes Sheppard?”
                          John nodded. “Yeah, she was my brother’s wife, but I haven’t seen her since the funeral.” He knew it was actually kind of stupid as Peter was the last real family for both of them. If they had kept in contact then at least they still would have a link to some sort of family.
                          The man handed John an envelope. “Good day, Mr. Sheppard.” And walked away without another word.
                          John eyed the envelope curiously. It came from some high-priced lawyer office in New York City and he wondered why Gina would contact him through a lawyer and what possibly for. Quickly opening it, he scanned the content and his eyes grew wide.
                          “You’ve godda be kidding me.” He mumbled as he reread the letter.

                          “The Travelers did this?” Elizabeth asked shocked as she looked around the room at Rodney, Ronon, Teyla, Lorne and Carson. They all nodded in agreement. Cam sat by her side, looking at the team with large eyes. He was never taking a day off again…
                          “Why?” She wondered out loud. “What did Woolsey tell them?”
                          “We are not sure.” Teyla admitted. “He was in a closed meeting with their leaders.”
                          “No one of you was in there with him?” She asked surprised and they all shook their heads.
                          “Woolsey barely ever allowed any of us into one of his meetings with allies.” Cam said. “He always said we would only distract him.”
                          “So he never listened to your input? To your advice?” Elizabeth asked, getting more baffled by the minute. She had always known putting Woolsey in command was a mistake, but this was just ridiculous.
                          “Ha! As if!” Rodney snored. “He would almost rather loose an ally than listen to us for advice.”
                          “So, what happened after the meeting?” She wanted to know.
                          Lorne sighed. “We never saw him again after the meeting. They abducted him, shot a few rounds at the city and took off. We haven’t seen or heard from them since.”
                          “So they just took off?”
                          They all nodded in agreement.
                          “I hope they sell him on a slave-market.” Ronon growled silently and Elizabeth had to bite her lip to stop herself from laughing. Let it be Ronon to make a remark like that.
                          “I’m sure it won’t come that far.” It was meant to sound reassuring, but she wondered why she wanted to reassure them as they all seemed much happier without Woolsey in their lives.
                          “No, it won’t, will it.” Rodney sighed and Elizabeth could read the disappointment right off his face.
                          “Of course, after this, I’m quite sure we can send him packing back to Earth.” Six pairs of hopeful eyes looked up at her.
                          “Really?” Carson smiled.
                          “Nothing I’d rather see happening.” Ronon grinned.
                          Elizabeth shook her head and smiled. The people surrounding her were truly amazing, but if they took a disliking to someone… they *really* took a disliking to someone.

                          John pushed the letter in his boss’s face. “Read it. I have to get to New York asap!”
                          The man shook his head. “I’m sorry, Commander, but we have a special request for you scheduled tomorrow. We can’t disappoint that customer as he’s one of our most loyal ones.”
                          “Who is it?” John asked, sounded very annoyed.
                          “Congressman Richards.”
                          “Richards?” John spat. “That blown up weasel? Are you serious?”
                          “Sheppard! He’s a very good client and we want to grand him his requests. Those requests include you, so I won’t grand you leave for your little project for another two days.”
                          “Little project?” John growled. “Have you even read the letter?”
                          “I did and I’m afraid it will only interfere with your duties here.”
                          “My duties? Like flying fat politicians to the other side of Washington? Oh yeah and that’s more important than this.” John was really pissed as he slammed the letter down on the wooden desk.
                          “Yes it is.” His boss deadpanned.
                          John glared at the man. “Then I quit.”
                          The man on the other side of the desk looked at him with a bit of panic and shock in his eyes. “You can’t just quit! You’re one of ours best pilots.”
                          “If you don’t grand me these few days off to attend to my “little project”, then I will quit right here and right now.”
                          “Fine.” He growled reluctantly. “You can have your few days. I’ll tell Congressman Richards that you’re too sick to pilot him.”
                          John let out a relieved breath. “Thank you.”

                          Sig by me


                            Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                            Gah!! I've been so busy!!

                            I'm quickly posting the next part. Lemme know your thoughts on it and please, don't kill me!! Thanks!!

                            Two weeks later
                            John woke with a start as the alarm clock blared next to him. He growled and banged it into blissful silence. Wiping a hand over his stubbled face he turned to the cold and empty spot next to him. He let out a sigh and heaved himself out of bed. Motivating himself to keep going seemed to become harder on a daily level. He had zero job satisfaction and she wasn’t around to keep him going either.
                            His morning routine still seemed off, even after two weeks. He showered alone and he still got dressed before using the bathroom. It was a habit and for some reason he didn’t want to lose it. He brought in two newspapers and baked one omelet. There was no one to talk too, so he already started reading one of the papers. There was no one to kiss goodbye, so he left for work with slumped shoulders and sad eyes.

                            Elizabeth beamed down straight into the gateroom in between Cam and Caldwell. Cam had taken over the military in Atlantis since about six months when Sam had gone back to Earth to marry Jack. The only reason he’d been on Earth during the attack was because he’d been on leave.
                            “Elizabeth!” Carson’s accented voice sounded and he quickly came closer to her. “Oh my…” He eyed her bulging belly and grinned. “I think congratulations are in order.”
                            She smiled and hugged her old friend. “Thank you Carson.”
                            Soon she was surrounded by her friends… her family and her smile only grew as she hugged them all yet the feeling that something was off didn’t leave her.
                            “Where’s Sheppard?” Rodney suddenly asked as he looked around. “Is he still on the Deadalus?”
                            Right, that’s what felt off… Elizabeth sighed and shook her head. “He wasn’t allowed to join me.”
                            For a moment silence fell over the people in the gateroom and controlroom. Then protests started rising up, Rodney among the loudest.
                            “How is it possible?”
                            “It’s scandalous.”
                            “I can’t believe it.”
                            “Why would they do such a thing?”
                            Elizabeth raised her hands as the volume and protests seemed to keep rising. “People please!”
                            The noise died instantly and Cam looked around in surprise. One sign, two words and they listened to her without a doubt. Now it became really obvious to him why they were all so desperate to get her back in command of the expedition.
                            “Trust me; if anyone wanted him here with me, it’s me. But it was a direct order from the SGC that he couldn’t return with me.”
                            “Van Der Bild.” Ronon hissed between his teeth, anger written all over his face.
                            The sudden angry reaction in the room surprised Elizabeth. She had seen the man only once during her briefing and even though he had come off as arrogant, she hadn’t expected he would have influenced the people all the way to the Pegasus Galaxy so hard they all seemed to either hate or loath him.
                            She raised her hands again and the room once more quieted down. “I don’t know what happened between you and the General.” Rodney opened his mouth, but one look from her and he closed it again. The amused smile on Cam’s face didn’t get lost on her and she was sure Woolsey used to have his hands full with Rodney. “I will get myself updated on that in due time. But first I want to get an update on the current situation. Like who were the ones who attacked us and why communications with Earth failed. I expect a briefing in 30 minutes. Any questions?”
                            Most shook their heads and some mumbled no.
                            “Alright, then decide who will brief me and I’ll see you in 30 minutes in the meeting room next to the control room.” With that she turned and walked towards the door, Cam right behind her with her heavy pack on his back. He had promised John to look after her and he wasn’t about to let her carry her own pack.

                            It was a slow day today and John was keeping busy by meticulously cleaning the inside of his helicopter.
                            “John Sheppard?”
                            He turned around to face an unknown man in a clean-cut costume and checked his watch. “I wasn’t informed for a flight right now. If you want to fly, you’ll have to go to the office.”
                            “I don’t want to fly sir. Peter Sheppard is your brother?”
                            “Peter? Yes, but he died years ago in Afghanistan.” It had been almost exactly a year before John had left for Atlantis. It was one of the reasons he had left in the first place. After Peter had died, there was nothing left for him.
                            “And you know Gina Fuentes Sheppard?”
                            John nodded. “Yeah, she was my brother’s wife, but I haven’t seen her since the funeral.” He knew it was actually kind of stupid as Peter was the last real family for both of them. If they had kept in contact then at least they still would have a link to some sort of family.
                            The man handed John an envelope. “Good day, Mr. Sheppard.” And walked away without another word.
                            John eyed the envelope curiously. It came from some high-priced lawyer office in New York City and he wondered why Gina would contact him through a lawyer and what possibly for. Quickly opening it, he scanned the content and his eyes grew wide.
                            “You’ve godda be kidding me.” He mumbled as he reread the letter.

                            “The Travelers did this?” Elizabeth asked shocked as she looked around the room at Rodney, Ronon, Teyla, Lorne and Carson. They all nodded in agreement. Cam sat by her side, looking at the team with large eyes. He was never taking a day off again…
                            “Why?” She wondered out loud. “What did Woolsey tell them?”
                            “We are not sure.” Teyla admitted. “He was in a closed meeting with their leaders.”
                            “No one of you was in there with him?” She asked surprised and they all shook their heads.
                            “Woolsey barely ever allowed any of us into one of his meetings with allies.” Cam said. “He always said we would only distract him.”
                            “So he never listened to your input? To your advice?” Elizabeth asked, getting more baffled by the minute. She had always known putting Woolsey in command was a mistake, but this was just ridiculous.
                            “Ha! As if!” Rodney snored. “He would almost rather loose an ally than listen to us for advice.”
                            “So, what happened after the meeting?” She wanted to know.
                            Lorne sighed. “We never saw him again after the meeting. They abducted him, shot a few rounds at the city and took off. We haven’t seen or heard from them since.”
                            “So they just took off?”
                            They all nodded in agreement.
                            “I hope they sell him on a slave-market.” Ronon growled silently and Elizabeth had to bite her lip to stop herself from laughing. Let it be Ronon to make a remark like that.
                            “I’m sure it won’t come that far.” It was meant to sound reassuring, but she wondered why she wanted to reassure them as they all seemed much happier without Woolsey in their lives.
                            “No, it won’t, will it.” Rodney sighed and Elizabeth could read the disappointment right off his face.
                            “Of course, after this, I’m quite sure we can send him packing back to Earth.” Six pairs of hopeful eyes looked up at her.
                            “Really?” Carson smiled.
                            “Nothing I’d rather see happening.” Ronon grinned.
                            Elizabeth shook her head and smiled. The people surrounding her were truly amazing, but if they took a disliking to someone… they *really* took a disliking to someone.

                            John pushed the letter in his boss’s face. “Read it. I have to get to New York asap!”
                            The man shook his head. “I’m sorry, Commander, but we have a special request for you scheduled tomorrow. We can’t disappoint that customer as he’s one of our most loyal ones.”
                            “Who is it?” John asked, sounded very annoyed.
                            “Congressman Richards.”
                            “Richards?” John spat. “That blown up weasel? Are you serious?”
                            “Sheppard! He’s a very good client and we want to grand him his requests. Those requests include you, so I won’t grand you leave for your little project for another two days.”
                            “Little project?” John growled. “Have you even read the letter?”
                            “I did and I’m afraid it will only interfere with your duties here.”
                            “My duties? Like flying fat politicians to the other side of Washington? Oh yeah and that’s more important than this.” John was really pissed as he slammed the letter down on the wooden desk.
                            “Yes it is.” His boss deadpanned.
                            John glared at the man. “Then I quit.”
                            The man on the other side of the desk looked at him with a bit of panic and shock in his eyes. “You can’t just quit! You’re one of ours best pilots.”
                            “If you don’t grand me these few days off to attend to my “little project”, then I will quit right here and right now.”
                            “Fine.” He growled reluctantly. “You can have your few days. I’ll tell Congressman Richards that you’re too sick to pilot him.”
                            John let out a relieved breath. “Thank you.”
                            KR - You Rock... nuff said


                              Everyone sees that there is something between Elizabeth and Sheppard except TPTB. Did they watch the same show?
                              I do some research on the French Wiki and there is this small sentences: “This season marks a turning point for Weir. Her feelings for Sheppard evolve” (season 3)

                              KR You are really a great writer. Poor John. But now, I'm curious. What is the “little project”?
                              Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                                LOL, I love that. Could we call it Sparky canon? Weir's B Day should be Dec. 6. Oh by the way, are we discussing (again) is Weir older than Sheppard? If they were, say, teens, that would make a huge difference but since they're both grown ups I don't see why it should be a problem.
                                If you go by the Wiki, he is several months older. And if you go by RL, he's several years older. So, ha.

                                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                                *snerk* Did you get the chance to see the "Relationships" section in here?
                                The whole thing was very Sparky oriented. Someone thinks they are very close. Hee. And no mention of any romantic entanglements. I don't usually put much stock in Wiki articles, but I may have to make an exception. Heh.

                                And KR, never fear. You're moving in the right direction. John without Lizzie is like a cupcake without icing.

                                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.

