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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Best Sparky lines:

    1. John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?
    2. The bedroom scene in The Return part I (get your minds out of the gutter ladies. I'm referring to the one on Atlantis where they are all gangly and awkward and almost look like they are about to say something else but don't dammit)
    3. Kolya!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    4. SHEPPARD: Good. Wouldn’t be the same without you. (Bedroom scene in Home)
    5. Sheppard: Listen, uh, I'd like to say something while I still can. (38 minutes - before he wants to spill his guts to her but Ford interrupts him)

    6. CARTER: Being in Doctor Weir’s old office made you think of that, didn’t it?
    Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


      Best Sparky lines:

      1. John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?
      2. The bedroom scene in The Return part I (get your minds out of the gutter ladies. I'm referring to the one on Atlantis where they are all gangly and awkward and almost look like they are about to say something else but don't dammit)
      3. Kolya!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      4. SHEPPARD: Good. Wouldn’t be the same without you. (Bedroom scene in Home)
      5. Sheppard: Listen, uh, I'd like to say something while I still can. (38 minutes - before he wants to spill his guts to her but Ford interrupts him)
      6.CARTER: Being in Doctor Weir’s old office made you think of that, didn’t it?

      7. Elizabeth: Who is this? (Rising - when she sees him for the first time)

      Sig by me


        Best Sparky lines:

        1. John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?
        2. The bedroom scene in The Return part I (get your minds out of the gutter ladies. I'm referring to the one on Atlantis where they are all gangly and awkward and almost look like they are about to say something else but don't dammit)
        3. Kolya!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        4. SHEPPARD: Good. Wouldn’t be the same without you. (Bedroom scene in Home)
        5. Sheppard: Listen, uh, I'd like to say something while I still can. (38 minutes - before he wants to spill his guts to her but Ford interrupts him)
        6.CARTER: Being in Doctor Weir’s old office made you think of that, didn’t it?
        7. Elizabeth: Who is this? (Rising - when she sees him for the first time)

        8. SHEPPARD: It's better for the both of us. (Conversion)
        Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


          Best Sparky lines:

          1. John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?
          2. The bedroom scene in The Return part I (get your minds out of the gutter ladies. I'm referring to the one on Atlantis where they are all gangly and awkward and almost look like they are about to say something else but don't dammit)
          3. Kolya!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          4. SHEPPARD: Good. Wouldn’t be the same without you. (Bedroom scene in Home)
          5. Sheppard: Listen, uh, I'd like to say something while I still can. (38 minutes - before he wants to spill his guts to her but Ford interrupts him)
          6.CARTER: Being in Doctor Weir’s old office made you think of that, didn’t it?
          7. Elizabeth: Who is this? (Rising - when she sees him for the first time)
          8. SHEPPARD: It's better for the both of us. (Conversion)

          9.(After the hug) WEIR: Yes, you are. I truly thought ...
          SHEPPARD: Yeah, yeah, I thought the same thing about you a minute ago. We gotta stop that!
          (Elizabeth nods.)
          WEIR: I'd like that!

          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


            Best Sparky lines:

            1. John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?
            2. The bedroom scene in The Return part I (get your minds out of the gutter ladies. I'm referring to the one on Atlantis where they are all gangly and awkward and almost look like they are about to say something else but don't dammit)
            3. Kolya!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            4. SHEPPARD: Good. Wouldn’t be the same without you. (Bedroom scene in Home)
            5. Sheppard: Listen, uh, I'd like to say something while I still can. (38 minutes - before he wants to spill his guts to her but Ford interrupts him)
            6.CARTER: Being in Doctor Weir’s old office made you think of that, didn’t it?
            7. Elizabeth: Who is this? (Rising - when she sees him for the first time)
            8. SHEPPARD: It's better for the both of us. (Conversion)
            9.(After the hug) WEIR: Yes, you are. I truly thought ...
            SHEPPARD: Yeah, yeah, I thought the same thing about you a minute ago. We gotta stop that!
            (Elizabeth nods.)
            WEIR: I'd like that!

            10. WEIR: You can't.
            SHEPPARD: I have to, and you know it.
            WEIR (shaking her head): John ... (They stare at each other *eye!sex* for a few moments, then she realizes that there is no other way.) Go.

            Sig by me


              So, I nearly finished writing my sequel to the still untitled story I posted a while ago.
              I present to you: Untitled story 2 (seriously, if anyone knows a title, lemme know!) Part 01
              Enjoy and lemme know your thoughts about it.

              John Sheppard slowly traced the swollen belly of his wife. His wife…
              Even after being married for nearly a year the thought still seemed surreal to him at times. He, a former lieutenant-colonel with the US Air Force was married to the beautiful and amazing Dr. Elizabeth Weir.
              For some reason he had been the one to insist she kept her own name instead of taking his. It had just seemed and felt right. She had protested vehemently, but John had been unrelenting and in the end he had gotten his way. So now she was still Dr. Weir, former diplomat and former leader of the most secret expedition known to mankind. For the moment she was teaching political science at Georgetown University and in the year and a half she’d been teaching there, she’d climbed the ladder so incredibly fast that right now she was next in line for the position of Dean of the entire law faculty.
              That was *his* wife and she was expecting their first child, a son, and John had never felt more blessed in his life.
              “You ok, sweetie?” She whispered as she gently raked her hand through his messed-up morning hair. She loved the feel of his hair and fondly remembered the first time they had shared the bathroom and he had tried to get his impossible messy hair under control with a comb. It had been hilarious.

              One year and five months before
              She woke up with a feeling she hadn’t felt in a very very long time, that of perfect peacefulness and happiness. The feeling of perfect safety didn’t escape her either. She knew it all had to do with the naked body she was half covering and God, she wished she could wake up like this for the rest of her life.
              A smile appeared on her face when she realized she probably would. He had asked her to marry him yesterday and she had agreed without hesitating for a second. She didn’t have a clue when their deep and close friendship had turned into feelings of love but if she was honest with herself, she knew those feelings had always sort of been there, from their first meeting on.
              A hand slowly traced over the spine of her bare back and she let out a content sigh.
              “Morning.” He whispered in her hair.
              “Morning.” She answered as her breath caressed the skin of his chest. She could feel him shiver in delight and it made her smile again, knowing she could do that to him so easily.
              They stayed like that for a while, wrapped around each other, bodies unmoving, his hand caressing her back while she played with the hair on his chest.
              But then her alarmclock started blaring and they were forced to move so she could slam it into silence.
              “I have to get up for work.” She sighed.
              He couldn’t help but slightly grin at her small pout, it was one of the most adorable faces he had ever seen.
              “I know. I have to get going too. You mind if I join you in the shower?”
              Her eyes glazed over for a second, clearly thinking of the consequences that action could bring. He could easily read the lust in her eyes and he knew his reflected the same.
              He’d lost count to how many times they had made love since his proposal yesterday. It had started on the couch of her office, then he clearly remembered a heavy make-out session in her car. When they entered her house, they hadn’t even managed to make it to the bedroom, the floor of the hallway had been comfortable enough. After that the couch in the livingroom had been christened and they had fallen asleep on it. Afterwards as he was trying to make some food, he had made love to her on the kitchen counter, next to his half-prepared sandwiches. He could also remember another heavy make-out session against the wall of the dining room after eating said sandwiches before they finally managed to make it upstairs and into bed.
              “The bathroom hasn’t been christened yet.” He said while waggling his eyebrows.
              She giggled and playfully slapped his chest, again he found the sound marvelous.
              “You, mister, are incorrigible.”
              “I try.” He grinned, crawled off the bed, took her in his arms and easily lifted her up. She let out a squeal and laughed hard as he carried her to the bathroom.
              “John!! Let go off me!!” Her laughter grew with each step he made.
              “Christening time!!” He declared as he put her down in the shower and immediately pinned her against the wall, kissing her demandingly.
              She melted in the kiss and in his arms.
              He made love to her against the shower wall while the warm water cascaded down their naked bodies.
              He was amazed they lived so long without this, without each other so close for so many years. Even though they had only been ‘together’ for a day, he already knew he couldn’t spend the rest of his life without her. He had already felt utterly lost after she had returned to Earth.
              After another thorough make-out session she finally managed to start brushing her hair.
              “You have a comb somewhere?”
              She turned to the voice behind her in surprise. “A comb?”
              He nodded while his eyes searched the bathroom.
              A smile appeared on her face. “Didn’t know you used a comb.”
              “Of course I use a comb.” He almost sounded offended. “Do you know how messy my hair looks without combing it in the morning.”
              She stared at him for a few moments, just that little bit stunned. “You’re serious.”
              There was that offended look again. “Yeah.”
              With a smile, she pointed to the cabinet behind the mirror. “Should be a comb in there… and an extra toothbrush.”
              “Are you saying my breath smells?” He teased as he opened the door and checked the contents, quickly producing a comb and a blue toothbrush.
              “No, I just thought you liked hygiene.” She smirked.
              He stuck his tongue out to her and attacked his hair with the comb. The action looked so comical to her that she couldn’t help but burst out laughing.
              He rolled his eyes and ignored her, unable to hide a grin either.
              After brushing his teeth, he put the toothbrush in the same cup hers was in and he smiled at the blue and pink combination. For a moment the normalcy and homey feeling of the situation nearly took his breath away.
              For the first time in his life, he knew what it felt like to be home.

              “I’m perfectly fine.” John whispered in return. “I just wish I could stay in bed with you for the rest of the day, exactly like this.”
              “I know, but the fat politicians do need their pilot.”
              He laughed and kissed her soundly. “They surely do and your kids need their stubborn teacher.”
              “Yes, they do.” She agreed and they both reluctantly crawled out of bed.
              Their morning routine was always the same. Their shower was big enough to house a small family, so they always shared their first shower. Then he got dressed while she used the bathroom and then they switched places. He was always in the kitchen before her, so he made the coffee, although these days they both drunk thee in the morning, knowing coffee wasn’t the best thing for her or their unborn child. While he baked them each an omelet, with bacon for him and with mushrooms for her, she brought in the newspaper. The New York Times for him and the Washington Post for her. If they found the time to meet up for lunch, they usually switched papers. After eating their breakfast while both talked about their schedule for the day, they each left for their respective jobs after a soul-searing kiss which usually left them both wanting a lot more. She took the bus, he took the car.
              The routine was easy, familiar and exactly what they both needed after their hectic lives before their marriage. It was exactly what they needed before their son would pop out and throw their routine into the blender.
              At work she was greeted by Stacy, her assistant, with a cup of Earl Grey. Although she loved Stacey, the younger woman had quickly turned into one of her best friends, it still wasn’t the same as John bringing her a cup of coffee on the balcony outside of the control room while they watched the sun cast its first rays over the city. The memory made her smile but her heart ached.
              He on the other hand was greeted by a politician with an ego so big it barely fit into the hangar. And while he was going over his checklist and the politician was screaming in his phone next to him about a deal that would kick a few hundred families out of their houses, he realized it wasn’t the same as piloting the young and eager marines in a jumper to the mainland for their training sessions… even if they were screaming ‘buya’ at each other every five seconds. The memory made him smile but his heart ached.
              Both he and Elizabeth shook the feeling off. It was in the past and it would never return. They would talk about it over dinner tonight, realizing very early on that talking about it made it much easier than keeping it all locked inside until it tore them apart from inside-out.

              Sig by me


                Best Sparky lines:

                1. John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?
                2. The bedroom scene in The Return part I (get your minds out of the gutter ladies. I'm referring to the one on Atlantis where they are all gangly and awkward and almost look like they are about to say something else but don't dammit)
                3. Kolya!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                4. SHEPPARD: Good. Wouldn’t be the same without you. (Bedroom scene in Home)
                5. Sheppard: Listen, uh, I'd like to say something while I still can. (38 minutes - before he wants to spill his guts to her but Ford interrupts him)
                6.CARTER: Being in Doctor Weir’s old office made you think of that, didn’t it?
                7. Elizabeth: Who is this? (Rising - when she sees him for the first time)
                8. SHEPPARD: It's better for the both of us. (Conversion)
                9.(After the hug) WEIR: Yes, you are. I truly thought ...
                SHEPPARD: Yeah, yeah, I thought the same thing about you a minute ago. We gotta stop that!
                (Elizabeth nods.)
                WEIR: I'd like that!
                10. WEIR: You can't.
                SHEPPARD: I have to, and you know it.
                WEIR (shaking her head): John ... (They stare at each other *eye!sex* for a few moments, then she realizes that there is no other way.) Go.

                11. SHEPPARD: Elizabeth, you’re with me -- or I’m with you, however you wanna put it.
                WEIR: Either [ee-ther] way ... or either [eye-ther] way.
                Signature by Erin87


                  Awww...SMB took my favorite...

                  Best Sparky lines:

                  1. John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?
                  2. The bedroom scene in The Return part I (get your minds out of the gutter ladies. I'm referring to the one on Atlantis where they are all gangly and awkward and almost look like they are about to say something else but don't dammit)
                  3. Kolya!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  4. SHEPPARD: Good. Wouldn’t be the same without you. (Bedroom scene in Home)
                  5. Sheppard: Listen, uh, I'd like to say something while I still can. (38 minutes - before he wants to spill his guts to her but Ford interrupts him)
                  6.CARTER: Being in Doctor Weir’s old office made you think of that, didn’t it?
                  7. Elizabeth: Who is this? (Rising - when she sees him for the first time)
                  8. SHEPPARD: It's better for the both of us. (Conversion)
                  9.(After the hug) WEIR: Yes, you are. I truly thought ...
                  SHEPPARD: Yeah, yeah, I thought the same thing about you a minute ago. We gotta stop that!
                  (Elizabeth nods.)
                  WEIR: I'd like that!
                  10. WEIR: You can't.
                  SHEPPARD: I have to, and you know it.
                  WEIR (shaking her head): John ... (They stare at each other *eye!sex* for a few moments, then she realizes that there is no other way.) Go.
                  11. SHEPPARD: Elizabeth, you’re with me -- or I’m with you, however you wanna put it.
                  WEIR: Either [ee-ther] way ... or either [eye-ther] way.

                  12. John: Sorry about that, I had to, okay?
                  Elizabeth: No.
                  John: You will be. Come on!
                  (The Eye)
                  Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                    Best Sparky lines:

                    1. John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?
                    2. The bedroom scene in The Return part I (get your minds out of the gutter ladies. I'm referring to the one on Atlantis where they are all gangly and awkward and almost look like they are about to say something else but don't dammit)
                    3. Kolya!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    4. SHEPPARD: Good. Wouldn’t be the same without you. (Bedroom scene in Home)
                    5. Sheppard: Listen, uh, I'd like to say something while I still can. (38 minutes - before he wants to spill his guts to her but Ford interrupts him)
                    6.CARTER: Being in Doctor Weir’s old office made you think of that, didn’t it?
                    7. Elizabeth: Who is this? (Rising - when she sees him for the first time)
                    8. SHEPPARD: It's better for the both of us. (Conversion)
                    9.(After the hug) WEIR: Yes, you are. I truly thought ...
                    SHEPPARD: Yeah, yeah, I thought the same thing about you a minute ago. We gotta stop that!
                    (Elizabeth nods.)
                    WEIR: I'd like that!
                    10. WEIR: You can't.
                    SHEPPARD: I have to, and you know it.
                    WEIR (shaking her head): John ... (They stare at each other *eye!sex* for a few moments, then she realizes that there is no other way.) Go.
                    11. SHEPPARD: Elizabeth, you’re with me -- or I’m with you, however you wanna put it.
                    WEIR: Either [ee-ther] way ... or either [eye-ther] way.
                    12. John: Sorry about that, I had to, okay?
                    Elizabeth: No.
                    John: You will be. Come on!
                    (The Eye)

                    13. Carson: We're losing her.
                    John: Not yet we're not. (breaks quarantine and grabs her arm: TRW)

                    And this is for gateraid. Not a bumper sticker, but the best I can do.


                    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                      Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                      Awww...SMB took my favorite...
                      Whoopsy! But, at least you got that great line from your Sparky conversion episode (The Eye).....
                      Signature by Erin87


                        Originally posted by SMB_BOOKS View Post
                        Whoopsy! But, at least you got that great line from your Sparky conversion episode (The Eye).....
                        This is true. And so long as someone remembered the Submersion conversation!
                        Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                          Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Smut!Day!

                          And speaking of smut...

                          Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                          So, I nearly finished writing my sequel to the still untitled story I posted a while ago.
                          I present to you: Untitled story 2 (seriously, if anyone knows a title, lemme know!) Part 01
                          Enjoy and lemme know your thoughts about it.

                          John Sheppard slowly traced the swollen belly of his wife. His wife…
                          Even after being married for nearly a year the thought still seemed surreal to him at times. He, a former lieutenant-colonel with the US Air Force was married to the beautiful and amazing Dr. Elizabeth Weir.
                          For some reason he had been the one to insist she kept her own name instead of taking his. It had just seemed and felt right. She had protested vehemently, but John had been unrelenting and in the end he had gotten his way. So now she was still Dr. Weir, former diplomat and former leader of the most secret expedition known to mankind. For the moment she was teaching political science at Georgetown University and in the year and a half she’d been teaching there, she’d climbed the ladder so incredibly fast that right now she was next in line for the position of Dean of the entire law faculty.
                          That was *his* wife and she was expecting their first child, a son, and John had never felt more blessed in his life.
                          “You ok, sweetie?” She whispered as she gently raked her hand through his messed-up morning hair. She loved the feel of his hair and fondly remembered the first time they had shared the bathroom and he had tried to get his impossible messy hair under control with a comb. It had been hilarious.

                          One year and five months before
                          She woke up with a feeling she hadn’t felt in a very very long time, that of perfect peacefulness and happiness. The feeling of perfect safety didn’t escape her either. She knew it all had to do with the naked body she was half covering and God, she wished she could wake up like this for the rest of her life.
                          A smile appeared on her face when she realized she probably would. He had asked her to marry him yesterday and she had agreed without hesitating for a second. She didn’t have a clue when their deep and close friendship had turned into feelings of love but if she was honest with herself, she knew those feelings had always sort of been there, from their first meeting on.
                          A hand slowly traced over the spine of her bare back and she let out a content sigh.
                          “Morning.” He whispered in her hair.
                          “Morning.” She answered as her breath caressed the skin of his chest. She could feel him shiver in delight and it made her smile again, knowing she could do that to him so easily.
                          They stayed like that for a while, wrapped around each other, bodies unmoving, his hand caressing her back while she played with the hair on his chest.
                          But then her alarmclock started blaring and they were forced to move so she could slam it into silence.
                          “I have to get up for work.” She sighed.
                          He couldn’t help but slightly grin at her small pout, it was one of the most adorable faces he had ever seen.
                          “I know. I have to get going too. You mind if I join you in the shower?”
                          Her eyes glazed over for a second, clearly thinking of the consequences that action could bring. He could easily read the lust in her eyes and he knew his reflected the same.
                          He’d lost count to how many times they had made love since his proposal yesterday. It had started on the couch of her office, then he clearly remembered a heavy make-out session in her car. When they entered her house, they hadn’t even managed to make it to the bedroom, the floor of the hallway had been comfortable enough. After that the couch in the livingroom had been christened and they had fallen asleep on it. Afterwards as he was trying to make some food, he had made love to her on the kitchen counter, next to his half-prepared sandwiches. He could also remember another heavy make-out session against the wall of the dining room after eating said sandwiches before they finally managed to make it upstairs and into bed.
                          “The bathroom hasn’t been christened yet.” He said while waggling his eyebrows.
                          She giggled and playfully slapped his chest, again he found the sound marvelous.
                          “You, mister, are incorrigible.”
                          “I try.” He grinned, crawled off the bed, took her in his arms and easily lifted her up. She let out a squeal and laughed hard as he carried her to the bathroom.
                          “John!! Let go off me!!” Her laughter grew with each step he made.
                          “Christening time!!” He declared as he put her down in the shower and immediately pinned her against the wall, kissing her demandingly.
                          She melted in the kiss and in his arms.
                          He made love to her against the shower wall while the warm water cascaded down their naked bodies.
                          He was amazed they lived so long without this, without each other so close for so many years. Even though they had only been ‘together’ for a day, he already knew he couldn’t spend the rest of his life without her. He had already felt utterly lost after she had returned to Earth.
                          After another thorough make-out session she finally managed to start brushing her hair.
                          “You have a comb somewhere?”
                          She turned to the voice behind her in surprise. “A comb?”
                          He nodded while his eyes searched the bathroom.
                          A smile appeared on her face. “Didn’t know you used a comb.”
                          “Of course I use a comb.” He almost sounded offended. “Do you know how messy my hair looks without combing it in the morning.”
                          She stared at him for a few moments, just that little bit stunned. “You’re serious.”
                          There was that offended look again. “Yeah.”
                          With a smile, she pointed to the cabinet behind the mirror. “Should be a comb in there… and an extra toothbrush.”
                          “Are you saying my breath smells?” He teased as he opened the door and checked the contents, quickly producing a comb and a blue toothbrush.
                          “No, I just thought you liked hygiene.” She smirked.
                          He stuck his tongue out to her and attacked his hair with the comb. The action looked so comical to her that she couldn’t help but burst out laughing.
                          He rolled his eyes and ignored her, unable to hide a grin either.
                          After brushing his teeth, he put the toothbrush in the same cup hers was in and he smiled at the blue and pink combination. For a moment the normalcy and homey feeling of the situation nearly took his breath away.
                          For the first time in his life, he knew what it felt like to be home.

                          “I’m perfectly fine.” John whispered in return. “I just wish I could stay in bed with you for the rest of the day, exactly like this.”
                          “I know, but the fat politicians do need their pilot.”
                          He laughed and kissed her soundly. “They surely do and your kids need their stubborn teacher.”
                          “Yes, they do.” She agreed and they both reluctantly crawled out of bed.
                          Their morning routine was always the same. Their shower was big enough to house a small family, so they always shared their first shower. Then he got dressed while she used the bathroom and then they switched places. He was always in the kitchen before her, so he made the coffee, although these days they both drunk thee in the morning, knowing coffee wasn’t the best thing for her or their unborn child. While he baked them each an omelet, with bacon for him and with mushrooms for her, she brought in the newspaper. The New York Times for him and the Washington Post for her. If they found the time to meet up for lunch, they usually switched papers. After eating their breakfast while both talked about their schedule for the day, they each left for their respective jobs after a soul-searing kiss which usually left them both wanting a lot more. She took the bus, he took the car.
                          The routine was easy, familiar and exactly what they both needed after their hectic lives before their marriage. It was exactly what they needed before their son would pop out and throw their routine into the blender.
                          At work she was greeted by Stacy, her assistant, with a cup of Earl Grey. Although she loved Stacey, the younger woman had quickly turned into one of her best friends, it still wasn’t the same as John bringing her a cup of coffee on the balcony outside of the control room while they watched the sun cast its first rays over the city. The memory made her smile but her heart ached.
                          He on the other hand was greeted by a politician with an ego so big it barely fit into the hangar. And while he was going over his checklist and the politician was screaming in his phone next to him about a deal that would kick a few hundred families out of their houses, he realized it wasn’t the same as piloting the young and eager marines in a jumper to the mainland for their training sessions… even if they were screaming ‘buya’ at each other every five seconds. The memory made him smile but his heart ached.
                          Both he and Elizabeth shook the feeling off. It was in the past and it would never return. They would talk about it over dinner tonight, realizing very early on that talking about it made it much easier than keeping it all locked inside until it tore them apart from inside-out.
                          Oh, that's yummy! LOL at how they've got to christen everything in the house with a snog&shag. Heehee! So, he actually combs that hair? Gee, and here we all thought he just rolled out of bed that way in the mornings... And... Sparky!baby! Yay!
                          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                            Best Sparky lines:

                            1. John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?
                            2. The bedroom scene in The Return part I (get your minds out of the gutter ladies. I'm referring to the one on Atlantis where they are all gangly and awkward and almost look like they are about to say something else but don't dammit)
                            3. Kolya!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                            4. SHEPPARD: Good. Wouldn’t be the same without you. (Bedroom scene in Home)
                            5. Sheppard: Listen, uh, I'd like to say something while I still can. (38 minutes - before he wants to spill his guts to her but Ford interrupts him)
                            6.CARTER: Being in Doctor Weir’s old office made you think of that, didn’t it?
                            7. Elizabeth: Who is this? (Rising - when she sees him for the first time)
                            8. SHEPPARD: It's better for the both of us. (Conversion)
                            9.(After the hug) WEIR: Yes, you are. I truly thought ...
                            SHEPPARD: Yeah, yeah, I thought the same thing about you a minute ago. We gotta stop that!
                            (Elizabeth nods.)
                            WEIR: I'd like that!
                            10. WEIR: You can't.
                            SHEPPARD: I have to, and you know it.
                            WEIR (shaking her head): John ... (They stare at each other *eye!sex* for a few moments, then she realizes that there is no other way.) Go.
                            11. SHEPPARD: Elizabeth, you’re with me -- or I’m with you, however you wanna put it.
                            WEIR: Either [ee-ther] way ... or either [eye-ther] way.
                            12. John: Sorry about that, I had to, okay?
                            Elizabeth: No.
                            John: You will be. Come on!
                            (The Eye)
                            13. Carson: We're losing her.
                            John: Not yet we're not. (breaks quarantine and grabs her arm: TRW)

                            14. John: You do realise I can get us into all sorts of trouble, right?
                            sig by SueKay

                            My Team:


                              Oooh, a new game!

                              Best Sparky lines:

                              1. John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?
                              2. The bedroom scene in The Return part I (get your minds out of the gutter ladies. I'm referring to the one on Atlantis where they are all gangly and awkward and almost look like they are about to say something else but don't dammit)
                              3. Kolya!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                              4. SHEPPARD: Good. Wouldn’t be the same without you. (Bedroom scene in Home)
                              5. Sheppard: Listen, uh, I'd like to say something while I still can. (38 minutes - before he wants to spill his guts to her but Ford interrupts him)
                              6.CARTER: Being in Doctor Weir’s old office made you think of that, didn’t it?
                              7. Elizabeth: Who is this? (Rising - when she sees him for the first time)
                              8. SHEPPARD: It's better for the both of us. (Conversion)
                              9.(After the hug) WEIR: Yes, you are. I truly thought ...
                              SHEPPARD: Yeah, yeah, I thought the same thing about you a minute ago. We gotta stop that!
                              (Elizabeth nods.)
                              WEIR: I'd like that!
                              10. WEIR: You can't.
                              SHEPPARD: I have to, and you know it.
                              WEIR (shaking her head): John ... (They stare at each other *eye!sex* for a few moments, then she realizes that there is no other way.) Go.
                              11. SHEPPARD: Elizabeth, you’re with me -- or I’m with you, however you wanna put it.
                              WEIR: Either [ee-ther] way ... or either [eye-ther] way.
                              12. John: Sorry about that, I had to, okay?
                              Elizabeth: No.
                              John: You will be. Come on!
                              (The Eye)
                              13. Carson: We're losing her.
                              John: Not yet we're not. (breaks quarantine and grabs her arm: TRW)
                              14. John: You do realise I can get us into all sorts of trouble, right?

                              15. SHEPPARD: Atlantis, this is Sheppard.
                              WEIR: John?!
                              SHEPPARD: What other Sheppards do you know?
                              (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                              Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                                And another one...

                                Best Sparky lines:

                                1. John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?
                                2. The bedroom scene in The Return part I (get your minds out of the gutter ladies. I'm referring to the one on Atlantis where they are all gangly and awkward and almost look like they are about to say something else but don't dammit)
                                3. Kolya!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                4. SHEPPARD: Good. Wouldn’t be the same without you. (Bedroom scene in Home)
                                5. Sheppard: Listen, uh, I'd like to say something while I still can. (38 minutes - before he wants to spill his guts to her but Ford interrupts him)
                                6.CARTER: Being in Doctor Weir’s old office made you think of that, didn’t it?
                                7. Elizabeth: Who is this? (Rising - when she sees him for the first time)
                                8. SHEPPARD: It's better for the both of us. (Conversion)
                                9.(After the hug) WEIR: Yes, you are. I truly thought ...
                                SHEPPARD: Yeah, yeah, I thought the same thing about you a minute ago. We gotta stop that!
                                (Elizabeth nods.)
                                WEIR: I'd like that!
                                10. WEIR: You can't.
                                SHEPPARD: I have to, and you know it.
                                WEIR (shaking her head): John ... (They stare at each other *eye!sex* for a few moments, then she realizes that there is no other way.) Go.
                                11. SHEPPARD: Elizabeth, you’re with me -- or I’m with you, however you wanna put it.
                                WEIR: Either [ee-ther] way ... or either [eye-ther] way.
                                12. John: Sorry about that, I had to, okay?
                                Elizabeth: No.
                                John: You will be. Come on!
                                (The Eye)
                                13. Carson: We're losing her.
                                John: Not yet we're not. (breaks quarantine and grabs her arm: TRW)
                                14. John: You do realise I can get us into all sorts of trouble, right?
                                15. SHEPPARD: Atlantis, this is Sheppard.
                                WEIR: John?!
                                SHEPPARD: What other Sheppards do you know?

                                WEIR: Are you alright?
                                SHEPPARD: Yeah. Two arms, ten fingers ... (he looks down) I'll check the rest later.

                                (and we just know Lizzie's going to help with that 'check'!)
                                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.

