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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Hatcheter

    Anyway, pics. Gotta love this shot of Torri:

    Always good!

    And welcome Stargate Insane!


      Originally posted by weirfan517
      Read those, Bewildered Heart is still being written and since we're talking about love triangles here I know of one,The Sixth Sense by Porthos1013, that one was pretty good for a love triangle fic, it's also resolved and DO NOT READ if you hate mcweir.

      Do you know of any other good triangle fics?
      Thanx i don't think i've read that one, and i'll have to check if i've missed any chapters of BH.

      I have a smutty OT3 Sober NC17 peeps.


        Hey guys...

        What a day...placed 13 refugee kids into our system with more expected next week. State is allowing them in with no paperwork as they should. It's really chaotic but when you realize how bad it is for them, you just shake your head. But enough about that Mel said, it is off topic so I'll refrain from anything further other than leaving a link with you guys some.

        Looks like photo day here on the thread and I must admit that I absolutely LOVE it when we get lots of photos even if I am more of a 'word' gal. ; )
        Lots of lovin on our girl today too. During an ep, I take turns alternately wanting to hug John in his puppy moments and Elizabeth in her worry moments. And I spend the entire ep wishing they'd do my job for me and just hug each other.

        I was just reading some anti-John/Weir stuff a few days back and some of these people kept beating the drum without giving any really valid reasons that John and Elizabeth can not, under any circumstances get together. They kept saying that she was too old for him. Or that he liked more spice in his women...

        You know...goofy crap like that.

        And I thought, you know...they're right though. There are some terrific reasons why they can't be together in the couple sense. Here's a few I thought of.


        She is the leader of the expedition. To pair off with John could diminish her leadership role on Atlantis.

        She might show favortism toward the man she was together with.
        As a woman, she already has enough problems garnering male respect...getting involved with the male military commander would lead to more.

        She would have trouble making the command decision to put John's life at risk if it they were together.

        She might use their relationship to get her way about something.


        He's the military commander and has to make tough decisions that might impact his boss. If he's involved with her, his job becomes much more difficult in that light.

        He looks to those on the outside like he's garnering favortism.

        His mind might always foremost be on protecting Elizabeth above all else on Atlantis.

        He might become a bit er...whupped and not stand up to her properly when she needs standing up to.

        He might not be so willing to put his own life at risk when need be for fear of what might happen to her if she lost him.

        He might use the relationship to try and get his way about something.

        So, it appears there is rock solid evidence and logical reasons of great merit as to why these two can never, ever, under any circumstances fall in love with each other. They are two, incredibly smart, logical and mature people who should know better than to even consider such in their given situation.

        The very fact that they shouldn't are also some of the very reasons why watching them do so will be so beautiful and worth the slow, patience it will take it to come to full realization.

        -B ; )

        American Red Cross:
        Last edited by Bama; 01 September 2005, 03:19 PM.


          Originally posted by SallyLizzie
          Thanx i don't think i've read that one, and i'll have to check if i've missed any chapters of BH.

          I have a smutty OT3 Sober NC17 peeps.
          It was pretty good, thought the author did good with the story and all and BH is cool, have to check with Littleknux if she's updating soon.

          Love that one, it was pretty good for all 3 of them. Got a couple others I've seen that were good, Distaction (OT3ish, pretty funny) Left Behind( mostly mcshep and shweir, dark fic) Triptych (angsty OT3)

          Wow, I seem to really like OT3s, and Triangles are good too, happy reding yall and heads up they're all NC-17.
          McKay: I'm invulnerable!
          Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
          McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

          McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

          First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
          My LJ My Fanfic My Homeschooling Blog


            Originally posted by katethegater
            Hi every1, this is my 1st post on this thread as i have previously been a Sam/Jack shipper but as the General is no longer at the SGC i have found myself transferring my affections to Lizzie & Shep! I was a little unsure about any 'ship' during the first few episodes of atlantis but having just seen the season 1 finale and reading every bit of romantic fanfiction i can find i am in no doubt that the spark is there.

            I can't wait to start watching season 2, i don't know how i am going to survive without my weekly dose of 'bed hair'.............bring the ship on guys.....bring it on

            Hi Kate! Welcome!

            Don't 'transfer'...just 'expand'. ; ) I really, really miss Jack at SGC and honestly, I sort of wish Sam had gone with him into the sunset unless they're seriously going to pick up the ship with something concrete this year.

            And honey, this one grabbed me faster than you can spell samandjack. Their 'spark' is definitely *there*.

            And you are so gonna love season two so far.

            Keep posting! Look forward to seeing you!
            We have a lot of newbies on board as of late. Hello and Welcome to any I've overlooked!

            -B ; )


              Their 'spark' is definitely *there*.
              THat's why this ship is called Sparky!

              Weirfan, I've read them. Good stuff.

              Off to bed now. Nite y'all.


                Originally posted by Bama
                Guys, I didn't watch season one in first run...clue me in...I'm assuming the first 'half' of the sga season will last thru around mid-october until the big 4 networks start promoing their programming...

                Does sga take a two month hiatus at that point and resume right after the new year?

                Fill me in on how that works. I've never followed a sci-fi show that closely before. How many eps before the break? When is the break? How long does it last? When does the second half resume? How many eps in the second half of the season? How many eps total?

                Any info would be soooo appreciated...

                And a note on the hurricane...

                Also, guys, please, keep the hurricane survivors from southern Louisiana, Mississippi and my home state of Bama in your thoughts and if you can, send some monetary aid. We're heading down to the Tide football game sat in Tuscaloosa (which is a couple hours northeast of NO/Gulfport/Mobile area) and they have a huge shelter there they expect to be at capacity. They're asking for all the Tide fans to bring money, water, paper products etc.
                I heard from my sister in law's folks who live in Hattiesburg MS this morning. They lost their entire home with huge oaks lying across it. Beautiful place her folks had down there too. They'll be staying up here near us at my brother's place. Really a lot of sadness down this way right now. If you can help in any way at all, please do so. I prefer the American Red Cross as it's the best rated.
                I will pray for the survivors of Katrina....


                  Originally posted by Major_Moomin
                  Agk! noo!..put them away!

                  - You know my friend offered me a mint the other day and they looked just like those...she couldn't understand why I shuddered and ran away!

                  What've you got against starlite mints?


                    Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen
                    You're telling me!! I think I scared her off with my loud "squee"ing

                    Any new fanfic out atm?? When Atlantis is not on for two weeks and there is subsequently no Shepperd/Weir action I need some good ole fashioned flirty/smutty fanfiction!!

                    I'm hopeless, I freely admit it........
                    So that's the distant high-pitched noise I heard all the way over here in Buffalo, NY..


                      One more quick question I meant post on that book I wrote a few posts back...; )

                      Have you guys noticed that there is never an Anti-Weir/Shep thread when there is an Anti everything and everybody else? Any idea as to why? Are they worried we'll go red on somebody's head or that the lurkers will come out in force if they take that sort of thing up?

                      Just curious...of course, I've not been around but a couple of months myself so there may have been in the past. Maybe Mel, astro or major or one of the other long-timers could answer that.

                      -B...gettin my tired rump off to supper...


                        Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                        Okay, so i google!imaged 'magic 8 ball', hoping of finding one that i could apply to Shep and Weir and look what i found.

                        It MUST be true then!!


                          Originally posted by Melyanna
                          Gas was inching closer to $4 a gallon here in Chicago yesterday. There are some who think it'll hit $5 by Saturday.

                          And I hate to be this person, but maybe the hurricane discussion should move into the Off-Topic forum? There are already a couple threads there about the hurricane and its ramifications. I really don't want to come off as cold-hearted (especially as I lived in southern Alabama for years and still have friends who live down there), but maybe this discussion would be better elsewhere.


                          don't hide!! we love your insight!!

                          and FIVE bucks a gallon?!?!?! Oy gevalt!!!! (no I'm not Jewish, I've just picked up a little Yiddish here and there )


                            Gas is heading towards $6 a gallon in some southern areas. Insanity...
                            SQUEE like no one's listening.


                              Originally posted by katethegater
                              Hi every1, this is my 1st post on this thread as i have previously been a Sam/Jack shipper but as the General is no longer at the SGC i have found myself transferring my affections to Lizzie & Shep! I was a little unsure about any 'ship' during the first few episodes of atlantis but having just seen the season 1 finale and reading every bit of romantic fanfiction i can find i am in no doubt that the spark is there.

                              I can't wait to start watching season 2, i don't know how i am going to survive without my weekly dose of 'bed hair'.............bring the ship on guys.....bring it on
                              I'm juggling shep/weir, sam/jack, and lee/kara (from BSG)....yup...I'm a shippy masochist....


                                Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                                Bates: ''Is that you...and Major Sheppard?''
                                Liz: I told him the video recorder was a bad idea. He is SO gettin' it.

                                WELCOME STARGATE INSANE and KATE THE GATER

                                There's a great story with poor!Rodney at Wraithbait. I'll find a link for it...Here we go...Trapped

                                That was so funny.....I love it!!!!

