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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Dorka
    And, well, they would have 3 other people standing in this room to look at, but NO, they are looking at each other, ALWAYS!
    Of course they are:

    a time to mourn


      Originally posted by weirfan517
      Nice one, here's one from Rising 2:

      I just love Weir, she's pretty when she smiles.
      Yum...I just love that 'smoldering' look she's giving our boy there. ; ) That 'eye narrowing' thing when she thinks he's up to something is quickly becoming one of my faves.

      I almost killed the thread with my comment I think. ; )
      Whew. Glad you guys revived us.

      And one other thing about this in the double heck could he smooch on any other woman with her looking at him like this? ; )
      Last edited by Bama; 31 August 2005, 01:28 PM.


        Originally posted by Dorka
        And, well, they would have 3 other people standing in this room to look at, but NO, they are looking at each other, ALWAYS!
        SO TRUE. And I don't see how anyone could argue that if you watch a scene that they're both in together. You could have fifty folks crowded around them and they'd still find each other with those piercing eyes. What would any sane person say about a man and woman who, for some reason, can't keep their eyes off of each other?

        My favorite telling!eye moments though are how John 'looks' for her sometimes with his eyes even with his back turned to her.

        -B ; )


          Originally posted by Hatcheter
          Look at how close they're standing! They're sharing about three square feet of floor.
          Honestly, how do people miss it?

          I KNOW! Torri does this all the time. I beginning to think she's on a shippy crusade of her own after reading her comments and seeing how close she stands to joe all the time-especially this year. Really, I wonder if that is directed or what. Her body positioning is very much into his personal space. That's called comfortzone and it's delightfully yummy and subtly shippy.

          Something else about the 'body language' between our boy and girl that so many people seem to miss is how they cocoon themselves all the time. Notice how Eliz. turns her back to Carson. Now does she hate carson? Not trust him? Think he's ugly dogmeat? Of course not.
          But what she's doing there is 'creating' a tiny little shep/weir cocoon where only the two of them exist in that small moment of time seperate of everyone else. If you watch the eps, the two of them do it all the time. It shows an understood intimacy and trust level between them that I have NEVER seen them use with anyone else.



            Originally posted by Bama
            But what she's doing there is 'creating' a tiny little shep/weir cocoon where only the two of them exist in that small moment of time seperate of everyone else. If you watch the eps, the two of them do it all the time. It shows an understood intimacy and trust level between them that I have NEVER seen them use with anyone else.
            Even when they're just killing time, they're close together:

            a time to mourn


              Originally posted by Hatcheter
              Even when they're just killing time, they're close together:

              Heh. This shot just gave me a BAD, BAD flashback to childbirth. LOL!

              Yeah Hatch, it is amazing really that people can't see how obvious it is. It's like they gravitate toward one another when they're together and it's just them...and everybody else.

              Sort of like the song from that Sache video. ; )

              They seriously can't help it and that should be their first big, fat, clue. Let's see...I can't keep my eyes off of him/her whenever they enter a room....I have to stand right beside him/her whenever they're in the room with me...I have to stand/hover in their personal space whenever I'm in the room with them...My breathing and voice changes whenever I think they're in some kind of danger or duress...

              Nah, it's nothing probably. Just our imaginations.

              -B ; )


                Originally posted by weirfan517
                Nice one, here's one from Rising 2:

                I just love Weir, she's pretty when she smiles.
                Beyond pretty!

                And why the closet of all places?


                  Originally posted by Vixen
                  Beyond pretty!

                  And why the closet of all places?
                  The closet (like the office supply closet) is usually the most convenient place to have a quick, informal/confidential. . .uh. .meeting.

                  Yeah. . meeting.

                  When all else fails, change channels.


                    Originally posted by Vixen
                    Beyond pretty!

                    And why the closet of all places?

                    A "Closet Quickie". With a little wall action too.


                      Originally posted by Rubicon
                      A "Closet Quickie". With a little wall action too.

                      I can't believe some folks haven't heard the old adage: 'Diplomats do it better in a closet.'


                      *winks* ; )


                        Originally posted by Athenaktt
                        My you guys read through fics fast. I wish fanfic would count for school. Heck if they had a Graduate program for Fanfic writing I'd sign up.
                        I don't have much time to read or write fics anymoreeither.

                        I do like the idea of Ronan/Tey'la ship....though Ford/Tey'la could be good too.

                        Maybe once Ford gets fixed he and Ronan can fight it out over Tey'la...


                          Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen
                          OMG, i had just finished reading this post (during work btw ) and guess who i met??

                          A lady name E. Shepperd!!!!!!! And guess what the E stands for?? Yep, you got it.....ELIZABETH!!!!

                          Hows that for prophetic
                          *hears twilight zone music in background*

                          woah! how freaky....


                            Okay as too the the room in the "Conversion" Teaser to the room Ronon was in in "Runner" here is the picture of Ronon's room.

                            As you can see it's different, and actully looks smaller.


                              Originally posted by Major_Moomin
                              Hello everybody!!

                              I've been away last weekend for a 3 day hike and got back last night (and bloody hell my shoulders hurt!!)

                              So now ive been playing catchup for the last hour!

                              Here are my thoughts...

                              - Bama...your fic was amazing!! I'm thinking maybe we could torture you into writing more? *shakes mints at Bama*

                              - On 'Bambams' latest blog : Sounds amazing!...I totally think this is gonna be one of the best episodes this season, if the THE best! REALLY can't wait untill images start to make it to us!

                              - WELCOME NEWBIES!!!!!

                              - angry sheyla's...Bleh!

                              - nice Sheyla's...yay!

                              - Shep/weir shippers...We ROCK!!!!

                              Know how you feel....I recently transported 12 cans of pop and 12 bottles of beer to my friend's place on my bike...meaning I put it all in a big giant duffel bag and put it on my shoulders....boy was that ever good exercise....though my shoulders hated me in the morning...


                                Was reading through the forum and the Pegasus Galaxy Site and I read that we're getting the opening credits back! Yipee!

                                Here is the link to read what J. Mallozi (sp?) said.


                                I guess the money wasn't worth all the complaints they were getting.
                                Last edited by LadyF; 31 August 2005, 06:46 PM.
                                Lady F

