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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
    I was thinking of those two as well. Maybe it has something to do with
    Kirk. . er. . Shep smooching hot alien chicks.
    Yep, that'd be the reason why. Might change my mind though, depends on who is writing the ep.

    So we taking bets yet?


      Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
      My money is on the Tower or Epiphany.
      Apparently, the ATA gene plays a part in the situation in the latter ep, as it did, I think, in 'Sanctuary'. It's tough being at the top of the "survival-of-the-fittest" pile.

      Just rewatched 'Sanctuary'. Still like it.

      a time to mourn


        Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
        I was thinking of those two as well. Maybe it has something to do with
        Kirk. . er. . Shep smooching hot alien chicks.
        OR more like the fact that...
        He has NO business smoochin hot alienspacebabes especially given the obvious fact that he has a beautiful woman right under his nose from his own planet that cares deeply for him, is attracted to him and has more than an adequate brain to match his own. And...she's hotter than any spacealienbabe he could hope to meet. ; )

        And nope, I'm not 'projecting' myself on Elizabeth at all. *g*



          Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
          My money is on the Tower or Epiphany.
          Same here...


            Originally posted by xkawaiix
            Same here...
            I'm going with Tower. I think Epiphany actually has some promise if they don't make the 'hook' factor into something it isn't. It looks like it might be a good character ep for John-maybe. We're due aren't we? Maybe we won't have a really sorry, stink it up ep this year. I know...wishful thinkin...



              I went back after I called the store to make sure they had it and got the Atlantis pilot episode today. I might have to wait until the first of the year to get the season1 box set though.

              I'll just add my own thoughts to the Sanctuary discussion (which really aren't much) . I neither loved it or hated it personally and didn't find it worth my time to give any thought to.


                Yeah, my issue with Sanctuary was that it didn't feel like a Stargate episode. In another series it might have fit just fine, but when you compare it to the episodes that surrounded it, it just didn't measure up.

                The Tower could be this season's less-than-stellar episode, though if the political situation of it is handled properly, it could be awesome. And really, I think Epiphany could be an amazing episode.
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                  I am really looking forward to Epiphany. I hope they give JF lotsa angst & backstory! Go Joe!


                    What is this thread doing on the second page?!

                    No, I didn't drop off the face of the Earth, just moved in at USC here in LA! So I've missed Condemned, but maybe I can get my hands on it soon. And the whole time change thing is screwing with me, so I have to catch today's on the re-airing!

                    I think the Tower might be a stinker, only because I'm comparing it to Skanktuary. BUT I have faith the writers won't commit the same mistake twice.


                      Hey guys, I'm so jealous of you! Have fun with watching the new episode right now. I'm going to bed now, my bed wants me, because it's really late in Germany, 03.25 am....

                      I moved forward to page 312, but you write so much intelligent stuff, so I have to read it..... I know I'm slow, but I'll make it, in about 3 years... So nice my holidays were, it's bother me that I missed so much.

                      Good night!!!


                        Originally posted by Tomcatter
                        What is this thread doing on the second page?!

                        No, I didn't drop off the face of the Earth, just moved in at USC here in LA! So I've missed Condemned, but maybe I can get my hands on it soon. And the whole time change thing is screwing with me, so I have to catch today's on the re-airing!

                        I think the Tower might be a stinker, only because I'm comparing it to Skanktuary. BUT I have faith the writers won't commit the same mistake twice.

                        While watching Atlantis I believe I saw a commercial saying sci-fi was repeating the first six episodes of this season of Atlantis this Tuesday starting at 6 central I think. I'll have to check my tape to be sure. So you can catch Condemned again.


                          Yup the first six episodes will be playing this coming Tuesday, August 23, at 7/6 C.

                          The ad is on Scifi's main page.



                            They should have renamed this ep, 'Rodney Gets His'. Basically, that was the main premise of the episode and I have to admit, as much as I like Rodney, I'd just as soon he hadn't. He's a lot of fun walking around as the fathead, know it all -constantly. The ep reinforced a few things for me. First off, Elizabeth is more like a 'mother' to Rodney than she is anything else-including his friend. He needs mothering more. ; ) Even she practically admitted it. That 'whippin' she gave him in the last scene was a fitting one to underscore that too. She was tearing him a new one but GOOD and honestly, he deserved it.

                            Shep got used a bit by Rodney but you know, I almost think as many times as he has asked for Weir's blind trust and as much as Rodney has saved the team that he indeed *did* owe Rodney one. Yeah, Rodney blew it. And it almost cost them but you know, friends screw up sometimes and sometimes they hurt you a little in the process. Shep will get over it.

                            To me though, that 'trust' storyline wasn't nearly so interesting as the other 'background' stories of the same theme. This ep was the can opener for the proverbial *trust* 'can o' worms' that we've seen hinted at since Seige 3.

                            One of the most interesting things was the Weir and Caldwell power interplay. Boy, was she on the defensive with him or what? Of course, she sees that she has a right to be after his past power manuvering. I loved that little snarky! line about his ship heading back soon! LOL! Mitch had a great reaction too. Good job there by both he and Torri. He wants Elizabeth's job-or at least John's. She sees him as untrustworthy and having ulterior motives. Can't say she's wrong even if he did seem on the up and up and all 'innocence' with his reasons about the weaponry Rodney was testing.

                            Here again...we must pay close attention. Anyone notice how Rodney turned our attention -yet again- to the fact that Shep above all others has the trust of Elizabeth? He is her confidante in all matters. Watch the scene where they're discussing the matter around the table with Rodney, Caldwell, John and Elizabeth. Elizabeth is listening and seemingly not too upset by the incident *until* John vehmently says the thinks continuing to test the weaponry is too dangerous. The expression on her face says it all as she watches his emotional reaction and response. HIS opinion is the ONE that matters to her the most. Hands down. It took her no time, after listening to John, to come to the answer of 'no' for Rodney's testing and only John could have gotten her to change her mind-as Rodney well knew.

                            And believe me, Caldwell is shrewd and he's smart and he is paying close attention. We have Shep, who has now had his ass saved not once, but twice by Caldwell and his ship. Caldwell will call in the debt at some point too-*count on it*. He will ask John to side with him against Elizabeth and it will tear John's guts out. I think it may be in some sort of a coup attempt for power too which will tear out Elizabeth's. This TRUST between John and Elizabeth that we've seen built the last year and a half will get the most harsh test we can imagine. John, will feel torn...not out of any real loyalty to Caldwell but out of loyalty to his military ideals and his own ideals and codes. Caldwell will play this card against him. He knows John's problems and he is aware of his faults and weaknesses.

                            I think before the year is out we will see a huge tear in the trust between our girl and boy that will have to be repaired with a lot of TLC. They will both be tested I think-esp. John and I'm not very certain that he'll 'pass' the test-at least not in Elizabeth's eyes. I love where the PTB seem to be going with the trust factor between the two though. They are slowly eliminating all others as equally meaningful and trustworthy for John and Elizabeth and revealing to them that it can only truly be each other. The only way to build that trust is to test it and claw at it. The very building block of a long-term relationship between two people that care enough to try and find that trust together. Shep and Weir do care enough-about each other now and they will find it. I've no doubt.

                            Speaking of the 'trust' issue...We see the entire issue blowing up (literally) as well as figuratively in tonight's episode. Rodney and John. John and Elizabeth. Elizabeth and Caldwell. Caldwell and John. And then there is Teyla and Ronon. And in turn, Teyla and Ronon and John and Elizabeth. This was an interesting by-story developing that underlined and tied in nicely to the the main 'trust' theme we see developing on the whole. Ronon has some issues-no doubt. And if anyone could ever hope to heal this man or understand him completely, it could only be Teyla who has been through so much of the same herself. This ep sealed it for me-these two are heading on a collision course. And I like it- a lot, lot. There wasn't a lot of cheap flirtations between them and I like how they both have a shared inner fire and passion for what they see is wrong about the world they live in and who makes it so. This inner fire and passion will eventually turn them to each other. These two 'aliens' are different from their 'earthling' brethren as the Teyla pointed out. This 'secret' they agree to hide from their two friends Shep and Weir is the product of an understanding that only they, through their shared type experiences and trials can comprehend. This too will tie into the huge BREECH OF TRUST arc that I can see headed toward us like the proverbial freight train in the night.

                            I'd love to hear some of your thoughts on this ep. Overall, it was imo, a so/so ep with some interesting sides but the 'undertone' was where the action was at in this one. The explosions that will eventually rock Atlantis due to the trust issue may make Rodney's look mild in comparison.

                            -Bama ; )
                            Last edited by Bama; 19 August 2005, 10:40 PM.



                              Nice pic! Looks very natural eh? ; )


                                Originally posted by Bama

                                Nice pic! Looks very natural eh? ; )
                                I find it kinda disturbing... Probably cause I keep thinking of the original. Simon *shudder*

                                But skillfully done.

