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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Bama
    I've *never* seen a show that had two really, top-notch viable ships going at once but then, this cast is about the right size to support it I think. Plus, there is something...I dunno...cozy about four of your to five leads being involved with each other on personal levels. I really think it has the chance to evolve into some yummy intimate storytelling if TPTB do things right.
    I feel the love. . .Shep/Weir, Ronon/Teyla, McKay/Zelenka.

    When all else fails, change channels.


      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
      Just wanted to inform everyone that the mint jar has been refilled.

      Those better be wrapped


        Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
        Just wanted to inform everyone that the mint jar has been refilled.

        You mean they've actually been eaten?? Those poor unsuspecting victims of mintyness

        Although...they're quite good for throwing at people...

        Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

        LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

        Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


          Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
          I feel the love. . .Shep/Weir, Ronon/Teyla, McKay/Zelenka.

          I just...I really wanna hug your ships right now. These are totally my pairings too. I can truly say I've never had the whole main cast of a show paired off so neatly but these three just make me squee (and I've never had an honest to god slash pairing ever, but apparently McKay/Zelenka seems to hit some undiscovered kink I've never before realized ).

          S/W totally pwnz me though. I've never loved a ship quite like this one.


            Hey guys, I just discovered this new picture from 'Conversion' on New-Atlantis. Thought I should post it, but it's really big.


            McKay: Oh, believe me that's not the first thing we tried.
            Sheppard: I shot him.... In the leg.

            Ford: How can something as big as Atlantis just sink?
            Sheppard: I'm sure the passengers on the Titanic were asking themselves the same question?!

            McKay: You're right- if only we had a magical tool that could slow down time. I foolishly left mine on Earth - did you bring yours?

            McKay: I will try, but despite what you all may think, I am not Superman


              Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
              I feel the love. . .Shep/Weir, Ronon/Teyla, McKay/Zelenka.

              Never been much of a slasher myself, but I kinda like Mckay/Beckett.


                from the new JF interview on GW--

                W: Flashbacks.

                JF: Yes, flashbacks. And those flashbacks will be critical to understanding some other things down the road. I would like to see the story go back to Earth and let him reconcile those issues and so forth. Find a really hot alien priestess.

                Oh yes, now I remember why I hate reading interviews with actors. Someone stop me before I read again.

                Yummy picture!!! No words, bonus!!


                  Guys, with big images, please just link to them. It throws most everyone's screens out of whack, and besides, it's not very nice to the site owner to steal their bandwidth by hotlinking.

                  (Otherwise, whoa. Good picture. )
                  Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                  Last update: 14 April 2006
                  Melyanna's Multimedia
                  Last update: 15 February 2006


                    Originally posted by Rubicon
                    from the new JF interview on GW--

                    W: Flashbacks.

                    JF: Yes, flashbacks. And those flashbacks will be critical to understanding some other things down the road. I would like to see the story go back to Earth and let him reconcile those issues and so forth. Find a really hot alien priestess.

                    Oh yes, now I remember why I hate reading interviews with actors. Someone stop me before I read again.
                    I found the interview interesting in that he mentions interaction with Weir but never mentions Teyla's role at all.

                    Agree with you on the hot alien priestess thing, considering "Stanktuary" is pretty much considered the worst episode of Season 1, duh. Men. Not the brightest bulbs sometimes.

                    When all else fails, change channels.


                      Well, I have decided that the Sheppard/Weir ship is like a Gigantic. Pink. Elephant. in the living room for TPTB. If they don't look at it, or talk about it and they don't let anyone else talk about it it isn't "there".

                      But you know what, it's big fushia butt is still sitting on the coffee table. Neener.


                        Originally posted by snoopoony
                        Your two vids are fantastic !!
                        And after seeing all those wonderful artists that done such great music videos, you gave me the will to try and create ones by myself. But I don't own any site where I could put them. Can someone tell me if he'd like to take them ??

                        Thanks so much Snoopoony!

                        As for posting vids, if it is Shep/Weir or Weir or Sheppard music vid. We at the John/Elizabeth site will gladly post it up on the site.


                          LOL! Yeah, Mel, it *is* a good picture...of course she looks sort of like she wants to slap the bleep outta him. I just hope it's not for good reason if you guys know what I mean considering the episode. Ahem. At least they're still speaking... ; ) Or, well, *she* is doing the talkin...hmmmm....should we read something into that little tidbit. *g*

                          Guys, I JUST watched 'The Eye' for the first dadgum time and just...WOW. How in the bloody HECK could anyone not see Shep/Weir coming like a freight train in the night is beyond my meager mind. So many heavy emotions that just grab you but the overriding one in my mind is absolute, total, complete and unwavering TRUST-in each other. It was so thick you could have cut it. Heavy, untapped, unnamed emotions flowing in that sucker. I'm still 'digesting' and will probably yap a ton about it later.

                          And I caught one other ep and I forget the name but it's the one where John has that bug stuck on his neck and they're stuck in the stargate wormhole. My GOSH, even as early as that was, to watch Ebeth's reaction as she nearly collapses with relief at seeing John survive is just incredible. I had to rewatch the scene to take in the emotions going across her face in that ever-private moment. And that adoreable end scene with the 'lost message' is too ...cute and frustrating. sigh...I think he was going to tell her that no one had ever done for him what she had done or been willing to trust him and believe in him like that. I think she'll hear that verbally from him and more after a few more of those near death experiences between them. *g*

                          I'm just wiped out. Those eps got me. Wow and double wow. Any more suggestions on what I ought to try and take in next?

                          -Bama ; )


                            I just read a wonderful Shep/Weir story on This is the link:


                            I hope that the person doesn't mind (I'm sorry if you do!), but i wanted to share.... It was a very lovely fic. *happy, content sigh*

                            Lovebar made by natz099
                            My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                              Originally posted by Rubicon
                              Well, I have decided that the Sheppard/Weir ship is like a Gigantic. Pink. Elephant. in the living room for TPTB. If they don't look at it, or talk about it and they don't let anyone else talk about it it isn't "there".

                              But you know what, it's big fushia butt is still sitting on the coffee table. Neener.
                              Rubicon, they darn well know it's there. That S3 scene was no friggin accident. It's the shipper cow and they'll milk this sucker for every tasty drop-I promise you that. It'll go about as fast as a slug on a hot Alabama August evening across my back porch. They'll play around it, up to it, beside it and dance on it but they'll bite their arm off before they'll pick it up directly. Mark it down.

                              We shep/weir crazies better be prepared to be the most patient fans this side of the pegasus galaxy. Zelenka may get more action at times than we do. ; )



                                Originally posted by Bama
                                Rubicon, they darn well know it's there. That S3 scene was no friggin accident. It's the shipper cow and they'll milk this sucker for every tasty drop-I promise you that. It'll go about as fast as a slug on a hot Alabama August evening across my back porch. They'll play around it, up to it, beside it and dance on it but they'll bite their arm off before they'll pick it up directly. Mark it down.

                                We shep/weir crazies better be prepared to be the most patient fans this side of the pegasus galaxy. Zelenka may get more action at times than we do. ; )

                                Well put B!! But i'm not a patient person by nature.....guess its fanfiction for me then!!

                                Lovebar made by natz099
                                My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets

