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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Vixen
    More and more people see it. Niceee
    Yeah, that's great! Above all, my Dad isn't the romantic-type, but if even he says so... (o.k he isn't a big fan of Teyla too, he said Elizabeth is more sympatic for him )

    Oh I forgot, I've new Icons :


      Originally posted by Dorka
      Watched Condemned yesterday
      Even if our two sweethearts weren't at the same place, there was a hint of Liz/John. Incredible Even my father says it. I forced him to watch SGA I know I'm mean

      Liz/Torri was incredible in this episode!!!! And I adore the new Major! He's cute and was very kind with Liz too!

      As for the metal coffee cup. I have one at home and it has an anti-warming-effect or something like this. When it's not burning hot, you can hold it lightly...I mean, in Atlantis, they have surely the best Technologies in everything

      I voted for Lizzie too She's just HOT
      Good Mornin Shippers!

      Neat post. I too have one of those plug in electric coffee cups and it never gets hot to my hand. Must be the insulation.

      Something about the Major in Condemned:
      Did you notice on the jumper as they were gettin ready to go after Shep and team that Major Lorne asked, "Have you heard from HIM?" And after Eliz says "nothing yet.", he then says to her, "We'll find HIM." It's a small thing but a very sweet one. It's almost like he sensed WHO she was most worried about. ; )

      One thing that makes Eliz. sexy to me is how she really doesn't overtly TRY to be. She dresses very conservatively but watch her move. She has a very sexy movement to her. I have no idea if anyone has a clue what I'm gettin at here but imho, she really does.

      -B ; )
      Last edited by Bama; 15 August 2005, 06:26 AM.


        Morning *g* here in Switzerland it's already 2.30 PM

        Whoa...I din't realise, that Lorne said HIM That would mean that the people in Atlantis realises their strong friendship(or more )
        Lorne is just a sweeeeeeet guy

        You'r right, her movements are very feminin Even in this terrible wardrobe! (after over a year I still couldn't get used to it *g* she should wear something different than grey or red!)
        Last edited by Dorka; 15 August 2005, 04:36 AM.


          Dorka I love the fifth icon! Mind if I snag it?

          Originally posted by Bama
          Something about the Major in Condemned:
          Did you notice on the jumper as they were gettin ready to go after Shep and team that Major Lorne asked, "Have you heard from HIM?" And after Eliz says "nothing yet.", he then says to her, "We'll find HIM." It's a small thing but a very sweet one. It's almost like he sensed WHO she was most worried about. ; )

          I think
          he said 'them' but I'm willing to go shipper deaf and say that he said 'him' instead

          One thing that makes Eliz. sexy to me is how she really doesn't overtly TRY to be. She dresses very conservatively but watch her move. She has a very sexy movement to her. I have no idea if anyone has a clue what I'm gettin at here but imho, she really does.

          -B ; )
          I agree. She moves quite gracefully.


            Originally posted by Bama
            Good Mornin Shippers!

            Neat post. I too have one of those plug in electric coffee cups and it never gets hot to my hand. Must be the insulation.

            Something about the Major in Condemned: [Spoiler] Did you notice on the jumper as they were gettin ready to go after Shep and team that Major Lorne asked, "Have you heard from HIM?" And after Eliz says "nothing yet.", he then says to her, "We'll find HIM." It's a small thing but a very sweet one. It's almost like he sensed WHO she was most worried about. ; )

            One thing that makes Eliz. sexy to me is how she really doesn't overtly TRY to be. She dresses very conservatively but watch her move. She has a very sexy movement to her. I have no idea if anyone has a clue what I'm gettin at here but imho, she really does.

            -B ; )
            You are so correct. I caught the HIM references too. The new major is great, and don't you love the way the military men step up to protect and serve Liz? I've coined a new phrase to describe how they sound talking to each other on the radio. Voice romance. My husband says the scantily clad look is for the teenage boys. Ok, they're a large part of the Sci Fi audience and it has always been a tradition to have that element, so they can have that aspect. Elizabeth is for the new mature (no matter what age you are) woman who may have just discovered Sci Fi. I love the way they are writing her lately. I was out to dinner with husband and son who's 28 on Sat. and spent more time talking about Liz than John. Son looked at me kind of funny because he loves teasing me about my TV boyfriend. We had a nice conversation about relationships, and he explained to me how men think that a beautiful, confident, in charge woman can't possibly be interested in them so they often miss opportunities. During all this I was watching a couple in the restaurant. She was alone, a lovely 30ish woman from out of town, eating and reading her guide book. He was 30ish, alone, reasonably attractive and looking over at her every few seconds then quickly away. She finished her meal, lingered over coffee and started darting glances at him and then away. I was going nuts and had to be restrained. Finally, she gave up and left and I thought surely he would follow her and arrange to meet at the valet area. Nope, the dummy looked all defeated and stayed. Idiot! Son and husband both said he was afraid of a host of things starting with rejection. How has the human race ever grown this large? Back on topic, I can see John thinking this same way. Idiot!

            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


              Originally posted by Major Fischer
              Anyone else wonder about the idea of holding metal coffee cups that way? Guess the coffee's not that hot.
              Since it was brought up--

              Molly Shannon from SNL was on Late Nite w/Conan OBrien (100 yrs ago, whatever) She did a bit about how skinny women who hold their coffee mugs like that. Because they are always (shiver) sooooo coooold. And now I can't get past that in the scene. heh.

              Just thought I'd share the uselessness that is my brain.


                @Vixen: Just take it wouldn't have posted it here, if I would mind

                @Alyssa: *g* yeah you in Australia are more advanced You're likely sleeping now, and I'm going home in 15 minutes from work funny thing this time-shift


                  OK old-timers I have a question about Home.... turn up your hearing aides please. I wasn't around back in the day when this episode aired, so I don't know the ship-dissection that occured.

                  The War & Peace scene. E-Liz in Sheps room talking about who should go back to Earth. What is going on? It's not shippy at all to me. He seems snarky to her that nobody would miss her, while she seems to be asking him not to go in a round about way.

                  Is this part of the dreamy stuff? If so, who's dreaming it?

                  Aaak! My head hurts. A little help here.


                    Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen
                    yeah, didnt you just love that
                    bit in the jumper at the beginning?

                    I really enjoyed this ep. My favourite part has to be
                    the worried look she has firstly when Colonel Sheppard fails to come through the gate, and secondly the relieved look she has when she hears his voice over the radio

                    Weir really does have a lot of facial expressions when it comes to her man .... or maybe just one.... LOL

                    Unfortunately I haven't seen condemned...yet. I'm trying not to watch the eps to soon, but all the wonderful squee worthy things that've been happening have defeated my will power all too often so far.


                      Originally posted by Southern Red
                      You are so correct. I caught the HIM references too. The new major is great, and don't you love the way the military men step up to protect and serve Liz? I've coined a new phrase to describe how they sound talking to each other on the radio. Voice romance. My husband says the scantily clad look is for the teenage boys. Ok, they're a large part of the Sci Fi audience and it has always been a tradition to have that element, so they can have that aspect. Elizabeth is for the new mature (no matter what age you are) woman who may have just discovered Sci Fi. I love the way they are writing her lately. I was out to dinner with husband and son who's 28 on Sat. and spent more time talking about Liz than John. Son looked at me kind of funny because he loves teasing me about my TV boyfriend. We had a nice conversation about relationships, and he explained to me how men think that a beautiful, confident, in charge woman can't possibly be interested in them so they often miss opportunities. During all this I was watching a couple in the restaurant. She was alone, a lovely 30ish woman from out of town, eating and reading her guide book. He was 30ish, alone, reasonably attractive and looking over at her every few seconds then quickly away. She finished her meal, lingered over coffee and started darting glances at him and then away. I was going nuts and had to be restrained. Finally, she gave up and left and I thought surely he would follow her and arrange to meet at the valet area. Nope, the dummy looked all defeated and stayed. Idiot! Son and husband both said he was afraid of a host of things starting with rejection. How has the human race ever grown this large? Back on topic, I can see John thinking this same way. Idiot!
                      LOL! I know...that entire sexy 'poll' thing amuses me. I can just see some 13 year old boy with one hand on his computer mouse and one hand under the covers. ; ) Sorry, bad image I know but it is what popped into my head.

                      As for that phrase...'voice romance' I LOVE IT! I actually meant to say somethin about it the other day. It's true too. Their looks are longer with each other and their voices change when they speak to each other as opposed to anyone else. I am one of those older(I don't know about the mature part...) female sci-fi fans. I like action and truly believe it should a huge part of the sci-fi experience but without great characterization, I'd just as soon watch something else-or nothing. Characterization and the added realistic human element is what makes the difference between a so/so show and a great one. I think that many men are intimated by a woman who is as self-confident as Eliz. appears to be. I mean, look at the surprised look on John's face when she has her 'emotional moment' we all love in S3. She punched him slap in the gut with that. I wonder if he really even thought of her on feminine terms due to her 'title' and authority. I think many males think that a woman can't be both soft and tough at the same time and that's why I like Eliz. so much...she puts that crap to rest.

                      What a funny story about the couple! Human beings are strange creatures sometimes. The man may have missed the love of his life. How sad. You never know who you can meet or what you can be in life until you put yourself out there and take a chance on something.

                      Let's hope John eventually comes to the realization that he can indeed have it all if he is willing to take the chance.

                      -Bama ; )


                        OK old-timers I have a question about Home.... turn up your hearing aides please. I wasn't around back in the day when this episode aired, so I don't know the ship-dissection that occured.

                        The War & Peace scene. E-Liz in Sheps room talking about who should go back to Earth. What is going on? It's not shippy at all to me. He seems snarky to her that nobody would miss her, while she seems to be asking him not to go in a round about way.

                        Is this part of the dreamy stuff? If so, who's dreaming it?

                        Aaak! My head hurts. A little help here
                        Okay this is the third time i've replied to this bc something, somewhere is being an asshat and freezes when i hit 'Submit Reply' So here goes...

                        It's not a dream sequence. It takes place before all the dreamy stuff when they are deciding who should go back to Earth if they manage to establish a wormhole.

                        I think it had a lot of shippy tones and don't recall John beig snarky or Liz trying to get him to stay. Infact when he reassures her that he is staying ( before she finishes what she was saying/asking), she says that he is the most qualified to brief TPTB, giving hima plausable get-out ticket.

                        As he does wit her when he says that he would underestand if she wanted to go bc 'of course, life-sucking aliens weren't part of the broschure'.

                        They both say 'Good' when they confirm that they are staying regardless.

                        Lokking at it further tha the speech, you have the fact that she chose to come and talk to him in his room when she could have just as easily had this conversation with him in her office/conference room, etc. I found it nice that she didn't get straight to business talk, instead instigating small talk about W&P. I also like how, upon Liz entering, John merely sits up a bit straighter and doesbn't jump to attention. IMO it shows a comfort level between the two of them.

                        I think the whole scene was sweet and showed how their relationship was transforming from very professional to something more along the lines of friendship.


                          Wow, I've been gone for 2 days and I have 8 pages to catch up with! ^ ^

                          And I have a question, does John know that
                          Elizabeth has (or had) a boyfriend? Did she ever tell him?


                            I always thought the War and Peace scene was more about Elizabeth sorting out her feelings than John's. They are talking about going home, and to her home meant Simon. I think she went to talk to John about buisness and when she found him reading War and Peace it started to occur to her that they might have more in common personally than she thought they might.

                            To me it's a scene where she's choosing this life, and this attraction, over Simon.


                              Originally posted by Rubicon
                              OK old-timers I have a question about Home.... turn up your hearing aides please. I wasn't around back in the day when this episode aired, so I don't know the ship-dissection that occured.

                              The War & Peace scene. E-Liz in Sheps room talking about who should go back to Earth. What is going on? It's not shippy at all to me. He seems snarky to her that nobody would miss her, while she seems to be asking him not to go in a round about way.
                              SallyLizzie did a great job explaining the John's room scene. I thought the whole conversation was rather flirty for them at that point in time. He had been relating to her almost solely on a professional level, and it was great to see him give her that flirty little smile. We rewatched this ep last night because my husband didn't remember seeing it, so it's fresh in my mind. Back on earth John seemed to be doing a lot of thinking about Dr. Weir while he was alone with Teyla in her new scanty earth duds. He pointedly mentioned her by name, noone else. Also I found it odd that here was a great chance to be alone in his dream bachelor pad with a beautiful woman, but he wanted to go out exploring. And at the end when he found out they had been dreaming, he said that when he thought of all the scenarios he could have come up with he could kick himself. Hmm? You've been on another planet for months, now you're here with a woman who's looking at you like you're lunch and you think you could have come up with a better plan. Hmmm? There wasn't much overt shippiness, but some of us (ahem) can see ship just about anywhere. You can't make me stop!

                              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                                IIRC It's never been said or showed that John knows about Simon.

                                MF, i agree. That makes alot of sense. I don't think she intended to make small talk and she did seem quite surprised at his choice of reading material. I think this was where she started to see past the flyboy stereotype and realised that there was a lot more to John Sheppard than she first thought.

