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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by girlgater
    I'm sorry for the events in London as well, and hope everyone from GW is safe, as well as their families.

    In terms of the kiss
    I would find it quite interesting if it turned out to be McKay.
    It certainly would add a great twist to an already amusing episode.

    I would die of happiness if it were that, I think it'd be brilliant!


      Okay. First post here. Total newbie to the forum and the fandom, but I started watching Stargate: Atlantis about two months ago - on my friend's insistence - and wow, I got bitten by the W/S bug. Hard. I love their interaction, and I am totally looking forward to season two. I have to admit, though, I'm a bit of a novice here, 'cause I haven't had the opportunity to see all the episodes, including the pilot and some of the beginning episodes. So, if I make any glaring errors in my characterization or analysis of the show, tell me please. I can handle being told I'm off base.

      First off, I got a question. Having not seen "Rising," part one or two, I consequently started watching the show with Thirty-Eight Minutes. My first exposure to any hint of a ship on this series was W/S - "I'd like to say something while I still can." C'mon, now, people, that scene and the ending just smacked me upside the head with it’s W/S overtones. Imagine my surprise, when (as I've said, a total novice to this show), I look into the fandom on the internet and hear whispers (and screams) of T/S.

      To that, my reaction is - "What the freakin' hell?!!" T/S? In what alternate reality is this?

      Was "Rising" that slanted towards Sheyla? Cause what I've seen of this show, and everyone's interactions in it, I could have sworn the writers were headed towards W/S. I’ve watched practically every episode of the latter half of the season (and most of the first half), and the tone always undoubtably seemed to me, to be slanted towards W/S. What, exactly, did I miss in the beginning? And is it just my imagination now, or have the writers seemingly changed their minds about the ships mid-way through the first season?

      Please inform me, fellow fans. I am utterly bewildered by this predicament.

      Oh, and P.S. - To make this an actual productive post, I’d like to pimp my fanfic - “Destiny” - centered mainly on Elizabeth (with, of course, John as the second main character). Please read it and inform me if I have any characterizations or ideas off base (I’m a stickler for that type of stuff, and having not seen every episode, I’m highly paranoid I got things wrong.)

      Tell me what you think, please!

      Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
      I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
      Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


        Welcome Whistler!

        To answer your question, in Rising, they do start off as a bit of Sheyla. It's sort of shoved down our throats, imho. But we ShWeirs find definitely find some moments for us in that ep. The ShWeir moments are more subtle, based off a working relationship, which is why I think it will work so much better and will have room and time to grow. Over the course of the season, I do think it kind of changes from Sheyla to ShWeir for the above reason, but again, it's still subtle, which is nice and more realistic. If you haven't seen The Storm/The Eye, watch it. There's the turning point, imho.

        Will read your fic when I actually have time, lol. Again, welcome! "And what the freakin hell' pretty much sums it up correctly, lol.


          Welcome Whistler84!! Glad to see more newbies joining the thread!

          I have been lurking for the past couple of weeks, because I didn't have a lot of time on my hands. And as a result of that I didn't want to post and get sucked into a discussion. (warning newbies - it has a tendency to do that to you)

          Anyway, I wasn't into online fandom until after I saw Rising so I didn't know that TPTB were going for Shey... Sheppard/Teyla ( , can't use that name combo anymore without a shiver). much as I hate to admit it I could kind of see it in that scene in the cave, but it still seemed forced. (ducks flying vegetables) Then when I saw Thirty-Eight Minutes I was literally bouncing around saying "Those two are so going to get together!" (aka Sheppard/Weir). After that I became a firmly devoted Sheppard/Weir shipper and here I am!

          On another note...YOU wrote that fic!? I read that and absolutely LOVED it!! Please continue!
          Pro-Season 4
          Proud Ronon/Keller Shipper


            Welcome Whistler! *waves*
            As it was probably mentioned earlier, S/T might have sounded great on paper but when it came to the actors and their chemistry it changed. Maybe tptb didn't expect for JF and TH to have such a great on-screen chemistry and for it to be missing with JF and RL (at least I don't see it, anyway).

            A great wallpaper from ethelinesherman


              WELCOME WHISTLER!
              I knew i'd seen you somewhere before. I read Destiny and rec'd it here the other day Absolutley bloodey marvelous my friend. I just have to say....SEQUAL, SEQUAL!!

              My first exposure to any hint of a ship on this series was W/S - "I'd like to say something while I still can." C'mon, now, people, that scene and the ending just smacked me upside the head with it’s W/S overtones. Imagine my surprise, when (as I've said, a total novice to this show), I look into the fandom on the internet and hear whispers (and screams) of T/S. To that, my reaction is - "What the freakin' hell?!!" T/S? In what alternate reality is this?
              Preaching to the Bishop! no offenese intended to preachers, Bishops or any religionists I was purposely trying not to get hooked on SGA, then i saw 38mins and i thought 'Hmmm..?', then i saw TS/TE and i all the little things that i thought i'd seen were confirmed. I started lurking here Nov/Dec and was thrilled to see that i wasn't alone and that others saw JohnLiz too. I'm really looking forward to S2 (the plan not to get hooked totally failed ) sounds extremely promising. Not just the ship but the overall storylines aswell. Only 3more months to go. Gah!

              EDIT: Argh! i edit my post but hen it wont let me save and it wont let me on the forum, then 5mins later everythings inworking order again . Anyways.....
              What i wanted to say was, since there are a lot of noobs and there hasn't been any updates in a while (two weeks? Really? But it seems so much longer) i thought id give Langford_U a boost. It's an AU community, and even if AU isn't your thing, please don't let that stop you from having a look. There have been many who were converted by the great fics
              Last edited by SallyLizzie; 08 July 2005, 07:36 AM.


                Well, forget about ShWeir as a name combo. I just saw Weppard on

                Welcome to all the newbies.


                  Originally posted by SGLAB
                  Well, forget about ShWeir as a name combo. I just saw Weppard on
                  Is that a weapon?

                  Or did someone have an accident in their sleep?

                  When all else fails, change channels.


                    Hello again friends...

                    Sorry to be a little off topic again but i just had to share my relief with you all that all 4 of my friends in London are safe and well! Thankfully they were nowhere near the blasts at the time but its all so surreal. They could have easily been there.

                    Unfortunately, a couple of them joined the many thousands in walking across London to get home. I'v had to do this before when the tubes weren't working....Bless their poor feet!!

                    Again, sorry, i know this is Off Topic.

                    Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                    LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                    Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                      From tvguide:

                      The bond between Weir and Sheppard will be strengthened by the presence of Caldwell-who at one time coveted Weir’s job. But Weir will have little time for romance. Rather, her quiet leadership and ambassadorial mettle will be pushed to the limit by the Wraith. “The Geneva Convention doesn’t apply here”, Higginson says.

                      Sheppard on the other hand will have a flirtation with Teyla (Rachel Luttrell), leader of the primitive civilization that’s a favorite Wraith snack. Luttrell filmed her first ever screen kiss for the show recently, but no one is letting on whose lips were on the receiving end. “There was this big fight scene”. Luttrell say’s “and it ends in an amazing kiss”.

                      Ok, they said 'little' time for romance, but they never say 'no time'. Semantics. And now that I've seen the article, I'm convinced
                      Teyla's kiss is with Ronon. They're making us believe it's with Shep because they put it right after the line about the flirting, but it's too obvious.

                      I've figured it out!


                        Whistler, I realized I already read Destiny! Good stuff!


                          Originally posted by Tomcatter
                          From tvguide:

                          The bond between Weir and Sheppard will be strengthened by the presence of Caldwell-who at one time coveted Weir’s job. But Weir will have little time for romance. Rather, her quiet leadership and ambassadorial mettle will be pushed to the limit by the Wraith. “The Geneva Convention doesn’t apply here”, Higginson says.

                          Sheppard on the other hand will have a flirtation with Teyla (Rachel Luttrell), leader of the primitive civilization that’s a favorite Wraith snack. Luttrell filmed her first ever screen kiss for the show recently, but no one is letting on whose lips were on the receiving end. “There was this big fight scene”. Luttrell say’s “and it ends in an amazing kiss”.

                          Ok, they said 'little' time for romance, but they never say 'no time'. Semantics. And now that I've seen the article, I'm convinced
                          Teyla's kiss is with Ronon. They're making us believe it's with Shep because they put it right after the line about the flirting, but it's too obvious.

                          I've figured it out!
                          I sure hope you're right! The thoughts of a kiss
                          between Shep and (sorry to Teyla fans) just makes me physically ill.
                          Here's to a kiss between Shep/Weir at some point. Although I prefer their relationship to grow slowly--and maturely.


                            Heya everyone,

                            Just saying 'hi!' really! I've been reading this thread for a little while and thought I'd de-lurk...even if it's only for this post and I run and hide in a corner somewhere. I think I know some of you, if you know me, I'm Angel Leviathan on

                            Anyway, it seems everyone I know from home, uni, etc, who isn't involved in the Atlantis fandom sees Weir/Sheppard, even if I'm only basing this on comments made whilst they watched Atlantis for the first time. So I'm claiming no influence... They really didn't understand when I said that Teyla/Sheppard was the 'ship being pushed by TPTB. I'm hoping this is a good sign.

                            I'm rather out of touch with Atlantis news at the moment, but I think I'm going to be quiet until we actually see something on-screen...


                              Sheppard seems to flirt with a lot of girls. So he flirts a bit with Teyla, and realizes he doesn't like that dessert.

                              I'm not really into romance on this show, but it seemed pretty obvious that TPTB are taking a S/W direction. I don't want to see a lot of it ,as a little can go a long way. I really don't like the fact that some Teyla fans are glorifying her as a dom/whore type. Frankly I can't see Sheppard walking past Weir to get to Teyla. I wouldn't.

                              Actually, I would prefer lots of explosions and special effects - not "ship" related.


                                Thanks for everyone's warm welcome! You guys make me feel loved!!! Anyway, thanks for those who took the time to reply to what I said. I figured it was something along those lines, but I wasn't sure if the Sheyla stuff was somehow more obvious and apparent to those who actually watched The Rising, (instead of, like me, reading the transcripts). I have confidence however, that if I had watched everything from the beginning, I would have still been a W/S shipper.

                                Sheyla's may have had the beginning, but Shweirs will have the end!

                                P.S. Thanks for those reviews of "Destiny," and yes, I am doing a sequel, in which Elizabeth Ascends. I've got oodles of ideas going for that, including adding a bit of interaction btw her and Chaya. Any suggestions on how that might go?

                                Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                                I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                                Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!

