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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    It's good night here.
    Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
    at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

    R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


      Originally posted by atlantis_babe34 View Post
      Morning Fellow Sparkers!
      Morning AB And here's a capspam to congratulate the mother to be
      ( spoilers S4 )



      Teyla : " There's something I wish to tell the both of you... "

      Teyla : " I'm... pregnant. "

      Elizabeth : " You're what? "

      John : " Huh Lizzie, she's carying a baby "

      Elizabeth : " I got that, thank you. When... I mean how?

      John : " You see when you and I have... you know... anyway we could have one of our own someday! "

      Elizabeth : " John... would you shut up for a second! "

      John : " Damn', I'm just trying to be nice here. By the way Teyla, who's the father? "

      Teyla : " I'm... how can I put it? You, the both of you... it's your child Elizabeth and John's the father. You two are the parents...

      To Be Continued...


        Season 4 speculation
        So the rumor mill says Teyla is pregnant now, eh? I'm going with theories A)the rumor mill is wrong or B)some sort of experiment dealy. After all, Stargate babies are always weapons of some sort. This isn't a soap opera, pregnancies are only there if they drive the plot.


          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post

          And have you read this spoiler for The Seer?

          I don't know whether to squee or throw up in my mouth a little. Maybe I'll do both.
          I did both.

          Originally posted by Celcool View Post

          About Teyla being pregnant, WTF?... and I just know it won't be John, it wouldn't work, TPTB would never do that, there will no ship in S4 I'm convinced, I think it's just a matter of time until Sheylas get as irritated about the show as we already are.

          S4 so far doesn't seem one bit appealing to me. What will we get? Hardly any Elizabeth, lots of action, whump Teyla pregnant (I wouldn't be happy if it was Liz who was pregnant either), lots of Carter, it seems everything will be solved in a military way. I really don't care for a show like that.
          If it is
          I'll quit full stop.

          Normally I'd be kind of excited about this sort of thing in a show but with the ship wars the way they are, it seems a little nutty.

          Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
          LOL! I can't stop laughin' either ! Maybe Lizzie really is
          a cylon afterall, and Teyla's pregnant with Michael!cylon!wraith's child.... OMG, is Atlantis turning into Battlestar!Lantis?
          K, I really would stopw watching then. Not a BG fan myself.

          Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
          And to add to the fact that this spoiler for "Seer" says she's
          pregnant. I just hope they don't go down the road of "Who's the daddy?" arc. Because that would be too soap operaish for me.
          If they drag that out I'll shoot myself. Okay not really because I never would and that's extreme, but still. I canNOT take another "XF Season 8" type thing. Oy!

          Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
          Anyhoo, to go back on the topic of Sheppard/Weir.

          I like that poll!The 4 out of 10 listed there are probably many of our top favorite moments. If that poll included season 3 they might just have to add
          breaking quarantine in "The Real World" and carrying Elizabeth into the infirmary in "Echoes" Any others you guys suggest? I know I missed some.

          Talk about crossovers! LOL
          Le sigh! Seriously, TPTB need to get a clue. Unless they've already gotten one and we just don't know it. *crosses fingers* Pleaseohpleaseohplease.

          Hey, no knocking my zen. Mmmkay?

          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
          WTF? indeed. Which takes me back to FUBAR.

          I'm a little surprised also at the number or people who actually think this idea will work. Zaz, you are making lots of sense and almost made me change my mind. JM did say we would learn how the wraith reproduce, so maybe... But I am still ROTFLMAO and can't get the picture of a very pregnant Teyla stick fighting in her little split skirt outfit out of my head. It's only a matter of time before some clever boots fires up Photoshop. *snorts* OMG, I am dying here.

          Now, ahem, you know this could be John's baby and they could end the series with an Athosian wedding with Rodney Ronon as best man and Carter as maid of honor. At the very least, we are going to have to face sympathetic!John who will probably offer to marry her even if it isn't his baby. Now I just stopped laughing.

          No, not really. You know what guys, we had 3 years of lovely Sparky moments that the great majority of viewers also saw. In a perfect world, TPTB would have gone with the most popular option and dropped any other ship for Shep, but it's not a perfect world. My state of zen gets better the more bad news we get. Now all that's left to do is relax and enjoy watching Joe Flanigan lick his lips, which is what got me into this show in the first place.

          Sparky lives here and in fanfic and always will.
          I predict
          1)the baby isn't what we think (wouldn't be the first time)
          2) the baby doesn't survive (again, wouldn't be the first time)
          3) the show dies a sudden horrible and painful death no matter who the father is.

          I think it's a cheap shot unless they've got a REALLY amazing unexpected storyline for us. But they'd have to catch us on it really fast after all that's happened.

          Originally posted by Celcool View Post
          Posting here as well.

          Every Elizabeth fan should see this video:


          Tried. Wouldn't let me. *sniff*

          Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
          Morning AB And here's a capspam to congratulate the mother to be
          ( spoilers S4 )



          Teyla : " There's something I wish to tell the both of you... "

          Teyla : " I'm... pregnant. "

          Elizabeth : " You're what? "

          John : " Huh Lizzie, she's carying a baby "

          Elizabeth : " I got that, thank you. When... I mean how?

          John : " You see when you and I have... you know... anyway we could have one of our own someday! "

          Elizabeth : " John... would you shut up for a second! "

          John : " Damn', I'm just trying to be nice here. By the way Teyla, who's the father? "

          Teyla : " I'm... how can I put it? You, the both of you... it's your child Elizabeth and John's the father. You two are the parents...

          To Be Continued...

          AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Unofficial GREEN!!!

          Originally posted by Lizabeth View Post
          Season 4 speculation
          So the rumor mill says Teyla is pregnant now, eh? I'm going with theories A)the rumor mill is wrong or B)some sort of experiment dealy. After all, Stargate babies are always weapons of some sort. This isn't a soap opera, pregnancies are only there if they drive the plot.
          No rumor. I mean they could change their minds but it was posted at the front of gateworld in the "spoilers for newest epi" spot so I'm betting it's real and it ain't going anywhere.

          However, I read some of those mag scans from before and it said something about
          it's possible Weir could still lead Atlantis she just won't be in every episodes as was done similarly with Carson before he became a full character. (not the leading part of course).

          Not official but it gives me hope and right now I'm calm and Zen enough to give TPTB a little bit of the benefit of the doubt. A LITTLE bit. It's entirely within the realm of possibility that they do have a grand plan in mind and that it doesn't suck.

          Yep. I'm very zen right now. Better go do Sparky fic to stay that way.

          One last thing, I agree with whoever said they'd be annoyed if it were Lizzie instead. I know I would too. Cheap shot.



            Originally posted by A.L. View Post
            No rumor. I mean they could change their minds but it was posted at the front of gateworld in the "spoilers for newest epi" spot so I'm betting it's real and it ain't going anywhere.
            Well if it's not a rumor then I'm definitely going with theory B


              NOOO! I come back in here to read this. Shesh. As soon as I read about

              Pregnancy I figured it would have to be just some alien wraith thingy. But If they think there saving the show by giving the Sheyla people what they want (worst case senario) then I'm going with A.Ls Option C, the show dies a sudden horrible and painful death, lol.

              *sigh* Why can't they just bring Lizzy back. Why do they have to mess with the show???

              And down with BattlestarLantis, LOL. Don't think I would keep up.

              Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

              My StarGate Music Vids:


                I was sick when I read the news and I hope it doesn't screw up my SGA ships I am a Sparky & Spanky shipper all the way
                ok I do this in the D&V ship thread maybe this will help distract us
                Pic run pic run

                My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                  Originally posted by SazZat View Post
                  Me too. It's such an amazing video. The best fan video I've ever seen actually. So very very emotional. The song is perfect as well.
                  No volume! *cries*


                    Originally posted by Lizabeth View Post
                    Season 4 speculation
                    So the rumor mill says Teyla is pregnant now, eh? I'm going with theories A)the rumor mill is wrong or B)some sort of experiment dealy. After all, Stargate babies are always weapons of some sort. This isn't a soap opera, pregnancies are only there if they drive the plot.
                    Bingo on the first try. Prediction.
                    There will be no baby, or it will be kidnapped by its wraith daddy and Teyla will get to angst over it for the rest of the series. Probably just an episode or 3. There is no way they can deal with an infant in this show. Think about the logistics. Who will baby sit while mom's off world? Radek? You know how he feels about kids. LOL. Or maybe Teyla will rig up a little snuggly and carry Junior along with her. If Shep's the daddy, will he take turns taking care of it. It just boggles. So no baby. It will end badly, miscarriage or something else dire.

                    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                      Bingo on the first try. Prediction.
                      There will be no baby, or it will be kidnapped by its wraith daddy and Teyla will get to angst over it for the rest of the series. Probably just an episode or 3. There is no way they can deal with an infant in this show. Think about the logistics. Who will baby sit while mom's off world? Radek? You know how he feels about kids. LOL. Or maybe Teyla will rig up a little snuggly and carry Junior along with her. If Shep's the daddy, will he take turns taking care of it. It just boggles. So no baby. It will end badly, miscarriage or something else dire.
                      Agreed. That or
                      I was discussing with my sister and I think either the baby will die, or being taken, or isn't really the baby we think it might be (ala ST:TNG) if they plan and think they can go another season OR they will play it out and end the series. I can see them prepairing for both eventyalities. But as much as I'd love for it to be Ronon's - I'm a spanky, what can I say - I actually am leaning towards alien involvement or someone new like the marine mentioned previously. either way, I don't see it ending well and again I'm mad they'd use Teyla that way.



                        Nice pics Poundpup, was distracted for a while, but then got thinking again, lol.

                        I think your right, A.L. and Southern Red in that

                        There will be no baby. I mean, the only reason it worked with Share in SG1 was that the baby got taken away. The only way it worked with Vala was that she never got to care for it and it grew up rapidly. With a baby on Atlantis, it will so not work, and from the sounds of things I dont think she'll be pregnat the whole way through. So maybe she loses the baby or who knows. But the whole whos your daddy thing is gonna bug me. My bets are on Michael for some reason, lol.

                        So fingers crosse it plays out like this.

                        Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

                        My StarGate Music Vids:


                          Because coming up with crazy theories for season 4 is fun:
                          and I was struck by that line in the poem about the wraith and our allies having something in common...maybe athosian's don't reproduce the same way humans do. Ha! That would be funny. Like at certain times in their life they just have kids whether they want to or not. LOL don't listen to me...I'm just having fun.


                            Just read this:
                            "As far as I know, there are three ways in which shows have dealt with pregnancies: 1) They’ve reduced the actress’s onscreen time drastically and ignored the fact by shooting around her, 2) They’ve written the actress out of the show entirely, 3) They’ve supported the actress by writing the pregnancy into the show. If there is a fourth option you have in mind, I’d love to hear it. Maybe a "Teyla has an eating problem" arc?"

                            Does that mean Rachel is pregnant? If so, I am much more ok with all this--not that I was ever that concerned, but I'm just happy for her if that's the case!


                              Season 4:

                              OK, The Seer and Teyla's pregnancy. .. My vote is weird medical experiment involving Michael. While I see John being concerned, I see Ronan being the surrogate dad on the show. John just wouldn't do that (and I don't think I could take it if he did). So, if Teyla's pregnant and off the team, who is on it? Do we know the four episodes Liz IS going to be in in the first half?

                              Also, I tried and tried to get the vid to work and it won't play. Rats! I'll take your word that it works.

                              Also, that Weir/Shep made 4 of the top 10 is just proof!!!! Woohoo!!!!!


                                Originally posted by RoryJ View Post
                                No volume! *cries*
                                At first there is no volume but click on the play progress bar several times if necessary, it works then.

                                Originally posted by A.L. View Post
                                Tried. Wouldn't let me. *sniff*
                                Originally posted by belanna30 View Post

                                Also, I tried and tried to get the vid to work and it won't play. Rats! I'll take your word that it works.
                                I hope McBarr doesn't mind if I repost this here about how to play the vid:

                                "Well, I downloaded the hq version and the video codec is DivX 5. So if you have XviD or DivX installed, as Celcool suggested, you should have no problem playing the video. If installing the codecs doesn't work, try KMPlayer or VLC. I assume you're running Windows, right?

                                There seems to be some sort of glitch with the audio, though."
                                Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
                                at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

                                R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)

