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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by RoryJ View Post

    To be honest, I wasn't phased at all my John saying he didn't have feelings for anyone. I don't think he's at a point where he thinks of Elizabeth romantically like that. He still cares deeply for her and she means a lot to him, but he's not consciously thinking about romance. Or if he was I'd imagine he'd feel quite guilty about it. John can mentally undress any woman, and lord knows he can get the ladies to do it in person, too. It's the one woman he gets close to without meaning to, the one he confides in without cheapening it by likening her to the other women before. That's what makes his relationship with Elizabeth special. At least, that's how it's always been in my mind.

    Now, if Elizabeth were to say that same line, I would be crushed, because I can see her being much more conscious of her closeness to John. She may not think of it as romantic, but she know he means something special to her. That's why her "men and women can't be friends" line was so interesting to me. And that's why her reaction to the kiss, that it would "split her focus", was so in-character to me. In John's words, that's her "reason for everything". And it would be her same reason for not moving forward with John.

    Says the lemming.
    I completely agree with this.


      Originally posted by grumpyRN View Post
      THAT would make sense, and we all know by now that TPTB do very little that makes sense :
      Lol, I agree. And that's what I'm looking for in season 4.


        Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
        So did I. But I've got another question, why having Liz go on a date in the first place? This episode was about having a normal sunday, the writers could have made her do something else during her free time. Ok, maybe to add another good looking guy for an episode, or to see another side of Dr.Weir blablabla.. but it really bugs me somehow.
        There's the chance the may have wanted to show how invested in her work she was (from Teyla's "whyyyy?" I got the feeling this wasn't the first time Elizabeth blew her off/rain-checked) and spotlight how alone she is. Bringing in a new character helps inforce that. If you'd have had her doing something with one of the team, it wouldn't have seperated them that much.

        But I am just a lemming and know not what TPTB were thinking at the time.


          Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
          There's the chance the may have wanted to show how invested in her work she was (from Teyla's "whyyyy?" I got the feeling this wasn't the first time Elizabeth blew her off/rain-checked) and spotlight how alone she is. Bringing in a new character helps inforce that. If you'd have had her doing something with one of the team, it wouldn't have seperated them that much.

          But I am just a lemming and know not what TPTB were thinking at the time.
          All this talk of lemmings is really making me want to play the game Lemmings again. LOL

          I can see John playing the game Lemmings. Don't mind me my brain is a bit broken.


            Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
            There's the chance the may have wanted to show how invested in her work she was (from Teyla's "whyyyy?" I got the feeling this wasn't the first time Elizabeth blew her off/rain-checked) and spotlight how alone she is. Bringing in a new character helps inforce that. If you'd have had her doing something with one of the team, it wouldn't have seperated them that much.

            But I am just a lemming and know not what TPTB were thinking at the time.
            Oh I do think Teyla and Liz had ( of screen ) lunch many times, or had girly talks... Maybe it's not the first time she blew her off, but Teyla thought it was about work (again) at first. But then when she realized she had been asked out on a date, she seriously couldn't stop her from going or she wouldn't have been a friend here. But if they had made her do a thing with another member of the team, I'm sure this would have proven to be good too. But they made a choice that I don't really understand. But I don't feel like Liz is alone anymore, especially with that episode.

            Just my two cents.
            Oh, by the way, a little bit of sarcasm from a lemming's part is always welcome ^^ Love your new banner by the way, I found it flashy !


              Just another thought (again spoilers for Sunday even though I haven't watched it yet):
              Did John say he didn't like anyone in Atlantis? 'Cause if Liz isn't going to be on Atlantis anymore, He's technically telling the truth. He loves Liz!

              What do I know, I'm just a lemming. A sleep-deprived lemming.


                Suz, you might be a lemming, but damn you have good logic.

                BG, thanks! And about Sunday
                maybe alone was the wrong word. It's clear from the scenes with Carson and Teyla that she did indeed have friends and wasn't alone. However, as leader there will always remain a degree of separation from her and the others.


                  Just a question- is there a transcript for Sunday yet because I've had this story on the back burner that was going to take place around Sunday but seeing on how I'm in Canada I would really like to actually know what was said by Sheppard to Ronan and what Elizabeth said at the end....

                  ...any help anyone?
                  Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
                  |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


                    Originally posted by i found forever View Post
                    YOU HAVE GOT TO BE F*****G KIDDING ME!!!!!!!
                    I thought the whole point of having Elizabeth as leader of Atlantis was so that it would NOT be under military control, so does it make sense to put Carter in charge? I don't think so.


                      Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                      Suz, you might be a lemming, but damn you have good logic.

                      BG, thanks! And about Sunday
                      maybe alone was the wrong word. It's clear from the scenes with Carson and Teyla that she did indeed have friends and wasn't alone. However, as leader there will always remain a degree of separation from her and the others.
                      Of course


                        You know, I can blame thank some of you here for turning me on to Farscape. And I have to say, after watching some 2 dozen episodes, that those writers really knew how to handle a ship. Little vignettes once in a while, a look, a brief comment; most of the ship is made of this. You can ignore it if you want to because it doesn't usually swamp the plot.

                        But after watching Farscape, and then with the bad news about Weir, I'm even more hopeless about the future of SGA; I think back on SG-1 and realized just how totally TPTB screwed up the ship. Can we really be surprised that they seem to be steering this one into the toilet?

                        I love the idea of a real S4 in fanfic. Please, please, please! Save us from Ob-liz-ion! (short for Lizzie-Oblivion)
                        SGA: the 3-season show...


                          Originally posted by Anjirika View Post
                          Just a question- is there a transcript for Sunday yet because I've had this story on the back burner that was going to take place around Sunday but seeing on how I'm in Canada I would really like to actually know what was said by Sheppard to Ronan and what Elizabeth said at the end....

                          ...any help anyone?
                          I'm not sure if there is another one transcript up yet. I'm still working on mine, but I might not get that up until tomorrow. Because transcripts are quite tedious to type up.


                            Dont' mean to repopen any wounds, but anyone have the scoop on this Season four news? I REALLY don't like what I'm hearing.

                            Although, it did occur to me
                            that if Liz became recurring, maybe a ship would be more possible. Briefer, but more meaningful interaction would still be good

                            Thanks much for any info,


                            Signature By Amber Moon


                              *waves* Howdy my peeps out in fandom oblivion (a.k.a. the lucrative land of lemmings and limericks )! So when are we planning population control i.e. cliff diving en masse from the rim of the Grand Canyon? *smirks*

                              Anyone else enjoying the oddity that is Austin, Texas under cover of ice? I had the pleasure of driving here [Austin] from Galveston this morning. *over enthusiastic thumbs-up to the folks using their brakes on iced roads*

                              And we're off to the fire!

                              Originally posted by grumpyRN View Post
                              I thought the whole point of having Elizabeth as leader of Atlantis was so that it would NOT be under military control, so does it make sense to put Carter in charge? I don't think so.

                              *shrugs* Wait, I got it... The idiot's, no, TPTB's, no Anyone's guide to character maintenance and story arc for the science fiction series Stargate Atlantis:

                              Page 1

                              Hang up-side-down and gurgle

                              The End

                              *winces* That was really uncalled for and I apologize, but my mind's eye was just too persistent to ignore. Seriously, for once, I am NOT being sarcastic, no harm intended. (As if anyone really gives a flying rats gluteal region *mutters*)

                              You know, yesterday I was under the faux impression that time would provide me clarity, motivation, maybe even inspiration
                              or some elevated plane of understanding...................but.....................................

                              alas.... I have remained in my prior state of flabbergasted shock and appallment........and at this point I have nothing left (or right) to say...but I do have a question..............

                              Have I left the psych ward?
                              seriously........... I'm kinda feeling a wee bit....outer limits here............

                              It's M.D. as in Massive Debt
                              Medicinae Doctor? HA!!
                              ................................................................................ ............................

                              Uh, anyone got a dollar I can borrow?


                                Season 3 has me puzzled. It's also giving me whiplash! Geez. The opinions on Sunday are so diverse that I can't judge if it's good or bad for our ship until I see it. So, moving on to Submersion I'm hoping
                                for some alone time for J/E since she is supposed to go on this mission. We, oops I mean they, really need it!

                                BTW, we need JOR to come out and play with his new buddy JAL (just a lemming.)
                                sig by SueKay

                                My Team:

