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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    My goodness! Looking at this thread has given me a completely impish impulse. No, as far as I know there isn't a Binder fan thread in existence... but he DOES have a fanlisting. (And no, it's not actually one of mine! So I'm not being shameless )


      I tried posting this last night, but right in the middle of it trying to post, my internet connection went and didn't come back until about an hour ago.

      Shameless plug of my new fic in my Maddie series. The Sheppard Family Camping Trip.


        Just read it. Not bad!

        Also, I am squeeful. I am now First Prime. Yay!


          Originally posted by Lizabeth View Post
          Still can't get over John CARRYING Elizabeth to the infirmary. And him noticing just before she passed out is perfect. Anyone else thinking that he's just a little more worried than he needs to be because he's seen her unconscious before (TRW!) and it was a pretty dire situation? I mean, I know the whole situation is dire, but he looks pretty worriedly at her and we all know in light of what's going on that chances are she's just going to wake up with hearing damage. And seriously, carrying her to the infirmary? Does he think he's the only one who can get there fast enough? They always use a med team! And don't tell me all the med teams were probably busy! I don't care. Looking at it from the writers standpoint--why DID they give us that? No one ever gets CARRIED to the infirmary! They know there's a huge group of shippers out there that will just *die* at the romanticness of it. Are they actually trying to please us? Oh I'm so happy! Who wrote this? I thought I read Carl Binder somewhere? Is there a Carl Binder rocks thread I can go compliment him in?????
          Don't forget in "Echoes"

          When she fainted there was blood coming out of her ears. In both "The Long Goodbye" and "The Real World" (if they showed her fainting)there were no physical injuries. And seeing blood come out of someone's ears can be very disconcerting, especially when earlier in the episode the same thing happened to John.

          Also in regards to this scene

          "Echoes" and "Phantoms"
          It is shippy to see John carry Elizabeth to the infirmary, it don't see its incredibly shippy, but it does show his concern for Elizabeth. Also, seriously, who do you think would be carrying Elizabeth? Zelenka? McKay? Frankly, I don't see either of them carrying Elizabeth to the infirmary from the control room. And Ronon waaay is too busy watching over Teyla.

          Also people forget that John has carried Teyla before when she got shot in the leg, and they were running back towards the cave in "Phamtoms". Even though he was seeing her as Holland, it was still something for other shippers. So I'm still seeing this as the TPTB just being their usual selves and being evil again.

          Don't get me wrong I love the sight of John carrying Elizabeth. I've written John carrying Elizabeth in several of my fics, and it's nice to finally see it on screen.

          Also I've loved Carl Binder before for Gems like "Before I Sleep" and "Aurora" (I really like that one for some reason) But with each episode he writes I love him even more.


            I should post the "Echoes" screen caps here before I forget again.

            John/Elizabeth "Echoes" (There are quite a few of a scene because I pretty much did a frame-by-frame of it. )

            Screencaps from the whole episode




                Originally posted by lizzyana View Post
                Pretty! Except the spots on their faces, anyway. I love the texture.


                  You know, this thread has me in a perpetual smile ^_^ I'm totally giddy....

                  I don''t care if John carried Teyla in Phantoms, he was doesn't count. Here he was in his right mind, he caught her, laid her gently on the floor and then *squel* carried her from the control room to the infirmary and while I'm sure that its in the central tower but still, JOHN carried LIZZIE.... ^_^

                  Oh, and a shamless plug... updated Sparky chapter. Enjoy! (The next step for John and Lizzie to take)
                  Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
                  |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    I'll add my encouragement for everyone to boldly go into the episode thread and give your opinion on Echoes. Other shippers and slashers don't mind saying what they think, so neither should we. I enjoy reading all the different opinions and understand how most of them feel that way, but this time in particular the overall perception is remarkably similar.
                    Especially on the Spanky connection. Man, it seems the same thing has happened to that ship that happened to us after Seige 3.
                    And, more than that, the few opposite opinions just stand out like a sore thumb. TPTB do read the episode threads even if that's all they read. So gird your loins and go in.
                    Well, I'd be more than happy to post my thoughts. Except of course I haven't SEEN IT YET!! And thanks to Sci-Fi I won't for a very long time. By which point they'll probably have stopped reading that particular epi' thread. So I ask those of you who have seen it and haven't posted yet to please post on behalf of us Sparky's who weren't quite as fortunate. Let our voices be heard! Long live Sparky and Spanky!



                      Originally posted by A.L. View Post
                      Here's the link to the link from the thread started on the subject:


                      I don't know how I missed this post earlier. Thanks for the link A.L.

                      Okay, moving it to April is ridiculous. They want to boost ratings and moving shows further back is not going to help at all. Because people who aren't regular followers of a show are going to forget and not even bother to watch the show, while fans of the shows will just get annoyed and get their fixes elsewhere.

                      Right now it looks NBC just found a new baby, "Heroes" and they are just airing that pretty much 24/7 on Sci-Fi and NBC at least that's what it feels like everytime I turn on the TV. I don't mind "Heroes" but it's not Stargate.

                      If the Networks want to get better ratings they need to stop messing with what works and focus on producing better shows.


                        Originally posted by Ronnikins View Post

                        Mind if I borrow that to poke (gently) some of our talented video-makers in using that scene sometime soon in their vids? Thank you.
                        Heh, you won't have to do any poking. Be certain that that scene is going to be used in many, many vids Like the hug, the kiss and many other popular E/J moments.

                        Originally posted by lizzyana View Post

                        Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
                        Also in regards to this scene

                        "Echoes" and "Phantoms"
                        It is shippy to see John carry Elizabeth to the infirmary, it don't see its incredibly shippy, but it does show his concern for Elizabeth. Also, seriously, who do you think would be carrying Elizabeth? Zelenka? McKay? Frankly, I don't see either of them carrying Elizabeth to the infirmary from the control room. And Ronon waaay is too busy watching over Teyla.

                        I agree. I can't say I found it incredibly shippy either.
                        And the medical staff in the infirmary had their hands full with so many people, he knew they probably wouldn't come to get Elizabeth on time.


                        Also people forget that John has carried Teyla before when she got shot in the leg, and they were running back towards the cave in "Phamtoms". Even though he was seeing her as Holland, it was still something for other shippers. So I'm still seeing this as the TPTB just being their usual selves and being evil again.
                        I'm failing to see anything shippy in that also or tptb trying to jerk shippers around.
                        Even if he wasn't hallucinating, I can't see John leaving Teyla injured like that on her own. Especially when you have someone shooting at you.
                        You don't leave your teammates behind. Something the ep. showed about John in the past and present.


                          Originally posted by Vixen View Post
                          I'm failing to see anything shippy in that also or tptb trying to jerk shippers around.
                          Even if he wasn't hallucinating, I can't see John leaving Teyla injured like that on her own. Especially when you have someone shooting at you.
                          You don't leave your teammates behind. Something the ep. showed about John in the past and present.
                          I'm not saying it is shippy, because it's not. But I can see why shippers of that ship would consider it shippy.

                          Also have no fear, in time the TPTB will jerk shippers around again eventually, it's in their nature.


                            Originally posted by Vala_Black View Post
                            WHAT! until FEBRUARY! why bother showing the first three episodes (including tonights) only to stop it until febuary!!! i need to punch someone... preferably the person who is in charge of channel 7!!! the dvds are out but i dont have the money at the moment to get them and there all out at the vid store!! nooooooooooooooo!
                            Heh, join the club. My friend emailed me to tell me she's got the DVD. I badgered her to organise a marathon, as such there as been no reply. *hangs head*

                            ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
                            I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
                            Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


                              Could someone post or send me the link for the the whole John carries Elizabeth scene? The one that starts with her fainting. Thanks!

                              ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
                              I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
                              Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


                                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                                I'll add my encouragement for everyone to boldly go into the episode thread and give your opinion on Echoes. Other shippers and slashers don't mind saying what they think, so neither should we. I enjoy reading all the different opinions and understand how most of them feel that way, but this time in particular the overall perception is remarkably similar.
                                Especially on the Spanky connection. Man, it seems the same thing has happened to that ship that happened to us after Seige 3.
                                And, more than that, the few opposite opinions just stand out like a sore thumb. TPTB do read the episode threads even if that's all they read. So gird your loins and go in.
                                I think I will! I'm a bit angsty about it since English isn't my first language and I've never posted there before. *lol* But I think I'll try (after watching the ep a 2nd time, I squee'd too much the first time to really grasp enough of the plot XD)

