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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Did anyone else jump up & Shout YES!!! during M&MM when...
    McKay depleted the ZPM & told the team there won't be many trips back to Earth!!!!!

    OhpleaseOhpleaseOhplease PTB...
    make it so!!
    I miss that so much from S.1!

    Just say "No" to Earth!!

    And, for a basically
    episode, I loved M&MM so much!


      Originally posted by Rubicon
      Did anyone else jump up & Shout YES!!! during M&MM when...
      McKay depleted the ZPM & told the team there won't be many trips back to Earth!!!!!

      OhpleaseOhpleaseOhplease PTB...
      make it so!!
      I miss that so much from S.1!

      Just say "No" to Earth!!

      And, for a basically
      episode, I loved M&MM so much!
      Strangely, yes, I was quite pleased about that.
      Though they said they'll have that puddle jumper thing ready soon, and they still have the Daedulus, so trips to Earth will still be available, just less frequent and more annoying. But I, also, enjoy Atlanits's independence from Earth. Though I like having Elizabeth's job threatened on occasion, just to see John jump in and defend her. Ahh, loyalty. Don't you just love it?

      Oh, and
      speaking of being disconnected from earth, has anybody else felt less connected to Earth from watching SGA? It's probably cause I watched the whole first season with my cousin (his first time seeing it) in a week, followed by watching the whole second season (my first time seeing it) in a few days, but I felt strange after that, as though earth was no longer big enough for me. All the other continents seem so blah, boring, and typical when you can be exploring other galaxies! *cough*cough* Ok, head coming down from the clouds now.

      Earth is cool. I like it. like where else would I go??


        The Atlantis producers have promised stronger personal growth among the characters this season, which raises the question whether romance is on the horizon for Sheppard and one of his female comrades. After all, even though he was infected with the anti-Wraith retro virus, he did share a passionate kiss with Teyla, and there has always seemed to be some unrequited heat between the swaggering pilot and Weir.

        Originally posted by Melyanna
        Reading that snippet, I'm not sure unrequited was the word they meant. "Unrequited heat" doesn't make any sense at all, in any context.

        Agreed. Maybe if they had left out the "between," it might make some sense. It would make sense if they had said, "there has always seemed to be some unrequited heat for Weir by Sheppard."

        But I'd actually say that if they really did mean unrequited, it's from Sheppard to Weir.

        We shippers notice every detail of every sentence or look. The meaning of all scenes, etc... But to non-shipper viewers, there has been FAR more from John directed to Weir than the other way around.

        Non-shippers notice the "big stuff" more than the little moments.

        John wanting to say "something important" to Elizabeth in 38 minutes.
        His saying the "place wouldn't be the same without ya" in Home.
        The extreme angst, etc. at the end of The Storm at the prospect of Lizzy's death.
        The "it's good to hear your voice" bit in The Eye.
        The rescue sequence and his reactions at the end of The Eye.
        The fact that he stopped to talk to her before his suicide mission in The Siege 2.
        The worry and then willingless to become Liz's alien's hubby (Elizabeth was arguable an unwilling participant in the whole thing) in The Long Goodbye.
        The entire Real World episode was extreme sparky from John to Elizabeth.

        Sure, there are scenes where Elizabeth lets us know she cares.. but for the most part she does not show she cares as directly as John does. Look at how many times John has gone through hell/risked his life to save her without so much as a thank you from her, and then HE goes to check up on HER afterwards. She tries to be professional.. he doesn't, at least not as much.

        He's the one at her bedside for hours when she's ill. He's the one constantly risking death for her. She shows angst, but that's about as far as it goes. Kolya threatens John with Liz's death and he starts screaming at Kolya, threatening to destroy the entire city, and then desperately tries to *bargain* with him by offering jumpers, etc. When John was in a similar situation in Common Ground, Elizabeth was upset/angry/angsty/whatever about her choice, but her choice *was* to essentially let John die (yes, there's a lot of reasoning behind it, but John never would have let that stop him from bargaining). Heck, he risked his life to touch her in Real World.. and all she did was go to the balcony all shaken up. In contrast, he gets out of isolation and the first thing he does is run over to make sure she's OK.

        I'm saying this as a viewer who didn't watch Atlantis until very late in Season 2, and then went back and watched it all with a completely impartial viewpoint shipper-wise. I noticed a possible pairing, but my fear was that Weir would be the one who would hesitate to reciprocate.


          Hi K1037, it's great to read your posts in which you see the show with fresh eyes. I think you are right. There's been more evidence of John's overt interest in/caring for Elizabeth than the other way around. It's interesting how many posters present and it seems the articles in the media present it the other way round, as if it was impossible to imagine a woman, who's likely a little older than the man, turning down the hero or not taking him seriously as a possible romantic partner.

          What do think of the Shep-Teyla pairing? The writers keep dropping a few anvils here and there.


            at this point i will be really dispointed if sparky doesnt happen and sheyla does. but i wont stop shipping them, sparky is alive as long as ppl keep shipping them. you just have to look at the number of videos, fanfiction etc. to see what a great community of ppl support these two fantastic characters. long live sparky.
            three's a crowd...
            ahh thats better

            aww cute.

            I think people who don't watch Atlantis are crazy.
            And I think people who don't watch Stargate SG-1 are equally as whacked.



              Originally posted by Gate gal
              Excellent post! At this point in their relationship (and the series) that is exactly where they need to be. It doesn't need to be soapy. It needs to be a budding relationship full of promise. Otherwise, it will burn out too quickly and we'll have to watch them go through a rollercoaster ride (together/apart/together). I would much rather see them begin to admit their feelings and let those feelings develop naturally.
              I love the fact that every time lately we get a new article with quotes from JF or TH they seem to be opening up more to the possibility of Sparky.
              I also agree with what JF said, but again he's looking at it from the usual perspective thinking that having a relationship means only one thing. Sex. I wish they could understand that when we talk about RST we're not necessarily talking about sleeping together. Does that make sense? I've always said that doing this ship would be so simple. A touch here and there. A moment of domesticity like having him in her quarters where they talk about their day like a couple just relaxing. Then a quick kiss before going out the door. We don't need writhing passion. Well, yeah we do, but it ain't gonna happen. Also that quote sounds like more kirking may be coming up. Have they still not gotten the message?

              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                Originally posted by k1037

                Agreed. Maybe if they had left out the "between," it might make some sense. It would make sense if they had said, "there has always seemed to be some unrequited heat for Weir by Sheppard."

                But I'd actually say that if they really did mean unrequited, it's from Sheppard to Weir.

                We shippers notice every detail of every sentence or look. The meaning of all scenes, etc... But to non-shipper viewers, there has been FAR more from John directed to Weir than the other way around....

                Sure, there are scenes where Elizabeth lets us know she cares.. but for the most part she does not show she cares as directly as John does. Look at how many times John has gone through hell/risked his life to save her without so much as a thank you from her, and then HE goes to check up on HER afterwards. She tries to be professional.. he doesn't, at least not as much.

                He's the one at her bedside for hours when she's ill. He's the one constantly risking death for her. She shows angst, but that's about as far as it goes. Kolya threatens John with Liz's death and he starts screaming at Kolya, threatening to destroy the entire city, and then desperately tries to *bargain* with him by offering jumpers, etc. When John was in a similar situation in Common Ground, Elizabeth was upset/angry/angsty/whatever about her choice, but her choice *was* to essentially let John die (yes, there's a lot of reasoning behind it, but John never would have let that stop him from bargaining). Heck, he risked his life to touch her in Real World.. and all she did was go to the balcony all shaken up. In contrast, he gets out of isolation and the first thing he does is run over to make sure she's OK.

                I'm saying this as a viewer who didn't watch Atlantis until very late in Season 2, and then went back and watched it all with a completely impartial viewpoint shipper-wise. I noticed a possible pairing, but my fear was that Weir would be the one who would hesitate to reciprocate.
                Excellent comments, k! It is interesting to hear your point of view, and you definitely gave me some food for thought. I hadn't really looked at it that way before. In fact, in the past there've been discussions about Elizabeth showing more feeling than John, but I think I agree with you here.
                SGA: the 3-season show...


                  Originally posted by k1037
                  The Atlantis producers have promised stronger personal growth among the characters this season, which raises the question whether romance is on the horizon for Sheppard and one of his female comrades. After all, even though he was infected with the anti-Wraith retro virus, he did share a passionate kiss with Teyla, and there has always seemed to be some unrequited heat between the swaggering pilot and Weir.


                  Agreed. Maybe if they had left out the "between," it might make some sense. It would make sense if they had said, "there has always seemed to be some unrequited heat for Weir by Sheppard."

                  But I'd actually say that if they really did mean unrequited, it's from Sheppard to Weir.

                  We shippers notice every detail of every sentence or look. The meaning of all scenes, etc... But to non-shipper viewers, there has been FAR more from John directed to Weir than the other way around.

                  Non-shippers notice the "big stuff" more than the little moments.

                  John wanting to say "something important" to Elizabeth in 38 minutes.
                  His saying the "place wouldn't be the same without ya" in Home.
                  The extreme angst, etc. at the end of The Storm at the prospect of Lizzy's death.
                  The "it's good to hear your voice" bit in The Eye.
                  The rescue sequence and his reactions at the end of The Eye.
                  The fact that he stopped to talk to her before his suicide mission in The Siege 2.
                  The worry and then willingless to become Liz's alien's hubby (Elizabeth was arguable an unwilling participant in the whole thing) in The Long Goodbye.
                  The entire Real World episode was extreme sparky from John to Elizabeth.

                  Sure, there are scenes where Elizabeth lets us know she cares.. but for the most part she does not show she cares as directly as John does. Look at how many times John has gone through hell/risked his life to save her without so much as a thank you from her, and then HE goes to check up on HER afterwards. She tries to be professional.. he doesn't, at least not as much.

                  He's the one at her bedside for hours when she's ill. He's the one constantly risking death for her. She shows angst, but that's about as far as it goes. Kolya threatens John with Liz's death and he starts screaming at Kolya, threatening to destroy the entire city, and then desperately tries to *bargain* with him by offering jumpers, etc. When John was in a similar situation in Common Ground, Elizabeth was upset/angry/angsty/whatever about her choice, but her choice *was* to essentially let John die (yes, there's a lot of reasoning behind it, but John never would have let that stop him from bargaining). Heck, he risked his life to touch her in Real World.. and all she did was go to the balcony all shaken up. In contrast, he gets out of isolation and the first thing he does is run over to make sure she's OK.

                  I'm saying this as a viewer who didn't watch Atlantis until very late in Season 2, and then went back and watched it all with a completely impartial viewpoint shipper-wise. I noticed a possible pairing, but my fear was that Weir would be the one who would hesitate to reciprocate.
                  You know, you're right, and I haven't heard it phrased that way before. There are of course a lot of little things from Weir's side (aside from the hug, which I wouldn't call little), but you're absolutely right. The big stuff has been almost exclusively from John.

                  And the other important thing is that "unrequited heat" between two people makes absolutely no sense.
                  Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                  Last update: 14 April 2006
                  Melyanna's Multimedia
                  Last update: 15 February 2006


                    Originally posted by Melyanna
                    And the other important thing is that "unrequited heat" between two people makes absolutely no sense.
                    Which is just what I thought when I first read it.


                      Originally posted by Trialia
                      Which is just what I thought when I first read it.
                      Heh? Maybe the interviewer used the wrong word. I took it to mean romantic interest from both parties, but I'm just used to having to interpret what people really mean. I'm just excited that JF didn't say "Heat, what heat? Weir is the leader, she can't have a romance." But it doesn't take much to please me.

                      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                        Originally posted by Flowerbud
                        Hi K1037, it's great to read your posts in which you see the show with fresh eyes. I think you are right. There's been more evidence of John's overt interest in/caring for Elizabeth than the other way around. It's interesting how many posters present and it seems the articles in the media present it the other way round, as if it was impossible to imagine a woman, who's likely a little older than the man, turning down the hero or not taking him seriously as a possible romantic partner.

                        What do think of the Shep-Teyla pairing? The writers keep dropping a few anvils here and there.
                        The concept of Shep/Teyla is, to me... just outright confusing. They've obviously tried out that pairing, but I just don't see it ever working. The chemistry (as more than friends, they make great teammates/buddies) just doesn't seem to be there. There aren't many "sparks" a la, well, Sparky. Just wondering at what point they'll accept it and realize Teyla/Ronan would make the more interesting and obvious couple.


                          Originally posted by Rubicon
                          Did anyone else jump up & Shout YES!!! during M&MM when...
                          McKay depleted the ZPM & told the team there won't be many trips back to Earth!!!!!

                          OhpleaseOhpleaseOhplease PTB...
                          make it so!!
                          I miss that so much from S.1!

                          Just say "No" to Earth!!

                          And, for a basically
                          episode, I loved M&MM so much!

                          LOL! I'm with you! What a great new theme for them!

                          My new mantra for SGA: "Just say 'NO!' to Earth!"

                          I've always rooted for them to have little/no real contact with planet Earth and I worry now that SG-1 is off the slate that they'll actually try to *increase* contact with Earth's mission control. I've always loved the autonomy that John/Elizabeth have to colonize and shape their 'new' world as they see fit based on their own internal coda of ethics. Imo, the 'no Earth' set-up gives many more opportunties for character development. You have 'Earthlings' with Earth-like more systems dealing with other world beings and their ideas and conduct. It's just more fascinating to me to see 'our guys' being the new 'ancients' and getting to move the chess pieces on the board rather than having Earth command dictate the strategy for the next move. Imo, the more autonomy the better! I miss that from Season one too! Just something sexy and exciting about King John and Queen Elizabeth taking on the world and making it their own!


                            I was all kinds of bouncy when
                            Rodney said they'd depleted the ZPM! I'm so very glad they can't depend as much on Earth. The whole premise of "Stargate: Atlantis" was to be cut off from Earth permanently and then they managed to re-establish it and I was annoyed.
                            So I'm glad they've created a problem with that. I hope it lasts.
                            I put the "M" in stupid.


                              *twirls in*

                              Thanks for all the birthday wishes!

                              I enjoyed M&MM, though I have to say
                              it's a good thing Rodney didn't steal the mint jar from Weir's desk. Oo, there'd have been hell to pay when John found out


                                Originally posted by Melyanna
                                I figured they meant unresolved heat, or possibly unrealized (in the sense of not acted upon).

                                That's what I got from the article, and I agree that unrequited isn't the best word to use in this situation. As for the
                                passionate kiss with Teyla
                                give me a break! You'll notice the
                                kiss from The Long Goodbye wasn't even mentioned, and John wasn't really in control of himself in either situation.

                                I also found the wording of this passage strange: "After all, even though he (Sheppard) was infected by the anti-Wraith retro-virus he did share a passionate kiss with Teyla." It almost sounds like they're saying the virus wasn't a factor, that it didn't matter that he was turning into a bug at the time. We could just as easily say, "After all, even though he was hosting an alien consciousness in his brain, he did share a passionate kiss with Elizabeth."

                                “Le monde a tellement de regrets
                                Tellement de choses qu'on promet.
                                Une seule pour laquelle je suis fait
                                Je t'aimais, je t'aime et je t'aimerai...”

                                ~ Francis Cabrel

