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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I've had supreme confidence about Sparky lately. I know something like the spoilers for Phantoms can upset you guys, but things are never what they seem on this show. Who's to say that
    the S/T relationship they are talking about isn't friendship? After all the theme of the year seems to be team bonding. Maybe I'll get my wish and they declare brother/sister affection? Anything is possible. And as Bama, said even if they throw another Sheyla brick through the windshield it's not going to end Sparky. It will just make TPTB look ridiculous.

    And again, that thing BamBam said about ship being dumb does 2 things for me. 1. If he's not thinking about ship, then his spoiler for Phantoms isn't about ship. and 2. It confirms once again that we need to go into those threads that scare us, particularly the episode thread, and let TPTB know that we are proud Sparky shippers who aren't going away. The others do. We have a right to be heard.

    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


      Originally posted by Bama
      Gah! Pong! Just *look* at this one! You are SO gonna get me banned if you don't stop! LOL!!!
      The more I look at these two, the more i want to PICSPAM, LOL:


      Dynamic-Duo pic in Coup de Etat...

      Everyone-Is-A-Sparky pic in Coup de Etat...

      Nobody-Touches-My-Liz pic in Progeny...
      Leader. Diplomat. Beauty. Brains.


        I feel sorry for BamBam the poor guys been hounded lately on a subject that he has nothing to do with, the only ones who really have any say on the matter are the writers and producers. People should stop harrasing BamBam with ship questions.


          I wouldnt be suprised if BamBam wrote his comments i.e. ship is dum out of pure frustration


            Originally posted by pong
            I bring more Sparky picspam.


            John: *jumps* Elizabeth, is that your hand on my butt again?
            Elizabeth: <--- no response

            Elizabeth: Mmmmmmm, you got a bit of ice cream left there. Let me get rid of it.

            John: The reason we came here is because we are concerned about the tapes that keep disappearing from our private quarters.
            Elizabeth: Someone is smuggling them out of Atlantis and selling them to this strange group who call themselves "Sparky Shippers".
            John: And we feel uncomfortable knowing that the whole of earth probably knows by now how kid no.5 was made.
            Elizabeth: <--- close to blushing
            John: It's why we have to close this communcation link you have established with that group. I'm sure you understand.

            Cap it if you're game.


              Originally posted by Bama
              We've just got to trust the writers. They've led sparky beautifully so far and it's getting nearer to being 'ready' for action. Let us hope at the hour of action, the writers don't get cold feet and take the stupid, easy or illogical route.
              I agree

              And I wouldn't mind a hug from John Mostly because I could use it for a video


                Originally posted by Ice Wolf
                I feel sorry for BamBam the poor guys been hounded lately on a subject that he has nothing to do with, the only ones who really have any say on the matter are the writers and producers. People should stop harrasing BamBam with ship questions.
                Is it Sparky fans?

                He doesn't know anything on that front people! No way no how.
                My guess is that in the ep in question that he mentioned that Teyla and John just show themselves willing to give their life to save the other. I'd expect no less of either of them as they're both leaders of men. That is self-discipline and sacrifice taught in all military teams. My husband told me when he was in special forces that all of his guys had a 'me' last-'others' first creedo they lived by. My husband has metal plates in his leg to this day because he was trying to save a friend's life and put his own self in mortal danger. Self-sacrifice on a series such as this where death is a weekly reality must be put in 'context'.

                That's what makes TRW so very interesting from a 'ship' POV. It's not the normal, run of the mill situation where a soldier was giving his life for a teammate. Carson -the expert- had told him there was nothing more that could be done. The rest of the team had logically accepted that they'd done what they could. It made no logical sense to rush in and grab and cling to Elizabeth as John did. He was only foolishly putting his own life (and perhaps others) in peril by doing so when there was nothing logically to gain. But-his emotions and desperation overtook him and he did it anyway. Not out of some military duty or the 'normal' military code of 'I'll give my life for his/hers'. He did it because he went a little 'crazy' in the moment-because his emotions overrode his logic and what he'd been told and knew was best. He did it because he cares too damn much about her-so much more than he should on levels he doesn't 'get' yet-doesn't understand and comprehend.

                So, willing sacrifice is great but much more telling and important is the context of that sacrifice.
                Last edited by Bama; 31 August 2006, 12:39 PM.


                  Originally posted by Bama
                  Is it Sparky fans?
                  No i was just talking generally. (in relation to ship questions)

                  LMAO if we're now talking about who has a say on ship on the show


                    Originally posted by Ice Wolf
                    No i was just talking generally. (in relation to ship questions)

                    LMAO if we're now talking about who has a say on ship on the show
                    Some Sparky fans sprinkled in, but not nearly the majority. I asked everybody over here a while back to stop and several people agreed with me. See now, your old grandma knew no good would come of this. They just couldn't leave the poor man alone and he is obviously fed up. But what I think he underestimates is the shipper's ability to take something and make nothing out of it. I still blame TPTB because it is they who have brought us to this point. We Sparky shippers are frustrated and fed up with getting jerked around. If I were a Sheyla, I would be also but I'd be stamping my feet and screaming that my ship was supposed to be canon. As some of them are, and I in no way blame them. But what it all boils down to and thus the source of my confidence is: what do we believe, what they tell us or our own two eyes? Now what they're doing is giving Shep a chance to prove his earlier statement in Sateda
                    about giving his life for the team. It looks like it may be Teyla's turn. And yeah they take an idea and run it into the ground. That's just what they do. Last season it was kirking and the trust issue. Though I liked the trust idea and thought it was well done. This year it's team sacrifice. Prediction: It won't be what we or the Sheyla's expect and they'll never revisit it. The next week he'll be attached at the hip to Elizabeth just like always. For example, TLG. Remember how excited we were and how it came out different?

                    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                      [Rant] It irritates me that another ship group is so immature as to continually neg rep this thread. Is this jealousy? Fear? Nothing else to do? Get a life! [End Rant]
                      I'd go with jealousy *and* boredom, what else can you do when you have nothing to talk about?.

                      Originally posted by Ice Wolf
                      I wouldnt be suprised if BamBam wrote his comments i.e. ship is dum out of pure frustration
                      Poor guy, not the first person who gets defensive, and snide at the shippers when he finds himself being bombarded with too many ship questions. And that thread is not about ship, i don't blame him.

                      Some times we don't realize how abrasive, and obsessive we can be, and that not everyone cares about who gets together with who as much as we do. Some people just want to watch and talk about the booms, and the FX.

                      ETA: About those spoilers on that thread.

                      We've had two seasons and a bit more of consistent development of the Sheppard/Weir relationship. One odd anvil thrown in on one episode after many weeks of absence of any kind of interaction between two characters is not the equivalent of a marriage proposal.
                      The only reason some people are making a big deal out of this is IMO because they've been dying of thirst so to them a drop of water will feel divine. We on the other side have been swimming in Perrier and Evian for so long that we're used to a much higher level of intimacy between our characters. So when this moment comes it'll probably be a big deal for some people, but we've gotten the balcony, Sheppard being Weir's lifeline, the 'honor' scene. So a scene that throws other shippers into a squee may seem mundane and friendshippy to us.
                      Last edited by Luz; 31 August 2006, 01:21 PM.


                        So for those of you who followed WWII AU fic Condor's Flight I have started posting the sequal City of Eagles at my LJ.

                        This takes place during the Berlin Airlift.


                          Originally posted by Ice Wolf
                          I feel sorry for BamBam the poor guys been hounded lately on a subject that he has nothing to do with, the only ones who really have any say on the matter are the writers and producers. People should stop harrasing BamBam with ship questions.
                          Yes! Amen to that! I read BamBam's thread regularly, and I've been so disgusted with the way people are acting in there over ship right now. Ship is not his responsibility, and I'm begging people, please do not post anything more about it. I'm going to start reporting posts I see about ship in there, Sheyla or Sparky.
                          "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                          My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                            BamBam is entitled to his opinion as are we all... Besides he is the stunt coordinator not a writer/producer. There's really no need to hit the panic button about Phantoms or any other episode just yet. We can still do it after the episode has aired.
                            I really hope people from ALL ship persuasions will stop asking him ship questions from now onwards.
                            Now, do you know why TPTB and actors never say anything direct about "ship"?

                            Originally posted by xfkirsten
                            Yes! Amen to that! I read BamBam's thread regularly, and I've been so disgusted with the way people are acting in there over ship right now. Ship is not his responsibility, and I'm begging people, please do not post anything more about it. I'm going to start reporting posts I see about ship in there, Sheyla or Sparky.
                            I've been very tempted in the past...
                            "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                              Originally posted by xfkirsten
                              Yes! Amen to that! I read BamBam's thread regularly, and I've been so disgusted with the way people are acting in there over ship right now. Ship is not his responsibility, and I'm begging people, please do not post anything more about it. I'm going to start reporting posts I see about ship in there, Sheyla or Sparky.
                              I reported posts from certain shippers when this first started and the mods didn't even respond to me, nor did they do anything to stop it. Now poor BamBam is getting PO'd about ship and asking shippers to change their siggys before Joe's wife sees 'em. The thread is starting to turn into ship/anti ship, and its unfortunate the guy is stuck in the middle of it now. He may have even gotten himself in trouble by giving out "spoilers".

                              When all else fails, change channels.


                                So I suppose I'm the one who stirred up the angst by asking him to clarify in the 'Ask BamBam' thread. I think he's made his opinion known by saying that shipping is dumb. Maybe everyone should stop psychoanalysing everything he says and just go "well, he thinks shipping is dumb, so if that's the case, chances are the ep's not shippy". In either direction.

                                To be honest, I've been giving all ship threads and GW in general a wide berth lately. the only time I've posted in a ship thread (before now) for a couple of months is to tell people in a certain 'other' ship thread how old Rachel is, because they were bagging Torri about her age again -- and there's maybe a year or so between them.

                                I agree that ship questions are off topic in the Ask BamBam thread... there's a story behind why I did it, which I won't go into here..

                                As for the ship question itself, if it goes in a direction I don't like, I'll probably just stop watching. Simple as that. It's a TV show, not life and death. There are plenty of other shows (Bones, for example!) that I can get into instead.
                                Last edited by Chrysalis; 31 August 2006, 04:10 PM.

