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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Joined the Yahoo group. I'm going to watch The Defiant One tommorow, so is it any good ship wise. I've got a very vague idea of the plot so I expect so. Anyway the red battery light on my laptop is flashing at me so i gotta go and find my power plug wire...thingy.
    ~Percussive Maintenance - The fine art of repeatedly whacking an electronic device to get it to work again.~

    Think before you hit 'Post': Friends may come and go but enemies accumulate. *sigh*

    My LiveJournal: watch me babble about Stargate and life in general here.


      "The Defiant One"
      Good episode, though Sheppard and Weir aren't physically together at all in the episode. I'd recommend it anyway.
      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
      Last update: 14 April 2006
      Melyanna's Multimedia
      Last update: 15 February 2006


        Originally posted by astronomicalchick
        Okay we need Liv here. Because I cannot believe that PTB meant
        the scene on the balcony to be shippy. MichelleB pointed out that she had been thinking of a fic like this (hope you don't mind me quoting your pm Michelle), and there is something FAR wrong if an episode is as shippy as a shipper of Michelle's calibre. Therefore, PTB must have had another reason for this scene...

        What could that be? I'm in favour of Mel's suggestion (by IM sorry to quote you dearest) that he's trying to make up for Hot Zone. And even that's shippy...

        So any ideas? What could be the non-shippy reason for this scene?

        Liv! Are you there?
        I'm right here, Astro. You, sweetie, you.

        As for ideas, how about:

        Spoilers for "Before I Sleep"

        They needed someone to bring her the pot so Weir could use it to spread the ashes at the end? Shep was available, ergo: present.

        But honestly, I adored that opening scene, I really did. It was very sweet and probably one of my favorites between the two, after that scene in The Eye. They have such an interesting dynamic going on. That's where my interest in them lies. In their chemistry. In the way that they interact. I will never call for any overt shippyness being written in, because frankly I don't see it benefiting the show. I will not budge on that.

        The scenes I have seen so far have been both lovely, intense and filled with conflict, but also respect. And with this episode, in terms of storyline, character develoment and the chemistry between Sheppard and Weir, I was very happy.

        As for TPTB having intended the opening to be shippy or not, I just don't know what to think about that. I find it hard to believe that they would intentionally write in ship so early on in the first season. I think it's all very much in how we interpret the scenes for ourselves, and in this case I have to admit I did kind of see it as being shippy. Yes, I did. You may all proceed in picking your jaw off the floor now. So much of that lie in the way that JF and TH play it, though. On page, it may not have been intended as anything other than a friendly gesture.

        I liked the scene with them in the infirmary too, when Weir confesses to him that this whole time travel business and seing herself as an old woman is weirding her out. She opened up a bit to him there. Revealing to him that in a way, she and the older version of herself, can sense each other's thoughts. Very nice, I thought.

        And there you go.
        Last edited by Liv; 08 December 2004, 05:22 PM. Reason: Typo.
        Shin ~ def. A device for finding furniture in the dark.


          Originally posted by astronomicalchick
          I can't believe I didn't notice that! i'll check again tonight!

          BTW, Before I Sleep, very shippy... very, very shippy... oh yeah. He's trying to get off that couch..
          the birthday gift makes more sense now


            Originally posted by Melyanna
            I'll be getting more detail on "Before I Sleep" up today (hopefully!), but here's the run-down of the shippy stuff Astro mentioned.
            The episode opens on the balcony, with Elizabeth getting some fresh air. John comes in, all geared up, and it's evident that he's been looking for her. She asks him if he isn't supposed to be off exploring the city. He says he and his team are about to get to work, and he reaches into the bag he's brought and pulls something wrapped in cloth out of it. He explains that he's got something for her made by the Athosians and tells her happy birthday.

            Surprised, she unwraps it — it's a little pot with a lid, and looks to have some kind of etching on it, I think. She says it's beautiful, and then asks how he found out. He just says, "Mum's the word," gives her a little smile, and walks away.

            There were more little things as the episode progressed, but that was really the cutest part. And there was happy shippy music underneath. Oh yes. They have a theme.
            of course they gotta have a only makes the shippiness more ...nice


              Caty is here!

              Like Astro said they are all slowly coming to the dark side!!! mwhahaha...


                I LOVED BEFORE I SLEEP!!

                the birthday gift scene was just cute


                  I'm rewatching the first half of Atlantis, and now i'm looking for the ship, i can really see it there. I mean, it's blindingly obvious in The Storm and The Eye, but there's hints right from the start too
                  Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                    hey everyone, I started a wee fic tonight... it's at


                    This is just the first chapter! Sorry to do the WIP thing with you, but I need encouragement...

                    Next scene, will involve Carson, and some strange orange liquid.


                      Astro nice fic. Is there going to be any John/Liz ship in the coming in the later chapters

                      Here are two more John/Liz fics:
             [Warning: Before I Sleep Spoilers]


                        Some shippy pictures of Weir and Sheppard from 'Before I Sleep'
                        the balcony scene

                        The last one is a bit spoilerish:



                          Whooo hoooo!!!!! We're getting the Eye BEFORE CHRISTMAS!!!!! In the UK that is....


                            I think I can trace my opinion on the Sheppard/Weir idea though the life of this thread. I didn't see it possible at first, then I got intrigued by the thought. Now I've fully bought into it.

                            Anyway, I kinda had to go add to the little story I had linked to earlier. It's still not that shippy, but neither is the show. Yet.


                            a time to mourn


                              Originally posted by fair_nymph
                              Some shippy pictures of Weir and Sheppard from 'Before I Sleep'
                              the balcony scene



                              The last one is a bit spoilerish:

                              Aw bless...
                              *puts shippy glasses on* I know you cant see his face, but just by the angle of his head I think he's quite keen to see what she thinks of it *takes shippy glasses off*


                                Originally posted by Hatcheter
                                I think I can trace my opinion on the Sheppard/Weir idea though the life of this thread. I didn't see it possible at first, then I got intrigued by the thought. Now I've fully bought into it.

                                Anyway, I kinda had to go add to the little story I had linked to earlier. It's still not that shippy, but neither is the show. Yet.


                                (((((((((((Hatcheter))))))))))))) That's cool..

                                *runs off to read fic*

