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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I liked tonight's episode "the real world" but like the rest of you at a point it lost some speed. I liked that John never gave up on her. And I liked how at first he didn't want the others to hear him talking to her but when it got bad he forced his way into get though to Elizabeth.
    I reject your reality and substitute my own!


      Originally posted by Bama

      Oh see, to me it was a perfect shippy episode that meant even more than a half-dozen flirty moments or faux smoochies. I absolutely *adore* character driven eps that reach a little deeper and offer a little more personal insight like this one did. It was obvious that this one focused not only on Elizabeth as a person but moreso on her *connection* and on her growing inner changes and pulls. The focus in this one was so narrow that it might as well have been she and John *alone* in that room together. It was she on one side and John on the other and only *together* could they survive this and come out of it. They both wanted it badly enough to do what they had to do to get to the other. That's the entire shippy theme of these two in a nutshell imho-Love will always find a way. Loved, loved, loved it!!!!!!

      Oh, and was it my imagination or did we hear the musical 'love theme' for these two playing yet *again*??!!
      Wow, I hadn't thought of it like that. I like how your mind works.


        Originally posted by SGLAB

        I just loved when and how John concluded Elizabeth was fighting the nanites.

        Yep, *perfect* and it had to be him that found the pathway to her-that was the theme of the episode. No matter how dark, how impossible it may seem-how far apart these two may be-the love connection between them will win out and be the difference.

        Have I said how much I *loved* this episode yet?
        Last edited by Bama; 18 August 2006, 08:00 PM.


          Originally posted by Stef
          What's the point of the stupid thing if it doesn't work?! Arg (yes, I am a pirate). At least it's not just me though.

          The bonus material is up at SciFi Pulse. Click on one of the Atlantis links toward the bottom, then when you get to the next page, go to the light purple box at the upper right and click the Stargate Atlantis link. The next bit will have a link called Exclusive Content. It's in there.
          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
          Last update: 14 April 2006
          Melyanna's Multimedia
          Last update: 15 February 2006


            Originally posted by Stef
            Question: Has anyone been able to see the "special feature" thing on the site that opened up during the episode? It won't pop up for me.
            Not for me either. I've been trying for about an hour. Their IT guys dropped the ball on this one.

            Still giddy! I *knew* it was John the whole time!! They totally had a Mulder/Scully "touchstone" moment!
            I put the "M" in stupid.


              Originally posted by stubadingdong
              Not for me either. I've been trying for about an hour. Their IT guys dropped the ball on this one.

              Still giddy! I *knew* it was John the whole time!! They totally had a Mulder/Scully "touchstone" moment!
              I was thinking 'Milagro' moment but I think the 'touchstone' moment is more appro. Good call fellow exphile.

              It was a watershed type 'moment' that is certain.


                Originally posted by Bama
                I was thinking 'Milagro' moment but I think the 'touchstone' moment is more appro. Good call fellow exphile.

                It was a watershed type 'moment' that is certain.

                I've never been good at putting episode titles to eps. for X-files because they were never shown on screen like they are for the stargate shows.


                  Originally posted by Bama
                  I was thinking 'Milagro' moment but I think the 'touchstone' moment is more appro. Good call fellow exphile.

                  It was a watershed type 'moment' that is certain.
                  And a cyber-high five to you!

                  And next week is John in jeopardy. Again. But still, we'll see if they come full circle or not.
                  I put the "M" in stupid.


                    Originally posted by SGLAB
                    I've never been good at putting episode titles to eps. for X-files because they were never shown on screen like they are for the stargate shows.
                    LOL! We used to 'play' with the titles and see what hints they'd give us. ;P Lot of fun we had with our little M and S. The xf guys were great at saying something extra in the titles many times.
                    I dunno if it works for SGA....
                    The Real World...hmmm...


                      Originally posted by Melyanna
                      The bonus material is up at SciFi Pulse. Click on one of the Atlantis links toward the bottom, then when you get to the next page, go to the light purple box at the upper right and click the Stargate Atlantis link. The next bit will have a link called Exclusive Content. It's in there.
                      Finally got it....albeit not the way the commercials tell me to. Thanks Meylanna. If it were up to, I would never have seen it.


                      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                        can we infer that since the watch on her desk is her father's, and in her 'alternate universe' her mother said he'd wanted her to have it, that her father is dead?


                          Thank you Melyanna! I wasn't having any luck either going straight though the scifi site.
                          I reject your reality and substitute my own!


                            Thanks Mel for the info. I thought I was going crazy or completely computer illiterate.


                              Can someone post a quick summanry of the extra info at scifi pulse? My stupid computer refuses to load the site; never has, and it never will *kicks*

                              As to the amount of action in TRW:
                              As a long-time Stargate viewer, I can see how the lack of conventional tension and action would throw off some viewers, because it was certainly not a typical Stargate episode-esque layout.
                              But I loved the slow burn of this episode. It gave me the time to feel what Elizabeth was feeling - her frustration, fear, paranoia, and drive to return home. This was honestly the first time when I was actually talking to the TV! I was saying "go for it, Elizabeth" when she first looked at the exit sign, and yelling at her to fight right along with John when she spilled those pills on the floor. Even my Grandma started talking to her with me at the end!
                              This episode parallels SG-1's Grace for me in that I was able to follow the character thought for thought, to think it out right along with them and continue to be on the same page without scene cuts that skip ahead because it's understood what happened during the commercial break. It was very in-the-moment, and it made the ending all the more tense and emotional for me while she escaped.
                              I don't really know if any of that made sense, but it just seems to be an Elizabeth-type way to do a personal episode. Just like how GUP was was a frenzy of words to suit Rodney's personality, TRW just felt like Elizabeth for me. And I bet Common Ground will be full of action and darkness to suit John's personality.

                              As to the preview for Common Ground:
                              I was devasted to see Kolya showing the Wraith feed on a bound John over the screen. That just tore me in two; terrible. And yet, be careful in expecting an Elizabeth-heavy reaction, because this was the episode where Torri said she was concerned that her character wasn't showing enough emotion for the situation. But that's proably her trying to keep up her front for the others. Still, seeing that must be awful, for ALL of them. I think next week is going to make me cry just like this week. Atlantis is on a huge roll this year.

                              Edit: Okay, spoiler tagging is KILLING me tonight. Everything's fixed, so no one panic. *double kicks dumb computer*

                              Double Edit: And I fixed my weird typo in the spoiler for Common Ground. (Freudian slip? Gosh, I hope not. ) I'm just going to sit in my chair quietly with my hands in my lap until my brain decides to function properly.
                              Last edited by RoryJ; 18 August 2006, 08:39 PM.


                                Someone in my LJ figured out how to get to it. I'll pass along the thanks to her.

                                Suzotchka, I think that's a highly, highly likely possibility.
                                In all likelihood, he's either dead or somehow incapacitated. (Dementia or a persistent vegetative state, something like that. But probably dead, given the tone of that discussion.)
                                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                                Last update: 14 April 2006
                                Melyanna's Multimedia
                                Last update: 15 February 2006

