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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Southern Red
    Now I'm just confused. I thought after that scene that Shep
    hurried off to meet Teyla.
    So let's review. We now have Gero, Wood and Hewlett coming out as Sparky shippers. Combine that with Mullie and Mallozzi who wrote all that cute stuff in Irresistible and then were bookends for Sparky at the con. We all know JF and TH were very much in character there, right? And didn't I hear PM yell "That's what I'm talking about" on the con video? Obviously a lot of folks support our ship. *lalala I said so, dang it.*
    It wasn't Mullie or Malozzi. I just watched it about thirty times. Whoever it is isn't close to the microphone. It might have been JF, who said something but I'm not sure what.
    SLA Stargate: SG-6

    If Stargates are a reality...
    count me in.


      Originally posted by night_owl89
      It wasn't Mullie or Malozzi. I just watched it about thirty times. Whoever it is isn't close to the microphone. It might have been JF, who said something but I'm not sure what.
      Oh sorry. Too many initials. It was Paul Mcgillion I think. And JF does say something which gets drowned out. I'd give a million dollars anything to know what. *runs off to loop video some more*

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        Oh, jeez so would I!

        You're doing the same thing I am...looking at it over and over and over...

        YOu know, I have a hunch that it might have been something like "Does that answer your question?"
        SLA Stargate: SG-6

        If Stargates are a reality...
        count me in.


          Originally posted by Trialia
          *grimace* I don't like his tone either. He reminds me of someone I'd far rather forget.
          Well, I wouldn't care if it were *occasionally* in regard to the SG universe because let's face it, it's a (sad) fact of life that there are men that do treat women like this and it would be a logical jump to think that there are total societies in differing worlds that treated them as pathetically on the whole as
          does. But it does seem to be a recurring theme that everytime some new 'hamlet' is discovered that the women are all dressed in prom dresses simpering around and just waiting on some hawt man to walk thru the stargate so they can proposition or pamper him.

          Lucious is like that 'dirty uncle' that no one in the family discusses. He's just creepy to women in his abuse and view of them and I don't think the humor purpose of the storyline allowed them to focus enough on the violations and abuse that was occuring and that he was going to inflict on Elizabeth and Teyla and all the Atlantis women. To his credit (or Joe's good acting sense), John showed that the entire abuse of women 'thing' bothered him and that for me saved it a bit but it is hard for women -as many of us here are- to scoff at the whole 'women as sex objects' thing that consistently seems to happen.

          Originally posted by Trialia
          Irresponsible just might be an improvement on Irresistible if
          Lucius isn't such a caricature this time. Maybe. But Kolya's appearance
          is what reassures me slightly that that episode probably won't make me as ill as his first appearance did.

          Maybe-and this is total speculation fun- Kolya is going to use Lucious and his Atlantis 'insider' info like a ragdoll. I can so easily see stupid Lucious simpering to the authority of Kolya hoping to get thrown a 'bone'. Maybe his 'bone' will be Elizabeth seeing as how he seemed to have a thing for her from the get-go. *shrug*
          I don't really care *how* they go about it. John hates both Kolya and Lucious and one big common 'factor' is Elizabeth. Anything/one that can get John all hawt and riled up to defend his woman's honor is good enough for me. Bring it on.
          Last edited by Bama; 01 August 2006, 12:46 PM.


            Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle
            Season two commentary by Martin Wood, Martin Gero and David Hewlett. They talk about the end of Coup D'etat

            After the last lines of the episode (Sheppard: “Then I say we call it a night.” Weir: “That we can do.”), Martin Gero asks, “What do you think? Do you think they hook up offscreen in this episode?” Martin Wood says, “Well, you should see ‘em – as soon as I say cut, they just dive into each other’s arms.” “They’re all over each other,” adds David. “Yeah, they can’t keep their hands off each other,” says Martin Wood.

            Heee!! I'm so glad we weren't the only ones who thought that, see even they knew they were going to find the nearest closet. lol. Makes me all hopeful.

            Whole commentary.
            Wow, that is big stuff RP. I love it! Thank you for sharing!! This is a continuation of the whole vibe of tptb 'throwing Sparky out there' to see how well the audience receives it that we've been getting the last year and half and that vibe has grown enough for open chatter about it! Yay! Imo, half the battle with 'mainstream' fans that don't care about romance one way or the other is overcoming initial conceptions of what they think the characters are and what they should be to one another. Many people cast their conceptions in stone at first glance. Seriously. There are still people 'out there' who are Shep/Teyla shippers because that's what was hinted at in the first episode.

            Originally posted by Foolish Pleasure
            Now all we need is an episode where someone actually mentions a closet.
            Here's betting we get it sooner rather than later.

            ...And if we do-I say we all start talkin up creative uses for Cool Whip. *evil grin*
            Last edited by Bama; 01 August 2006, 12:51 PM.


              Originally posted by Bama
              Many people cast their conceptions in stone at first glance. Seriously. There are still people 'out there' who are Shep/Teyla shippers because that's what was hinted at in the first episode.
              Just because a "ship" is hinted at from the beginning of a show doesn't mean it is set in concrete and will happen. Just look at CSI, Las Vegas.

              When all else fails, change channels.


                Been reading the S2 episode commentaries here, and this comment from "Conversion" stuck out....

                "Joe really likes the scene between himself and Weir in her office because there aren’t many opportunities in such a series to have 'one on one' conversations."

                Well, they've certainly found time for quite a few already! *Demands more!*


                  Originally posted by Ronnikins
                  First off, great fics all. I enjoyed them all without exception. I must admit I've felt spoilt for Sparky since "Misbegotten". It's almost like an addiction. lol! (Well, duh!)

                  Finally viewed "Pegasus Project" and "Irresistible" and in a truly shallow observation can I just say how HAWT John and Elizabeth are looking in Season 3? I ship the prettiest people, oh yes indeedy. *nods*

                  Er.... right.... my thoughts on those two episodes:
                  Thought PP was a fantastic cross-over. Had the right mix of everything to make it a vintage Stargate episode. Sparky-wise not much but can't complain since there was plenty of eyecandy in the guise of Cam and Shep together in certain scenes (aka "double thunk" scenes), Daniel/Elizabeth scenes (my sekrit X-over ship) and Sam/Rodney snarky scenes. I did wonder why Elizabeth was so formal with Daniel and kept calling him "Dr. Jackson" when he called her "Elizabeth" and they were so cute in their linguistic geekiness. I would actually like an episode where Liz's linguistic and negotiation skills are an important plot line in an episode. Anything to make Shep realise what a beautiful (yes SR, you've corrupted me with your fic), strong, talented, compassionate, courageous woman he has right in front of him. Silly boy, sometimes you just have to point out the obvious.

                  Moving right along with "Irresistible". I thoroughly enjoyed the comedy in SG:1 such as Urgo, WOO, even Wormhole-Xtreme and SGA Duet but this one, to me anyway, wasn't as funny. I still laughed at the normally serious characters going all goofy. Damn, I've never heard Ronon laugh before and Beckett in his woobieness was hilarious. That said, the underlying creepiness of Lucius dampened my enthusiasm. I won't go into the moral debate of the herb usage though I don't think TPTB thought out the repercussions of such a storyline as well as they should have. It was Sparky-lite (compared to last week's) but Spanky was thriving. Best scenes? Where John was impatiently tapping his fingers (I do think he was initially jealous) and then defying Weir's authority about sending an expedition to whatsit planet. He was the Season 1 John I enjoyed so much. He's back, yay!!!!! The end scene with the "lingering desires" was so directed at her even if Carson did answer, poor guilty woobie, but Rodney took the cake with his lecherous look at Teyla as he brushed past. So, an above average episode that needs to be taken just at face value but maybe my expectations were too high for this one.
                  For PP

                  I liked this episode a lot... seeing both flyboys ( Cam and John ) side by side is really something hawt. Plus, I get to see my crossover ships too (Sam/Rodney, Daniel/Weir). Double thunks galore, if you ask me.

                  For Irresistible
                  I tried to look at it the other way to bypass the creepiness of Lucius Lavin, which IMO, sounds more like Luscious Loving. Now here's a scumbag who uses a special herb to put everybody under his influence, and because he can't go to this planet anymore to harvest said herb, he was overly happy to chance meet Sheppard and his team, and later on, learn about Atlantis, the Stargate, and its puddle jumpers (which sparked his interest in the first place). I don't mean to justify Lucius actions, but I did realize later after some careful thinking, that the guy's ulterior motive is to use the Lantian ships to get more of his herbs from this wraith-infested planet. Fawning ladies and a puppet audience are only part of his plan, so he could get what he want. What seems to be a comedy of sorts in the beginning, became a comedy of horrors. Thankfully, Shep has a cold to save the day! To keep on topic, the ending scene where inquiries about "lingering desires and longings for his touch" just tickled my fancy. Who's giving the inquiry to who? he he he

                  Great Chemistry Starts with Great Sparks


                    Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                    Just because a "ship" is hinted at from the beginning of a show doesn't mean it is set in concrete and will happen. Just look at CSI, Las Vegas.
                    Don't tell me, you're a Grissom/Catherine 'shipper?


                      Originally posted by Trialia
                      Don't tell me, you're a Grissom/Catherine 'shipper?
                      Nope. The little "ship" that could won me over.

                      When all else fails, change channels.


                        Originally posted by gambit
                        I don't remember that.
                        Thankfully, neither do I.
                        Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                        Last update: 14 April 2006
                        Melyanna's Multimedia
                        Last update: 15 February 2006


                          Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                          Nope. The little "ship" that could won me over.
                          Oh... OH... you were being sarcastic. Okay. *blush*


                            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                            Just because a "ship" is hinted at from the beginning of a show doesn't mean it is set in concrete and will happen. Just look at CSI, Las Vegas.
                            I thought it did

                            Originally posted by Marbles
                            Well, they've certainly found time for quite a few already!
                            Heh! They sure did


                              Originally posted by Melyanna
                              Fic rec!

                              Our very own Major Fischer has started writing a Shep/Weir AU, Condor's Flight. This one's set during World War II, in "neutral" Spain. It's shaping up to be a unique look at WWII, as well as Shep/Weir.
                              Thanks for the fic rec oh Goddess of Crack AUs


                                Originally posted by Southern Red
                                Thanks for all the kind words about my little fic. Here's a wallpaper inspired by Irresistible. The flowers are plumeria from a picture I took in Hawaii. Feel free to take.

                                At least something good came from the epi.

                                When I voted at the Sony Sparky poll, we were tied so everyone go vote and make your voices heard. You can never do enough Sparky support.


