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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Trialia
    Oh, yeah, I love that too, but what I have to love most, in a shippy way, is the fact that
    those two are the only ones of the gang touching each other at all, even in close proximity. Do the others smell or something?

    In a character or actress way... I just love that Lizzie looks so tiny next to John and Rodney. <3
    I dunno, it looks like to me
    Ronon is secretly pressing his leg next to Rodney's. They were on that hive ship together for a long time. And after all now that Michael is back, he may think he's lost Teyla. Liz and John though are definitely touching. It's arm!sex. OMG.

    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


      Originally posted by Southern Red
      I dunno, it looks like to me
      Ronon is secretly pressing his leg next to Rodney's. They were on that hive ship together for a long time. And after all now that Michael is back, he may think he's lost Teyla. Liz and John though are definitely touching. It's arm!sex. OMG.
      Oh, I meant the only man and woman touching each other, I'm sorry. Don't know how I overlooked that, since I 'ship those two! *laughs* But still, they're even closer than Ronon and Rodney are to each other. It's cute. Like the whole two-in-a-square Duet shot.


        Question: In your opinion, what is one quality that individualy these two characters have that may not be their best or strongest.......but together make for a strong, confident, positive outcome?

        Pick one for Career/Duty, Friendship and Romance

        Happy Posting
        It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


          Originally posted by Trialia
          Oh, I meant the only man and woman touching each other, I'm sorry. Don't know how I overlooked that, since I 'ship those two! *laughs* But still, they're even closer than Ronon and Rodney are to each other. It's cute. Like the whole two-in-a-square Duet shot.
          Heheh, yeah, that was one of the first things I noticed about that picture. And I also wondered if the other people in the room smelled funny.
          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
          Last update: 14 April 2006
          Melyanna's Multimedia
          Last update: 15 February 2006


            Originally posted by FaithStars
            Question: In your opinion, what is one quality that individualy these two characters have that may not be their best or strongest.......but together make for a strong, confident, positive outcome?

            Pick one for Career/Duty, Friendship and Romance
            I'll take a stab from the Career angle. Elizabeth has a tendency to talk things out at length and see multiple possible outcomes. She can probably debate any position regardless of her personal opinion (I get the impression that one of her 2 graduate degrees is, or should be, law). John tends to be more likely to come up with a quick, stright forward response. Over the 2 years they've worked together I think Elizabeth has influenced John to slow down and think, starting with Rising when she told him to come up with a viable plan rather then just rush in to rescue Sumner. In turn Elizabeth has become quicker to act, though she still looks for input and opinions for the big decisions.


              Originally posted by FaithStars
              Question: In your opinion, what is one quality that individualy these two characters have that may not be their best or strongest.......but together make for a strong, confident, positive outcome?

              Pick one for Career/Duty, Friendship and Romance

              Good question!

              I think I would have to pick John's impulsiveness and willingness to jump right into action for his quality. He tends to leap before looking and ends up in a big sticky vat of Jell-o (fangirly moment.... ok back now) that he needs to fight his way (and sometimes others) out of.

              Elizabeth is much more of a "let's wait and see what we find out type." She wants to be be sure that a course of action is the right one. I get the feeling that she has always had a plan for everything. She must have or she would not have gotten where she is.

              Throughout the first season we saw both of them act according to their character traits. Most notably John in Rising and Elizabeth in Hot Zone. I think the second season showed us that they are rubbing off on each other *momentary wistful sigh at my attempt at a pun* John can sit in meetings and listen to everyone's thoughts on a course of action and Elizabeth seems more willing to do something spur of the moment, e.g. Coup D'etat and
              go get us a ZPM

              I can't wait to see what "rubs off" this season.
              I know, I know, that was bad! No more Dove Chocolate ice cream for me!


                Originally posted by Melyanna
                I remember the same quote, too, but I'm having a lot of trouble finding it. I think it may have been something in the early print media from last season.

                To be honest, I'd like to see John and Elizabeth have another argument in the same vein as Hot Zone, but given how close they've been lately, I think it would really blow up into something spectacular. I doubt insubordination would come into it, but it'd be nice to see a really heated argument between them. Fundamentally they're very much alike, but they do have some pretty stark differences at times, and I think John's still enough of a maverick to stand up and tell her she's wrong.

                Besides, fiction teaches us that these kinds of arguments are when unintentional admissions of feelings happen.
                ITA, nothing like a good argument to get things going and initiate more wonderful kissing. Although, nice romantic, slow, just-because-we-love-each-other kisses are good too. And as a side note, even if it didn't end in a faboo, kiss I'd still love to see big fight between them just to keep things interesting and real.



                  Originally posted by Southern Red
                  But I certainly agree. They need a good riproaring, airclearing, heartpumping, fingerpointing, spitflying scene kind of like the first balcony argument in the pilot. *And she goes to slap his face, and he grabs her wrists, and shakes her and then she knees him in the groin gives him the eyebrow of doom, but instead of letting her go he kisses her senseless...I got nothin'.
                  WORKS FOR ME!



                    Originally posted by Melyanna
                    Yay, you found it! I had a feeling it was a magazine quote, but I had no idea when it was said or who said it. I like the remark Joe made in the Trinity commentary as well, but again, I'd like to see a good argument between them sometime.

                    And Athena directed me to take a look at SciFi's main website, where they've got little ads up for Friday's shows, and what should they be using for Atlantis but this? (Vague summary of "The Misbegotten" on the image.) I just find it highly, highly amusing that the network keeps using John and Elizabeth like this.

                    ETA: This is a Photoshop job, by the way. Well, I'm almost certain. I believe that image of Elizabeth is the same one that's on the Elizabeth wallpaper at SciFi's site. So one or the other has been Photoshopped.
                    As has been said before: They use what sells. And Shep/Weir (whether in ship or just in partnership) sells very well.



                      ddc and Pocus.....Very good answers! I agree that together they can find a solid balance when it comes to taking care of the expedition team and making sure their mission is a success. Elizabeth, being the consumate negotiator made her more careful. Sometimes she has the tendancy to hold back a little too much. John, while just as smart....likes to jump the gun on many occasions. I think in some instances he relies a little too much on gut or emotional feelings. Together they make the perfect team. I think they take the down side of those traits and make them work for each other.

                      Happy Posting
                      It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


                        I probably haven't thought the whole thing through thoroughly (Hey! alliteration without even trying!), anyway this just off the top of my head as I'm typing.

                        I like to think of John and Elizabeth as Yin/Yang. They are opposites but one is not complete without the other. At the heart of Yang is a small core of Yin and vice versa.

                        This is the way I see S/W. As mentioned by the others, Elizabeth was a dedicated career negotiator/diplomat. Impulsiveness didn't come into play in her professional life. Each matter had to be weighed for pros and cons and followed the indicated mandates set. Now she has to make life or death decisions on the spot and I think John helps her to focus on what are the priorities. Likewise with John. Instead of doing what he thinks is right on the spur of the moment like he used to, he actually thinks beforehand and decides what is the best course of action in any given situation. This is how they influence each other.
                        I also like to think that Elizabeth has got a wild side which has been surpressed and John has got a more serious, reserved side than we give them credit for. What I would like is for them to bring that little core out when they get together.

                        Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


                          Ronnikins, true.....very true! I like how you use Yin and Yang as an example. It can be used throught different themes when it comes to these two. I also agree that Elizabeth has side to her and that John is more serious than he usually gets credit for.

                          Yin and Yang........Different sides of the same coin........They complete one another.

                          Happy Posting
                          It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


                            Originally posted by FaithStars
                            Ronnikins, true.....very true! I like how you use Yin and Yang as an example. It can be used throught different themes when it comes to these two. I also agree that Elizabeth has side to her and that John is more serious than he usually gets credit for.

                            Yin and Yang........Different sides of the same coin........They complete one another.

                            Happy Posting
                            Sounds good to me. And he will bring out her playful side, hopefully at some point when their lives aren't in danger on a daily basis. Actually we may see some of that in Irresistible.
                            Who knows what will go through John's mind when he sees her all girly over what's his name? I say he'll be shocked.

                            It all just goes to show that they complete each other. And more than that they are both willing to change as we've seen in the way they've come to a point where they agree more on even the big things. She's been more willing to use force, and he's taken time to think things through. Some see this as weakness or that she has emasculated him. Nonsense. He's just gotten over some of his hotheadedness, and she has realized that you can't alway negotiate your way out of a situation. Signs of good leaders, IMHO.

                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              Good point, Southern Red! Relying on someone you Trust, Respect, Value and Care/Love should never be perceived as a sign of weakness. It can only reinforce that persons own inner strength. I think these two characters show how compromise can be done and done well!

                              Happy Posting
                              It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


                                Quick fic rec: Phrenitis' Close to Home. Another in a long series of fabulous Shep/Weir AUs, this time a film noir-style detective story. This is an idea a few of us kicked around in here, so everyone go read.
                                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                                Last update: 14 April 2006
                                Melyanna's Multimedia
                                Last update: 15 February 2006

