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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    LurkerLa - I tried the link and it kept taking me to 'Hunger'

    I found the right fic though.

    And Sally - very nice fic!

    Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

    LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

    Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


      Originally posted by Major_Moomin
      LurkerLa - I tried the link and it kept taking me to 'Hunger'

      I found the right fic though.

      And Sally - very nice fic!
      Seconded! (i already posted at the LJ, but...)

      Welcome Petmonster and Congrats A.L.!


        5 exams down 2 more to go! eeeeep!!!!!!! Damn 3 and half hour english one!
        Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
        Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


          Originally posted by atlantis_babe34
          5 exams down 2 more to go! eeeeep!!!!!!! Damn 3 and half hour english one!
          Ugh! You doing your trial HSC? Good luck!
          Lol. During my HSC I had my exams over the course of three weeks. Each of the exams I studied half an hour before I went in to do them and the rest of the time I was trying to relax and watch season 1 and the first half of 2 of Atlantis. So I'd end up walking into the exam sitting down and then a scene from an episode I'd watched the day before would pop into my head and play over and over again. ... I still got my HSC, so I'm happy.

          ***Thankyou to Andy for this sig***


            Originally posted by snoopoony
            Hi everybody!

            Here is my brand new video :

            It's Sparky of course and the song used is "Eden" by Sarah Brightman.

            The music video is an AU so here is the story : Atlantis has been destroyed. While abandoning the city, John and Elizabeth were separated. They woke up on two different places, but though they're far from each other, they'll never forget what they had. (mostly clips from Epiphany, season 2 and Before I sleep, season 1)

            Enjoy !
            I was so naive....will I never learn?
            *shakes head*
            You would think a week's break from GW and one can take a couple of steps back and view this relationship more clinically. WRONG!!!!
            All it took was some 20+ pages to catch up on, some fascinating discussion, great fics and incredible vids and I'm hooked again. (Thank you all)
            For example, the above video by Snoopoony was WOW! but WOW! I felt like I was watching the sequel to SGA such was the superiority of the editing. Now if we had Snoop doing the editing for "The Tower" then it wouldn't have been been nominated as the one of the worst episodes for Season 2 and the whole story would have been clearer. For my part, I made a deliberate decision not to watch this episode (since I couldn't even watch all of "Sanctuary") and it seems like it was a wise choice.

            On "The Long Goodbye":
            Well, everybody (especially Trialia..that was the longest post I've ever seen you make ) said it all already. Personally, I enjoyed this episode mainly for the visual eyecandy it offered. Come on, we have Rambo!Weir, an Alien-influenced kiss, some funny moments between different characters (Ronon not understanding how Weir thinks or the looks on the others' faces when they kissed)and a sweet ending. I really had to throw logic away for this one and just go along for the fun ride. IMHO the choice of John playing host to Thalan was a deliberate ploy by TPTB to set up John and Elizabeth together without any of the consequences of a real relationship. They are toying with the shipper fans. *sighs* Why else that cryptic remark by John ""He cares for you more than you know"? There's still raging debate on that comment. A) Was it meant for Teyla that John really cares for her? as in i) he loves her or ii) as a good friend but had to stay professional, B) was it a ploy by Thalan to stop Teyla from killing him or C) was it meant for Elizabeth since he directed it towards the camera? Out of all the options I'm going for (B) since that is the most logical out of a not so logical plot.

            WELCOME ALL NEWBIES!!!!!!
            You've got great taste.

            Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


              Originally posted by atlantis_babe34
              5 exams down 2 more to go! eeeeep!!!!!!! Damn 3 and half hour english one!
              Good luck on your exams. Eeek, 3 1/2 hrs for an English one seems long.


                Originally posted by ShepsGirl1987
                Ugh! You doing your trial HSC? Good luck!
                Lol. During my HSC I had my exams over the course of three weeks. Each of the exams I studied half an hour before I went in to do them and the rest of the time I was trying to relax and watch season 1 and the first half of 2 of Atlantis. So I'd end up walking into the exam sitting down and then a scene from an episode I'd watched the day before would pop into my head and play over and over again. ... I still got my HSC, so I'm happy.

                lol yeah not HSC QCS *spits at it* stupid weird people... lol.. for osme reason today i had a music video i watched in my head while doing my ancient history exam i was like laughing and smiling and everyone was looking at me.. the teacher had to come make sure i wasnt on the net or anything lol.. very humiliating.

                hopalong Quote:
                Good luck on your exams. Eeek, 3 1/2 hrs for an English one seems long.
                u got no idea.. its extreamly painful especially when u need to go to the bathroom in the first 1 hour or so
                Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                  About TLG,

                  I think everything was already said but I want to add my two cents. I really loved that ep, but like Melyanna said, it was too short for such a plot. I didn't understand why Phoebus/Liz locked herself in this room neither and asked Teyla to kill Thalan/John. And what he said to Teyla, well I thought it was just to not be killed, I don't think there was another meaning.
                  Anyway, it was great to see some Action!Torri, but I'd have loved to see the repercussions of what happened to her.
                  And about the kiss, yeah! Ok, it's an "alien made them do it" kiss but it was great to have one. Though, if I had to compare it to the hug, I'd choose the hug 'cos it was really them there.


                    Originally posted by atlantis_babe34
                    lol yeah not HSC QCS *spits at it* stupid weird people... lol.. for osme reason today i had a music video i watched in my head while doing my ancient history exam i was like laughing and smiling and everyone was looking at me.. the teacher had to come make sure i wasnt on the net or anything lol.. very humiliating.
                    Oh yeah, Just as bad.
                    Oh well once it's over it's over look at it that way.
                    During my english exam I had to write a stupid short story about "Imaginary journeys" *gags!* My characters ended up being called John and Elizabeth, they'd never met each other, and they shared some sort of dreamish type thing (sort of like what they experience in the_rushingwind's fic Prophecy) where the characters interacted. They woke up the next day went to work and Elizabeth was starting her new job where John worked buh-buh-buh... Or something like that. I'm actually surprised I passed.
                    I can't believe I remembered all that! *tries to push out of brain*
                    And just for the good natured fun of it... Go the blues!

                    ***Thankyou to Andy for this sig***


                      Originally posted by Major_Moomin
                      LurkerLa - I tried the link and it kept taking me to 'Hunger'

                      I found the right fic though.

                      And Sally - very nice fic!
                      Er, oops? I guess I shouldn't post while sleepy.

                      I've fixed the link now...
                      ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                      The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                        Originally posted by moonfly
                        And for some shamless self pimping, said essay on my LJ is all about the kissing in Atlantis and whether it means anything. And I would really like some more peoples comments:

                        Team Mates, Hallucinations and Alien Hussies – Does all the kissing really mean anything?
                        Really interesting essay on kissing. I love talking about kissing (or anything else about kissing...) Er, yes, let's talk about kissing.
                        So, we've had a detailed synopsis about kissing in Atlantis up to season 2. What will season 3 bring?
               much as I would love to see John and Elizabeth share a real, non-alien influenced supa-dupa kiss, I really can't see it happening, not in this season at any rate. It will smack too much of declaring this pair as canon and I do think TPTB want to tease us a bit longer as so not to alienate other shipper fans. What I can see are increasingly overt signs of affection such as more tactile demonstrations (quick hugs, comforting each other in time of stress, caressing the cheek, longer eye contact in very close proximity etc, etc). There may be hesitation of speech, double innuendoes (esp. from John), lots of other signals which will flag us to the notion that this couple are into each other but are trying so desperately hard to remain professional. I would settle for a quick peck on the cheek or forehead as long as the feeling is there. All which will make for enthralling viewing.
                        Alas, I don't think they'll do away with the kirking totally either. I tend to blow hot and cold with that issue. I really don't have real problems with it since logically John is single and he is a guy (nuff said). The concerns I have are that we've seen too much of it in too short a time and it's all focussed on John. Hello, there are other very, very attractive people on the show too, why can't we see them getting some action as well? Equality for all I say! It's either all or nothing, let's be fair. Hmmmm, yes, back on topic. What was the topic? Right, kissing.
                        The most likely scenarios for a real canon kiss would be between Beckett/Cadman, Rodney/Katie Brown, or the one I'm really going for, Teyla/Ronon. Throughout Season 2 they have thrown Teyla and Ronon into every conceivable setting where they have gotten to know each other better than anybody else on Atlantis. The kiss seems to be next logical step in the process. But we know how tricksy TPTB are, they may just blindside us with a pairing out of nowhere.

                        Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


                          Originally posted by ShepsGirl1987
                          Oh yeah, Just as bad.
                          Oh well once it's over it's over look at it that way.
                          During my english exam I had to write a stupid short story about "Imaginary journeys" *gags!* My characters ended up being called John and Elizabeth, they'd never met each other, and they shared some sort of dreamish type thing (sort of like what they experience in the_rushingwind's fic Prophecy) where the characters interacted. They woke up the next day went to work and Elizabeth was starting her new job where John worked buh-buh-buh... Or something like that. I'm actually surprised I passed.
                          I can't believe I remembered all that! *tries to push out of brain*
                          And just for the good natured fun of it... Go the blues!
                          Omg ShepsGirl1987!! the blues lost!!!...they lost!!!! they played so bad!!!!!!!!!.. i think im gonna cry my eyes out tongiht!!!!... i had to do the Crucilbe for english and the two characters were John and Elizabeth and i didnt realize till i was writing it and then all i could think of was John adn Lizzy in Salem times lol i kept writng Sheepard and Weir lol!
                          Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                          Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                            Originally posted by atlantis_babe34
                            Omg ShepsGirl1987!! the blues lost!!!...they lost!!!! they played so bad!!!!!!!!!.. i think im gonna cry my eyes out tongiht!!!!... i had to do the Crucilbe for english and the two characters were John and Elizabeth and i didnt realize till i was writing it and then all i could think of was John adn Lizzy in Salem times lol i kept writng Sheepard and Weir lol!
                            Noooo!!! *cries* Why-oh-why?!?!? *sniffles*
                            Ha! Cool. Really? *goes and does some reading on the plot... comes back* This book sounds cool, they are even married!... But then again, after doing any in-depth analysis, even the best books are ruined.
                            ... Hmm... How to make this back on topic... Hows-about a piccy? I made this banner... pretty boring I know, but maybe one day I'll make a good one...

                            And another just for good luck... (TLG)

                            EDIT: Night all!
                            Last edited by ShepsGirl1987; 14 June 2006, 04:38 AM.

                            ***Thankyou to Andy for this sig***


                              TLG : A Rhyme

                              One day John and Lizzie took up arms
                              And everyone became alarmed
                              John became Thalen
                              Lizzie became alien
                              As a result lots of people were harmed

                              Lizzie started shooting at John
                              John looked mostly forlorn
                              He ran all around
                              While she stood her ground
                              Determined to gun down "her" John

                              While everyone else was sidetracked
                              They let themselves get wacked
                              Lizzie got tricky
                              And John got antsy
                              The whole Atlantis became highjacked

                              When finally it was all over
                              When there seemed to be some closure
                              Lizzie blushed in remembrance
                              Of things done in absence
                              In a strange in and out of body experience

                              "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                                Originally posted by Easter Lily
                                TLG : A Rhyme

                                One day John and Lizzie took up arms
                                And everyone became alarmed
                                John became Thalen
                                Lizzie became alien
                                As a result lots of people were harmed

                                Lizzie started shooting at John
                                John looked mostly forlorn
                                He ran all around
                                While she stood her ground
                                Determined to gun down "her" John

                                While everyone else was sidetracked
                                They let themselves get wacked
                                Lizzie got tricky
                                And John got antsy
                                The whole Atlantis became highjacked

                                When finally it was all over
                                When there seemed to be some closure
                                Lizzie blushed in remembrance
                                Of things done in absence
                                In a strange in and out of body experience

                                I love your poetry!

                                When all else fails, change channels.

