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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Liz: I'm worried John, I like the bits of gray, but do you think it might hurt the ratings?

    John: Don't worry, there is still plenty of Grecian Formula in stock.

    When all else fails, change channels.


      Dude, I REALLY need to learn to stay out of some threads. The title should have been enough but oh no, not me. I'm that stupid cat that got killed because of you know what. Thankfully I resisted the urge to post but now I feel icky and must go find much Sparky goodness to cleanse myself. I'd love to work on my fic I've got in the works but must hear back from beta/sister before I can and since the Navy owns her for another 2 to 17 months it makes it difficult at times.




      Out with the bad
      In with the good.
      Out with the bad
      In with the good.
      Out with the bad
      In with the good.

      EDIT: Realized I did not add my two cents for the latest episode discussion... Er... Which one were we on?


        Originally posted by Luz
        XF spoiled me, by the end of season two we had Scully undressing Mulder, and him sleeping *in boxers* on her bed, of course we had her going to his room and stripping down to her underwear, so i'm really spoiled.
        I want there to somehow be a situation where there is required for Sheppard to be shirtless (maybe whumping?) and i want Weir to be there.
        Booyah! Heck yeah, I'm down with that! I'd love to see them 'stuck' together somewhere that one had to play 'nurse' to the other. slurp!!!
        I'm with you Luz...XF spoiled me in more than one way and while this is not the same ship or series it did help me know what I like to see.


          Originally posted by A.L.
          Realized I did not add my two cents for the latest episode discussion... Er... Which one were we on?
          Grace Under Pressure. We'll try for The Tower in a couple days, I think. Maybe the day I'm gone to the zoo with some small children?
          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
          Last update: 14 April 2006
          Melyanna's Multimedia
          Last update: 15 February 2006


            Originally posted by Melyanna
            Grace Under Pressure. We'll try for The Tower in a couple days, I think. Maybe the day I'm gone to the zoo with some small children?
            Thanks much. Okay, GUP. Well, surprisingly I liked it. I liked it even better the second time around but I think it's because I was still wigged out by Epiphany and so was afraid of what I might see. And Rodney continues to grow on me. What a gem at times. Anyhoo,
            Okay, as everyone else not surprisingly mentioned there was the scene ala Duet between Shep and Lizzie when they were working on the rescue plan with the sparks flying and all - literally and figuratively. *MELT!* Too cute. How can anyone deny sparky after that? I know they can but I still don't see how. And I love the Rodney moments. Some of it dragged on a bit but I loved the growth Rodney made. Despite outward appearances, his subconcious is picking up on the fact that people in Atlantis actually like him and want him back. Loved it. Great Shep worry for his BFF and all. Loved it! And I think Rodney was quite amusing in some of those moments when talking to himself before "Sam" showed up. Loves!



              Originally posted by Ronnikins
              It's on the top RHS of screen, at end of arrow. You have to wait for a few secs, an ad pops up which you cancel then its got the download, which you click.

              Thanks for the help, Ronnikins. Unfortunately it wasn't working for me. Something about an IP. I have no clue.

              BTW, what does BFF mean?


                Originally posted by SGLAB
                Thanks for the help, Ronnikins. Unfortunately it wasn't working for me. Something about an IP. I have no clue.

                BTW, what does BFF mean?
                Well in my slash-free world it means Best Friends Forever. I guess you could say Shep and McKay are my completely platonic, non-romantic One True Pairing, although in reality I think all the guys (Shep, McKay, Ronon, Lorne, Beckett, Zelenka, Grodin - if he weren't dead, Chuck, etc.) are the bomb and would definitely hang out together on a dateless Friday night when the girls were all involved in Girls Poker Night or something.

                On that note, I think I'm going to add to my sig. Here's hoping no one gets the wrong idea.



                  Originally posted by Southern Red
                  Here's my idea of a possible exchange between John and Ronon.

                  Ronon: Are all men this backward with women on your planet?
                  John: What do you mean, backward?
                  Ronon: You and Weir. If you want her, why don't you just take her?
                  John: What makes you think I want her?
                  Well you better not want Teyla, that's all I can say.

                  Sorry, couldn't resist. Can you imagine Ronon's reaction if he got the implression that John was after Teyla? (we know he's not, but Ronon could get the idea from somewhere...)

                  Okay, forget my mad ramblings.


                    Originally posted by SGLAB
                    Thanks for the help, Ronnikins. Unfortunately it wasn't working for me. Something about an IP. I have no clue.
                    Last person to ask about computers. I just tried it again and it worked for me. Really, really liked this video second time round. Makes me see possibilities. *slaps self*

                    Oh yeah, Sparky....I remember some fanfics where the girls talked about the boys over poker. Wouldn't it be nice if we had a fic with the boys talking about the girls during their card/sports night whatever?...*subliminal hints to writers out there*

                    We've talked about about the amazing chemistry between S/W but, from what I've seen, the chemistry is equally strong between R/T. I wouldn't be surprised at all if TPTB hint at it or more in Season 3. They would be silly if they ignore this chemistry as well. (And it's not because I've got ulterior motives, I don't care who/what anybody ships, I just like what I like).

                    Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


                      Originally posted by Melyanna
                      Grace Under Pressure. We'll try for The Tower in a couple days, I think. Maybe the day I'm gone to the zoo with some small children?
                      No probs as long as we have a warning before, just for us to prepare our minds for this discussion.


                        Originally posted by Vicky
                        No probs as long as we have a warning before, just for us to prepare our minds for this discussion.
                        And so some of us can make dental appointments

                        Edit: Was that too oblique a joke? *pokes Mara because she makes my teeth hurt*


                          Originally posted by Melyanna
                          Grace Under Pressure. We'll try for The Tower in a couple days, I think. Maybe the day I'm gone to the zoo with some small children?
                          I liked GUP better than I thought I would. Rodney wasn't so over the top, and it is always good to see Amanda.

                          Besides, wasn't this the episode that put sparks with "Sparky"?

                          When all else fails, change channels.


                            Originally posted by Ronnikins
                            We've talked about about the amazing chemistry between S/W but, from what I've seen, the chemistry is equally strong between R/T. I wouldn't be surprised at all if TPTB hint at it or more in Season 3. They would be silly if they ignore this chemistry as well. (And it's not because I've got ulterior motives, I don't care who/what anybody ships, I just like what I like).
                            To be honest, I had thoughts early on that Ronon and Teyla were going to be the 'token' sexual heat couple while Sparky slowly developed. However, after watching Teyla and Ronon interact, I've become more and more interested in each of them as people than I ever thought I would be. Seriously, Teyla bored me senseless in the first season. Ronon has given her such a terrific outlet to show herself and more of her personality. It reminds me a bit of how we only get to see that certain 'hidden' side of Elizabeth when she's around John. The bottom line is that Ronon makes Teyla a better character because he is such a neat character to interact with. That's when you know there's a real chance at a OTP-whenever you see them going the extra mile for each other-when they show they care that little bit extra-whenever you see an extra sacrifice that they don't have to make because of the job or position, imo, that tattles on the heart.

                            Along this line of thought guys, you guys need to go over to the J/L lovejournal and download 'She's a little too good for me'-a neat vid that the 'alianne' put together with Bryan Adams song. It's too adorable! Two Bama thumbs UP!

                            Southern, you'd really like it. The words are very in tune with what you think about John's motivatons in regard to Elizabeth. It's very exciting when you have a woman imo that is in a position like Elizabeth's who has her responsibility and her sense of duty and has a natural seriousness about her and then you have that one guy-the happy go-lucky, let-it-all-fly type of guy that isn't anything like her on the surface but yet, something inside her yearns toward him and turns her on completely. And in turn, he feels the same tug for a type of woman that he never thought he'd be right for and would never pursue by choice.

                            He doesn't understand it. She doesn't understand it. It shouldn't be happening. But, against all odds and arguments, it is anyway. To me, that's this ship's 'sexy' appeal in a nutshell. And I LOVE IT!

                            You cannot watch this vid and not fall in love with this ship all over again guys! Treat yourself!
                            Long Live Sparky vid makers!!! *luvs you guys!*
                            I LOVE THIS SHIP!
                            Last edited by Bama; 05 June 2006, 07:01 AM.


                              Originally posted by Bama
                              To be honest, I had thoughts early on that Ronon and Teyla were going to be the 'token' sexual heat couple while Sparky slowly developed. However, after watching Teyla and Ronon interact, I've become more and more interested in each of them as people than I ever thought I would be. Seriously, Teyla bored me senseless in the first season. Ronon has given her such a terrific outlet to show herself and more of her personality. It reminds me a bit of how we only get to see that certain 'hidden' side of Elizabeth when she's around John. The bottom line is that Ronon makes Teyla a better character because he is such a neat character to interact with. That's when you know there's a real chance at a OTP-whenever you see them going the extra mile for each other-when they show they care that little bit extra-whenever you see an extra sacrifice that they don't have to make because of the job or position, imo, that tattles on the heart.
                              I don't like Teyla and Ronon as an OTP just because it ends the Sheyla pairing. I like it because it works. As was said, they've got chemistry. Much more than Sheyla in my opinion. Plus, TPTB have already shot themselves in the foot if they were trying for something else because in Trinity,
                              They used the aged old "You two make a cute couple." "We're just friends, nothing more." bit. If they were trying to use that as a word to the fans to say "Don't ship this pair" they made a big booboo. That is the CLASSIC way to say "These two are totally interested in each other and you'll enjoy the ride as they find their way into each others arms."

                              But I like Ronon/Teyla for the same reason I like Sparky. It's more than looks, it's more than flirting. It's everything else along with it. The bonds made, the understanding each other, the extra caring as Bama said.

                              Definitely, they play off each other so fabulously well. They need more screen time together to show it.



                                Bama, that term of yours, "token sexual heat" pretty much sums up most ships in shows where ship isn't the main focus. I really think that's what Shep/Teyla would have been. That type of ship to me never has much heat to it in reality. It's rather dull.

