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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by atlantisrocks
    Elizabeth: And I have something to tell you John. I haven't been just sitting in my office the entire time! I've been with a Wraith some different aliens myself!
    Elizabeth: Come to think of it, I wonder why that eight limbed guy never called me back...

    John: What?! I did not have Ronon go after him, honest! *puppy dog eyes* *Cough*


      Originally posted by Major_Moomin
      Rodney: Elizabeth, give me a chance! I'm smart, I'm LOYAL, I'm honest, I don't chase after women, well, maybe blondes now and then. . . did I say I was smart?

      Liz: *giggles* Yes Rodney, we all know how smart you are.

      John: Good grief, not this again.

      When all else fails, change channels.


        Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
        Rodney: Elizabeth, give me a chance! I'm smart, I'm LOYAL, I'm honest, I don't chase after women, well, maybe blondes now and then. . . did I say I was smart?

        Liz: *giggles* Yes Rodney, we all know how smart you are.

        John: Good grief, not this again.
        Rodney: Not to mention, I am completely disease free!
        John: Hey, it was only those ten times!
        Say No To Kirking: Join STAKS


          Hello children. *sticks head back in after a weekend of RL* Thanks to Dr. Ron for the stimulating long relaxing sponge bath from Nurse John. Too bad they don't last long. Looks like I'll need another one tomorrow.

          I put on The Storm yesterday while cooking also. Maybe we should add watching the syndicated show even though you have the DVD box set to the symptom list for SOS. My husband came in and wondered why I wanted to watch all those commercials when I could just pop in a DVD. Sometimes the man is clueless, but he did sit down with a glass of wine and watch it too. He always laughs at the same places. The snarky lines between John and Rod. Then our son called to tell us he's made it back alive from vacation and made us miss the last 15 min. I mean. Couldn't he have waited a bit? Who's obsessed? Shut up.

          Did anyone else notice how John's hair was almost neat? It looks like they've given up in S2 though. I think I like it better.

          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


            Poll over on the Sony/MGM forum - "Which Couple Do You Want?":


            When all else fails, change channels.


              Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
              Poll over on the Sony/MGM forum - "Which Couple Do You Want?":

              mmm, the sony forum, isn't there were the Weir haters go to feel at home?. I'd rather stay as far away from that place as possible.


                Originally posted by Southern Red
                I put on The Storm yesterday while cooking also. Maybe we should add watching the syndicated show even though you have the DVD box set to the symptom list for SOS. My husband came in and wondered why I wanted to watch all those commercials when I could just pop in a DVD.
                Yeah, should definitely be added to the symptoms list. I do that all the time. SGA airs in syndication here tonight at 8, and I'll probably end up watching it. I practically had to force myself to watch a taped episode of CSI instead of watching 'Hide and Seek' when it was airing *i love that ep, it's just so funny*. I even flicked back to it when I was fastforwarding through commercials, call me obsessed . However, I don't think the Storm will air here for another couple weeks , but I've always got my DVD's to fall back on *think i might just watch the Storm/Eye tonight anyways *

                Did anyone else notice how John's hair was almost neat? It looks like they've given up in S2 though. I think I like it better.
                It does look a bit neater there. I'm not sure how I like John's hair. I think he looks pretty damn hot either way, so I've really got no preference. However, his hair in Inferno was kinda going a bit too crazy, even for him.


                  Originally posted by GateByte
                  Yeah, should definitely be added to the symptoms list. I do that all the time. SGA airs in syndication here tonight at 8, and I'll probably end up watching it. I practically had to force myself to watch a taped episode of CSI instead of watching 'Hide and Seek' when it was airing *i love that ep, it's just so funny*. I even flicked back to it when I was fastforwarding through commercials, call me obsessed .
                  I nearly cried when i realized that Fox had been showing season one re-runs during weekdays at three o'clock and i'd missed them (i have classes from 2 to 6 every weekday). I have already seen the episodes, but still knowing that everyday while i must sit through differential calculus, and statistics, i could be watching Atlantis instead makes me inmensely frustrated.


                    Originally posted by Luz
                    I nearly cried when i realized that Fox had been showing season one re-runs during weekdays at three o'clock and i'd missed them (i have classes from 2 to 4 every weekday). I have the episodes, but still knowing that everyday while i must sit through differential calculus, and statistics, i could be watching Atlantis instead makes me inmensely frustrated.
                    Luckily it airs at night here, but usually my roommates are around, and I miss it anyways. They don't exactly find scifi entertaining, so watching Atlantis with them is out of the question. They actually sat down and watched an ep of SG1 with me, and were so immensely confused that I did more explaining than actual watching. Now they pretty much leave whenever I put any form of Stargate on. But whatever week the oscars were on, I missed Atlantis because they wanted to watch those, and since I'm not a cruel person *even though I did have the tv on SPACE and was intending to watch Atlantis*, I left so they could watch them. Makes me frustrated too, but I usually just go up and watch an ep on my PC. But it just isn't the same .


                      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                      Rodney: Elizabeth, give me a chance! I'm smart, I'm LOYAL, I'm honest, I don't chase after women, well, maybe blondes now and then. . . did I say I was smart?

                      Liz: *giggles* Yes Rodney, we all know how smart you are.

                      John: Good grief, not this again.
                      Rodney: Elizabeth!...Lookatme!lookatme!lookatme!lookatme!lookatme! LOOK.AT.ME!!!

                      John: Just throw him that stick already!

                      Liz: *Giggles*

                      Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                      LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                      Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                        Originally posted by Southern Red
                        Hello children. *sticks head back in after a weekend of RL* Thanks to Dr. Ron for the stimulating long relaxing sponge bath from Nurse John. Too bad they don't last long. Looks like I'll need another one tomorrow.

                        I put on The Storm yesterday while cooking also. Maybe we should add watching the syndicated show even though you have the DVD box set to the symptom list for SOS. My husband came in and wondered why I wanted to watch all those commercials when I could just pop in a DVD. Sometimes the man is clueless, but he did sit down with a glass of wine and watch it too. He always laughs at the same places. The snarky lines between John and Rod. Then our son called to tell us he's made it back alive from vacation and made us miss the last 15 min. I mean. Couldn't he have waited a bit? Who's obsessed? Shut up.

                        Did anyone else notice how John's hair was almost neat? It looks like they've given up in S2 though. I think I like it better.


                        Last time The Storm was on Syndication I watched it and the following weekend they started the season from the very beginning. By the time The Eye aired I had the DVD boxset.


                          Originally posted by GateByte
                          Luckily it airs at night here, but usually my roommates are around, and I miss it anyways. They don't exactly find scifi entertaining, so watching Atlantis with them is out of the question.
                          Awww! That's stinky. I'm on a roll with converting people -- seven since the start of last semester and counting. Oh, and I keep my mouth shut about the shipping, guys, I promise. I don't influence them at all. Really!

                          "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                          HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                            Originally posted by eyecandylovr
                            BTW, Hatch, could you wake Jor up from hibernation to write us another fic? To help tide us all over til July? Pretty please?
                            Hey, if you want to wake the hibernating dragon, be my guest. Just don't expect me to wake him and then do some writing. Not with the broken fingers I'd receive.

                            When I can tear myself away from Civ IV work, I'm doing a bit of Spygate writing. Like my last Spygate fic, Sheppard's not involved, so there won't be any Shep/Weir. Don't have any good Sparky plot bunnies right now.

                            a time to mourn


                              Originally posted by SGLAB

                              Last time The Storm was on Syndication I watched it and the following weekend they started the season from the very beginning. By the time The Eye aired I had the DVD boxset.
                              Hey, we are just now getting it first time around. I think 'Home' is airing tonight. Yeah, they've got real far eh? I think they started to air it in January. By the time they get to airing season 2, I'll already have those DVD's too. They seem to be pretty much in pace with Scifi on the SG1 eps (I think the Season 9 finale is on in 2 weeks), but we seem to be getting screwed with SGA. And they aren't even airing them in order. They aired 'Hide and Seek' and '38 Mins' out of order, and I'm not sure what other ones, and cut giant chunks out of Rising. It just seems to be a mess.

                              And to get this post back on topic:

                              Originally posted by Major_Moomin
                              Rodney: Elizabeth!...Lookatme!lookatme!lookatme!lookatme!lookatme! LOOK.AT.ME!!!

                              John: Just throw him that stick already!

                              Liz: *Giggles*
                              Liz: He is pretty smart. You don't really think he'd actually fall for that do you?

                              John: If it'll get him to leave, I say go for it. (to Rodney) Isn't there a botanist you can go annoy?

                              Rodney: Um, what? Oh..., her. Yes, well...

                              John: So go.

                              Liz: John...

                              John: I know, I know. Be nice. We know he's a secret sparky shipper at heart. Just wish sometimes he'd quit interrupting us when we're alone.

                              Liz: We're never really alone you know.

                              John: True, but he just seems to be everywhere


                                If anyone's looking for fic, Mel's updated Revelation again.

                                Chapter 10 is this-a-way

                                Read. Review. Now.
                                ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                                The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.

