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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Erised
    I love that pic!
    hey filming starts in about 2.5 hours.. I think.. let's cross our fingers for some Sheppard angst
    Got mine crossed, and my toes for extra good luck *hehe*


      *bounces* Soon! Let the Shep Angsting over his Lizzie begin!

      Promo shots... hmm... well, I'd love to see more of Lizzie in her outfit from Coup D'Etat. She looks gorgeous in red, but add the black to it... was it me, or was John looking at her even more than he normally does (which is practically all the time anyway)? Very awesome!

      Or this one, with just her, but we all know what she's looking at...


      *revels in Teh Sparkiness*
      In Other News: Thor's been Thor-Napped and placed in TPTB's Closet of Thor-Napping! *oh noes*


        Originally posted by Athenaktt
        Look George is ready to go to Atlantis had find Sparky!

        Oh no, George! Don't try the mints! [/center]
        NO! George! Don't do it sweetie!!! Stay away from the mints!!! Just keep on lookin for Sparky! LMAO! THAT is too good! HAD to green ya for that one!

        My hopes for the season three promo shots...

        -Take Teyla out of the Xena wear and make her look more military expeditionish. Yeah, we all know she has gorgeous legs but let's not be so crassy with it guys. Teyla is sexiest when she's not letting it all hang out.

        -Don't over airbrush. A light coat is fine. I like my own photos done that way but let's leave them looking more like photos and less like paintings.

        -More involvement with the semi-regs. As much as I don't trust Caldwell as far as I can throw him, I do enjoy his portrayal. Let's get shots of Lorne, Caldwell, Zelenka, Heightmeyer etc in uniform and some with the regular lead guys too. They really help make the show what it is.

        -My number ONE hope would be to have a semi-shippy pose between our lead duo. I used to love the XF promo shots where they'd have S and M in a cinch or staring lovingly at each other yet that wasn't how it yet was on the show. Would it be too much to have Elizabeth and Sheppard *veryveryclose* to each other in a photo with a little bit of hand action. Nothing over the top mind you but just a hint is always sexy and provocative for the viewers. And it's always fun to sort of 'tinker' with photo shots. Hand Elizabeth a stunner in one of them and let her stare at it. Put Ronon in some dressier clothing or a regular uniform for a one-shot. Explore logical and not so logical fun possibilities in these.

        P.S. I don't mean this pissy-I promise I don't- but rather ask in truthful wonderment. Am I the only one who sometimes looks at the shep/teyla thread that keeps popping up and wonders to themselves, "What in the world do they have to talk about?"
        *sheepish grin*

        Of course, they may look at this thread the same way at the rate we go sometimes but...*shakes head and shuts up*
        Last edited by Bama; 20 February 2006, 05:50 AM.


          Originally posted by Erised
          yay for sci fi channel

          I'm keeping my hopes up for the promo shots. Season 1 were..... okay. Season 2... gorgeous.. Season 3... ok help me out here..
          OK...perfect example here. Make this a real shot. Let him drop one hand lightly to her waist while he stares away and she stares downward to his hand-her own not quite touching but reaching as if to cover it. See? Sexy but not overdone. BTW, if I haven't told sci-fi's marketing dept. just how much I love them lately, well, I DO. *Holds up toast in their honor* Cheers to them for the Sparkyish marketing strategies in early 06!!
          Last edited by Bama; 20 February 2006, 05:51 AM.


            I wouldn't be surprised if we get "couple shots" this year. Season 2, on that front, was about shifting gears. I think Season 3 will more or less cement the direction they're going, and it would make a lot of sense if we get Sheppard/Weir and Ronon/Teyla shots.

            And Bama, I agree with you on Teyla. She's had a vast array of new shirts this season, so maybe they'll show that off. I don't think anyone has missed the fact that Rachel Luttrell is gorgeous. She doesn't need to be half-naked to show that off. (And frankly, the top she was wearing in the pictures last year was so badly tailored that it made her look chubby. I would have thought that was impossible. But the costume people seem to have gotten rid of that top in favor of things that look like they were actually made for her, but I'll not bore you with my theory of what happened to that top to make it look so bad.)

            Getting a lot of the minor characters in for pictures would be fun, but a lot of it depends on when the pictures are taken. Last year's were probably taken during Runner, and the second set we got during the first year (the ones on the white backgrounds) were taken during Underground. So to get Lorne or Zelenka or any of the other recurring characters in there, the actors would have to be either not busy or in the episode going on when they decide to do the pictures. But here's hoping.

            On a different note, I felt I should give you fair warning on spoilers this year: TPTB have been releasing fewer and fewer sides every year. They've been in Vancouver for a long time now, and they don't necessarily have to go through normal casting channels to get a role filled. Vancouver has a rather small talent pool in comparison to Los Angeles, so don't be surprised if we don't get sides for every episode, even those that heavily involve new characters. Last season there were eight episodes that I had no sides for. If I remember correctly, only three of those didn't involve big parts for new characters.
            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
            Last update: 14 April 2006
            Melyanna's Multimedia
            Last update: 15 February 2006


              Just to add my 2 cents, did anyone see the Season 3 and 4 Farscape promo shots? How nice would John/Liz look in shots like that


                Originally posted by Bama
                -Take Teyla out of the Xena wear and make her look more military expeditionish. Yeah, we all know she has gorgeous legs but let's not be so crassy with it guys. Teyla is sexiest when she's not letting it all hang out.
                They should try covering her, a bit of mystery is always good. When i see Teyla in a state of near undress, i'm like "there it goes scanthily dressed Teyla *roll eyes*". But i remember in TLG when you could catch a glimpse of Elizabeth's navel when she's
                about to stun Rodneykins, and you can spy a tiny bit of skins when she's beating team Lorne. I was like WHOA!!!, Weir!Skin *claps*.

                Is it crazy to go all nuts over like an inch of skin? . We see Teyla's midriff all the time, the way they dress her sometimes it's like a step away from naked, so seeing Teyla skin is like blah, she's nekkid, "who cares?", not like we don't see that on a daily basis.

                Originally posted by Bama
                -My number ONE hope would be to have a semi-shippy pose between our lead duo. I used to love the XF promo shots where they'd have S and M in a cinch or staring lovingly at each other yet that wasn't how it yet was on the show. Would it be too much to have Elizabeth and Sheppard *veryveryclose* to each other in a photo with a little bit of hand action. Nothing over the top mind you but just a hint is always sexy and provocative for the viewers. And it's always fun to sort of 'tinker' with photo shots. Hand Elizabeth a stunner in one of them and let her stare at it. Put Ronon in some dressier clothing or a regular uniform for a one-shot. Explore logical and not so logical fun possibilities in these.
                Not sure about the stunner, but agree on the Shep/Weir promo shoots. It's not like they are kidding anyone with the Sheyla farse anymore . Hello!, we all know who *the* couple is.
                They'll have to make a choice continue playing with a couple that's so blah, we all remember what a great "success" those Teyla/Shep photos were last year *YAWN*. Or they can finally accept the facts, this year they have two hot couples instead of one, two couples that fit perfectly, gosh, it would be such a waste not to do something with them. From what we saw on season 2, i think they're finally getting on track, and season three will be all about T/R, S/W.


                  Good morning and a great big welcome back to the cast and crew of SGA. We here on the Sparky home world are thrilled and excited that Season 3 is about to begin filming. We have high hopes, not just for Sparky but for all aspects of the show. I think you are primed for a truly amazing season of excitement, action, character development, and dare I say romance. We love you, and above all we love Sparky.

                  There, now on with the fun. My husband and I watched Galaxy Quest yesterday, and I'll tell you what if you don't see yourself in those con scenes, you've probably never visited Gateworld. Hee. I think the writers of SGA must have seen this movie a few dozen times, because I could swear I saw actual bits they have used. I love SciFi that doesn't take itself seriously.

                  Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                    Luz, you're not crazy! I was like 'Woa' at the end of BIS bc you can see her back when she leans onto the balcony railings. Btw, she has a beautiful belly.
                    And on the couple shots, don't forget Rodney/Carson.


                      Originally posted by Luz
                      They should try covering her, a bit of mystery is always good. When i see Teyla in a state of near undress, i'm like "there it goes scanthily dressed Teyla *roll eyes*". But i remember in TLG when you could catch a glimpse of Elizabeth's navel when she's
                      about to stun Rodneykins, and you can spy a tiny bit of skins when she's beating team Lorne. I was like WHOA!!!, Weir!Skin *claps*.

                      Is it crazy to go all nuts over like an inch of skin? . We see Teyla's midriff all the time, the way they dress her sometimes it's like a step away from naked, so seeing Teyla skin is like blah, she's nekkid, "who cares?", not like we don't see that on a daily basis.
                      Right-o. Most assume and I guess it's true for some men that they want to see a lot of semi-pornwear on women and see them half-naked all the time. For those, Teyla's wonderwoman wear certainly fits the bill. Doesn't mean I like it a bit though. For others-like me-a healthy heterosexual woman-and some more mature men even they enjoy the wonderment and imagination of what's behind the curtain so to speak. I'd rather be surprised a little-like with Elizabeth's quick
                      navel shot
                      in TLG- and not have it thrust in my face all the time. I *do* have an imagination I like to use and I happen to think it's a very functional one.

                      Same token regarding why Elizabeth and John seems so exciting to me-it's a surprise in a way. They just naturally seem like polar opposites on the surface and are surely the last sort the other thought they'd fall for and yet, here they are-falling nonetheless. Neither are bold and in each other's faces with their attraction but oh boy, is it there between them nonetheless.

                      Not sure about the stunner, but agree on the Shep/Weir promo shoots. It's not like they are kidding anyone with the Sheyla farse anymore . Hello!, we all know who *the* couple is.
                      Exactly. LOL! And farce is a great word for what that attempt has been since day one. Not cruel but just factual.

                      They'll have to make a choice continue playing with a couple that's so blah, we all remember what a great "success" those Teyla/Shep photos were last year *YAWN*.
                      There were Shep/Teyla photos last year? Honestly, sometimes I just shake my head in wonderment. I cannot freakin BELIEVE that after watching those two interact on screen for just ONE scene that they thought that would be 'HOT' in any form or fashion.

                      Or they can finally accept the facts, this year they have two hot couples instead of one, two couples that fit perfectly, gosh, it would be such a waste not to do something with them. From what we saw on season 2, i think they're finally getting on track, and season three will be all about T/R, S/W.
                      I really am hedging my bets that you're correct here. They've got two pairs that look awesome together and have a chance to create a lot of sparks -or spanks- between them. Success is all about making the hand you're dealt work. Tptb weren't prepared for what they got with John and Elizabeth but it happened nonetheless. To their credit, they went out and bought Teyla a Ronon that made not only her a better character but also the cast and team better as a whole. Thus far, tptb have shown excellent signs of adapting and being flexible and they're just darn lucky if you ask me. They've got some beautiful actors with some REAL chemistry that works alongside a great and talented supporting cast. It's not every show that has a chance to have as special a duo with such perfect boiling chemistry at the top of the pyramid though and I hope tptb realizes the specialness of what E/J give them and capitalize on it fully.


                        Originally posted by Bama
                        For others-like me-a healthy heterosexual woman-and some more mature men even they enjoy the wonderment and imagination of what's behind the curtain so to speak. I'd rather be surprised a little-like with Elizabeth's quick navel shot in TLG- and not have it thrust in my face all the time. I *do* have an imagination I like to use and I happen to think it's a very functional one.
                        Heh, reminds me of my brother, who got no end of grief after saying he thought a woman fully dressed was more attractive because it left something for the imagination.

                        Originally posted by Bama
                        There were Shep/Teyla photos last year? Honestly, sometimes I just shake my head in wonderment. I cannot freakin BELIEVE that after watching those two interact on screen for just ONE scene that they thought that would be 'HOT' in any form or fashion.
                        I think she's referring to the first season promos, where the general rule seemed to be "take pictures of Joe with everyone in the cast." I still find it oddly ironic that there was one picture of Sheppard and Teyla that was released in that set, but there were three of Sheppard and Weir. And then in most of the ensemble pictures, Sheppard and Weir were very, very close to each other.
                        Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                        Last update: 14 April 2006
                        Melyanna's Multimedia
                        Last update: 15 February 2006


                          Originally posted by Bama
                          To their credit, they went out and bought Teyla a Ronon that made not only her a better character but also the cast and team better as a whole.
                          LMAO, woman you make it sound like they bought her a puppy .
                          Originally posted by Melyanna
                          I think she's referring to the first season promos, where the general rule seemed to be "take pictures of Joe with everyone in the cast." I still find it oddly ironic that there was one picture of Sheppard and Teyla that was released in that set, but there were three of Sheppard and Weir. And then in most of the ensemble pictures, Sheppard and Weir were very, very close to each other.
                          That one was the same one they put on a magazine that looked like it was photoshopped?. And even when they put Sheppard in one extreme, and Weir in the other (remember that one?), they looked like mummy and daddy and the kids in the middle .


                            After watching all the episodes to date, especially the more recent ones, I have to admit that there seems to be some kind of "chemistry" between Sheppard and Weir. I could be way off base, but it just seems that her concern for him is just a tad more than professional. Just my opinion.
                            On fighting:
                            Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
                            Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


                              Originally posted by Lida
                              After watching all the episodes to date, especially the more recent ones, I have to admit that there seems to be some kind of "chemistry" between Sheppard and Weir. I could be way off base, but it just seems that her concern for him is just a tad more than professional. Just my opinion.
                              Hey Lida! Welcome if you've not been 'round before on this thread! Have a mint and kick your feet up and stay a while! And yeah, Shep and Weir have *some kind* of chemistry I'll say. It's the kind you can't buy or fabricate or create. It's the real thing between a male and female that lets you know there could be something a lot more in time. Elizabeth and John don't tire of each other easily or bore each other. They're drawn to the other whether it be bodily or simply via their constant eye contact. Whatever, they cannot keep their thoughts off the other. And in my experience when a man and woman can't keep their eyes and thoughts off the other....

                     I have to spell it out?

                              Have a sparky!burger to sink you're teeth into as a welcome!
                              Do you prefer the John or Elizabeth beef patty on top? I'll go with John...


                                Just a random thought but Mel, after seeing TLG, I'm *so* back into the whole 'Please, Please! let Elizabeth ask someone for some self-defense training.' I'd love for her to get a chance to physically fight against someone in the future again as herself. If she can't see by now that such would benefit her and give her that 'outlet' she so desperately needs then she's not as smart as I thought she was.

