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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by sunny
    This is Ripley:

    its scary that they alook a little... Liz is still hotter... i think john would like a Ripley!Weir combo!!!


      BIS is my bro's fave eppy... He said it did the conventional time thing by being unconventional... I still don't know what that means ... He has a crush on TH.... It's cute.

      In that one it's again, about showing the weakness... And although it wasn't really an issue w/Shep being concerned about Elizabeth's well being, JF kinda pulled it off in a VERY subtle way, esp in the scene when Rodney comes up from behind them.
      ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~


        Originally posted by sunny
        BIS is my bro's fave eppy... He said it did the conventional time thing by being unconventional... I still don't know what that means ... He has a crush on TH.... It's cute.

        In that one it's again, about showing the weakness... And although it wasn't really an issue w/Shep being concerned about Elizabeth's well being, JF kinda pulled it off in a VERY subtle way, esp in the scene when Rodney comes up from behind them.
        i totally agree!!!!!
        ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


          I made a manip and I'm trying to get all the mileage out of it I can cause...okay, I'm just a feedback whore. Let me know what you think!

          --deleted to play by the rules! Thank everyone for the comments though!
          Last edited by Jyorraku; 09 January 2006, 05:52 PM.


            Good mornin'

            Thank you all for the lovely and many Birthday greetings...I have to work today, so my happyness is a bit dimmed.... and I feel so old now with a 2 in front of my age *lol*

            Originally posted by sunny
            Ou, YAY! I LOVE the ocean....

            Uh, so yeah... Can I ask: What made you guys/girls a Shep/Weir shipper?

            For me it was definitely the balcony-scene in Underground * *

            As for Torri...I think she is much more feminin than Sigourney Weaver...but yes they have very similar features


              Originally posted by Lexa Jayde
              HELL YEAH.... John/Delenn are a great ship for the PTB to look at for an example of a great relationship for John and Liz!!!!!
              Yep, I agree, but that ship was an integral part of the story arc that JMS had planned out from day one, so it fitted, it was natural. PTB in this case, as far as I can see, have said very little or none at all and I have to wonder if they have a plan at all. If they don't, I don't see how they can make it work.


                Originally posted by Jyorraku
                I made a manip and I'm trying to get all the mileage out of it I can cause...okay, I'm just a feedback whore. Let me know what you think!

                A little bigger...

                The pictures are from Atlantica and the original pic is a fragrance ad. No brushes were harmed during the headpasting & coloring process.
                Damn! Just...damn...."thats excellent" just doesnt even cover it..

                Lovebar made by natz099
                My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                  Originally posted by Bama
                  AC, that is an excellent, well-reasoned post with many good points. My response remains the same though. If they remain as each other's *significant other*, how in the world can they possibly ever be with anyone else in a romantic relationship sense and it work? It's just not remotely logical imo to put them with anyone else based on the 'significant other' cornerstone that we've seen laid in seasons one and two.
                  Well I think that in real life, you would always hope to be best friend with your "significant other", however, this is the world of PTB, so who knows? The PTB may not see them as significant others to each other, just as friends.


                    Originally posted by Jyorraku
                    I made a manip and I'm trying to get all the mileage out of it I can cause...okay, I'm just a feedback whore. Let me know what you think!

                    A little bigger...

                    The pictures are from Atlantica and the original pic is a fragrance ad. No brushes were harmed during the headpasting & coloring process.
                    *is dead* This manip is wonderful!

                    Happy Birthday Dorka and welcome here Sunny!


                      Originally posted by Jyorraku
                      I made a manip and I'm trying to get all the mileage out of it I can cause...okay, I'm just a feedback whore. Let me know what you think!

                      A little bigger...

                      The pictures are from Atlantica and the original pic is a fragrance ad. No brushes were harmed during the headpasting & coloring process.
                      That's really beautiful and veeeery sweet... great work...but I guess I told you that already in the LJ


                        That manip was so cute!! i am a newbie here. only my first day!!
                        i am not sure on the internet lingo, so i may be a little confused and a little slow to begin with!!
                        Made by Cheyenne


                          Hey welcome here Pern!


                            Originally posted by Pern
                            That manip was so cute!! i am a newbie here. only my first day!!
                            i am not sure on the internet lingo, so i may be a little confused and a little slow to begin with!!
                            WELCOME IN OUR HALLS PERN


                              Welcome Pern! Love the sig.

                              Sunny in answer to your question I first started shipping after the storm/the eye. The look on his face with the whole "I am going to kill you" thing convinced me that John had feelings for Liz. With Elizabeth it was more gradual, obviously 39:30 of seige II was a huge giveaway, but it was building up before then. I just can't think of any obvious moment for her when is fell into place.

                              Dorka, lol when my sister turned 20 she was so depressed. I probably didn't help by offering to fetch her pension book and Zimmer frame!
                              Don't you want to look beyond the horizon?

                              In the 2 hours and 14 minutes that Torri Higginson was online, there were 272 posts in the Elizabeth Weir Wow Thread. I was responsible for 2 of them. (Oh yeah and Gateworld crashed, but that's not important)

                              Please click here to feed the hungry, protect endangered land, and help fight breast cancer without spending a penny (inspired by the Whistler 84 in Memoriam thread)


                                Originally posted by xfkirsten
                                Ah, yes, the general biology knowledge pays off. I'm a bio major myself, so I at least had that background going into it - and a lot of biologists around to ask anything I didn't know!

                                That's exactly what I love so much about that scene - the willingness to admit weaknesses, which is so uncommon in strong characters these days.
                                When asked if she was in pain, Old!Weir even says in BIS "would we admit it if we were?" Just goes to show how much that moment in The Eye had really thrown her!
                                Very interesting point, Kirsten, and one I hadn't thought of before.
                                You're right. That moment is all the more powerful because of her older self's comment in BIS. It seems so obvious now that I'm amazed no-one's brought it up before!
                                Great thinking!!

