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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    here ya guys go...made another siggy



      Originally posted by Erised
      Yes I think it's more likely that it was TPTB as well.
      It's them and their methods of trying to raise the ratings again. If Joe was trying to do some Sheppard backstory, the girl didn't help him do it.
      Yeah. The idea that tptb like to do alien chick stories is pretty obvious. They have a track record of it on SG1. Not that there's anything wrong with that if you like that sort of thing. It's just in most cases it doesn't allow for a lot of character development within the main cast.
      It'd be interesting to know exactly what Joe saw for John in this episode -- what sort of things from his past that he wanted to reveal.


        Originally posted by Tracy Jane
        Really sorry.

        So, back on topic. Seeing as JF recently said that TPTB haven't written for Shweir particularly, how long do you think we're gonna have to wait?

        Let's look at a few possibilities here regarding Joe's comments...

        a. Joe is stupid.
        b. Joe is blind.
        c. Joe doesn't know what 'John' does or who he looks at and spends all his time with behind his back.
        d. Joe is toeing the 'party' line given originally that hasn't "officially" changed.
        e. Joe is telling the truth and we here are all insane and blind and stupid.
        f. Joe simply feels more comfortable with his friend Rachel and because of that friendship would like Teyla/John to 'go' but doesn't realize himself that there's absolutely no sparky at all between them.
        g. Joe doesn't understand that real sexual tension between romantic interests can't be 'written'.
        h. Joe has no clue and is just tossing out the only thing he can think of.
        i. Joe is messing with the fans heads because he and tptb are fully aware of how many sparky! shippers are 'out there'.
        j. Joe is an incredibly smart man who has been around the 'game' a while and realizes how PR works and that the best way to keep viewers interested is to keep them guessing and wondering and questioning if what they perceive happening between favorite characters and pairs on screen can be believed and that making comments to the contrary will fuel talk and any talk that can be generated about a program or character is a good thing.

        Now, I know which answer I'm leaning towards...


          Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
          here ya guys go...made another siggy

          very nice. I love your Mal and Inara one, too! Aren't they cute?


            Originally posted by alyssa
            Yeah. The idea that tptb like to do alien chick stories is pretty obvious. They have a track record of it on SG1. Not that there's anything wrong with that if you like that sort of thing. It's just in most cases it doesn't allow for a lot of character development within the main cast.
            It'd be interesting to know exactly what Joe saw for John in this episode -- what sort of things from his past that he wanted to reveal.
            Imo they could have let him think alot about his past while he was waiting for rescue. Some flashbacks or stuff. Or he could have talked to this girl. Wouldn't even mind that.


              Originally posted by Bama

              Let's look at a few possibilities here regarding Joe's comments...

              a. Joe is stupid.
              b. Joe is blind.
              c. Joe doesn't know what 'John' does or who he looks at and spends all his time with behind his back.
              d. Joe is toeing the 'party' line given originally that hasn't "officially" changed.
              e. Joe is telling the truth and we here are all insane and blind and stupid.
              f. Joe simply feels more comfortable with his friend Rachel and because of that friendship would like Teyla/John to 'go' but doesn't realize himself that there's absolutely no sparky at all between them.
              g. Joe doesn't understand that real sexual tension between romantic interests can't be 'written'.
              h. Joe has no clue and is just tossing out the only thing he can think of.
              i. Joe is messing with the fans heads because he and tptb are fully aware of how many sparky! shippers are 'out there'.
              j. Joe is an incredibly smart man who has been around the 'game' a while and realizes how PR works and that the best way to keep viewers interested is to keep them guessing and wondering and questioning if what they perceive happening between favorite characters and pairs on screen can be believed and that making comments to the contrary will fuel talk and any talk that can be generated about a program or character is a good thing.

              Now, I know which answer I'm leaning towards...
              BAMA!! Nice list... I'm leaning towards i. and j. Joe's obviously an intelligent guy. You just have to read an interview with him, look at his educational background, read the foreward in the Atlantis season 1 book.
              He's not dumb. I think he likes to tease people. That's what he's doing.
              If he was the type to go online, which I've read he's not, he'd probably be sitting in front of his computer killing himself laughing at the stir he's caused! As it is, he's probably getting reports back from the self-confessed computer nerd, David Hewlett!
              The thing is, Joe seems to have a dry, sarcastic sort of humour. His comments probably aren't being taken the way they're intended by a lot of people.
              Bama, what do you think? What's your leaning on this???


                Originally posted by Bama

                Let's look at a few possibilities here regarding Joe's comments...

                a. Joe is stupid.
                b. Joe is blind.
                c. Joe doesn't know what 'John' does or who he looks at and spends all his time with behind his back.
                d. Joe is toeing the 'party' line given originally that hasn't "officially" changed.
                e. Joe is telling the truth and we here are all insane and blind and stupid.
                f. Joe simply feels more comfortable with his friend Rachel and because of that friendship would like Teyla/John to 'go' but doesn't realize himself that there's absolutely no sparky at all between them.
                g. Joe doesn't understand that real sexual tension between romantic interests can't be 'written'.
                h. Joe has no clue and is just tossing out the only thing he can think of.
                i. Joe is messing with the fans heads because he and tptb are fully aware of how many sparky! shippers are 'out there'.
                j. Joe is an incredibly smart man who has been around the 'game' a while and realizes how PR works and that the best way to keep viewers interested is to keep them guessing and wondering and questioning if what they perceive happening between favorite characters and pairs on screen can be believed and that making comments to the contrary will fuel talk and any talk that can be generated about a program or character is a good thing.

                Now, I know which answer I'm leaning towards...

                Shep/Weir forever and ever!!!!!
                gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                love Torri


                  Originally posted by seetheship
                  SallyLizzie time again .........Not "Sparky" per se , but interesting interviews with both TH & JF about their work on SGA during S2 and a little info about what`s up for S3. Follow the link at

                  this is awesome! You guys must read this


                    Originally posted by alyssa
                    This must be frustrating for someone like JF who actually has the ability to write, the ideas to put into a story, to come up with something and then have it changed so much. But he still got a writing credit, right?
                    It would have been interesting to see what he wanted to do with his character -- to give John more depth and give people a greater understanding. I guess that's the tough thing about being the 'star' of the show, and trying to be a writer. You don't have the time to be all things to all people!
                    He got the story credit, along with Brad Wright, who actually wrote the screenplay, I believe. Joe had wanted to write the episode himself, but I think he said at a con or in an interview that he didn't feel he could do the story justice while also doing the rest of his job. I was disappointed that he didn't write it himself, but it's certainly commendable that he let someone else if he didn't feel like he could do it well. His role seems to be a lot more demanding than, say, Christopher Judge, whose four SG-1 episodes – The Warrior, The Changeling, Birthright, and Sacrifices – are my favorites of the series.

                    And smallgirl, once again, I could not agree with your assessment more. John's already a loner, and while the last two seasons have shown that he's not naturally a loner, it wasn't terribly interesting to strand him somewhere. The original concept would have made it work, as I don't think he really felt abandoned and emotionally isolated until after the whole Afghanistan incident, but without that story line, there wasn't much resonance in the story that resulted.

                    And on a mildly related note, something occurred to me last night while I was working on Revelation. John was obviously in Afghanistan, and was probably in Kosovo before that, but those are probably the only times he'd been in combat before coming to Atlantis. (This is assuming that he missed the first Gulf War by a year or two.) Elizabeth, as a UN negotiator, has probably been in more war zones than he has, and has probably seen more of the nastier sides of combat than he has as a pilot. Discuss.
                    Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                    Last update: 14 April 2006
                    Melyanna's Multimedia
                    Last update: 15 February 2006


                      Originally posted by alyssa
                      very nice. I love your Mal and Inara one, too! Aren't they cute?

                      yea, i love mal and inara too


                        Originally posted by alyssa
                        BAMA!! Nice list...
                        Bama, what do you think? What's your leaning on this???
                        Thanks Aly...

                        I'm leaning toward 'e' myself.


                          WOW, I've been away at work for 4 days and I come on today and see I have a lot of catching up to do here!!!!! By the way WELOME TERRA!!!!!!


                            Originally posted by Bama
                            Thanks Aly...

                            I'm leaning toward 'e' myself.

                            You so are not leaning towards e. miss great analytical mind!


                              Originally posted by Melyanna
                              Elizabeth, as a UN negotiator, has probably been in more war zones than he has, and has probably seen more of the nastier sides of combat than he has as a pilot. Discuss.
                              Now that's some thinkin right there. That's what 'writing' will do to you.
                              Very interesting thought again Mel. I'd venture to say that not only has Elizabeth 'seen' the nastier sides of war that she's also been more privy to the true actions of both sides and has seen and understood as a diplomat the reasoning of the 'enemy'. That ability to 'see' and understand the enemies thinking and perspective alone makes her invaluable to the SGA expedition. I really like this line of thought for what it offers characterwise that would allow John and Elizabeth to find in common. They have shared experiences in war if from different ends of the same spectrum. There are some premo writing opportunities awaiting that would show just how John and Elizabeth can reconcile their own ideas and ideals based on their past jobs/experiences with each other's views as well as how to mesh those two views and experiences into dealing with the new enemy. I really feel that's the way tptb are taking us too. The
                              black-clad joint interrogation scene upcoming should be a real treat for us and could be a real peek into the treasure chest of ideas that brought these two professionals to be where they are today.
                              What's fabulous about J/E is how they truly trust and care about each other enough to listen and consider each other. From the beginning, there has been some invisible bond between them; some special chemistry working that allows them to reach the other when seemingly no one else can. This show has been built on that cornerstone and that's why, to these ears, talk of John/anyone else or Elizabeth/anyone else seems so trivial and ridiculous in comparison.
                              Last edited by Bama; 07 January 2006, 12:14 PM.


                                Originally posted by Melyanna

                                And on a mildly related note, something occurred to me last night while I was working on Revelation. John was obviously in Afghanistan, and was probably in Kosovo before that, but those are probably the only times he'd been in combat before coming to Atlantis. (This is assuming that he missed the first Gulf War by a year or two.) Elizabeth, as a UN negotiator, has probably been in more war zones than he has, and has probably seen more of the nastier sides of combat than he has as a pilot. Discuss.
                                I don't know if I believe Elizabeth has seen more than John. But I've always wondered if he was more than a pilot. He seems to be a little too well trained to be just a pilot, Black Ops maybe? He obviously knows more than the basic.

