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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Freefall
    (((((astronomicalchick))))) Thanks!
    I take it that you've all heard of the "Give Lizzie a gun Campaign" right?
    Haha!! Yep sure have - I believe it was Natushka who started that one!!! Or maybe Smish...*thinks*...nope pretty sure twas Natushka!!

    Originally posted by astronomicalchick
    Angel of Fire, is writing a follow on from the end of Siege II which is excellent too.
    Thanks astro!! There WAS another chapter of that about to come but my computer died and took it with it...massive ship in it too *cries* Spent so long writing that scene...*sighs*

    RE: Weir & McKay

    Sooo much like me & my brother that its just scary...cept I'd have to say that our personalities aren't really likes theirs - but its the same interaction!!

    If they got together I'd have to say I'd be AFRAID!! Very afraid...

    RE: Sheppard & Weir

    Not sure I even want TPTB to do anything with these too...cept for moments like 39:30...

    For now I'm happy with small things that can be interpreted either way by whoever. That way everyone's happy and it doesnt turn into war like with SG-1 shippers...

    *thinks back to X-philes fandom*

    Or that...LOL...or anything really...

    Although the Teyla/Shep people seem to think this is war...*shrugs*

    I hope the writers don't listen to the fans at all - and just do what they want!!! That's what writers are hired for, writing...not listening to the fans and doing what they want

    That's why we have fan fic!!


      There's a lot of fast and furious posting in this thread today...

      I call myself a non-shipper rather than an anti-shipper because I am not entirely against romance in a television show. I do not dislike it but occasionally I fear it because more often than not it overwhelms the storyline to the detriment of the original premise. In general I'm not keen on ship in scifi because IMO it gets in the way of pacing in general and in scifi, pacing is king. I don't support the Sam and Jack ship because it came fast and early on in the piece, without allowing us to firstly buy into the characters and their personalities. And also because I don't see their relationship on that level. SG1 was touted as an adventure piece, going off world, exploring other planets and then out of the blue, we are told that they care for each other more than they should. I didn't buy it...

      That said, I think ship could work in Atlantis in the way it worked in B5. We get to know the characters, we see them in their best and worst and we grow to understand what makes them tick. The tension aids this in no small measure. Conflict between characters are played and they have a consistent understanding of one another's personalities warts and all. To me that is the basis of a real relationship, to see your opposite in ugly moments and still have respect and affection for them. I'm really pleased that TPTB have worked hard at developing some of the main characters in Atlantis and when they do eventually introduce any kind of ship, I hope that it'll make sense. I am not so naive to think that they won't do it at all but would prefer that they will subvert it to the main arc.

      If there is one ship that I think will work in Atlantis, it is this one... for all the reasons that has been previously stated. Of the two female leads, Weir is the one I can relate to best. I'm not keen on Teyla because I just don't think that she has been developed very consistently. For an alien, she isn't very alien... as a human I find her too mechanical. Perhaps my view is coloured by my work with immigrants and international students but I just don't find her alienness sufficiently played out... not even in The Gift.
      So it is hardly surprising then that I prefer Weir, as a nice counterbalance to Sheppard. Not just because I like both characters but because of what they've been through together and that they have profound respect for one another... and they have had to earn this mutual respect the hard way. There are other things too... they seem to understand each other too... the brief looks... the looks of recognition. To me they look like two human beings on the same wavelength. Consequently the thought of romance between them is not quite as repugnant. If TPTB are going to go the distance with this one, I hope they see "distance" as the operative word.

      So I'm here because I have a lot of respect for the way you all think. Apart from this and the Thor/Sam ship thread (which appeals to my sense of the absurd), I REALLY am a non-shipper...
      "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


        Originally posted by Freefall
        persephone- You created that masterpiece of a video!?! one word=wow
        I wish I could do suff like that......
        Most music videos don't work on my computer *sniff* but yours do, and it was by far the best I have seen so far. Yay!
        Make more.....soon!
        Freefall!! It's pretty easy to make vids if you have the eps on ur comp. Just play aruond with Windows Movie Maker!!!

        I think all Windows XP comps at least should have it!!

        We'd be happy to have u making us more Sheppard/Weir videos

        By the way...



          Originally posted by Easter Lily
          I call myself a non-shipper rather than an anti-shipper because I am not entirely against romance in a television show. I do not dislike it but occasionally I fear it because more often than not it overwhelms the storyline to the detriment of the original premise. In general I'm not keen on ship in scifi because IMO it gets in the way of pacing in general and in scifi, pacing is king. I don't support the Sam and Jack ship because it came fast and early on in the piece, without allowing us to firstly buy into the characters and their personalities. And also because I don't see their relationship on that level. SG1 was touted as an adventure piece, going off world, exploring other planets and then out of the blue, we are told that they care for each other more than they should. I didn't buy it...

          So I'm here because I have a lot of respect for the way you all think. Apart from this and the Thor/Sam ship thread (which appeals to my sense of the absurd), I REALLY am a non-shipper...
          Ditto on that. Not much else to add, everybody's covered everything.

          Sam/Jack I can pretend like it never happened. My mind can edit, though the true test of my brain's selective processing will be on Thursday when I watch Threads.


            Originally posted by Persephone
            I made my first fanfid ever. An Atlantis one, basically a focus on Seige Part II, so... spoilers abound. Here's a link from USendIt. I hope it works, because I don't have a website. LOL.

            It's about 5MB

            Persephone. . what a wonderful video! Highly recommended for everyone (but there are a few spoilers). Big thumbs up!

            When all else fails, change channels.


              Originally posted by Angel of Fire SG1
              Although the Teyla/Shep people seem to think this is war...*shrugs*
              *gives confused look* Ohhhh you mean the slogan? As the person who wrote it I can tell you it's mostly poking fun at shep/weir's seeming all-emcompesingness of Atlantis ships.
              Originally posted by Angel of Fire SG1
              I hope the writers don't listen to the fans at all - and just do what they want!!! That's what writers are hired for, writing...not listening to the fans and doing what they want

              That's why we have fan fic!!
              I agree wholeheartedly! oh and I must admit I have read monopoly on and LOVED it! fanfic Shepperd/Weir is kinda fun! (don't tell the other shepmagans I said that! )
              Last edited by gatelover12; 02 March 2005, 06:34 PM. Reason: remove word that shep/weir ppl find offensive


                Originally posted by gatelover12
                *gives confused look* Ohhhh you mean the slogan? As the person who wrote it I can tell you it's mostly poking fun at shwier's seeming all-emcompesingness of Atlantis ships.
                It might be a good idea to communicate that many of us don't find it funny. Many of us find it childish, silly, and the general attitude causes much unpleasentness.

                The world is about perception, not intent. It really doesn't matter what it was intended as. It's been percieved as hostility.


                  Originally posted by gatelover12
                  *gives confused look* Ohhhh you mean the slogan? As the person who wrote it I can tell you it's mostly poking fun at shwier's seeming all-emcompesingness of Atlantis ships.
                  Lol actually wasn't referring to the slogan...I haven't read it....

                  But was just saying how there's MASSIVE amounts of posts about nothing really inparticular....


                  Let's not let this turn nasty


                    I'm having nice "peace talks" in the Sheppard/Teyla thread, to try and end unpleasentness.


                      Wow, there was some a bunch thoughtful posts today. There was so much I wanted to reply too, but I some how managed to refrain from postin until I read all two pages I was behind on.

                      First things first...WELCOME FREEFALL!!

                      I've said once and I'll say it again. Mckay/Weir doesn't work for me, like others have said I see it as a sibling relationship. And the moment that Liv was pointing out in"The Gift" I could see the sibling like relationship when
                      Elizabeth holds out her finger for them to wait and Rodney goes "what does (holds up finger) that mean?"

                      Even in "Hide & Seek", when Elizabeth suggests that Rodney should catch the energy blob, and the personal shield drops off she just kind smiles and rolls her eyes like an older sister would do to a younger brother who's making up excuses to avoid doing work.

                      As for Shep/Teyla...let's just say if there is an Anti-Sheyla thread made I'll be camping out there as well.

                      Originally posted by gatelover12
                      oh and I must admit I have read monopoly on and LOVED it! fanfic shweir is kinda fun! (don't tell the other shepmagans I said that! )
                      Why thank you gatelover. I'm glad you enjoyed "Monopoly".


                        Originally posted by Major Fischer
                        I'm having nice "peace talks" in the Sheppard/Teyla thread, to try and end unpleasentness.
                        Noticed...keep up the good work!!

                        We need some peace...

                        I posted there and suggested we all play nice for a while!! lol


                          Originally posted by Persephone
                          I made my first fanfid ever. An Atlantis one, basically a focus on Seige Part II, so... spoilers abound. Here's a link from USendIt. I hope it works, because I don't have a website. LOL.

                          It's about 5MB

                          I just got a chance to watch the vid. It's really good Persephone. I really liked it!


                            we're all gaters, and shippers.. each of us has their ships... let's play nice kiddies my best friend is a sheir fan... i dont hold that against her.. we're still friends... these threads are about having fun and enjoying the discussions. so what do ya say.. peace.

                            i may not post here that much (tis second postin to this thread.) i don't want to start a war. we're all here to have fun.. I'm more of a laid back shipper, I support each of you in your ship. there are moments between shep/liz (the eye is actually the only one where i can see the possiblity.)

                            we are a diverse group. that's what makes the ship threads fun

                            *goes back to lurking.*


                              yeah, only the eye has any Shep\Weir moments... sure, if thats what you want to think.

                              Advice For The New Millenium: A watched torrent never downloads.


                                Thanks Freefall, FoolishPleasure, and Athena! I'm so excited about all the good response.
                                "Someone duplicated the duplicators?"

                                ~ Jack; Smoke and Mirrors



                                Amelia's Violin - a Jonas/ OC romance. Version 2.0. New, improved, and COMPLETE!!!

                                A Day in the life of Sparky:

                                ...???... ......!!!.....[ ]..............!!!... .........

                                The End!!

