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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Erised
    I know what you mean. In Siege III, when John is trying to contact Elizabeth after the shields went up, he was calling specifially for Elizabeth, and it just sounded so beautiful! Him saying her name combined with fear for her life, just makes it soo much more sparky!
    "Don't scare me like that" awwww
    I was jumping up and down in my seat at that point. That's what converted me!!!
    Yepp, it's blank down here.


      Originally posted by Vixen
      I'm not a fan of those nicknames either. I really like Elizabeth and also hope John or anyone else to never use the other versions. It's a timeless and elegant name like our lady and well, Queen Elizabeth of Atlantis doesn't have a bad ring to it either

      And honestly hearing the name "Elizabeth" coming out of John's mouth sounds beautiful and (in intimate moments) even a bit sensual than any other version of it.
      Good point Vix. ( I shorten everything normally but as many names as I deal with in my job, it's a rather natural thing. )

      I rather like the chance at sensuality that her name gives coming off of John's lips too. With four syllabbles, it gives him a chance to slur or drawl it out it with emotions such as pain, excitement, anger or just plain ol fiery desire.


        Add to that the fact that "Lizzie" is what we call my grandmother and you can see how Shep saying it all the time would get dang creepy.


          Originally posted by Reyclou
          Add to that the fact that "Lizzie" is what we call my grandmother and you can see how Shep saying it all the time would get dang creepy.
          Oh.... no. Plus when I hear Lizzy I just think Dizzy (we have a friend we call Dizzy Lizzy) and she's not dippy at all!
          Yepp, it's blank down here.


            Originally posted by Vixen
            I'm not a fan of those nicknames either. I really like Elizabeth and also hope John or anyone else to never use the other versions. It's a timeless and elegant name like our lady and well, Queen Elizabeth of Atlantis doesn't have a bad ring to it either
            I don't mind Lizzie so much, mostly because of Elizabeth Bennet. Though if I remember correctly (it's been a while since I read Pride and Prejudice), Darcy only called her Miss Bennet or Elizabeth.

            Originally posted by Vixen
            And honestly hearing the name "Elizabeth" coming out of John's mouth sounds beautiful and (in intimate moments) even a bit sensual than any other version of it.
            I agree completely. There's something about the name that just fits her, and the way of John says it in various situations works even better. And I really like the fact that it took him a while to start calling her that.

            Professionally, though, she'll always be Doctor Weir, unless she gets a title bump. Because she published her dissertation as Weir and has done all of her work under that name, it'd be very difficult for her to change her name.
            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
            Last update: 14 April 2006
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              On the nickname front, I would not go further than "Liz". "Lizzie" should be kept to annoy her from time to time! I definately agree that Teyla should be there to encourage the two to get together, she does seem to be very insightful.

              Oh yeah, chapter 7 of white silk is up, in which the title finally makes sense (hopefully!):
              Don't you want to look beyond the horizon?

              In the 2 hours and 14 minutes that Torri Higginson was online, there were 272 posts in the Elizabeth Weir Wow Thread. I was responsible for 2 of them. (Oh yeah and Gateworld crashed, but that's not important)

              Please click here to feed the hungry, protect endangered land, and help fight breast cancer without spending a penny (inspired by the Whistler 84 in Memoriam thread)


                I can't see her changing to Dr Sheppard. She will be Dr Weir. But..... I dunno what my point was.
                Yepp, it's blank down here.


                  Originally posted by mentalmichael
                  On the nickname front, I would not go further than "Liz". "Lizzie" should be kept to annoy her from time to time! I definately agree that Teyla should be there to encourage the two to get together, she does seem to be very insightful.
                  Can't you just see Teyla comforting Elizabeth the next time John goes on a suicide mission?
                  Oh yeah, chapter 7 of white silk is up, in which the title finally makes sense (hopefully!):
                  I love you! thank you!


                    Originally posted by Erised
                    Can't you just see Teyla comforting Elizabeth the next time John goes on a suicide mission?
                    Yes exactly, like in suspicion as the athosians leave, Elizabeth came over to talk to Teyla, and then in Intruder, Teyla tells Zelenka to give Elizabeth a minute. At the moment she's just being a friend to each of them (prob more with john than with Elizabeth, but in time she will be a friend for both of them together, if that makes any sense.
                    Don't you want to look beyond the horizon?

                    In the 2 hours and 14 minutes that Torri Higginson was online, there were 272 posts in the Elizabeth Weir Wow Thread. I was responsible for 2 of them. (Oh yeah and Gateworld crashed, but that's not important)

                    Please click here to feed the hungry, protect endangered land, and help fight breast cancer without spending a penny (inspired by the Whistler 84 in Memoriam thread)


                      I got the DVD set for Christmas and have been busy listening to commentaries. Some interesting things have been revealed. They are all good, but the ones with Rachel and Paul are adorable. I just love them now. I think it was in Childhood's End that Paul and Martin Gero were teasing her about her possible romantic connections. They mentioned Sheppard specifically and asked her if they would get together in S2. She said, and I'm paraphrasing, that Teyla had her eye on someone else. Hmm? Wonder who? Rachel and Torri are also particularly good together, and there's a bit at the end of The Defiant One that the folks on Shep's whump thread will love. Nothing much S/W though.

                      As for the nicknames, I like the idea of his teasing her with Liz. But only in private. I've mentioned before that it seems like he adds another syllable to her name. I thought he said "Lizbeth" when they had the radioromance in Condemned. Possibly again just Joe trying not to miss the L and call her Ewizabeth. He has enough problems right now without his detractors going back to calling him Elmer Fudd. Forget I said that.

                      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                        Originally posted by mentalmichael
                        Oh yeah, chapter 7 of white silk is up, in which the title finally makes sense (hopefully!):
                        Awww... I love the new chapter really great Fanfiction

                        Hm, I don't know...At the moment I think Teyla is more seeing Johns feelings than Elizabeth' and I think at the moment Elizabeth wouldn't talk with Teyla about this one...she'd tell her the same, she told Caldwell, she even would tell this John IF he would ask her, but we all know he wont


                          Originally posted by Melyanna
                          I don't mind Lizzie so much, mostly because of Elizabeth Bennet. Though if I remember correctly (it's been a while since I read Pride and Prejudice), Darcy only called her Miss Bennet or Elizabeth.
                          Hehe, I was going to say that, but then I saw your post.

                          I believe Darcy does only call her Miss Bennet or Elizabeth in the book. Then again I can't thing of Darcy every calling anyone by their nicknames.

                          Now John on the other hand...he might do just it just for the heck of it.


                            I agree with all those who prefer for her to keep being called Elizabeth. It does sound more elegant and respectful than the alternatives and also in the case of John using it in particular, it has a softer sound. The only shortening I wouldn't mind, for private use only, would be Beth. 'Liz' sounds too harsh to my ear, 'Lizzie' is okay as a pet name used by family from childhood. I have friends called Elizabeth, who were both shorted to Liz and is was fine for them but for this character, it just doesn't sound right to me.

                            On a similar note, my mother and another woman of around about my mother's age were only discussing the other day how although they are both called Jennifer, lots of people call them Jenny for short. Neither have encouraged it but neither have welcomed it either, as they only ever refer to themselves as Jennifer. Some people just automatically shorten names. Both were called Jennifer most of the time by all family members but both were occasionally called 'Jen' as a pet name by their fathers. Both of their husbands originally called them Jenny as that was what other people refered to them as but both over time without pressure from their wives have chosen to call them Jennifer as it somehow sounds more elegant and yet more personal at the same time.
                            ~ Esther~ My Live Journal
                            FBI - Body Preservation Division


                              Originally posted by smallgirl
                              On a similar note, my mother and another woman of around about my mother's age were only discussing the other day how although they are both called Jennifer, lots of people call them Jenny for short. Neither have encouraged it but neither have welcomed it either, as they only ever refer to themselves as Jennifer. Some people just automatically shorten names. Both were called Jennifer most of the time by all family members but both were occasionally called 'Jen' as a pet name by their fathers. Both of their husbands originally called them Jenny as that was what other people refered to them as but both over time without pressure from their wives have chosen to call them Jennifer as it somehow sounds more elegant and yet more personal at the same time.
                              That's kind of funny. My name is Jennie. Just plain Jennie, not short for Jennifer or anything, just Jennie, but people that I've just meet insist on calling me Jennifer almost every single time. I have no idea why, but it happens quite often.


                                On the same note, although I'm Tracy Jane, people call me Trace an awful lot. I hate that. Tracy and TJ I'm used to, but Trace.....ugh.

                                I used to think that Liz would be an ok shortening for Elizabeth because she seemed quite harsh, but now she's softened up and such, Liz doesn't cut it. And neither does Beth, really.
                                Yepp, it's blank down here.

