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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Southern Red
    Thanks. I feel a little better, but the Beavis and Butthead crowd thinks he "got some." Ick to infinity. Once again they leave something open to interpretation not to offend any fandom. Which of course ends up offending just about all of us. Now "they" can say he probably lied to Elizabeth. *heaving huge sigh* Adolescent boys (mentally) writing for adolescent boys of all ages. (Yes, Joe Flanigan that includes you.) But with my rosy shippy glasses with the tasteful rhinestone frames back firmly in place, I see the
    balcony scene as a very very good thing. They listened to us screaming for it and brought it back or huge coincidence? You choose. So, now just so we have this straight. He turned down a naked, willing and eager woman and the chance to be king. Came home where all that was required of him was to report to his "boss" that they had acquired some much needed items, but he chooses to emphasize the woman part? Wouldn't this be potentially embarassing? My son's boss is a woman. I can't see him telling her after a business trip that he did XYZ and oh by the way, I had a chance to bag a naked chick but passed. Hunh uh. So, advantage Lizzie. She definitely has the upper hand at this point.
    And squee!
    They can say he probably lied to Elizabeth, but the way he said it didn't look like a lie. It was more of a mixed between a confession/embarressment/teasing amusement in his tone that doesn't come across as lying.

    I guess he was trying to get some sort of reaction from her. You generally don't say things like that unless you want a reaction.


      Originally posted by Athenaktt
      To be honest I was excited about "TLG" before I heard about the whole
      kiss and the body possession. For me having Elizabeth kicking butt is enough for me to be excited. The kiss and the whole "cares for you more than you know line" are some very welcomed extra Sparkiness I look forward to.
      so was I, but what I meant was that they're saving all the sparky moments for next time, and "The Tower" was kind of a warm up IMO


        The Balcony Scene (for anyone who is interested).


          Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
          The Balcony Scene (for anyone who is interested).
          Doesn't seem like he is meeting her eye-to-eye when he tells her about the hot babe. *LOL*

          When all else fails, change channels.


            [Melyanna=QUOTE]Well... Yes, I suppose you're right. I rather suspect that had it been Elizabeth, John wouldn't have been quite so willing to send her packing.

            I'm still very amused that John actually brought it up at the end. And that the writers threw in a scene which would normally only appear in fic.[/QUOTE]

            You know, usually reading that the writers threw in something that would normally appear in fic would make me cringe. But the quality of sparky I've read makes me very happy. And I haven't even seen this ep. yet.


              Well okay. Just watched the scene in question. Hmmm. Very interesting.
              He does not seem to be able to meet her eye.Hmmm. Tosses out the "got the girl" line along with other info. Weir doesn't bite. In fact she seems to care less. Then he has to make sure she knows he turned the girl down. Hmmm. And then at the end with the king part. He definitely, unequivocally. looks at her to guage her reaction.
              I seriously love this. It's a dance people. And the music has barely begun.

              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                Doesn't seem like he is meeting her eye-to-eye when he tells her about the hot babe. *LOL*
                Just watched the scene..and I totally agree.
                He didn't seem too happy that he 'got the girl'.
                I would have expected him to have this grin on his face but he didn't, he sort of had this 'oh why does it keep happening to me!' expression on his face

                Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                  Just watched the clip! Love you blue!!! And might I say, 'OH PLEASE~!'

                  What the heck are some of these people watching to say John 'got some' and was 'lying to Elizabeth'!? He so was NOT. He told her the truth and he phrased it just how he wanted to that best probed her reactions and got her attention on him in the 'new' way he's wanting it. I hope we know John Sheppard well enough to know he would not freakin LIE to Elizabeth that way and I think I know him well enough that he would NEVER throw up something so personal in her face in such a way if it had actually happened! Please. Some of these people obviously think very little of these characters to make such a dumbass assumption. And yeah, that's what it is. It's beyond lame and just insulting to both characters and their trustful and established relationship! That scene is *very* important for a couple of reasons. One, you guys point out is that they very *intentionally* brought back the balcony scene. (YES! I think they DO listen to our wishes a little!) and two, John is FREAKING PROBING WITH THAT REMARK!! That's the kind of remark that a guy tosses out to gauge a girl's reaction to see if she shows signs of jealousy or if she'll be surprised or if she'll ask questions. John is TEASING Elizabeth there with a *personal* male/female innuendo.
                  Ever heard him tease Teyla or any other woman with such. DADGUM! This is important people! As southern said above, the mating dance has begun and the music has just started!!! True...oh so doggone true!


                    Originally posted by Bama
                    Just watched the clip! Love you blue!!! And might I say, 'OH PLEASE~!'

                    What the heck are some of these people watching to say John 'got some' and was 'lying to Elizabeth'!? He so was NOT. He told her the truth and he phrased it just how he wanted to that best probed her reactions and got her attention on him in the 'new' way he's wanting it. I hope we know John Sheppard well enough to know he would not freakin LIE to Elizabeth that way and I think I know him well enough that he would NEVER throw up something so personal in her face in such a way if it had actually happened! Please. Some of these people obviously think very little of these characters to make such a dumbass assumption. And yeah, that's what it is. It's beyond lame and just insulting to both characters and their trustful and established relationship! That scene is *very* important for a couple of reasons. One, you guys point out is that they very *intentionally* brought back the balcony scene. (YES! I think they DO listen to our wishes a little!) and two, John is FREAKING PROBING WITH THAT REMARK!! That's the kind of remark that a guy tosses out to gauge a girl's reaction to see if she shows signs of jealousy or if she'll be surprised or if she'll ask questions. John is TEASING Elizabeth there with a *personal* male/female innuendo.
                    Ever heard him tease Teyla or any other woman with such. DADGUM! This is important people! As southern said above, the mating dance has begun and the music has just started!!! True...oh so doggone true!
                    I know, I'm totally with you on this one! John, lying to Elizabeth? Pleeeasseee....


                      In response to the "Triangle? What triangle?" post made a couple pages back (sorry I'm feeling lazy and sick this morning and not up to going back and quoting it, especially given all the darn database errors) I just wanted to say that I'm refering to TPTB. I personally don't see any chemistry between Shep and Teyla but IMO TPTB are giving all the appearance of trying to play both sides. Little things with Teyla in one ep and stuff with Elizabeth in others. Toying with people is something that TPTB excel at.

                      And in regards to the Conversion
                      kiss being assault and battery I didn't really see it that way. It definately wasn't consensual, but it was more a case of John not being himself. Unfortunately it appears that The Long Goodbye kiss is going to be yet another people not being themselves kiss. Another thing TPTB excel at. Still I'm excited to see it because I want to see if they have the same sort of chemistry kissing as they did during THE HUG

                      It was, is, and always will be GREEN


                        Originally posted by Shipperahoy
                        In response to the "Triangle? What triangle?" post made a couple pages back (sorry I'm feeling lazy and sick this morning and not up to going back and quoting it, especially given all the darn database errors) I just wanted to say that I'm refering to TPTB. I personally don't see any chemistry between Shep and Teyla but IMO TPTB are giving all the appearance of trying to play both sides. Little things with Teyla in one ep and stuff with Elizabeth in others. Toying with people is something that TPTB excel at.

                        And in regards to the Conversion
                        kiss being assault and battery I didn't really see it that way. It definately wasn't consensual, but it was more a case of John not being himself. Unfortunately it appears that The Long Goodbye kiss is going to be yet another people not being themselves kiss. Another thing TPTB excel at. Still I'm excited to see it because I want to see if they have the same sort of chemistry kissing as they did during THE HUG
                        Ah, yeah, what's that saying, try to please everybody and you'll end up pleasing nobody (or something like that).

                        As for TLG moment, what happens before and after will determine how loudly I squee.


                          Oh, and one more thought on John before I get back to icing my red velvet cake.

                          The 'theme' of the scene seems to be
                          "I turned (it all) down." John is wanting Elizabeth to know he that as a good looking male, he had the opportunity to sex it with a hot female but he turned it down. Why did he? That's exactly the question he wants her to ask. He also told her that he turned down the opportunity to be "King". Why? He wants Elizabeth to know that he's happy by her side and that he's not power-hungry or always wanting to grab 'more' for himself. He wants her to know he's satisfied with his job, by her side, in their home. That's important and he thinks it's important for her to know. I found it rather interesting that they placed a discussion about John's opportunity to be a "king" with a sexy "queen" beside him on the balcony of Atlantis as he stood beside the proverbial "queen" of Atlantis. It lends an image that John would rather think of himself as the King of Atlantis by Elizabeth's side.

                          Dang this is good and juicy...

                          Back to cake icing...


                            Originally posted by Bama
                            Just watched the clip! Love you blue!!! And might I say, 'OH PLEASE~!'
                            What the heck are some of these people watching to say John 'got some' and was 'lying to Elizabeth'!?
                            Why would he lie to Elizabeth? One he didn't have to tell her about that women. Two if he was with that women and, didn't have feelings for Weir he would have admit to her. Now what does that say about his feelings for her.

                            Icon Made By LadyBozi


                              Originally posted by Shipperahoy
                              In response to the "Triangle? What triangle?" post made a couple pages back (sorry I'm feeling lazy and sick this morning and not up to going back and quoting it, especially given all the darn database errors) I just wanted to say that I'm refering to TPTB. I personally don't see any chemistry between Shep and Teyla but IMO TPTB are giving all the appearance of trying to play both sides. Little things with Teyla in one ep and stuff with Elizabeth in others. Toying with people is something that TPTB excel at.

                              And in regards to the Conversion
                              kiss being assault and battery I didn't really see it that way. It definately wasn't consensual, but it was more a case of John not being himself. Unfortunately it appears that The Long Goodbye kiss is going to be yet another people not being themselves kiss. Another thing TPTB excel at. Still I'm excited to see it because I want to see if they have the same sort of chemistry kissing as they did during THE HUG
                              Of course SH, you have every right to feel that Conversion er...moment was important in the course of things. I happen to think it had the feel of a plot device myself but that's another subject entirely. Imo, there's no way there's any kind of 'triangle' forming because there's simply no logical progression for such. One 'moment in time' where
                              John was juiced up out of his right mind on wraith bug male aggression juice and Teyla was scared to death
                              does not a relationship triangle possibility make. There's simply nothing else that has been built between John and Teyla on a personal one to one level that logically suggests that it is a possibility to me in the least. When we see John and Teyla out on a balcony-or anywhere else-one on one discussing John's personal life choices, then and only then will I become convinced a true 'triangle' idea is even a possibility.


                                Originally posted by Ebony Wolf
                                Why would he lie to Elizabeth? One he didn't have to tell her about that women. Two if he was with that women and, didn't have feelings for Weir he would have admit to her. Now what does that say about his feelings for her.
                                Exactly. What's the most logical answer for that? John isn't complex in his maleness.
                                Why turn the girl down? She's offering him something as a male, he'd most definitely want! She's offering him a chance for power as well. A chance to be something 'bigger' than he already is.
                                There's no reason he should have turned any of that down unless...

                                He's already very happy with what he has and what he sees the flickering possibility of.

                                John is going out of his way to make sure that Elizabeth knows
                                nothing happened between he and the other woman. Why? What's the logical answer?
                                He sounds like a husband who has been 'seen' in a potentially compromising position with another woman and feels 'guilty' because of it but is hastily reassuring his wife not to worry because "nothing happened". She tried to tempt me babe but I didn't bite...( because you know that I ____ you. )
                                John didn't add last part of the sentence but he's letting Elizabeth begin to figure that part out herself.

                                Gah! I've so got to get busy! You guys are a bad influence on me!
                                Last edited by Bama; 20 December 2005, 11:03 AM.

