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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by alyssa
    The only shippy questions asked in Melbourne were Shep/Weir related. But then again, maybe that was just because Torri was there. If Joe had been there maybe someone would have asked a Sheyla one as well
    Rachel Luttrell was at a con in late Nov. and apparently not one person asked about Shep/Teyla. There was a question about how she liked working with Joe Flanigan, and she said he was a very sweet person, but that was it. However, there seemed to be lots of talk/questions about Ronon and Teyla (of course, she couldn't give a straight answer).

    When all else fails, change channels.


      Originally posted by LurkerLa
      Doing a Sally Lizzie:

      Anyone needing a little Christmas fic should read Where the Love Light Gleams by Vicki James (who wrote the wonderful A Time To Talk).

      I loved this! Thanks for the recommendation!


        Thanks to Alyssa and Erised. Hopefully I'll finish my new one tomorrow... will have to hurry, cuz it's a christmas one

        Oh, and I finally saw GUP...yeah quite late but...
        It was an ok episode...not very outstanding, but not bad either... *g* Rodders calling the Jumper a big lemon ROTFL
        I really loved the sparky-scene... Was it just me or is Torri using an other accent while she's raises her voice. It reminded me of her dialect in "Storm of the Century"!
        I loved the look John and Elizabeth exchanged after Radek left her office to prepare for the trip They are such a great team together...!
        Sam in it was...well o.k but thinking of maybe s3 with more of her I'm still concerned. It just brought too much an SG1-hint!


          Originally posted by Dorka
          Thanks to Alyssa and Erised. Hopefully I'll finish my new one tomorrow... will have to hurry, cuz it's a christmas one

          Oh, and I finally saw GUP...yeah quite late but...
          It was an ok episode...not very outstanding, but not bad either... *g* Rodders calling the Jumper a big lemon ROTFL
          I really loved the sparky-scene... Was it just me or is Torri using an other accent while she's raises her voice. It reminded me of her dialect in "Storm of the Century"!
          I loved the look John and Elizabeth exchanged after Radek left her office to prepare for the trip They are such a great team together...!
          Sam in it was...well o.k but thinking of maybe s3 with more of her I'm still concerned. It just brought too much an SG1-hint!
          I know what you mean. The "good job, John" kind of look, right?


            Thanks for the piccy's

            Yeah or a *Thanks for helping me with this*-look


              Originally posted by Melyanna
              Darn it, that's locked. With any luck, she'll have it up on FFN soon, though. I'm really enjoying that story.
              Jiminy Crickets!! I gotta stop recing fics that are locked. Sorry peeps


                Originally posted by Erised
                Stare at that 'look' long and hard. Folks, *that* is an intimate look between two people that trust and care for each other. It's a look that isn't given to *anyone* else. It's a look that is reserved for *one special person*. That's the way true life couples that are very close can communicate. I know married couples that don't have Shep and Weir's degree of non-verbal communication and affection. And yeah, I used the word affection. They adore each other and whether you think it's just as pals or like many of us, as something potentially much more, you have to look at 'looks' like this passed from one to another and at least admit that the two of them have a special caring for each other that extends to no one else.


                  Two Winter themed banners: (my sister saw them and went "Is that Christmased themed? You are sick!!!" hahaha!)

                  Citizen of Braneville


                    Wiz, OMG I absolutely love it!! You're so good at photoshopping. love it, love it, love it!

                    edit: where is the second one?
                    Originally posted by Bama
                    Stare at that 'look' long and hard. Folks, *that* is an intimate look between two people that trust and care for each other. It's a look that isn't given to *anyone* else. It's a look that is reserved for *one special person*. That's the way true life couples that are very close can communicate. I know married couples that don't have Shep and Weir's degree of non-verbal communication and affection. And yeah, I used the word affection. They adore each other and whether you think it's just as pals or like many of us, as something potentially much more, you have to look at 'looks' like this passed from one to another and at least admit that the two of them have a special caring for each other that extends to no one else.
                    Yes, that's why I posed this pic Lizzie absolutely loves him and shows it to him through her smiles for his cleverness I absolutely love this scene. There are more looks like this.
                    Another one I liked was when Lizzie said "I'm not going to order you to go" and John says "And I will!" Now I think that if it was McKay or whatever, she would probably say "Excuse me?? " But with John, no way.
                    Some people call it "Shut up, you're not helping" look, but it's so much more than that

                    check this out guys

                    not mine though.
                    Last edited by Erised; 18 December 2005, 12:42 PM.


                      Originally posted by Erised
                      Wiz, OMG I absolutely love it!! You're so good at photoshopping. love it, love it, love it!

                      Yes, that's why I posed this pic Lizzie absolutely loves him and shows it to him through her smiles for his cleverness
                      Some people call it "Shut up, you're not helping" look, but it's so much more than that
                      It's the 'little things' like how they each hold each other's eyes just that second longer than is 'normal' with anyone else they interact with. That tells me that a.) they are trying to extend communication and b.) they're trying to visually give each other that extra bit of confidence and c.) they just enjoy soaking in looking at each other and d.) they enjoy knowing that this is the someone that they can share just that extra comfortable intimacy with.

                      Their eyes literally *twinkle* when they look at each other. I don't have the pics at my fingertips but look at both of their eyes as they tease in Intruder-they practically sparkle. Neither of them have shown any propensity to have anything remotely similar with anyone else. Other ships may think they *feel* a bond (cough Sheylas) but in this ship, you not only can feel it-you can see it.


                        Originally posted by wizengamot
                        Two Winter themed banners: (my sister saw them and went "Is that Christmased themed? You are sick!!!" hahaha!)
                        Beautiful work I sooo love Fanarts, especially from our two sparky's


                          Originally posted by Bama
                          It's the 'little things' like how they each hold each other's eyes just that second longer than is 'normal' with anyone else they interact with. That tells me that a.) they are trying to extend communication and b.) they're trying to visually give each other that extra bit of confidence and c.) they just enjoy soaking in looking at each other and d.) they enjoy knowing that this is the someone that they can share just that extra comfortable intimacy with.

                          Their eyes literally *twinkle* when they look at each other. I don't have the pics at my fingertips but look at both of their eyes as they tease in Intruder-they practically sparkle. Neither of them have shown any propensity to have anything remotely similar with anyone else. Other ships may think they *feel* a bond (cough Sheylas) but in this ship, you not only can feel it-you can see it.
                          I know, I love that intruder scene. I've rewatched it 100 times. It's sooo cute. They are so perfect for eachother!

                          I love the line "Well, obviously, people whose opinions matter the most, thought otherwise"
                          I thought it was funny because I think it was meant to sound that She has the power to convince the military to promote him, but it's not at all how it sounds to us, shippers. Lizzie's opinions matter the most to John!


                            One of my favourite "gazing-scenes":


                              Originally posted by Erised
                              I know, I love that intruder scene. I've rewatched it 100 times. It's sooo cute. They are so perfect for eachother!
                              [I love the line "Well, obviously, people whose opinions matter the most, thought otherwise"
                              I thought it was funny because I think it was meant to sound that She has the power to convince the military to promote him, but it's not at all how it sounds to us, shippers. Lizzie's opinions matter the most to John!
                              Ahhhh...there's those pretty intruder pics.... Way to go E! That 'line' you mention is so multi-layered. I agree that she's saying one thing but the meaning is multi-layered. It was also a sly way of saying that in HER opinion-he matters-bigtime. And I think John totally 'got' what she was trying to tell him and I figured he knew in that instant that she went to bat for him. She kind of 'threw' him a little there. I love that scene because it's very overtly flirty and open and both of them are so obviously just enjoying each other so dadgum much. They both half looked like they'd toss that coffee they had and sip on each other for a little bit. You just don't see that kind of intimate interaction between any others yet. Ronon and Teyla have begun to dance close to it in recent episodes and they also have that eye contact intimacy beginning to occur but Elizabeth and John have had it from day one together and it's only gotten more intense between them. Just thoughts of how much *more* intense it could get makes me go...SLURP!


                                Originally posted by Bama
                                It's the 'little things' like how they each hold each other's eyes just that second longer than is 'normal' with anyone else they interact with. That tells me that a.) they are trying to extend communication and b.) they're trying to visually give each other that extra bit of confidence and c.) they just enjoy soaking in looking at each other and d.) they enjoy knowing that this is the someone that they can share just that extra comfortable intimacy with.

                                Their eyes literally *twinkle* when they look at each other. I don't have the pics at my fingertips but look at both of their eyes as they tease in Intruder-they practically sparkle. Neither of them have shown any propensity to have anything remotely similar with anyone else. Other ships may think they *feel* a bond (cough Sheylas) but in this ship, you not only can feel it-you can see it.
                                WORD! It's something that I was just mentioning on LJ about 'seeing' the ship without being told to look for it. A lot of shows rely on the audience being 'told' how people feel, 'told' what's happening but the good ones allow you to 'see' it. This matters even more with ships than anything else. So often I feel like as a viewer a huge anvil is being dropped on me with the sign saying:

                                "look character A likes character B,"

                                but when I look for the evidence of it, I can't actually 'see' it without being told. With Sheppard and Weir, there are practical reasons why they would consistently seek each other out and make eye contact because they have to make decisions together and it's easier than constantly asking 'Dr Weir/Col.Sheppard, what do think?" in every situation to just take a quick look at the other to ascertain their reaction. Over time this practical habit has led to them seeking each other for some kind of visual reaction every time they are in the vicinity of one another. If something funny/bad/scary/confusing happens the one always looks to the other for their response. Teyla and Ronon have started doing the same thing. It's a desire to 'share' every experience with that other person on an intimate level. How much of it is writing, direction and how much personal actor choice is not clear. On the various Sheppard threads we have discussed the layers Joe adds to dialogue and scenes that give us something more than what was intended. Maybe Torri/Joe and Rachel/Jason did that from the beginning and now the writers/directors have caught up.
                                ~ Esther~ My Live Journal
                                FBI - Body Preservation Division

