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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Who Knows View Post
    Well I hope you will be fully recovered & back to normal again soon.
    And please try to take better care of yourself, we do miss you when you are not here, & worry about you.

    Lemmings who are Lemmings, and not spring chickens, need all the care they can get.
    What they said!!


      Well, the good news is that the joint is still in one piece and so are the muscles. I just gave them a good whack over the proverbial head when I forced my jaw open, but didn't (partially) tore any off.

      Doc gave me a powerful anti-inflammatory painkiller, which I have to take 3 times a day for 5 days straight. I have to massage the muscles and move the jaw around with some simple exercises (open-close, sideways).

      And I can only have "soft" food so mash, soup, milkshakes, shakes, ... no hard food for me until after the weekend at least.

      So, all in all... I have been lucky.
      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


        Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Smutty Tuesday!

        Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
        After a whole summer of drought, we are now getting more rain than we can handle. Parts to the North of me are already quite flooded in the streets. Luckily, I'm okay here.
        Glad you're okay, and we'll gladly take your rain! We've got excessive heat warnings all up and down the West Coast. It's only the few places sticking out into the ocean like us that have reasonable temperatures. Still dry as heck, though.

        Originally posted by JT-2 View Post

        Poor Rice, though.
        Indeed. Still, though, that's not the worst we've done to an opposing team. I remember one game while I was still a student, we shut out Cal. I think the score was like, 60-0 or something like that. The next year, the game t-shirt featured a riff on those old Grey Poupon commercials, with Tommy Trojan and Traveler pulling up in a limo to ask the Cal team, "Pardon me, do you plan on scoring this year?" (Why yes, we are snarky little punks. ) Cal did in fact score, but not much, and we still cleaned their clocks by at least 30 points.

        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
        Well, the good news is that the joint is still in one piece and so are the muscles. I just gave them a good whack over the proverbial head when I forced my jaw open, but didn't (partially) tore any off.

        Doc gave me a powerful anti-inflammatory painkiller, which I have to take 3 times a day for 5 days straight. I have to massage the muscles and move the jaw around with some simple exercises (open-close, sideways).

        And I can only have "soft" food so mash, soup, milkshakes, shakes, ... no hard food for me until after the weekend at least.

        So, all in all... I have been lucky.
        Well, glad to know that no permanent damage was done, at least! Hope your jaw is feeling better soon! *hugs*
        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


          Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
          And Hi to ShipperWriter! We've chatted on Tumblr, though, so it's more weird to see your old user name. (I'm mathgirl24 over there, in case you've forgotten)
          Hi you! Yeah, my name has changed all over the place. Although “ShipperWriter” was the name I picked when I was a teenager and went for the direct but anonymous naming process LOL


            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            Ola... I went AWOL for a couple of days it seems... I may or may not have dislocated my jaw last week which resulted in an emergency visit to the dentist cause I thought it was my teeth but they confirmed it wasn't my teeth but most likely my jaw... so now I have to wait until tomorrow to get a doctor's appointment to confirm that.

            In the meantime, I have a very sensitive jaw so I'm limited to eating soft things. Things that don't need too much chewing. And I can't drink all of my mini bitter soda cans cause they are excellent cold compresses.
            Ouch! Normally when I injure myself in some odd way, I just deadpan tell people I was cage-fighting. Great way to confuse some and humor others hope you’re feeling better soon!


              I took last weekend off and went to the Space Coast to watch the Artemis moon rocket launch… well I tried to Since it got scrubbed, I ended up going to the zoo and paying $12 to feed giraffes a ton of lettuce but it was so worth it. A very calming day.

              Anyhoo. I bring a present. I found this little ficlet and I don’t know if I ever posted it, but enjoy! Takes place S6 after Atlantis returns to Pegasus and Elizabeth is back in Atlantis.

              "Somebody please explain why we agreed to this again?"

              John Sheppard stopped walking and, with a sigh, turned around to face McKay. "Ever since we came back to Pegasus, Todd has kept his word and supplied us with intel about the new Wraith conflict. And it's actually accurate." He turned around and continued walking, Rodney still following. "We meet on an anonymous planet so he can't be tracked there, then we bring him to Atlantis."

              "Yeah it's the whole bringing a two faced Wraith to Atlantis that I don't quite get," Rodney replied, coming up next to John as they arrived at a transporter.

              "Don't worry, I'm fairly sure that Ronon will shoot him before he can press his hand against your chest.”

              Rodney gulped, and John smirked.

              The transporter deposited them on the level below the Gate room. They walked up the low ramp to the floor where Elizabeth Weir stood, hands clasped in front of her.

              "Still waiting?" Sheppard asked by way of greeting.

              Elizabeth nodded curtly. "Major Lorne and his team departed fifteen minutes ago. They have another fifteen before I send a team through.”

              "It's a shame that we can't keep the Gate open, maintain a radio signal," McKay replied, crossing his arms and glancing at his watch impatiently.

              "Unfortunately, Todd never lets us know in advance how he plans to arrive. If holding the Gate open wouldn't present a deterrent to his travel plans, believe me, I would keep it open."

              "You'd think a drama queen like Todd would announce his plans with fanfare," John remarked offhandedly.

              His comment drew a confused frown from Elizabeth and McKay. John just looked back at them and shrugged. "Just saying."

              A second after, the inner ring of the Stargate started to spin. From the control room, Chuck called out, "Unscheduled off world activation," standard procedure for any occasion when the Gate became active anytime out of the ordinary. Marines rushed to their posts along the side of the room, taking a knee and weapons at ready. Given that this particular mission was not a regular occurrence on Atlantis, and also that they were bringing back a somewhat dangerous ally, John was silently thankful for it.

              The wormhole connected with its familiar whoosh of blue energy. From above and through their earpieces, Chuck added, "It's Major Lorne's IDC."

              "Lower the shield," Elizabeth replied.

              A visible ripple flashed across the event horizon and a moment later, Lorne's team stepped through, accompanied by Todd.

              Elizabeth's eyes widened slightly. To an observer, it wasn't discernible, but John was more than used to her expressions. Her diplomatic facade fell into place, but it didn't completely hide the fact that she wasn't used to a Wraith casually exiting the Stargate and approaching her.

              After all, they had never met face to face.

              John took a half step sideways towards her, placing himself more in between Todd and Elizabeth. When he brought his eyes up to meet Todd, he was surprised by the look of confusion on the Wraith’s face.

              “This … this is not Woolsey,” Todd stated blankly.

              John would have found it funny, but Todd was not usually caught off guard like this. The few times that he was had not been pretty. The military part of his brain began processing: how would he react, given that he found himself in a situation that he wasn’t expecting?

              Immediately glancing between them, he realized that Todd was always greeted by Woolsey, but having caught a particularly bad strain of the flu, Keller had ordered him off his feet.

              And Elizabeth was filling in for him. Who better than the original leader of the Expedition, anyways?

              Elizabeth seemed to sense the tension and, instead of staying behind John, stepped out and nodded at the Wraith. “I apologize for the confusion. I’m afraid Mr. Woolsey is ill and unable to join us. I am Elizabeth Weir.”

              Todd’s eyes widened, then lowered as he smiled. At least, as much of a smile as a Wraith could manage. “Ah, the famous Doctor Weir. I remember your voice from our first encounter.”

              John glared hard at the Wraith.

              “Although we have never met face to face, I have a great deal of respect for you.” Having rendered everyone silent and slack jawed, he continued. “I recall how you refused to give up your principles at the risk of losing one of your men. Although I would have let Sheppard die more quickly, had I been in your position—“

              Thank God you weren’t, John quickly thought to himself.

              “—your determination made me realize that Atlantis was indeed a force to be reckoned with.”

              John tilted his head. “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”

              Todd turned to regard him. “I see now why you hold your Queen in such high esteem.”

              Lorne and his team tried to repress snickers but failed.

              McKay’s head jerked up. “His what?”

              Elizabeth was rendered speechless, her jaw gaping as she tried to find one word to say.

              “She is not my Queen,” John replied between gritted teeth.

              Todd lowered his head. “I was under the impression that you had mated with her?”

              The floor went deadly silent.

              Fortunately, McKay had left the tablet in his lab, or it would be shattered on the floor.

              Elizabeth’s look of shock quickly turned to something else.

              If looks could kill.

              “Lorne, take him to the brig. And stop laughing.”

              “Yes, sir.”

              As the team descended into the depths of Atlantis, McKay turned and faced the pair. “Are you two — and she — why didn’t you tell me?”

              “We aren’t.”

              “She’s not.”

              Apparently, their simultaneous replies seemed to be enough for Rodney. He walked off a second later, but as he tapped his earpiece, perhaps he had been called away.

              Just ten seconds too late.

              It took about five seconds of silence before John could pull himself together to turn and look at Elizabeth.

              Her arms were crossed, her lips were pressed together in a thin line, and her eyes much darker than they had been.

              John chucked a thumb in the direction of the ramp. “I’m gonna go—“



              She leaned in close to his ear. “You’re right. You should’ve killed him when you had the chance.”

              “Don’t I know it,” he responded as he walked off.


                Glad you are okay JT2, I saw the news and was wondering how you’d fared.

                FH I hope your jaw is getting better!

                I think I was stuck in a time warp, I just realized I haven’t posted since mentioning the boozy cauldron event and I have to say, it was so much fun. I did not expect it to be well past the threshold of PG 13 but it was raunchy without being obnoxious and I laughed harder than I had in a long time. Oh I needed that. Then yesterday I discovered the tortilla challenge and cried laughing again.


                  Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                  Ouch! Normally when I injure myself in some odd way, I just deadpan tell people I was cage-fighting. Great way to confuse some and humor others hope you’re feeling better soon!
                  -- I'd probably add a wink and a "you should see the other guy" line or some such for good measure.
                  Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                  Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                    FH - so glad it wasn't something worse. I hope the medicine and soft foods help!!

                    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                    Indeed. Still, though, that's not the worst we've done to an opposing team. I remember one game while I was still a student, we shut out Cal. I think the score was like, 60-0 or something like that. The next year, the game t-shirt featured a riff on those old Grey Poupon commercials, with Tommy Trojan and Traveler pulling up in a limo to ask the Cal team, "Pardon me, do you plan on scoring this year?" (Why yes, we are snarky little punks. ) Cal did in fact score, but not much, and we still cleaned their clocks by at least 30 points.
                    OMG, that's hysterical!! I love it!!

                    Originally posted by ShipperWriter
                    I took last weekend off and went to the Space Coast to watch the Artemis moon rocket launch… well I tried to Since it got scrubbed, I ended up going to the zoo and paying $12 to feed giraffes a ton of lettuce but it was so worth it. A very calming day.

                    Anyhoo. I bring a present. I found this little ficlet and I don’t know if I ever posted it, but enjoy! Takes place S6 after Atlantis returns to Pegasus and Elizabeth is back in Atlantis
                    Feeding giraffes sounds like a great time! Although too bad you didn't get to see the shuttle launch.

                    And what a great story!! Thanks for sharing that!!

                    Originally posted by Zandras_Ashes
                    Glad you are okay JT2, I saw the news and was wondering how you’d fared.

                    FH I hope your jaw is getting better!

                    I think I was stuck in a time warp, I just realized I haven’t posted since mentioning the boozy cauldron event and I have to say, it was so much fun. I did not expect it to be well past the threshold of PG 13 but it was raunchy without being obnoxious and I laughed harder than I had in a long time. Oh I needed that. Then yesterday I discovered the tortilla challenge and cried laughing again.
                    Thanks! Some areas in my town did get flooded, but nowhere near as bad as Providence. Our main highway, 95, got totally shut down for awhile.

                    Glad you had fun at the boozy cauldron! Sounds like a great time! I haven't heard of the tortilla challenge. I must go google that.


                      Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Screw the Angst Wednesday!

                      ShipperWriter, that ficlet is HILARIOUS!!!! Of course Todd would
                      see Elizabeth as John's Queen. OMG, the Atlantis rumor mill gonna go into overdrive on this one!

                      Bummer about the Artemis launch, but yay giraffes!

                      And cage fighting? What a John Sheppard response!

                      Originally posted by Zandras_Ashes View Post
                      I think I was stuck in a time warp, I just realized I haven’t posted since mentioning the boozy cauldron event and I have to say, it was so much fun. I did not expect it to be well past the threshold of PG 13 but it was raunchy without being obnoxious and I laughed harder than I had in a long time. Oh I needed that. Then yesterday I discovered the tortilla challenge and cried laughing again.
                      Tortilla challenge? Something tells me I don't want to know... Glad you had fun at the boozy cauldron, though!
                      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                        I googled the tortilla challenge and it's pretty damn funny.

                        My stupid neighbors are at it again, revving up their ATV right outside my window, causing my room to smell awful. Grrrrr!! And people ask me why I don't move into a condo? I can't even stand having neighbors as close to me as they are now.


                          And that was dentist appointment n°2... 2 more to go.

                          Although, I have to say that I finally found a dentist I have no ill feelings towards. He does a good job.

                          Made me chuckle when he was inspecting my teeth and commented on his own handywork from last week. Felt it could use a bit of a touch-up cause he didn't feel satisfied with his work. Told him that he could knock himself out with it, then he mentioned he was a perfectionist, which prompted me to say: "As a fellow perfectionist, I gotta tell you that at some point you have to let it go, hey!"
                          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                            Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Fluffy Thursday!

                            Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                            I googled the tortilla challenge and it's pretty damn funny.

                            My stupid neighbors are at it again, revving up their ATV right outside my window, causing my room to smell awful. Grrrrr!! And people ask me why I don't move into a condo? I can't even stand having neighbors as close to me as they are now.
                            Ugh! If only there was some way to blow all that exhaust back at them... or maybe attract crows to their house to sit on their ATV and caw and poop all over it.

                            Okay, I looked up the tortilla challenge. This definitely looks like something the Marines in Atlantis would cook up, LOL!
                            (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                            Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                              I got lost a few times in the Dragon Con hotels. Didn't make it to the Walk of Fame in time to meet anyone this time. Bought some cool art though.

                              Kinda interested in chatting more with somebody I met before the convenction.
                              Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


                                Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Pretty Friday!

                                Originally posted by Morgania View Post
                                I got lost a few times in the Dragon Con hotels. Didn't make it to the Walk of Fame in time to meet anyone this time. Bought some cool art though.

                                Kinda interested in chatting more with somebody I met before the convenction.
                                Yeah, the bigger the convention, the more of a beast it is to get to events. Glad you had fun, even if you didn't get to see everything! And hey, it's all about the friends we make on the journey, right?
                                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.

