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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Buggy542
    Eep, yes... the screen is warped!

    Just watched Grace Under Pressure...
    There was one very cute Sparky moment demonstrating that Shep and Weir already work very well as co-leaders of Atlantis and therefore should marry to solidify the bond.
    Bug! Please elaborate!!! Let's talk about what went down in regard to my favorite shep/weir catch 'word'-marriage. What did my 'married' pair do this week? Finish each other's sentence? Come to the same conclusion? Someone else note their er...unusual bond? Accidentally call each other 'honey'?

    Give. Please. whimper. was sam in the ep?


      Fic to help tide us over while waiting for more spoilers...Good Ol' Morale


        Someone may have posted this link already, but Southern Red has a "quickie" up:

        When all else fails, change channels.


          Hey Red, any chance of another quickie?

          While we're waiting for Red, check out Not Alone


            [QUOTE=Melyanna]Hey, beach chick, could you edit your post to just have a link to that picture? It's lovely, but a bit huge. QUOTE]

            I accidently posted the pic when I was trying to resize it. I don't know how it happened, but it did.

            Thanks for the advice. I'm still kind of new here and I didn't know you could edit your posts.

            Twilight in theaters: 12.12.08


              Originally posted by Mel
              And Buggy, I've read elsewhere that we learn in this episode that

              John can understand Zelenka's Czech. That true?
              It's possible, but I think Zelenka was swearing and John said something along the lines of, "I must be getting better at Czech because I think I know what you're saying". It sounded more like he was making a joke than telling the truth.

              Originally posted by Bama
              Bug! Please elaborate!!! Let's talk about what went down in regard to my favorite shep/weir catch 'word'-marriage. What did my 'married' pair do this week? Finish each other's sentence? Come to the same conclusion? Someone else note their er...unusual bond? Accidentally call each other 'honey'?

              Give. Please. whimper. was sam in the ep?
              Sadly no, there was no mention of the word 'honey'. But it seems as though Shep is now treating Liz's office as his.

              Also, you know how we were discussing before that the only reason a marriage of two people in similar positions wouldn't work would be because of possible disagreements and such (which Shep and Weir would never have)? Well, they were talking with Zelenka and Liz didn't want to order anyone to order him to go down in the puddlejumper, but John cut in and said that he would order him. No retorts from Weir and no little talks afterwards about which staff could be ordered around by who, either. It wasn't anything big, but it was nice.

              Sam was great! Quite funny actually. I mean, as a figment of Rodney's imagination she couldn't really do much, but they did have the obligatory 'who's smarter, Rodney or Sam' debate and Rodney came to a very decent and meaningful answer. I guess he had to make up his mind about something before he died.

              Anyway, she looks no different than she did before. Her hair changed, though... Now it's more curly at the ends.

              I'm sorry it took me so long to respond... I was watching Medium.
              Fugly Space Babes: Spork one for Weir!
              Hussy of Babylon ~ Member of UHM


                Originally posted by Melyanna
                Yeah, that was my impression of it. Rachel's got a beautiful voice, and she can really belt out a song, but the song itself was jarring. Also, I'd like to know how the Athosians haven't managed to master contractions but have come up with Broadway-style ballads. I really felt like they could have done something that would have seemed more like it was something from a different culture without a whole lot of trouble. I had to study ethnomusicology when I was an opera performance major, so I'd imagine that a composer would probably have studied music of other cultures enough to come up with something that didn't sound so Western and modern.

                Ethnomusicology is very interesting and, since you have studied it, I think you should write a Sparky! ballad ala Celtic love songs. If it were catchy enough, we would be able to get more people on board with the ship--youmight even get Joe Mallozzi humming it!

                She said in an interview that she agreed to take the part on the condition that either she got to sing, or her dog got to be in the show at some point. I don't know how well she sings, but I guess they decided not to go with the singing. And Joe sang the Scooby Doo theme in Thoughtcrimes, which was just cute.
                I haven't heard the singing yet, but I can see how a the broadway style song might really seem out of place. However, I could stand seeing Shep and McKay sing a couple of Bing Crosby and Bob Hope duets (since Joe Flanigan did say that Shep and Mckay were a space version of that famous duo lol). The Scooby Doo thing was great though lol.


                Signature By Amber Moon


                  You know, on the topic of the singing, Joe also sang "Old MacDonald" on "Providence."
                  Sig by Camy


                    Originally posted by majortrip
                    You know, on the topic of the singing, Joe also sang "Old MacDonald" on "Providence."
                    I know I shouldn't be so excited about that lol, but do you have a wav file of that one?

                    Signature By Amber Moon


                      Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                      I know I shouldn't be so excited about that lol, but do you have a wav file of that one?
                      No. I don't know how to do that. But I can tell you he did it while playing a tiny child-size piano.
                      Sig by Camy


                        Originally posted by majortrip
                        No. I don't know how to do that. But I can tell you he did it while playing a tiny child-size piano.
                        ! As if singing "Old MacDonald" wasn't enough....I'll have to catch that in repeats or rent the DVD.

                        And for a Sparky! on topic pic:

                        Signature By Amber Moon


                          Originally posted by Buggy542
                          Sadly no, there was no mention of the word 'honey'. But it seems as though Shep is now treating Liz's office as his.

                          As Mel said earlier, it's the little things that make a ship really go. But imo, it's those little things that truly show us what they're unconsciously becoming to each other. They're becoming inseperable. People already think of one in relation to the other as evidenced by comments we've heard and that will only increase. They are coming to think of themselves as a unit and that's a huge step toward coupleship. I love it that they're sharing small things because those lead to bigger things.

                          Also, you know how we were discussing before that the only reason a marriage of two people in similar positions wouldn't work would be because of possible disagreements and such (which Shep and Weir would never have)? Well, they were talking
                          with Zelenka and Liz didn't want to order anyone to order him to go down in the puddlejumper, but John cut in and said that he would order him. No retorts from Weir and no little talks afterwards about which staff could be ordered around by who, either.
                          It wasn't anything big, but it was nice.

                          I'm sure it was. And there again we see the unspoken agreement where one goes to bat for the other and it's fine. That oddly reminds me of conversion where
                          Elizabeth almost acted as the wife role. It sounds as if she is treating John more like a personal partner than she is a professional associate. Couples help each other make decisions all the time and many times, it's unspoken that you want the input from them-it's just taken for granted.
                          And honey, if Shep and weir are taking each other for granted already, then the clock timer is already on them.

                          Thanks for bothering to answer me gal!


                            And because my mind is apparently firmly entrenched in the gutter lately:

                            Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                            Elizabeth: What? What's with the face?
                            John: *petulant* Do I hafta go offworld? I had plans for you this afternoon.
                            ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                            The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                              ^ah, the power of fantasies!
                              good one, LurkerLa, too bad I can't green you have to spread some


                                Originally posted by LurkerLa
                                And because my mind is apparently firmly entrenched in the gutter lately:

                                Elizabeth: What? What's with the face?
                                John: *petulant* Do I hafta go offworld? I had plans for you this afternoon.
                                hhmmm the gutter sounds good..

                                do we have any more spoilers about john and liz in the ep GUP????
                                ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..

