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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by ranchan2
    That's hilarious.
    I second that.

    How about in John's head, B?


      Originally posted by Bama
      Wouldn't you just kill to be
      a neuron in Elizabeth's brain right before this kiss? LOL! Phoebus is such an evil b!tch obviously. She probably enjoys tormenting even her host.

      P: Got to sell this ploy to your underlings now. Watch what I'm going to do now.

      E: No! You can't!

      P: Watch me.

      E: Please...I beg of you...

      P: Oh, shut up Elizabeth. I know you want it.

      E: No, I don't!

      P: Don't lie to me Elizabeth! You better remember who's in control here!-I'll put him on his back and really give your man something to remember.

      E: OK! OK! I admit it. I've thought about it. But I...we're not...

      P: But you want to be...So just shut up and enjoy it. I know I will...

      This idea totally begs for a fanfic, volunteers????. I'd love it if
      they (Weir and Sheppard) could be feeling the kiss, if it would affect them in any way, if there were any kind of follow up, unfortunately i don't think this issue will even be slightly touched. It'll happen only to not ever be refered to again, which is why tptb so love this idea of the under the influence kisses, they can do it but don't have to deal with repercutions.


        Originally posted by Vixen
        How about in John's head, B?
        Dang. Bunch of slave drivers. Well...we do think he has a bit more
        shared control with Halan....

        H: WTH! Where am I?

        J: You're in my body.

        H: Who the hell are you?

        J: John Shep-

        H: Better yet, who the hell is this beautiful woman coming at me like she's about to have me for lunch?

        J: What? That's Elizabeth...I mean...Ph-...Uh, Is she going to...kiss me!?

        H: Hot damn.

        J: But...she's...we're not...

        H: Then why is your pulse racing so fast?

        J: Don't ask me stupid questions right now! She's going to kiss me!

        H: Well, then don't act stupid! You've wondered.

        J: I have?

        H: John, what did you think saying her name in your sleep last night meant?
        Man, you are one repressed guy.

        J: Elizabeth is about to KISS ME!

        H: Yeah, I don't get this lucky often and neither do you now relax, open your mouth and enjoy it or I'll do it for you!


          Originally posted by Bama
          Dang. Bunch of slave drivers. Well...we do think he has a bit more
          shared control with Halan....

          H: WTH! Where am I?

          J: You're in my body.

          H: Who the hell are you?

          J: John Shep-

          H: Better yet, who the hell is this beautiful woman coming at me like she's about to have me for lunch?

          J: What? That's Elizabeth...I mean...Ph-...Uh, Is she going to...kiss me!?

          H: Hot damn.

          J: But...she's...we're not...

          H: Then why is your pulse racing so fast?

          J: Don't ask me stupid questions right now! She's going to kiss me!

          H: Well, then don't act stupid! You've wondered.

          J: I have?

          H: John, what did you think saying her name in your sleep last night meant?
          Man, you are one repressed guy.

          J: Elizabeth is about to KISS ME!

          H: Yeah, I don't get this lucky often and neither do you now relax, open your mouth and enjoy it or I'll do it for you!

          -falls over-



            Originally posted by Bama
            Dang. Bunch of slave drivers. Well...we do think he has a bit more
            shared control with Halan....

            H: WTH! Where am I?

            J: You're in my body.

            H: Who the hell are you?

            J: John Shep-

            H: Better yet, who the hell is this beautiful woman coming at me like she's about to have me for lunch?

            J: What? That's Elizabeth...I mean...Ph-...Uh, Is she going to...kiss me!?

            H: Hot damn.

            J: But...she's...we're not...

            H: Then why is your pulse racing so fast?

            J: Don't ask me stupid questions right now! She's going to kiss me!

            H: Well, then don't act stupid! You've wondered.

            J: I have?

            H: John, what did you think saying her name in your sleep last night meant?
            Man, you are one repressed guy.

            J: Elizabeth is about to KISS ME!

            H: Yeah, I don't get this lucky often and neither do you now relax, open your mouth and enjoy it or I'll do it for you!

            Nice I like how you have Halan reacting. It's great.
            Shop through Big Crumbs for your online purchases to receive a little bit of your money back.


              Originally posted by Bama
              We're not only seeing John Sheppard find himself on Atlantis, we're seeing him grow into a man of his full potentials and he's precisely doing this because of Elizabeth. I think we're seeing that same thing happening here with Shep and Weir. Shep always turns to Elizabeth and she to him. There's an instant need between them- and it's a link that brought them toward each other early on and has continued to build. It's like they sense something in the other that calls out to something inside of them.

              We don't know Shep's background but he's finding a fufillment when he's with Elizabeth that he's been missing inside of him or he wouldn't continue to seek her out quite so much. Let's face it-he could do much of his job and association with her without so many face to face conversations. He could email her-radio her-send messages...etc. But, we find him plopped on her desk sharing moments. We find him taking the time to share coffee with her rather than the members of his team. We find him feeling the need to share. I think in her, he finds a courage to stand up in life and a tender, understanding strength that he wants to take and make a part of him. She brings him a sense of wholeness; she makes him feel cared about and not so alone in this world and now that he's found that with someone-he doesn't want to lose it.

              And with Elizabeth, it's much the same. There's a boyish joy and sense of adventure inside of John that calls out to Elizabeth's nature. She wants to share in that carefree joy and make it a part of her. There's a determination to dig deeper and find answers inside of John and Elizabeth wants to understand and share in. He intellecutally stimulates her in a way that doesn't bore her or irritate her. We see her give him smiles that she never gives anyone else. We see her eyes twinkle in ways they don't with anyone else. He is able to bring out a part of her that she may have never explored fully and I think that possibility excites her too.

              Beautifully put Bama. I'd give you green but I'm not allowed. You express everything I've ever wanted to say about what attracts me to the concept of Sheppard/Weir. The potential of Sheppard/Weir is what I've always looked for in on screen romances. The idea that they can become everything they are capable of because of what the other brings to the equation.

              On other ships. I generally go along with what I am given and don't often back the ship that goes against canon. I supported Mulder/Scully but by the time that 'it' actually came about on the show I'd already stopped watching. I did return to it just before it ended but found the final rather disappointing. I agree with your comparison in terms of the 'need' element in both pairings. However with Sheppard/Weir I feel it is much more healthy than Mulder/Scully. He (Mulder) was so completely alone in the X Files that he needed her for his survival (in mental/emotional terms anyway). She was so drawn into his world and through, first a desire to find the truth and then a need just to be there for him that she became as isolated as he was and so that ultimately they were all each other had. It is thankfully not so desperate with Sheppard and Weir and therefore I find there connection far more appealing. It feels more like it would be a choice on both parts to be all they can be as individuals by opening up to each other rather than a desperate attempt to keep in touch with their own humanity by having at least one fellow human being you can connect with.

              Other ships I have enjoyed:
              John/Delenn - Babylon 5 - A grown up relationship, portrayed with real tenderness and depth.

              Luke/Lorelai - Gilmore Girls - I am sucker for genuine friendship that leads to romance - especially when it takes a long time for one half of the equation to wake up and smell the coffee and the banter between them is very appealing.

              Michael/Maria - Roswell - I supported all the canon ships on the show but I enjoyed this the most because I have a real soft spot for badly behaved 'good' guys like Michael and understand why Maria couldn't resist him when maybe she should have. Anyway their screwed mess of a relationship contrasted nicely with the Romeo/Juliet angst of Max/Liz.

              Joey/Pacey - Dawson's Creek - Because Pacey was another appealing messed up good guy and Dawson made me want tear out my own finger nails out he was so self-absorbed and I could never understand why Joey ever thought there was any contest.

              Kaylee/Simon - Firefly - Because they are soo horribly cute and Sean Maher is teh pretty. Although I liked the other pairings (wish we'd got more Zoe/Wash) and I found Mal intriguing and want him and Inara to work for his sake - as a character I found her a bit dull.

              Chloe/Clark - Smallville - I really liked Chloe in the beginning and Clark/Lana bored me to tears. However as the show got less appealing and increasingly Clark himself - I wanted more for Chloe than what he could offer her.

              Martin/Sam - Without a Trace - Because Martin was potentially very good for her but she doesn't/didn't seem to understand that. Her loss!

              Josh/Donna - West Wing - Her dedication early on was so moving and his need was so obvious but it all got really screwed up and pointless. I will never forget Yo Yo Ma though or the flowers.

              CJ/Danny - West Wing - They made me laugh and cry and there were fish! What more could you want?

              Charlie/Zoe - West Wing - How could anyone not love Charlie?
              ~ Esther~ My Live Journal
              FBI - Body Preservation Division


                Originally posted by ranchan2
                I like how you have Halan reacting. It's great.
                Well, it had been a while for the old geezer. He hadn't seen this much action in...a long, long time.


                  Originally posted by Bama
                  Dang. Bunch of slave drivers. Well...we do think he has a bit more
                  shared control with Halan....

                  She's good!
                  Here, have a cookie. No, wait.

                  *digs through her giant pile of dvds*
                  How about a copy of their last closet session caught on camera?


                    Originally posted by Bama
                    Well, it had been a while for the old geezer. He hadn't seen this much action in...a long, long time.
                    Well, since you put it that way, he seems like a dirty old lech.
                    Shop through Big Crumbs for your online purchases to receive a little bit of your money back.


                      Luz - I didn't notice that in the Eye... must go back and rewatch. That episode will always remain among my top shippy eps...

                      Originally posted by smallgirl
                      Luke/Lorelai - Gilmore Girls - I am sucker for genuine friendship that leads to romance - especially when it takes a long time for one half of the equation to wake up and smell the coffee and the banter between them is very appealing.

                      CJ/Danny - West Wing - They made me laugh and cry and there were fish! What more could you want?

                      Charlie/Zoe - West Wing - How could anyone not love Charlie?
                      Luke/Lorelai - the couple that first dragged me into reading fanfiction...

                      CJ/Danny - FISH!

                      Charlie/Zoey - yeah, gotta love Charlie. I mean, seriously, if I knew him in real life, I probably would be in love with him.

                      But Shep/Weir is the only pairing that tempted me away from my four or five year stint of lurking online. Feel the Sparky power!

                      And to go back a few pages, and slightly off topic - I used to live in Burke, Va. so do I get to join the Virginia group? (Of course, that was 17 years ago so...)
                      ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                      The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                        I think that another ship I love (that does with actors on screen and not anime ) would be Jack/Kate or Kate/Sawyer, but Sparky's the only one I go crazy crazy over. And I'm already crazy to begin with!


                          Originally posted by Melyanna
                          Yeah, as has been said,
                          we see Elizabeth talking with Caldwell and refuting some of the things that Phoebus claimed that Elizabeth thinks about Caldwell, but then John comes into the infirmary and Caldwell leaves them alone, telling them not to try to kill each other while he's gone. The girl who's provided us with all this information says that the episode ends before John and Elizabeth start talking. In my opinion, the fact that there's no conversation like Sheppard and Teyla's "Let us never speak of this again" conversation from Conversion says that they're not closing the book on this ship.
                          Well, that's good news. Because, in all honesty, while the 'fluff' moments and the little shippy scenes are very noice, it's the more serious stuff that tells us most about where the 'ship is going.
                          As much as I'm looking forward to the kiss, it would be a real downer if the ending of the ep spoiled everything by John and Liz having a 'serious conversation where we explain everything that happened and then say i'ts never going to happen again.' But that' not going to happen, so I'm Happy!


                            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                            Its called. .lack of backstory.

                            Read an interview with JF recently (and can't remember where I found it - I thought it was at, but now I can't find it) where he said the question he is asked the most is, "What is Sheppard's backstory?" He seemed a bit puzzled why fans were so interested in Shep's history and said eventually TPTB were going to have to deal with it.

                            That tells me TPTB still have no solid backstory for Sheppard. They don't seem to realize that scifi fans have BRAINS and want more than "the pretty" in their characters.
                            The thing that I loved 'bout X-Files and the Mulder/Scully ship was that we knew so much about their characters and it made the 'ship more dynamic and (I know it's a lame word but I can't think of a better one right now) fuller. It made everything that happened between them much more personal and, in a way, justified, because we had reasons for their actions.

                            And that's what we need to happen on Atlantis, to make this ship better. We already know a bit about Liz, but there still needs to be more shown. And we know squat bout John, which is really strange, considering he is practically the main character. It's quite worrying that more hasn't been shown, and TPTB might be making it up as they go, cause that's when inconsistencies happen and fans get agitated when they see mistakes.


                              Guys... I hate to say this... but I think we're better off not adding fuel to the fire in that Season 2 thread about the TLG spoilers.
                              Personally, I don't think that thread should have been made in the first place but it's there and so c'est la vie... "Ship" supporters have a bad rep all round and we don't want to add to that perception, do we?
                              "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                                Originally posted by Bama
                                OK...honest show of hands. Who has just sat and stared for longer than five secs at the screen caps of it? Dang, it's just too pretty.
                                Does watching the 0.85 seconds of promo clip about 100 times count? If it does, then *waves hand wildly in air*

                                And it's so funny that
                                if someone says 'it', we so know they're referring to the kiss. That's how big IT is! Oh man, I'm not going to make it till January.

