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Major Lorne Whumping

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    S&R will always be a special ep for me; that's when I fully realized that I'm a whumper (I sped home from work and cued up the DVR to watch the first couple of minutes).

    It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


      Ya know, someone needs to invent a room kinda like the holodecks on Star Trek. That way each of you could act out your own personal, dare I say, fantasies?

      Then again, get in those chambers, most some of you probably wouldn't want to come out!

      Okay, thats part of my randomness for today! Back to our "American Tounges" video in Anthropology! Later whumpers!


        Originally posted by Atlantean2005 View Post
        Ya know, someone needs to invent a room kinda like the holodecks on Star Trek. That way each of you could act out your own personal, dare I say, fantasies?

        Then again, get in those chambers, most some of you probably wouldn't want to come out!

        Okay, thats part of my randomness for today! Back to our "American Tounges" video in Anthropology! Later whumpers!
        yes that was very random... but somehow very enticing thought. *thinks of OTHER uses for a holodeck *

        ooo anthropology!


          Originally posted by Atlantean2005 View Post
          Ya know, someone needs to invent a room kinda like the holodecks on Star Trek. That way each of you could act out your own personal, dare I say, fantasies?

          Then again, get in those chambers, most some of you probably wouldn't want to come out!
          What an invention that would be. You're right..I would never want to leave.


            Originally posted by Atlantean2005 View Post
            Ya know, someone needs to invent a room kinda like the holodecks on Star Trek. That way each of you could act out your own personal, dare I say, fantasies?

            Then again, get in those chambers, most some of you probably wouldn't want to come out!

            Okay, thats part of my randomness for today! Back to our "American Tounges" video in Anthropology! Later whumpers!
            Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
            What an invention that would be. You're right..I would never want to leave.

            It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


              Blimey it's been ages since I was in here!!

              Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
              How's about we get some really whumpy discussion going on? Here's some question for us, it'll be interesting to see where we go with the answers!

              * What's your favourite type of whump, and why?
              * What's your LEAST favourite type of whump, and why?
              * If you could write an episode for Lorne, what kind of damage would you do to him?

              And one I've asked in other whump threads:

              * When does it stop being whump and become torture?
              So I guess I'd better answer my own questions... I have to say that I find answering them difficult (so thanks to everyone who answered when I 1st posted them), mostly because I think I may be a bit more hardcore than some of you .... I only say that because I'm a serious Ronon & Shep whumper, and I'm a bit torn when it comes to Lorne. He's too - for want of a better word - nice to whump "properly" I hope nobody takes offence at that, I just think I'm a bit more bloodthirsty than some (even other character whumpers) - there's some things I've really liked that have freaked people out.

              When I think of the things that have been done to Ronon & Shep, I just can't see it happening to Lorne, even in fics. I could of course be way off beam here, so if someone has a fic where Lorne gets the type of seriously whumpy treatment Ronon got in Sateda, Reunion, Broken Ties & EaTG; and Shep got in Remnants.... send it my!!!

              What's your favourite type of whump, and why?

              I like a combination of both emo and physical whump. The emo side appeals to the comforter in me, as those kind of scars take longer to heal; but the bloodthirsty part of me wants proper, painful looking cuts and bruises (on the cheeks especially) and quite frankly, blood of the drippy variety!!

              What's your LEAST favourite type of whump, and why?

              I think I'd have to say anything to do with needles, or anything to do with skin disorders; anything to do with eyes; and out and out torture - I'm a whumper, not a sadist. And under no circumstances should there be anything of a sexual whump nature

              If you could write an episode for Lorne, what kind of damage would you do to him?

              Everything in the eps I mention above, and maybe a beating similar to that Shep got in Travelers *cough* with all the drippy blood *cough*

              I'd have him shot, having complications, but nothing life-threatening. And much much more stunning, as he reacts to it so well!!

              When does it stop being whump and become torture?

              This is a fine line, but to me, torture is something which is done solely to make someone suffer, and not serve any other purpose.

              Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
              If it helps I just finished a chapter where a character shoves Lorne in a closet and locks him in there
              Is he alone?

              Aaaaaah, that's better!!



                Originally posted by Atlantean2005 View Post
                Ya know, someone needs to invent a room kinda like the holodecks on Star Trek. That way each of you could act out your own personal, dare I say, fantasies?
                I know this is the Whumping thread - but any chance we could get one of those Star Trek Holodecks over at the Thunking thread!!??
                sigpic myLornefanfic


                  Originally posted by Iawen View Post
                  Where can I read everyone's fics?

                  Whumping Lorne is a great pastime; I started another fic where he gets hurt, LOL. It's fun.
                  Right I have a link in my sig to my account.

                  Also on there is a C2C community dedicated to Lorne fics, so hope that gives you some answers
                  JPJ = John's PuddleJumperJPJ: pssss Lorne I'm a 60%er!
                  Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread, Lorne Whumpage Thread, Crazy Alternate Universe Thread, My account
                  Banner sigs :- Shanthaia, CKO, Smurfettethatdoesnotshare, Fenrir Foxz, Kali1, SciFiSGFan and others


                    Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                    Is he alone?
                    unfortunatly yes my character shoved him in there "for his own good."

                    It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                      Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
                      unfortunatly yes my character shoved him in there "for his own good."

                      hmmmm takes a new meaning on the word 'closet whumper' dear gods sorry bad joke.


                        Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
                        I know this is the Whumping thread - but any chance we could get one of those Star Trek Holodecks over at the Thunking thread!!??
                        Got bored!




                            Originally posted by CKO View Post
                            hmmmm takes a new meaning on the word 'closet whumper' dear gods sorry bad joke.
                            And letting him out is going to re-enforce the whole 40% thing -- "Lorne comes out of the closet".
                            sigpic myLornefanfic


                              Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                              How's about we get some really whumpy discussion going on? Here's some question for us, it'll be interesting to see where we go with the answers!

                              * What's your favourite type of whump, and why?
                              * What's your LEAST favourite type of whump, and why?
                              * If you could write an episode for Lorne, what kind of damage would you do to him?
                              Nice answers, Queen Hathor!! Here are mine:

                              What's your favourite type of whump, and why? I like both physical and emo whump, but I usually lean toward the physical whump. I like danger. And I like to see their family and friends worry over them, too, haha. Almost any kind of physical whump is great,, will say what I don't like in the next question.

                              What's your LEAST favourite type of whump, and why? I don't like whump where they actually die at the end. Or whump where it only happens to the character because it happened to the actor in RL. (Like MS in Nemesis--cannot get on board that train--no RL whump!) Extreme torture is also not good.

                              If you could write an episode for Lorne, what kind of damage would you do to him? I'd most likely have him get shot, or end up with a serious head injury after a puddle jumper crash or something like that.

                              Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post

                              S&R will always be a special ep for me; that's when I fully realized that I'm a whumper (I sped home from work and cued up the DVR to watch the first couple of minutes).
                              LOL, I've always been a whumper of my favorite characters, even before I knew about fanfiction, haha.

                              Originally posted by John's PuddleJumper View Post
                              Right I have a link in my sig to my account.

                              Also on there is a C2C community dedicated to Lorne fics, so hope that gives you some answers
                              Sweet, thanks.

                              Originally posted by Atlantean2005 View Post
                              Got bored!

                              I cannot stop laughing.
                              Much thanks to Snowball for the banner! Many thanks to Cazzblade for the avatar!!
                              I'm a 60%er!


                                Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
                                unfortunatly yes my character shoved him in there "for his own good."
                                Hehe, that's a shame!

                                Originally posted by CKO View Post
                                hmmmm takes a new meaning on the word 'closet whumper' dear gods sorry bad joke.

                                Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
                                And letting him out is going to re-enforce the whole 40% thing -- "Lorne comes out of the closet".
                                Finally, someone said it!!! I was determined it wasn't going to be me!!
                                Originally posted by Iawen View Post
                                Nice answers, Queen Hathor!!

                                Here are mine:

                                What's your favourite type of whump, and why? I like both physical and emo whump, but I usually lean toward the physical whump. I like danger. And I like to see their family and friends worry over them, too, haha. Almost any kind of physical whump is great,, will say what I don't like in the next question.
                                Ooooh definitely!! Taking off my Shex hat temporarily, when Ronon was crying out while Todd fed on Shep in Common Ground; and Shep being so desperate to find Ronon is Sateda was just amazing. The only emo whump like that I've found involving Lorne was in a fic where he and Shep are a couple, and they both brick it when the other goes missing or they think they'll lose each other! *gets a happy warm glow*

                                What's your LEAST favourite type of whump, and why? I don't like whump where they actually die at the end. Or whump where it only happens to the character because it happened to the actor in RL. (Like MS in Nemesis--cannot get on board that train--no RL whump!) Extreme torture is also not good.
                                Definitely no RL whump, that's sadism!!

                                If you could write an episode for Lorne, what kind of damage would you do to him? I'd most likely have him get shot, or end up with a serious head injury after a puddle jumper crash or something like that.
                                Oooh head injury's gooooood!! Disorientated, confused, scalp wound... mmmmmm!! *evil grin*


