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Major Lorne Whumping

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    *huggles* poor emo! whumped Lorne.


      Simple to die for!
      JPJ = John's PuddleJumperJPJ: pssss Lorne I'm a 60%er!
      Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread, Lorne Whumpage Thread, Crazy Alternate Universe Thread, My account
      Banner sigs :- Shanthaia, CKO, Smurfettethatdoesnotshare, Fenrir Foxz, Kali1, SciFiSGFan and others


        yuppers *grins*


          Originally posted by CKO View Post
          *huggles* poor emo! whumped Lorne.
          yes... *hugs*


            So I just watched Coup d'etat again last night and was struck by an evil multi-colored plot bunny that's been running through my head all day long, and I think I have to write it because I haven't been able to find enough Lorne whump fics to satisfy my cravings LOL.
            Much thanks to Snowball for the banner! Many thanks to Cazzblade for the avatar!!
            I'm a 60%er!


              Originally posted by Iawen View Post
              So I just watched Coup d'etat again last night and was struck by an evil multi-colored plot bunny that's been running through my head all day long, and I think I have to write it because I haven't been able to find enough Lorne whump fics to satisfy my cravings LOL.
              you can never satisfy the whump!bunny, trust me I've tried and all it wants is more.

              I <3 Coup D'Etat, it gives me so many emo!whump!bunnies (some shippy and some non-shippy).

              It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
                you can never satisfy the whump!bunny, trust me I've tried and all it wants is more.
                Amen sister!! I'm trying to starve my whump!bunnies at the moment... (please don't arrest me for animal cruelty!! ). My current problem: the whump I want to inflict is caused by the same thing(s) in two of my stories (one a WIP the other has yet to be written {EB, this is the story idea I ran past you! }) Oh well, If I can't figure anything else out, they'll have to be a major repeat... can't really decided if the pun was intended or not there!


                  Write it! Wanna read some Lorne whump
                  I'm a 60%er | Sigs are made by me and othersThe Lorne Identity - A Lorne fanfiction collection community.


                    Originally posted by melfan View Post
                    Write it! Wanna read some Lorne whump
                    The WIP is already up on but you already knew that didn't you . Although I REALLY need to update it... Poor Lorne's been falling off that cliff for SO many months now!!! lol. If you wanna get an idea of my other idea, plus I have yet a third... another crossover that is still in the "pre-production" stage , let me know and I'll PM you the idea.


                      Originally posted by Atlantean2005 View Post
                      Amen sister!! I'm trying to starve my whump!bunnies at the moment... (please don't arrest me for animal cruelty!! ). My current problem: the whump I want to inflict is caused by the same thing(s) in two of my stories (one a WIP the other has yet to be written {EB, this is the story idea I ran past you! }) Oh well, If I can't figure anything else out, they'll have to be a major repeat... can't really decided if the pun was intended or not there!

                      and I know what you mean about WIP's; I'm working on two stories at the moment and try to space out the postings so people aren't waiting forever but whenever I want to write I can't make the words translate from my brain onto the keyboard and when I don't have the time that's when the bunnies decide to pile onto me.

                      I've had Lorne stuck in a closet for two months now

                      It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                        Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post

                        and I know what you mean about WIP's; I'm working on two stories at the moment and try to space out the postings so people aren't waiting forever but whenever I want to write I can't make the words translate from my brain onto the keyboard and when I don't have the time that's when the bunnies decide to pile onto me.

                        I've had Lorne stuck in a closet for two months now
                        Glad I know that isn't just happening to me!!!! I started one while I was already working on another because I wanted to get that idea out and started before I lost it...

                        And I bet our clones hate being in "suspended animation" like that ! Like I said in my last post to Mel, the WIP I DESPERATELY need to update, Lorne's goin over a cliff, and in my other, he and Ianto have just been mind tortured by replicators... and i haven't been able to continue. I can SEE how I want things to go but I just can't actually get the ideas into decent words.


                          Originally posted by Atlantean2005 View Post
                          I can SEE how I want things to go but I just can't actually get the ideas into decent words.
                          that's how it is with me, there are just so many whumpy things that I want to do to Lorne and everyone on Atlantis that I don't know what to do first!

                          It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                            whump oh yea im right up there too... but the one im writing for is for fun too. *smirks* its a five series x-over... yes you have heard right... well okay maybe four if i count the gates as one. have SG1/Atlantis/BtVS/Torchwood/Highlander (the series)

                            so far he's been knocked out by a very powerful double Quickening, and sent flying away from his wife as she challenges her teacher (after being under the inflence of a Dark Quickening. but she does come to her senses... she just gets a taste of the power and likes it)


                              owch...that's gotta hurt.

                              let's far (in my story) Lorne's been; knocked out (twice), caught in a collapsing building, fell at leat 30 feet, hunted by Dalek's, hunted by Wraith, almost crushed by falling rock, and locked in a closet.

                              so nothing much.

                              It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                                Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
                                owch...that's gotta hurt.

                                let's far (in my story) Lorne's been; knocked out (twice), caught in a collapsing building, fell at leat 30 feet, hunted by Dalek's, hunted by Wraith, almost crushed by falling rock, and locked in a closet.

                                so nothing much.
                                My plot-bunny has him in a hospital bed for the past 2 weeks!!!! Cant seem to get back to it and get him out of there!
                                sigpic myLornefanfic

