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Major Lorne Whumping

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    we're just brutal to him...

    do we need help?

    It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


      Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post

      do we need help?
      sigpic myLornefanfic


        Originally posted by Stargate78fan View Post
        EB, you're evil to poor Lorne! I can't remember what I've done to him. I do remember he's been given electric shots, been made invisible because he touched something that wasn't meant for him. He's had his wife killed (in the alternate universe to what I'm currently writing), his kids taken from him and his wife too. His wife was taken over by Goa'uld way back at the SGC when they were there together, before they were married. But mostly the usual physical and emo whump. Oh, he's also been trapped in a fallen down building too, I don't think I've published it yet. Oh, maybe I am just as evil as you're!
        Excellent! Where can I read these? LOL.

        Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
        we're just brutal to him...

        do we need help?

        But if you received it you wouldn't be a whumper anymore, and that's just not acceptable. Now, where is that chapter you promised??
        Much thanks to Snowball for the banner! Many thanks to Cazzblade for the avatar!!
        I'm a 60%er!


          Originally posted by Iawen View Post
          Now, where is that chapter you promised??
          I'll post it next week, cross my heart!

          It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


            Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
            I'll post it next week, cross my heart!

            I guess I'll be patient. LOL.
            Much thanks to Snowball for the banner! Many thanks to Cazzblade for the avatar!!
            I'm a 60%er!


              I update/post a chapter once a month and I've found that the first week is pretty hectic so I've been posting on the 10th (or around that date) so it won't be much longer...

              It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                EB, yes we can be brutal, but that's half the fun. We get to make him feel better afterwards though.

                Iawen, here's the link to my fics at livejournal (you'll need to be able to sign in) and at I haven't written all those fics, but they're ones I plan to write. They do get mentioned in a few of my fics. Hopefully that makes sense!!


                Thanks to Jumble for the icon and siggy.
                My My Own Website


                  *sneaks in*


                  *drops a pressie*


                  Shep: Huh,someone out there wants a word with you, Major!
                  Lorne: Who .. me?!

                  Shep: Yeah.. um you don´t mind me waiting in the Jumper, do you?
                  Lorne: You want me to go out there without back up?

                  Shep: I´m sure you can handle it!
                  Lorne: Now why don´t I like the sound of that...

                  Lorne: Come on guys, you know what these birthday stories are like..!
                  McKay: Is he EVER gonna stop crying?!
                  Shep: Well, that´s not nice Rodney, his whumpers are as bad as mine!

                  Lorne: Yeah, that´s mostly because they´re the SAME ones! Well, some of them!
                  Ronon: The man has a point!

                  Lorne: Look .. all I´m asking for is for Dr McKay to come along, make sure there aren´t any booby traps, alright??

                  McKay: Oh for crying out loud!
                  Lorne: Well, I´ll remember this tone next time you need ME!

                  Teyla: Perhaps if Colonel Sheppard protects you, those whumpers will leave the two of you...
                  Lorne: You´re kidding, right?? He´s usually the first target!

                  Teyla: But not here, this is mackenziesmomma´s birthday, she is more your fan than his!

                  Lorne: Uh-uh! Why doesn´t that comfort me one bit?!

                  McKay: Wait.. you hear that??
                  Lorne: I told you!


                  Thanks for checking the area, McKay!!

                  As if there ever was a chance to escape this! Major Lorne, you have a lot to learn!

                  I guess this is your cue to come out now, mackenziesmomma?!

                  And bring some painkillers, please??

                  Shep: So, how are you feeling, Major?!

                  Been better!! *swallows valium*

                  Ronon: Shouldn´t we stop him from doing that??
                  Shep: You better run now, he took all of mine away!!

                  Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
                  picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


                    It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                      Great pic spam, SAF and I love your comments!!
                      Thanks to Jumble for the icon and siggy.
                      My My Own Website


                        Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
                        Originally posted by Stargate78fan View Post
                        Great pic spam, SAF and I love your comments!!

                        I hope Kass likes it, looks like I was too late with her pressie

                        Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
                        picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


                          Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                          *sneaks in*


                          *drops a pressie*


                          Shep: Huh,someone out there wants a word with you, Major!
                          Lorne: Who .. me?!


                          Shep: Yeah.. um you don´t mind me waiting in the Jumper, do you?
                          Lorne: You want me to go out there without back up?


                          Shep: I´m sure you can handle it!
                          Lorne: Now why don´t I like the sound of that...


                          Lorne: Come on guys, you know what these birthday stories are like..!
                          McKay: Is he EVER gonna stop crying?!
                          Shep: Well, that´s not nice Rodney, his whumpers are as bad as mine!


                          Lorne: Yeah, that´s mostly because they´re the SAME ones! Well, some of them!
                          Ronon: The man has a point!


                          Lorne: Look .. all I´m asking for is for Dr McKay to come along, make sure there aren´t any booby traps, alright??


                          McKay: Oh for crying out loud!
                          Lorne: Well, I´ll remember this tone next time you need ME!


                          Teyla: Perhaps if Colonel Sheppard protects you, those whumpers will leave the two of you...
                          Lorne: You´re kidding, right?? He´s usually the first target!


                          Teyla: But not here, this is mackenziesmomma´s birthday, she is more your fan than his!


                          Lorne: Uh-uh! Why doesn´t that comfort me one bit?!


                          McKay: Wait.. you hear that??
                          Lorne: I told you!




                          Thanks for checking the area, McKay!!


                          As if there ever was a chance to escape this! Major Lorne, you have a lot to learn!


                          I guess this is your cue to come out now, mackenziesmomma?!


                          And bring some painkillers, please??


                          Shep: So, how are you feeling, Major?!


                          Been better!! *swallows valium*


                          Ronon: Shouldn´t we stop him from doing that??
                          Shep: You better run now, he took all of mine away!!

                          Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                          I hope Kass likes it, looks like I was too late with her pressie
                          Oh SAF its perfect!!! I'm sooo sorry it took me days to get back to it. From Sunday to Monday I managed to pull a 41 hour day so I was *dead*(I ended up working a 13 hour shift monday that *killed* me).

                          Thank you sooo much again. Will have to see if I can green you if not *mental green*.

                          I'm a 60%'er


                            Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                            Oh SAF its perfect!!! I'm sooo sorry it took me days to get back to it. From Sunday to Monday I managed to pull a 41 hour day so I was *dead*(I ended up working a 13 hour shift monday that *killed* me).

                            Thank you sooo much again. Will have to see if I can green you if not *mental green*.
                            that´s one heck of a busy schedule
                            I hope things settle for you soon!

                            Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
                            picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


                              Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                              that´s one heck of a busy schedule
                              I hope things settle for you soon!

                              Well it was the end of my work season so yes its gotten a lot better(and it was rather my own fault that it happened.)

                              I'm a 60%'er


                                Originally posted by Stargate78fan View Post
                                Iawen, here's the link to my fics at livejournal (you'll need to be able to sign in) and at I haven't written all those fics, but they're ones I plan to write. They do get mentioned in a few of my fics. Hopefully that makes sense!!
                                Thank you!!!
                                Much thanks to Snowball for the banner! Many thanks to Cazzblade for the avatar!!
                                I'm a 60%er!

