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Todd Thunk/Appreciation

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    I like your sig Bluejay


      thank you, i can only do a single unmodified picture with text at the moment, don't have any programs to play around with and be creative.


        Yeah I know what you mean but I think that sig you have is cool. Todd looks so cute in it


          it's actually steve, a shot from when he was imprisoned, just after he threw a hissy fit i think.


            oh right sorry for the mistake. I used to adore steve out of all the wraiths


              I've done a Todd profile pic spam on one of the first pages, so you'll easily see that that picture is not him, if you wanna see.

              And BlueJay, I didn't even notice that it's 'just a pic with words over it', so yay for it not showing, it looks really good, I mean to say!

              In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

              I wish I got to know you better.


                as requested

                “Im not staying here!” the screaming match had been going on for 10 minutes now, both of them refusing to back down even a little. “You will stay here! My work is dangerous and not for a stupid human!” “Stupid? Stupid? Im not the one relying on my species to eat!” Todd hissed as she aimed a low blow remark at his feeding habits. “I refuse to allow you to come! This is dangerous! I will not be babysitting!” he countered well. That was an even lower blow than Anna’s. “Babysitting? Im 24 years old Todd! Like hell I need a babysitter! I want to come!” “No! I absolutely refuse to! You wanted to come here, you wanted to study us and I have allowed you to! Now continue your studies doctor and leave me to my mission!” they stood facing each other breathing heavily. It was a draw. Anna turned her back on Todd and sulked. He hadn’t even told her what the mission was but still refused to let her even go with him, and frankly even in a large hive it was too small. She wanted to do something other than watch wraith that just snarled at her. She wanted to see a wraith in action, in a situation, under pressure. She used to jot down notes on Sheppard’s team, teyla and ronon after she saw them post-mission. But ever since finding out about wraith, about this whole new, so mysterious species she had always dreamed of understanding them. Everything about them. Joining her few notes to create theories and explanations, so the atlantians would be better prepared. The first wraith she saw was Steve, not the talkative type at all. He just kept saying she was going to die and she had assumed it was a self defense mechanism, used by him to hide things that they could use against him, fear, loneliness, and hunger. The second wraith, bob was equally as reluctant to let anything slip, even more aggressive than Steve at times. She wasn’t there to see him killed but she was told he was smirking a hell of a lot when Sheppard was shooting him. Again another chance lost. But Todd was totally different. When Sheppard was kidnapped and then returned he didn’t want to talk about it to heightmeir or her, psychology and body language study made him edgy, she knew that. But when she was assigned to watch him during the replicator crisis, she understood why Sheppard didn’t dislike him as much as the others. And she even remembered their first conversation.

                Walking into the cells on day one she was nervous, even with a shield protecting her she had seen Steve and bob get angry within minutes of her arrival. Attacking the shield, screaming she would die and generally being very un-cooperative. Todd stood in the center of the cell watching her walk towards it. She stopped a step away from it, she stared at him, and he stared at her. Starting with a little politeness might help. “Hello. Im doctor kahanari. Im just here to take some notes.” The wraith nodded and she began taking some little notes on his stance and expressions, Anna knew he was working very closely with Rodney and that made her feel sorry for him. Rodney was a pain; most of the science team hated him. And he could get frequently annoying. “Anything wrong? I know your working with doctor McKay. He can sometimes drive people up the wall.” The wraith gave a usual smirk. “Yes he does have a certain fondness for complaints.” She nodded and smiled. He did. That’s what people noticed a lot about him. He was a whiny git at times. “What are you taking notes on doctor?” Anna looked up; the wraith had moved closer, intrigued. He was willing to actually say more than she was going to die. “Im taking notes on behavior. Your behavior.” The wraith arched an eyebrow. “Why would do something such as that?” Anna smiled to herself. Behavioral theory was a lost art. “Because doctor McKay uses complicated math’s to come to a conclusion about machines. I use body language and movements to come to a conclusion about people, animals, and more recently wraith.” The wraith nodded. It did make sense when it was explained.

                She came back to reality as Todd slammed out of the room; by the force and stamping he was clearly as unhappy as she was. If he wasn’t going to say yes to her coming…. She would do something about it.

                I'm not dead. Yet.


                  *thinks anna will sneak on the mission*


                    oh duh it'll get so interesting later but i couldnt write the sneaking on just yet i dont write well when im hungover

                    I'm not dead. Yet.


                      hey ya'll - I think you already know about the calendar hype in this forum and just thought I might share my latest calendar sheet with you. It's a bit shippy, hope you like it though


                        Yay! more story.
                        Todd's going to wind up bald at the end of this story, having yanked it all out due to frustration.
                        FOR MY HIVE AND MY HIVE ALONE


                          Originally posted by BlueJay View Post
                          Yay! more story.
                          Todd's going to wind up bald at the end of this story, having yanked it all out due to frustration.
                          oh yeah. a bald wraith O.o kinda reminds me of the sedata one with the litle tuft of hair on his bald head

                          I'm not dead. Yet.


                            Fainne, it's lovely!

                            Bummer I'm not printing.

                            In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                            I wish I got to know you better.


                              Originally posted by GoSpikey
                              Fainne, it's lovely!

                              Bummer I'm not printing.
                              thanks I was experimentin with a new style and I just love that little smile on his face *-*


                                Why does GW post my posts twice?

                                Do they really think that the new things are easier for their server? Look what it's doing to them!

                                In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                                I wish I got to know you better.

