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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
    it's what the thread thing told me hehe that's a large proportion of your posts in here.

    hmm I need to be rescued by the yumminess of Paul from my wicked wanderings... lmao
    Weird. I wonder where the other 300 posts are. Cause I hardly ever leave "home." Just a couple of months ago when you posted top five I wasn't even on the list. Now I'm third. I think I need to get out more. I spend to much time here.
    Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


      Originally posted by leighanners View Post
      ......I think I need to get out more. I spend to much time here.
      You and me both sister. I too spend wayyyy to much time here.

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        I'm trying to talk mother into a pit stop in Chicago on the way back from NY if we go. Hopefully she'll say yes! I'm not sure if he'll be at comic con so I need a backup plan incase

        Jenner8675309, cajuncayenne, Rosehawk - Go to the con and meet paul! It's an experience of a lifetime! it leaves you speechless and jittery inside...ok maybe that was just me lol

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          Originally posted by KerMcG90 View Post

          Jenner8675309, cajuncayenne, Rosehawk - Go to the con and meet paul! It's an experience of a lifetime! it leaves you speechless and jittery inside...ok maybe that was just me lol
          Have you shared your experience? If you did I missed tell!


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            Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post
            You and me both sister. I too spend wayyyy to much time here.
            Well ya know, when you work the hours I do, and your best friend is pregnant, your other best friend lives three hours away, and the guy that likes you won't ask you out cause he's a chickens***, there isn't a lot to do but hang out here.

            ^ I wanna met that beautiful face! ^
            Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


              It was back last July at comic con.

              it was a dark and stormy night when....

              oops wrong story Last July was my first experience with a convention (had just turned 16 so mom decided I could go) and so after sitting in the hot panel room and wandering around the even hotter exhibit hall with other GW friends our luck paied off and we caught Paul just as he was passing through with the bribe of scottish food and two irn brus. Before doing anything he took the irn bru from our friend and said god bless you and chugged it down [I]then took pictures with us Poor man, don't blame him. 90 degrees outside and full of hot sweaty bodies...*shudder* when it was my turn suddenly I lost all ability to speak which typically doesn't happen when i meet actors and didn't happen again when I met the other members of sga *shrug* He was kind though I got the picture and after he left I was sorta shaking and had a big stupid grin on my face . I turned to my best friend xfkirsten and we both just squeed So yeah thats my story. (During the time we also caught Torri, Rachel, Chris and saw Joe being dragged along to the booth by his oldest kid XD and i had the chance to catch david at the adb premiere in LA but thats a whooole 'nother story )

              *shuts up*

              Can nobodies be somebodies?
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              Lemming #63!


                Originally posted by leighanners View Post
                Well ya know, when you work the hours I do, and your best friend is pregnant, your other best friend lives three hours away, and the guy that likes you won't ask you out cause he's a chickens***, there isn't a lot to do but hang out here.
                Well, when you work my hours, go to grad school, work on cases, fill in teaching at the university and have most of your friends and family half a country away......wait you used my excuse!

                I want to meet that face ^ but knows I'ld make a fool of myself somehow...

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                  Ker- Awww, what a good 16th birthday present (maybe belated, but still)...

                  I've get to get speechless around "celebs" since I used to work in music, but since he make my heart go flutter, I think I would stutter like a poor idiot and he would think was was special, and not in the good way.

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                    Awsome story Ker! I wanna met SGA. Including Paul. Wait I think I have that backwards!

                    Playing in PS...which I know I shouldn't do.

                    Everything I've been doing is so dark right now...I wonder if that's a reflection of my inner mood.
                    Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                      I'm the same way. I normally don't just go brain dead when I'm around actors but this one was special lol. Though when I went up to him to take the picture he smiled at me in the way only paul can and just...the blue eyes...That may have been why the brain just suddenly stopped functioning XD

                      Can nobodies be somebodies?
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                      Lemming #63!


                        You know (this is sad I know) I keep pondering how there was Irn Bru at comic con....its banned by the fda in the states........(seriously!)...why can't I move past that? I know it gets imported in sometimes by chance, but by large, its unavailable and totally illegal....

                        <dork, I know>
                        Last edited by Jenner8675309; 02 February 2007, 10:42 PM.

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                          Well the girl that gave it to him was originally from scotland. And he's recieved it before from fans. Hmmm...


                          Me and Paul! Irn Bru in tow

                          random pic with paul in it because I can

                          Can nobodies be somebodies?
                          My Livejournal
                          Lemming #63!


                            and another one. I think I'm gonna stop now. I'm in an icon making mood and I hate icons.

                            I wanna try Irn Bru. Just cause I've heard so much about it. Maybe when I jump across the pond next year. That should be reason enough to get on a plane.
                            Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                              Originally posted by KerMcG90 View Post
                              Well the girl that gave it to him was originally from scotland. And he's recieved it before from fans. Hmmm...


                              Me and Paul! Irn Bru in tow

                              random pic with paul in it because I can
                              Super pics! He's touching you. *jealous*
                              Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                                Originally posted by KerMcG90 View Post
                                Well the girl that gave it to him was originally from scotland. And he's recieved it before from fans. Hmmm...


                                Me and Paul! Irn Bru in tow

                                random pic with paul in it because I can
                                Hmmm, well apparently a tweaked version is sometimes allowed in...(yes I googled it..)

                                Nice pics. So cute! But seriously Paul - black shirt and white and tan shoes? EGAD! He needs a woman...well looky there, I'm a woman...and available.....

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