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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Yes well, it seems that I am now overstocked. So it's buy one get two free.
    Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


      I feel like I'm a dream world. I just want to wake up and for everyone to say, "Hey did you see Carson last night, how he swam across that river to help that kid..."

      But that'll never happen now...


        Originally posted by leighanners View Post


        Have a chocolate Carson pop. They're on sale.
        That's cool


          Originally posted by Allestian View Post
          I feel like I'm a dream world. I just want to wake up and for everyone to say, "Hey did you see Carson last night, how he swam across that river to help that kid..."

          But that'll never happen now...

          Yeah.... This whole thing is sad.


            ok.. this sucks.. this soooo sucks... i watched sunday three hours ago and needed until now to calm down.. at least a bit.. this is so bloody unfair. *cries and sobs*

            was this really necessary? now, i have seen the episode, i can't deny anymore.. it's just.. crap..

            sunday was the episode, is was waiting for sooo long. finally an episode, that showed the off-duty life of the characters. i was waiting for that ever since i've read an interview with martin gero, in which he told about his idea to do such an ep. i loved to see what they do when there's no major thread to the city, no catastrophe to be solve, no solar system to blow up...

            why why why did this ep have to be the one, where they kill carson off??? why kill him off anyway?

            i'm so torn, because i still like the writers and producers and on the other hand, they're the ones that took carson from us.

            what shall i say.. sunday did a really good job in showing the characters. but as this was carsons last one, it should be more concentrated on his character. the whole smoochy weir/mike thing?? BORING!

            I'm probably babbling now.. and i don't know where to stop... i really liked the episode, but the end sucks... i mean last week sheppard survived that damn crash with that shuttle and didn't even get a scratch! it would have been soo easy to wait with the explosion until carson was around the corner.. maybe severly injured but heck.. still ALIVE!!!

            after 20minutes i started crying and it got even worse with the funeral and reached it's climax in the last scene with carson and rodney...

            sorry for ranting on and on.. and for my probably bad english because of it.. but i think, you'll get the point...

            I'm just a little hopeless now, but strangely i feel better, now that the whole waiting for it is finally over. still... i want him


            i'm just going off to an AU now... *sighs*


            Convention-Pics: baby-turtles. de
            Visit me at my LJ


              Originally posted by phibi View Post
              ok.. this sucks.. this soooo sucks... i watched sunday three hours ago and needed until now to calm down.. at least a bit.. this is so bloody unfair. *cries and sobs*

              was this really necessary? now, i have seen the episode, i can't deny anymore.. it's just.. crap..

              sunday was the episode, is was waiting for sooo long. finally an episode, that showed the off-duty life of the characters. i was waiting for that ever since i've read an interview with martin gero, in which he told about his idea to do such an ep. i loved to see what they do when there's no major thread to the city, no catastrophe to be solve, no solar system to blow up...

              why why why did this ep have to be the one, where they kill carson off??? why kill him off anyway?

              i'm so torn, because i still like the writers and producers and on the other hand, they're the ones that took carson from us.

              what shall i say.. sunday did a really good job in showing the characters. but as this was carsons last one, it should be more concentrated on his character. the whole smoochy weir/mike thing?? BORING!

              I'm probably babbling now.. and i don't know where to stop... i really liked the episode, but the end sucks... i mean last week sheppard survived that damn crash with that shuttle and didn't even get a scratch! it would have been soo easy to wait with the explosion until carson was around the corner.. maybe severly injured but heck.. still ALIVE!!!

              after 20minutes i started crying and it got even worse with the funeral and reached it's climax in the last scene with carson and rodney...

              sorry for ranting on and on.. and for my probably bad english because of it.. but i think, you'll get the point...

              I'm just a little hopeless now, but strangely i feel better, now that the whole waiting for it is finally over. still... i want him


              i'm just going off to an AU now... *sighs*


              Hey, I think you're not alone with this opinion.
              I really like the ep, except for the end.... And who was this Mike????? First I thought this man is like John Carter of ER...

              *hugs you back*


                Since I haven't seen Sunday yet...I'll see what you mean when it airs.


                  hey everyone
                  Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                    Originally posted by JennyJ View Post
                    Hey, I think you're not alone with this opinion.
                    I really like the ep, except for the end.... And who was this Mike????? First I thought this man is like John Carter of ER...

                    *hugs you back*
                    at first, i thought, since when did sheppard grew a beard again.. because that mike-guy is so look-a-like. and the weir/mike has some screen time filling to it.. IMO
                    not that i don't want weir to have a relationship, i just think it didn't fit in this episode.. some more girly talk with teyla would have been much better

                    and to take part in the wake.. this is not from season two, but i needed something funny...

                    Convention-Pics: baby-turtles. de
                    Visit me at my LJ


                      lol nice pic
                      Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                        Originally posted by phibi View Post
                        at first, i thought, since when did sheppard grew a beard again.. because that mike-guy is so look-a-like. and the weir/mike has some screen time filling to it.. IMO
                        not that i don't want weir to have a relationship, i just think it didn't fit in this episode.. some more girly talk with teyla would have been much better

                        and to take part in the wake.. this is not from season two, but i needed something funny...

                        I agree about the Teyla/Weir talk. It could be much better. Talking about guys.... That could be more interesting

                        LOL Quite funny picture


                          use the force!!!and a spatula!!!


                            lol yeah
                            Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                              Originally posted by JennyJ View Post
                              I agree about the Teyla/Weir talk. It could be much better. Talking about guys.... That could be more interesting

                              LOL Quite funny picture
                              yeah, that would have been much more interesting. i've read once a fanfiction, in which teyla, liz, cadman and katie spend an evening in the messhall with a couple bottles of whine and they're discussing which guy is the hottest in atlantis ) that was quite funny

                              hm.. i think we're going out of the spoiler department now *lol

                              thanks, i like that picture too ) and it gets my thoughts to a much nicer place...

                              Convention-Pics: baby-turtles. de
                              Visit me at my LJ


                                Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig

