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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Drwho'srose
    Yes I knew Joe's was 1967 (he is the oldest) I wasn't sure of the date. Hmm, we may have to throw them a joint party, haha, I guess they aren't filming when they have their birthday/s? That would be one interesting day on set.
    Wow! My 2 favourite hunks sharing the same birthday. Wonderful
    Proud Thunker of Carson Beckett and John Sheppard
    and Captain Jack Harkness
    Creator of The Rockett - Rodney & Beckett Thread
    Priestess of the Lab Coat Love Association
    Proud owner of the chant *sigh..swoon..faint..Thunk!*
    I live here.....Calling All Australians?
    My other home...Stargate Down Under
    My Life on LiveJournal


      Oh I am so jealous TJuk you have met him and hugged him. Lucky gal. Again dedicated gal. And why wouldn't he love the site? It's a great promotion of all things him! LOL

      In a Tux well I did have him with the whole James Bond thing going on. I guess I should check it out. NO!


        Originally posted by TJuk
        lol...I was wondering how long it would take y'all to find that one! I got it at the Glasgow con the first time I met Paul. I got two infact, one to keep to scan for my fellow fans and one to get signed which says 'TJ, thanks for everything! xoxo Paul' (he likes the site!! SQUEE )

        So have you been trawling through all the screen caps, I'm surprised no one has posted anything from 'Something More' yet (bottom of film various page)!! Paul in Tux...oh yeah!!!

        More coming soon, I have the SGA DVD's and have been slowly making caps..theres 200+ all Beckett captures from 'Rising' alone!!!


        P.s. Do I need to add a 'no resposibility will be taken for the loss of keyboards or bodily harm incurred whilst viewing this site?'

        P.P.S this is the thread campaigning against the lack of Carson in the series so far, go make your voices heard ladies. Let's try to keep things positive too, we know TPTB look at the boards and some good discussion/arguements for seeing more of the man cant hurt!!
        That was from your site TJuk. I will worship the land, the earth, wherever you walk on!! I love that pic. Thank you so much! and I'm utterly jealous that you got to meet up with PM . You are so lucky. And your site is great! I wonder if his girlfriend gets jealous of, you must have more pictures than she does! But I guess her consolation is being with Paul instead, gotta say I envy her!

        And the "No responsibility....."disclaimer is a good idea, cause you have no idea how much drool my keyboard has right now. Green jello you again, but still can't

        Thanks for all the great pics, TJuk!
        Proud Thunker of Carson Beckett and John Sheppard
        and Captain Jack Harkness
        Creator of The Rockett - Rodney & Beckett Thread
        Priestess of the Lab Coat Love Association
        Proud owner of the chant *sigh..swoon..faint..Thunk!*
        I live here.....Calling All Australians?
        My other home...Stargate Down Under
        My Life on LiveJournal


          Originally posted by Celestial
          I wonder if his girlfriend gets jealous of, you must have more pictures than she does! But I guess her consolation is being with Paul instead, gotta say I envy her! Thanks for all the great pics, TJuk!
          Ooh has he got a new girlfriend? Hmm, so me sending him my underwear is out of the question, again! Dam!


            Originally posted by Drwho'srose
            Ooh has he got a new girlfriend? Hmm, so me sending him my underwear is out of the question, again! Dam!
            Last I checked, I think he's still going out with the same girl, unless he's back to being single.

            *rubs hands together while plotting and choosing my best underwear to send him, while giving Rose the wrong info to beat her in sending her underwear tp PM....laughs evilly...ha...ha...ha...*
            Proud Thunker of Carson Beckett and John Sheppard
            and Captain Jack Harkness
            Creator of The Rockett - Rodney & Beckett Thread
            Priestess of the Lab Coat Love Association
            Proud owner of the chant *sigh..swoon..faint..Thunk!*
            I live here.....Calling All Australians?
            My other home...Stargate Down Under
            My Life on LiveJournal


              (((TJuk))) I couldn't resist, this picture was just begging to be shared by one and all PM fans......This just about undid me Your site also needs to come with a big WARNING! sign while traipsing around the gallery snapshots!

              From the TV show - Mercy Point - 'New Arrivals. Pic courtesy of TJuk website

              And with this picture, I bid you goodnight and the most sweetest dreams!
              Proud Thunker of Carson Beckett and John Sheppard
              and Captain Jack Harkness
              Creator of The Rockett - Rodney & Beckett Thread
              Priestess of the Lab Coat Love Association
              Proud owner of the chant *sigh..swoon..faint..Thunk!*
              I live here.....Calling All Australians?
              My other home...Stargate Down Under
              My Life on LiveJournal


                Originally posted by Celestial
                Last I checked, I think he's still going out with the same girl, unless he's back to being single.

                *rubs hands together while plotting and choosing my best underwear to send him, while giving Rose the wrong info to beat her in sending her underwear tp PM....laughs evilly...ha...ha...ha...*
                The interview from hmm, was it July this year? TJ, help! Didn't he say he was single? Still I should send my underwear to him, hmm, or maybe just me! *going off to the gutter and it's only 7.45am!*


                  Originally posted by TJuk
                  Guess I'm a little frustrated over the lack of Carson character devleopment this season! HE'S NOT JUST A BLOODY DOCTOR!!
                  Once upon a time at a Babylon 5 con an audience member asked the stars what their characters' answering machine messages would be.

                  Richard Biggs said his would be "This is Dr. Franklin. I'm in MedBay. I'm *always* in MedBay!"

                  The only medical personnel in TV I have ever seen routinely get out of the clinic are McCoy of Star Trek, Franklin of Babylon 5, and the stars of MASH. Notice all three of these were military.

                  I have a sneaking suspicion that given Beckett's character as established so far, the best we can hope for is Dr. McCoy.

                  Methinks Beckett needs a hobby, a friend... Something to get him dropping in on the world outside the infirmary and conference room.

                  The puddlejumper piloting was actually a pretty neat idea, but then the writers decided he hates it, he isn't good at it, and never did anything to indicate active training in it, so now he's been replaced by military personnel with the gene. This has been an all-pervading problem with Stargate Atlantis: Set up characters to do things they have no training in, sabotage any chance for growth, then quietly forget about it because it's a dramatic dead-end.

                  Imagine the resulting character potential if there had just been one throwaway moment with Beckett insisting no, he's *not* amenable to postponing a flying lesson with Sheppard because, although he has no aptitude for it, he needs to learn, doesn't he!
                  Last edited by Wordsmit2; 22 August 2005, 11:19 PM.

                  The story of my life. I finally find a city like this, intact, deserted for ten thousand years, probably contains hundreds of patents that I can exploit--and I'm going to die. I can appreciate dramatic irony as much as the next person, but this is pushing it a bit. --Max Eilerson, Crusade "War Zone"

                  Mess with me, you mess with my whole family. --Max Eilerson, Crusade "Ruling From the Tomb"


                    Originally posted by Celestial
                    I'll raise your black and white pic for this one, it's my all time fave and would look great in a sig ( hint...).....I would credit the site I found this at, but I can't remember for the life of me where I found it...but thanks anyway! (Edit: actually this picture is courtesy of TJuk from her cool PM website:


                    this pic just melts my heart away and leaves me in a pool of mush . I can stare at this pic forever *sigh, swoon, faint, thunk!*



                    ****please stay tuned, Thistledown is experiencing cognative difficulties. Coherence will but restored as soon as possible..***


                      Originally posted by thistledown



                      ****please stay tuned, Thistledown is experiencing cognative difficulties. Coherence will but restored as soon as possible..***
                      Haha, couldn't have put it better myself. Wish I could woof whistle.


                        Originally posted by TJuk
                        lol...I was wondering how long it would take y'all to find that one! I got it at the Glasgow con the first time I met Paul. I got two infact, one to keep to scan for my fellow fans and one to get signed which says 'TJ, thanks for everything! xoxo Paul'
                        Am I jealous? Wait, let me check...hmm... yep, definitely jealous!
                        Originally posted by TJuk
                        P.s. Do I need to add a 'no resposibility will be taken for the loss of keyboards or bodily harm incurred whilst viewing this site?'
                        Would be better! And you have no idea how often I visited the floor due to severe thunking when I visited your site, so maybe I should also send my next doctor's bill to you!
                        Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                        The interview from hmm, was it July this year? TJ, help! Didn't he say he was single? Still I should send my underwear to him, hmm, or maybe just me! *going off to the gutter and it's only 7.45am!*
                        There's nothing like going for a swim in the gutter early in the morning! It's not that crowded then!
                        And this interview, do you mean the Q&A? I'm not sure, think that was from June, and there he said he's single. He also said so in another, earlier interview (or was it on a con?). The only time he mentioned a girlfriend was when he talked about the fact that there wasn't any underwear in the mail yet.
                        This could change if Rose found a mailbox in the gutter!

                        Celestial - this b/w pic is just breathtaking! I'll see what I can do about using it in the sig. I'll pm you.

                        Bye, A.
                        ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                        ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                          Originally posted by Arlessiar
                          And this interview, do you mean the Q&A? I'm not sure, think that was from June, and there he said he's single. He also said so in another, earlier interview (or was it on a con?).
                          You can find the Interview/Q&A (it was meant to be a bit of fun and something different from the usual same old interview) done in July here:


                          I like the B&W photo, but its a little older, looking at it I'd say it was taken around the time of 'Viper' (so 1996-ish). My fav has to be the most recent grey shirt cheeky smile headshot (love the ones from SGA but I prefer the ones of the man not the character)! Paul just gets better and better with age, like a fine wine...hhuuummm must be all that red wine he drinks!! hehehehe

                          As for the 'single' at the con, it was a running gag. Everytime a lass (or sometimes a bloke) got up to the mic to ask a question he would say 'SINGLE' the minute they started to speak. He got plenty of dinner and date offers...and some crazy Brit lass asked him to marry her which got a good laugh...wonder who that was???



                            Originally posted by TJuk
                            As for the 'single' at the con, it was a running gag. Everytime a lass (or sometimes a bloke) got up to the mic to ask a question he would say 'SINGLE' the minute they started to speak. He got plenty of dinner and date offers...and some crazy Brit lass asked him to marry her which got a good laugh...wonder who that was???

                            Haha, you are as naughty as he is! I don't blame you but I don't think I would have had enough guts to do that. lol

                            Sooo, where do I send the underwear.


                              Originally posted by thistledown



                              ****please stay tuned, Thistledown is experiencing cognative difficulties. Coherence will but restored as soon as possible..***
                              LOL! TJuk's pics are fantastic. A haven for all PM fans I go there everytime I'm online just to stare at some of her collection of pics....((((thank you TJuk))))
                              Proud Thunker of Carson Beckett and John Sheppard
                              and Captain Jack Harkness
                              Creator of The Rockett - Rodney & Beckett Thread
                              Priestess of the Lab Coat Love Association
                              Proud owner of the chant *sigh..swoon..faint..Thunk!*
                              I live here.....Calling All Australians?
                              My other home...Stargate Down Under
                              My Life on LiveJournal


                                Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                                Haha, you are as naughty as he is! I don't blame you but I don't think I would have had enough guts to do that. lol
                                Me Naughty??? hehehehe I cant beleive I said it, it just kinda popped out...would have been funnier if I then didn't loose my nerve and start to stutter then gush! But he didn't say yes or I'm taking that as a maybe!

                                And just a friendly word ladies. Paul is a private person, so while asking about 'girlfriends' isn't exactly 'private' it is part of his private life and we should respect his wishes to keep that 'out of bounds'. Along with stuff like his age, if he wanted us to know, believe me the man likes to ramble on occassion and he would share at a con or interview I'm sure. Paul is a total sweetheart and I have a lot of respect for him and I hope you can all understand why I'm saying that!!

                                He does however, like to talk about his family and I'm in the process of transcripting the Q&A session from last years German con from the DVD, in which he tells a story about a practical joke he and his brothers played on their sister as kids, involving dumping her asleep into their pool whilst the poor lass was asleep!!! Evil little buggers!!!

                                Sooo, where do I send the underwear.
                                ROFL...erm... There are 'contacts' on my website


