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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    (God dammit GW ate my post...)

    *I think for a moment, the beach flashes through my mind, the sun shining down on us, A-Carson and I standing on the sand facing each other, my sisters beside me, Abby with her basket of flowers, and Shep and Carson beside A-Carson, all of my friends sitting and watching the scene...A-Carson looks at me so lovingly, I'm so happy...I don't even care about the long scar on my back just then...but the sunlight fades some, coming in through the stained glass windows and casting rainbow patterns on the walls and floors, the sand vanishes and the relaxing sound of the ocean vanishes. Now I am standing inside the city, the same scene of friends and family, the same look from A-Carson...I still don't care about my, I don't think it matters where the wedding happens, as long as it does happen...I sort of absently reach back with one hand to feel along my scar for a second as I think, a slight smile on my face*

    I could do my wedding here, I think. I don't think it matters where the wedding is, as long as it happens.


      -I'm glad to hear it...because you are getting married even if it has to be in a broom cupboard!


        With a little luck, we'll be able to do it in that nice big empty room in the main tower, the one with all those gorgeous stained glass windows...two floors up from the 'Gate Room... *I'm still fiddling with my scar absently, not realizing it*


          Oh the sounds lovely...and will be good for the reception without to much trouble..or we could just have use the mess for it


            Oh the reception. Um, what food should we have? I tried to have this conversation with A-Carson the other day but--

            A- Ma' Love said no haggis f'r me. *he rolls his eyes teasingly*

            Darn right I did, Love. None of it!

            A- Since it's ma' Aang's special day, I'm no' going to get in th' middle o' it...

            So not what you said the other day, my dear A-Carson.

            A- Aye, but I've thought better o' it now. *he smiles and walks off to check on our other patients, once again leaving me alone with my sister and Shep*

            Anyway, what sort of food for the reception?


              We live on water, I vote for seafood. There is a fish that is a lot like salmon that is very common in the waters right around this base, A-Carson must have heard about it...might even be happy to help catch some for the head table.

              AIf I get any time away from 'ere, I would luv some time with a line....sounds like a fine way t spend some time.


                I have an idea, Love. What if the day that I take Dell and Beck to Earth to do the wedding shopping, you and Carson and maybe Rodney and Shep if they'd like to boys go fishing that day?

                *I say this as I stand up and start to walk away, looking over my shoulder at my sister* I'll be right back, Sis...I'm sick of wearing the Atlantis uniform.

                *back in my quarters, I pull my old favorite, my purple halter necked top with the low back and my favorite pair of fitted's been a while since I wore civilian clothes, I haven't looked at this top since I got the scar...but if I'm going to wear that dress for my wedding, I need to get this over with now. I change my clothes, tie the neck of my halter top, glance over my shoulder into the mirror and walk back to the infirmary, as I turn to sit down I know they see my scar, but if I can handle it right here, I can handle it on my wedding day*


                  *I smile, at the look A-Carson has on his face when Aang walks back in...he isn't seeing any scar. After a moment or two he goes a bit red in the face and turns away. Shep sees the scar and winces a bit, but it is more because he remembers she got the scar while taking a beating that was intended for me. I see the scar, and I also know what is going on in my sisters head. I smile and think to her*
                  wear it with pride, it proves you would do anything for those you love. I hate that you got it, but l am grateful that you love me enough to go that far for me


                    (Hello sisters now about bad wrists & ankles i have that too. My wrist i constantly put strain on it & one day i carried something too heavy for one hand & twisted it to an awkward position & sprained it. Wore a brace for a month & ever since then when i put too much strain on it, it hurts for a week & have to wear the brace again. And also i fractured my ankle when i was ten, jumping from somthing to high. Its been a weak ankle since then & last year i twisted it & it poped. )
                    I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                    traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                      *I can't help the slight giggle that escapes me as A-Carson goes red in the face, then my sister's thought slips into my head and I smile and think back to her: Every time I see this scar in the mirror over my shoulder or feel it when I lean back against something, I remember that day. It reminds me that even if I were given another chance to redo that situation and avoid the beating, I'd take it over again if it meant saving you, because I really do love you that much. I just needed to prove to myself that it isn't as bad as it could be.*

                      *then look over at Shep* Hey don't feel bad, Shep. It's alright. *I smile* I would do it again given the chance, there's nothing for you to feel bad for.


                        (never had a confirmed broken bone....however I think I might have broken my little toe once...never took it to the doctor, I had to get to work, the pizzas limped that night!)


                          Originally posted by Aang View Post
                          *I can't help the slight giggle that escapes me as A-Carson goes red in the face, then my sister's thought slips into my head and I smile and think back to her: Every time I see this scar in the mirror over my shoulder or feel it when I lean back against something, I remember that day. It reminds me that even if I were given another chance to redo that situation and avoid the beating, I'd take it over again if it meant saving you. I just needed to prove to myself that it isn't as bad as it could be.*

                          *then look over at Shep* Hey don't feel bad, Shep. It's alright. *I smile* I would do it again given the chance, there's nothing for you to feel bad for.
                          I just hope you never have too!

                          Hmm, feeling a little sleepy, I might snooze for a bit....*I lean back a bit and close my eyes*


                            (Oh I seem to be alone..oh well, I'll carry on regardless!)

                            *I'm walking down a corridor it is dark and cold, I can't find anyone, I'm calling out, I start to run, where is everyone then I come the the end....there is a glass wall or force field...I can't go any further, but I can see people...everyone I love are down there....I bang on the wall but no one can here me...I want to get down to them but I can't....something is wrong, but I don't know what it is, I feel like I'm being watched, I feel the watcher doesn't like me, wants to hurt me, and is just waiting for the best time and place to do so...then the floor falls out from under me, and I'm falling*

                            -Ahh! oh! damn I could do without that!

                            What is it?
                            -Just another bad dream...nothing really


                              (sorry I vanished, now I was looking for the damn outfit...)

                              Sis, same dream again? *I look at her, maybe a little worried* At least you didn't rip the stitches again... *I tease with a slight smile...*


                                -Yes same dream...I don't do dreams like Back does, so I'm not worried about it, just annoyed. Don't worry about it Sis. Don't you look at me like that...either of you.

