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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    With the chair...? *scratches head* Somehow I just can't see Carson dancing on the chair in a kilt. lol.

    Anyway, I think I just postponed my writer's block in my story.. I'm still not sure exactly how I'm going to fit everything that's happening there with the ending I have planned together. I guess I have more of an idea now than I did before, though. I'll see if I can't write another chapter later tonight. That's a big chunk of action I added in there today. I feel good about that, at least.


      LMAO! Carson in a kilt dancing on the chair. I really didn't invision it quite like that. But when that image just popped in my head...Oh my. That would definantly get viewers attention. Might even make the ratings spike. Haha.

      Good for you! I'll have to read it once I get done being semi constructive. I'm trying to pick up things in my room. Not really messy, just have a bunch of clothes to put up. And I loath putting up clothes.
      Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


        Pillows for all!

        Sometimes I prefer to call him Beckett...I sounds cool.. But then there's always the confusion with Dr Sam Beckett from Quantum Leap...or the playwright...

        I think Carson would have wild just seems the thing...but I think dancing on the table would be better than dancing on the chair.


          Sweet! I've always wanted a Carson pillow! Ebay, here I come! (Never said anything before, but that doesn't really look like Beckett...where's the pointy hair? And those 'eyebrows' of his make the little guy look like he's Oriental. To me at least.)

          Carson should throw wild parties. It's those quite, well mannered, reserved ones you gotta watch out for. A Carson party would rock! Dancing on the table would probably be more fun, but dancing on the chair...that'd be more interesting.

          I can see the city memo being circulated now:
          To: The City of Atlantis & Beckett/McGillion Thunkers
          From: Dr. Carson Beckett
          Re: Wild Atlantis Party

          Party at my place! 10pm. Be there! BYOB!
          Too much time on my hands. Should really work on being productive with my life.
          Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


            I seriously think that Carson is not as meek as everyone believes him to be... So it is not hard for me to imagine him hosting wild parties. I want a Paul pillow...wait...I want to use him as a pillow...


              Well I missed quite a few interesting posts! I've been busy...

              Jersey's fic is updated! YES! Can't read it this minute, but I will when I get home .

              Originally posted by Caz
              I seriously think that Carson is not as meek as everyone believes him to be... So it is not hard for me to imagine him hosting wild parties. I want a Paul pillow...wait...I want to use him as a pillow...
              I personally like the meek type , but I agree that there is more to Carson than we often see. I'd love to have one of those "I didn't know you...!" moments in an episode, it's always great to learn quirks about people.

              "Victory... should be naked!" - The Slitheen


                he can be meek with a wild streak... I really want them to develop Carson, especially back story and secrets etc...who knows...maybe he secretly has a stash of black leather...



                  I just realized that I won't get to see my doctor on Friday. *sobs* I won't be home when SGA comes on! No special Carson time for Whitney. *pouts* Finally gonna be in an episode and I'll be at a concert. Figures. Oh well. I guess I'll just have to use my VCR since I'm too poor for Tivo. Cause I'm not missin my concert. Guess that shows how important Carson is. Muahahaha! Oh it's gonna be a long night.
                  Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                    Don't worry I'm sure you'll get to see the episode, if not from the VCR recording, then on the rerun the next day or so . I hope you have fun at your concert!

                    Caz: I've said many many times that I'd love to see an episode on Carson's background. The SGA cast have said several times that season 3 will have a lot of character development in it. I'm hoping they won't forget our Scottish Doc ! So far we've already seen episodes on Weir's, Ronon's, and Rodney's past, and we've had a very insighful Sheppard ep... now we need to get Carson in there. I'm keeping my fingures crossed .

                    "Victory... should be naked!" - The Slitheen


                      Jersey13--OMG!! I wanted to be a piolet too. That was one career I was really interested in!! I wear contacts though . But thay do allow corrective vision surgey in exteremly rare cases. I wonder if having the highest GPA in your grade counts as a 'special circumstance'?? (I just can't spell worth a crap.) Now I don't have a carrer choise I am interested in.
                      Leighanners-- I am in a marching band too!! I play French Horn! What do you play?
                      Sorry everyone I took so long to show up!! Vollyball games( we only won one game out of like 4)....sigh.....I play with both JV teams, it's weird cause our coach says JVB has good attitudes but JVA's attitudes suck..that's so weird....I need Carson right now!! my best friend is mad at me......
                      P.S. Great vids TJ.
                      Last edited by SpaceCadet09; 13 September 2006, 04:57 PM.

                      "Don't worry. In a few days, all of Texas shall know our situation."
                      "Tell me Alabama, precisely how many is 'a few'?"


                        Oh my VCR better record it, because if not, I'm not gonna be a happy camper! Carson better be waiting for me at home when I get home from the fair! We'll so be divorced if he isn't, and I'm taking house in Scotland, both cars, the yatch in the Mediterranean, and the dog. So ha. Should have signed a prenup!

                        Haha! I'm in a mood again. Blah.

                        Space- I played the clarinet. We were a kick ass on the field. I miss it. But after my class graduated, the underclassman didn't do so great at keeping the drive that we had. They haven't done so hot since my class. Which is sad. But oh well! We were the best, what can I say. Haha! Sorry you didn't win most of your vball games. That's sad. I give you a mini Carson. Cheers!

                        I should probably read Jersey's fic. I haven't really had time to do that. So I think I'm gonna go do that now. The fun parts gonna be remembering where I left off!
                        Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                          Yah a Mini Carson!! I need him right now. Glad ya'll were good. Our last Friday's proformance sucked. Badly. Oh well. My band Director actually heard me though...yay!!

                          "Don't worry. In a few days, all of Texas shall know our situation."
                          "Tell me Alabama, precisely how many is 'a few'?"


                            Hope you're enjoying the fic - I've written two chapters since trying to get over my writer's block. I'm still kinda hazy on a few points, but I'm sure I'll think of something.

                            Watching Mythbusters right now. It's great!


                              Fic's great so far! I finally found where I left off! I give you a mini Carson for your unblockage.
                              Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                                Originally posted by Jersey13
                                Watching Mythbusters right now. It's great!
                                I was just watching a recording of it . Straw through the palm tree, and plants with feelings, you?

                                Edit: I've finally found time to read your new chapters Jersey, but I found a typo. Latest chapter: "Rodney’s gaped in amazement". Thought I'd point it out . You're doing great so keep it up! I want to know what happens!
                                Last edited by Miyth; 13 September 2006, 09:40 PM.

                                "Victory... should be naked!" - The Slitheen

