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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    we have a different name for it...shorten it it "gips"
    Need something a little bigger...a daisy?



      Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


        Yep it's called Gypsophelia or some spelling of that which I am too lazy to work out.

        Hold on *pulls out her laptop* Let's see here, what flowers to use...

        Ooh hyacinths do smell amazing...


          Casa blanca lily? It's large, and white. Freesia is pretty too.

          Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


            not lillies...they are funeral flowers


              Hmm I like the idea of the forget me nots though, maybe we'll put some of those in my hair too...*is stuck on the forget me nots*


                -roses....I had a lovely bouquet.....Hmm. There I go again...oh well, it was lovely, white roses in a ball shape with gypsophelia in and around brides maids had the same design but red roses instead. *falls silent and looks at her hands like they are new to her*


                  *Beck is also silent and I know she is thinking about how she can't remember her own wedding at all, so I wrap my arms around my sisters' shoulders*

                  Dell, I'll bet those were beautiful flowers...

                  Beck: At least you remember what flowers you had at your wedding, even if it was in your old reality...I don't even remember my wedding to Carson...

                  Well crap... *I sigh*


                    -I'm sorry Sis, I don't suppose it helps that I'm trying to forget it either.
                    *I reach out and take Becks hand in mine*
                    -I wish I knew what I could do to help.


                      Beck: I do wish I could remember anything about my wedding...*she sighs*

                      *I look over to Beck* After my wedding, we'll throw you a wedding too. We'll make it your dream wedding, Sis. And you get to have your sisters and your daughter by your side this time.

                      *then I look back to Dell* It must have been a wonderful wedding, Sis. And I know how hard it is to remember...

                      *I absently twist the engagement ring on my finger...I had a ring on this finger once before, and it still sits in its ring box hidden away in my bedroom...I don't think I have ever mentioned it to my sisters*


                        -I don't think I will ever get married again.....but I'm sure going to have fun at my 2 sisters weddings!


                          *I look at Dell* I..was engaged once before. To the Carson of my old reality... *I can feel the tears stinging my eyes, but I try to hold them back*

                          I wore his ring for about two months after I came here...and then after my first kiss with A-Carson, I took it off and hid it away. I didn't realize it could still hurt to think of him...we never got to plan the wedding even... *my eyes get a far away look as I remember, but I come crashing back to reality when the memory of his eyes, blank and questioning as he asked me who I was the last time I saw him hits me*


                            Oh Aang! *hug her*
                            I wore my wedding rings for about 3 days after coming to this reality, but then I had to take them off...they didn't fit with the new me, Jack has them, maybe, maybe he got rid of them, I don't know, too scared to ask....scared more of how I'll react than to what the actual answer is.


                              *I hug Dell, still trying to squeeze back the tears pricking the corners of my eyes*

                              I'm only doing this... *I gesture to the wedding stuff on my laptop screen and my engagement ring* ...Because I was able to convince myself that he doesn't remember me, he doesn't know who I he won't know I was supposed to marry him. One of us at least will be left in peace, with no memories of what should have been...and I have A-Carson now anyhow. A-Carson loves me and I love him. We have something I never thought was possible to find a second time and I can't lose that. Not again. The wedding will happen this time.

                              *my eyes sparkle, showing my determination (or is that stubbornness?) and I look down at my laptop screen*

                              Oh...and I found the flowers. *I smile slightly and turn the laptop so my sisters can see*



                                Oh those flowers are beautiful! so perfect!
                                I understand what you are saying there about your wedding....and that is why I don't think I will marry, apart from having some one ask that is.... I am still married...he didn't die, I didn't die, what if one day I suddenly go back, and I married someone else? I feel guilty just thinking about it!

